Too Young To Love

By _Ninaa

170K 5.8K 705

Sixteen year old Cali was born and raised in Los Angeles, California by her mother Violet and big brother Cai... More

Please Read ..
Chapter One - Introducing Characters.
*Chapter Two - Hiding each others feelings.
*Chapter Three - You can't know.
*Chapter Four - It's time to move on.
Chapter Five - New relationships.
Chapter Six - Baby on board / Kiss and tell.
Chapter Seven - Can you keep a secret?
Chapter Eight - Starting over.
Chapter Nine - Let's make it official.
Chapter Ten - Where were you?
Chapter Eleven - Never trust a hoe / Time for a change.
Chapter Twelve - Saying goodbye isn't as easy as I thought.
*Chapter Thirteen - A new beginning.
*Chapter Fourteen - Meeting the family.
Chapter Fifteen - Things aren't what they seem to be.
*Chapter Sixteen - Things just aren't working out.
Chapter Seventeen - Running away.
*Chapter Eighteen - Time to call it a quits / New beginnings.
Chapter Nineteen - Surprise, Surprise / Let's talk it out.
Chapter TwentyOne - Reality Check.
Chapter TwentyTwo - It can't be true.
Chapter TwentyThree - It was all a dream.
Chapter TwentyFour - Making the wrong choices.
... Chapter TwentyFive - Taking what's mine!
Chapter TwentySix - We have to find him.
Chapter TwentySeven - Is all of this worth it?
Chapter TwentyEight - When is the drama going to end?
Chapter TwentyNine - Family is everything / Another fresh start.
Chapter Thirty - Good Times.
Chapter ThirtyOne - I'm telling it all.
Chapter ThirtyTwo - Guess what? / This isn't going to work.
Chapter ThirtyThree - Time to tell the truth / What's really going on?
Chapter ThirtyFour - The truth is in the letter.
Chapter ThirtyFive - Did I make the right decision?

*Chapter Twenty - I made a mistake, I'm sorry.

4.8K 159 49
By _Ninaa

Cali's P.O.V

A few days have passed since everything had went down. My mama, dad and Cai all get along now and baby CJ fits right into the family. Dad's staying with us until he finds himself a nice place to stay but other than that we're all doing good in one big house.

My dad owns his own business which is a real estate business around the U.S so he's moving his main office to L.A and turning his NY office into a second office.

As for Killian and I we talk everyday, things are finally back to normal with the both of us and our relationship. I just hope it stays that way.

I finally get to go back to a normal school with a normal teacher and my normal friends. I see Ciara almost everyday in school but she knows not to mess with me or London and she hasn't said anything about the whole Killian situation to anyone. She's a real smart girl.

The school bell had finally rang indicating that school was now over, I was most excited because Killian was picking me up from school today.

"Who's picking you up?" I asked London. 

"Mike's gonna drop me home." She smiled. (PICTURE OF MIKE TO THE SIDE.) 

I smirked. "Football player Mike? sexy Mike? The guy that every girl want's Mike?"

She laughed. "Yess Cali that Mike."

I squeeled. "OMG when did you guys start talking?"

"Since you left." She responded.

"I'm so happy for youu." I gave her one of those girly hugs.

"Heyy, maybe we can double date." She smiled. "You coming to Kloe's party tonight?"

"Hell yeah we can, I'm not going I'm too tired." I noticed Killian pulling up. "My ride's here, I'll call you."

"You better." She yelled.

I walked over to Killian's car quickly getting inside.

"Hey baby." I kissed his lips.

"Wassup, how was school?" He started the car up.

"It was okay, I'm happy its finally Friday."

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah can we get McDonald's?"

He chuckled. "That's what you want?"

"Yeahh." I smiled. "And can we eat it inside, I don't wanna wait on that long ass line."

He nod his head then made his way to McDonald's.

We both walked inside hand in hand as we made our way onto the line. "What you getting?" He asked me.

"I don't know yet baby, you can order first."

The chick that was serving us finally walked up. She smiled at me but paused when she looked at Killian.

