Sweet Torment (boyxboy)

By TheLYProject

200K 6.6K 656

Simon has grown up a pariah in his own home. When he leaves at eighteen, he thinks he's finally free. Adult l... More

Sweet Torment (BxB)
Chapter 1: Eventful Night
Chapter 2: Discoveries
Chapter 3: The curse
Chapter 4: Free
Chapter 5: Journey
Chapter 6: Not out of the woods yet
Chapter 7: Assessment
Chapter 8: Hide&Seek
Chapter 10: Sweet Rutabaga Pie
Chapter 11: Juicy Problems
Chapter 12: To what do I owe
Chapter 13: Whirlwind
Chapter 14: Memories
Chapter 15: Trust Issues
Chapter 16: Taken out
Chapter 17: Pressure
Chapter 18: Nightmare
Chapter 19: Hot mess
Chapter 20: Worrying
Chapter 21: Fight
Chapter 22: Better view
Chapter 24: Evil Eye
Chapter 25: I can't fight this feeling
Chapter 26: Always and forever ~Fin~
Extra Extra, read all about it!
Run little rabbit, run

Chapter 23: Parental consent

4.8K 157 20
By TheLYProject

----------Hai gaiz. Hope you like this chapter, I totally winged it because I got another fan, so I typed this out of love for barugula. That's the fan, by the way. Enjoii ya?-----------

I still have no idea where we are going. I am sick of saying that. Juicy doesn't even know! I slept for an hour and all I see outside is dirt, tumbleweed, and Joshua trees. Fabulous. The two lovebirds in front of us make out every two minutes, making the trip that much longer. 

"Juicy! Come on, you have got to have an idea of some sort!" I yell, making her glare at me. 

"Well SOR-REE! I don't see you coming up with any brilliant plans! We can't just go to a hotel, and our next safe house is days away by car!" I groan in frustration, and then snap up in my seat. By car! I have an idea!

"Wait! What if we don't go by car? We could go by plane!" I suggest, and she rolls her eyes. Chory is looking focused, probably trying to remember what I told him about planes.

"We don't have the money for that. I am not made of cash you know." Ugh. Well there goes that. She is looking at me strangely though, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Simon? Where did you buy those pants?" Huh? Why would that matter?

"Um, I didn't. My parents bought all of my clothes." She looks thoughtful again, and I am getting wary.

"Simon, were you, by any chance, rich?" Oh geez. Not good.

"Uh, no, why would I be? Heh, hehheh...." I say nervously, and she sees right through it.

"You were! Great, than we can us-"

"No." She looks confused.

"Why not? We need to!"

"I don't want to depend on it, plus if my parents know I cashed in to it, they could track me or something, saying I wen-oh never mind. Just no. It's not like we'd be able to use it in America anyhow." 

"We can have it transferred! Please! How would they get to you here anyways? Do you really think that is so important you can't risk it to save all of us?" Slouching in my seat, I pout and look out the window ignoring juicy. I really don't want to. If I ever saw them again, they rub this in my face so deeply it would come out the back of my head.

I can only imagine how much they'd rant about how I would always need them, how I could never do anything on my own and so on. Not just no, hell no. The answer must have been evident on my face, because juicy slammed the steering column in frustration, honking the horn and making chory jump.

"What was that?!" He exclaimed next to me, looking around for the sound.

"It was just the horn of the car, it's used to let people know you're coming." I explain, and he nods, still looking around wide eyed. Awww. So cute. Geez I sound gay. Oh well. Sigh. 

"Simon please. You must let us use it. If we are to get out of here, we have to go by plane! Not to mention none of us have the money for the gas this will take up!" Ugh! Why does she have to be so convincing?! 

 "You know what? Fine. BUT, if I get any grief over this I will buy you a cute puppy, wait till you fall in love with it, then brutally murder right before your very eyes. Got it?" She looked a little freaked, but mostly pleased at my cooperation. Now to a bank I guess.

The millionth time I have resented my wealth, is happening now.


After two hours of bickering, questions from chory about what we saw, me griping about starving to death, and girl on girl action in front of us, we made it to a Wells Fargo in a place called Acton. We all got out of the car and stretched, and I chuckled at the height difference between chory and the six of us.

It's so depressing that I have to place myself at the height with the women, some of which being a bit taller than I. I'm gonna go die now. Chory strolls over and takes my hand with ease, smiling happily for no reason. Weirdo.

As we made into the bank. I look around and see a few people, but not many. Walking up to the desk clerk, I sigh as her eyes widen at the sight of our little group. 