"Killian." She smiled as she spoke in her deep Spanish accent. "I missed you papi." She pout.

"Who is she Killian?" I asked him.

She looked at me. "Is this your sister papi?" She asked.

He just stood there with a dumb look on his face.

"Sister? .. No sweety I'm his girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Killian? You have a girlfriend?" She looked at him.

"Killian what the fuck is going on?!" I yelled.

"Baby it ain't what it seems."

"Not what's it seems? That's not what you were saying when your dick was in my mouth. That's definitely not what you was saying when you was texting me telling me you wanted to come inside me."

I looked at him with my face full of hurt and disgust. "Foreal Killian? This what you do to me after all the bullshit you told me?"

"Baby let me explai--"

I cut him off.

"Fuck you Killian." I walked out of that place leaving him with his hoe, I don't care if he only got head from the bitch, he still cheated.

Making my way out of sight I heard him call my name.

"Cali wait." He grabbed onto my wrist but I quickly pulled away.

"Don't touch me, I'm done with you."

I left him standing in the parking lot looking like a lost ass puppy. Cali doesn't need any of these bum ass niggas in her life, especially one that's gonna cheat on her with a bitch that works at McDonald's.

I tried acting tough but me being such an emotional person I did shed a few tears, I liked Killian a lot shit I think I may have loved him.

This is why girls my age shouldn't be dating, because they end up like my ass. Hurt and betrayed.

I quickly called up my mom letting her know I was gonna be at London's house for the weekend. I refuse to be at home all depress and shit.

Making my way to London's house I noticed Killian's car following behind me, that's when I made a short cut to her house through a little track road.

Finally making it there I quickly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?!" I heard her yell behind the door.

"It's Cali." I wiped away the tear that fell from my eye.

"Hey girl wassup I thought you were with Killian."

"Fuck him."

Her facial expression went from happy to confused. "What happened?"

I told her everything that went down until now.

"He slept with a bitch that works at McDonalds? Not even BurgerKing or some shit but McDonalds?"

I smiled a little at what she said. "I don't even care anymore." I felt as thought I gave my all to him while he gave me fifty percent.

"Cali stop, you do care but your hurt." She sat beside me on her bedroom floor. "Your just going through a lot of emotions at once, don't let this one nigga bring you down."

I wiped my eyes. "I know but I just don't understand. Were all those things he told me a lie?" I asked. "Did he do what he did because we both chose not to have sex?"

"Only he can answer those questions Cali, I think after you've calmed down that you should talk to him."

"I don't know London, I can't."

"Talking to him will make you feel a lot better."

"I will at some point." I told her.

She stood to her feet. "Good! Now that that's all settled let's get ready."

"Get ready for what?"

"This party tonight. Your going and I'm not asking you."

"London I don't have anything to wear."

She pulled me up to my feet. "I have the perfect outfit for you." She walked us both to her closet.

"Here." She placed a black and white high waist skirt in my hand that stopped above my knee, along with a black and white top that stopped right below my breast showing off my stomach. "Umm .. Here, these would go perfect with that." She placed a pair of hot red, red bottom stiletto's in my hand.

"Are you sure you want me to wear these? I can go home and get something else to wear, I know you just bought them."

"Of course girl."

"So what time are we leaving?" I asked her.

"In an hour so I think we should both start getting prepared, Mike's picking us up." She smiled.

I honestly didn't feel like being a third wheel.

"Don't worry he's bringing his cousin with him, he just moved to L.A so he's showing him around."

After hearing that we both went into two seperate bathrooms to get dressed.


"Damn gir' that's you?" London looked fine as hell with her red tight fitted dress, her black red bottoms and her beautiful long hair.

"Yess honey it's all me." She giggled. "Your hair, OMG I love it." She touched it.

I was rocking my Teyanna Taylor curls with my big hair, it looked exactly like hers which I loved.

"Mike's at the door." London said all excited. "Let's go." She pulled me downstairs.

We made it to the door but before we opened it we had to make sure we were both looking flawless.

She then opened the door. "Mike!" She jumped on him giving him the biggest hug, sighh she's a trip.

"Wassup." He smirked "Sup Cali."

"Hey Mike." I smiled.

"Where's your cousin?" London asked him.

"At the car." He turned his direction towards the dark figure standing at his car on his phone. "Rashad!" He called the guy over.

Watching as the person came closer towards us my mouth dropped. It was Rashad, the same guy I had met in Newyork.

He looked at me then smiled. "Am I missing something?" Mike asked.

"Naw Cuz, this the female I told you about back in NY."

"Word? This her?"

"Cali you know him?" London asked.

"It's a long story." I told her.

"Well since everyone knows one another I guess we can leave." Mike told us all.

"Iight Coo'."

We all went into Mike's all black BMW. London sat up front with him while Rashad and I sat in the back silently.

After about twenty minutes we were finally at the party. Mike and London went their own way leaving Rashad and I alone.

"You can go inside I'll just sit out here." I told his as I pulled out my phone.

"Why you not coming in?"

"I'm not feeling it."

He took a seat in front of me. "What's up with you, first you were happy and now you looking sad as fuck."

"Look, like I told you before I'm not interested."

He sat back while staring at me. "Wanna know what I think?" He asked.

"What?" I said with a little attitude.

"I'm thinking that you got your heart broken and that's why you have such a guard up."

"I think your wrong." I told him.

"Look, I think your real cool and beautiful but I was never looking for a relationship with you, I just wanted to be your friend." He smiled. "I mean if that's cool with you.

I smiled. "That's cool."

"Wow a smile." He chuckled. "You should do that more often."

"I know." I told him honestly. "Wanna dance?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You wanna dance with me?"

I giggled. "Yeah come on." I got up, grabbed his hand then led us both into the house where everyone was.

Rashad's real cool but there's nothing happening between the both of us except being friends.

Killian's P.O.V

After the whole incident that happened today I decided to leave Cali alone for a few hours.

When I met that Spanish chick at the club I only got head from the hoe and that was the same night I texted her that dumb shit, I was drunk man.

I finally decided to go over to her house, just to see how she was doing. I got in my car then drove straight to her house.

I needed to see her face, I never meant to make her angry or sad .. I love her.

Walking up to the door I took in a deep breath preparing myself for the worst.

"Wassup Killian." Cai opened the door.

"I'm good nigga, just chillin." I told him.

"Damn nigga you look a mess." He took a seat on the sofa. "Your girl leave you or some shit." He joked.

I look at him. "Man she found out about everything." I told him.

"Nigga you lying, I was just joking. How she find out?"

"I took her to lunch and come to find out the hoe worked at the place."

"Damn nigga, where she work?" He asked.

I hesitated before answering.  "McDonalds."

He burst out into laughter. "I don't believe you, you serious?"

"Man ain't shit funny, I'm foreal."

"Shit bruh I feel bad now."

"It's whatever .." I looked around noticing the house was quiet. "Where's everyone?"

He turned on the TV. "Everyone's sleep and Cali's at a party with some friends."

A party? Damn I hope she doesn't do anything she'll regrett later.

"Ohh that's cool." I sat back into my seat. "So how's everything going with your mama, dad, Cali, CJ and you?"

"We good man, we talked everything out and now everyone's happy." He smiled.

"That's good bro, you finally got your family back." I told him.

He chuckled. "Naw man ain't like my parents together and plus he still married to that bitch. Man I gotta tell you the shit that went down in NY and why they came back to Cali."

"I'm listening nigga." I listened as he told me the whole story, shit was crazy man.

I'm a little dissapointed about not seeing Cali tonight but I'm not gone lose her, I'll do anything to get her back .. I will get her back.

Killian cheated? After everything he told Cali, wow. Do you think Cali should forgive him?

Do you think Rashad secretly Like's Cali but won't tell her?

Will Cali talk to Killian or will she ignore him?

Chris P.O.V will be in the next chapter as he talks about his divorce with Megan.

Keep reading to find out more, REMEMBER to please vote and comment!

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