"U-um. Hi there, my name is Mandy what can I help you with today?" Her strawberry blond curls bounced to and fro as she looked at each of us, reminding a bit of Shirley temple. Clearing my throat and slightly wincing at the small amount of pain still there, I spoke up.

"Ah, I was wondering if it were possible to make a transaction from London, England?" I say, not surprised when I see her eyes widen. Not sure if it is at my accent or the request.

"Oh! Yes, what is your name please sir?" 

"Simon Dubois." She blinked for a moment, and put some glasses on that I hadn't noticed from around her neck, looking at the computer. 

"S-spell that please?"

"D-U-B-O-I-S." She types it in quickly, and I glance over and see everyone is crowded around the little window, watching with interest. No wonder the poor girl is a Stuttering Stephanie right now! They look like creepers!

"Guys! Give me some space woulsd you?!" I whisper frantically, and they all move over to make a small huddle to my left, all except for Juicy and chory.

Eh. Good enough. Chory holds tightly to my right hand, and still watches her click away on the computer, having not heard a word that I said. 

"Well, you'll need some parental consent I'm afraid." She says, and I feel the color drain form my face.

"No, t-that can't be right. I'm eighteen." She shakes her head, curls flying everywhere.

"That's not it. It looks like the money was taken from your account, and placed in your parents account. Hence the parental consent." Her apologetic business look kicks in, and sigh, pressing a shaky hand to my temple. I certainly didn't think the situation we were in could get worse.

"I have there numbers on here, I could contact them if you like?" She offers, and I flinch.

"N-no thank you, that won't be necessary." I sort of float away from the counter and into one of the brown leather chairs, tugging chory along. What are we ever going to do now?

"Er, simon. you do realise it is actually necessary to call them, right?" My eyes snap to Juicy's face so quickly and harshly she flinches back.  

"No, actually, it isn't. I'm sure we can drive, and when we run out, hitchhike." I say, my voice cold and completely serious. I feel satisfied she actually looks a little apprehensive about arguing this point with me.

"Simon that is ridiculous! Surely you don't mean that? I'll talk to them myself if need be!" She insists, but I just can't. I physically and emotionally can't. It's like instinct, my brain is telling me that if I do that, it's like calling Death himself and telling him that I'm ready to move on to the next life!

I shiver as I think this, my blood running cold.

"I can't juicy. Don't you see? I really can't." I drop my head into my hands, a shaky sigh leaving my lips. A warm pair of arms pulls me into an embrace, and I inhale chory's scent, making me relax a tad. Just a tad.

"Simon," he says, and I am sure he is going to say I don't have to do it if I don't want to. 

"I know you can accomplish this. I won't let anyone hurt you." I open my eyes in shock, nt hearing what i was expecting at all.

"But chory I-"

"I know you fear them. You must realise that you have nothing to fear anymore, they cannot harm you. I will be by your side." He move and looks down at me, smiling gently. But they can chory. But they can.

Facing them again, after all these weeks of freedom, and near weightlessness, despite our situation, would be mind numbingly frightening.

Only those who have been abused and gotten way could understand that. Then again, I do have six people standing right here, who would do anything to protect me. Me. The very self that I was told was worthless, stupid, ugly. Me.

These six care about a person like that. I smile up at chory and he beams back. He starts to lean in and his eyes flutter shut, face getting closer and closer until BAM! I push his face away with my hand, and look steadily at the waiting five women who sigh disappointed as I glare at them.

"Nope. Not today perverts. Chory is dazed with a red handmark on his cheek, and I pat his head comfotingly. There there, chory. I grab his hand back tightly, bracing myself for the decision I was about to make.

"Ok, Juicy. I'll make the call." She squeals and latches on to my neck, making me gasp. Geez woman! Trying to strangle me?! She lets go after a second, and I cough uneasily. I try to intake air, but end up coughing again. What the? I try again, and cough even more violently, and start struggling for air. 

"Simon? What's the matter? What's going on!" Juicy yells, and chory kneels infront of me, placing his hands on my face and looking at me in panic.

"Simon? Are you ill?" He asks, sounding deathly afraid. I can barely breath though, much less speak. I have a slight revelation, and manage to sputter out one word, hoping one of them wil understand.

"Asthma." Juicy gasps and bolts to the desk clerk, shouting about ambulances. I wanted to object, but I had a feeling I was turning blue in the face about now.

I fall to the floor clutching my throat, trying to get even the tiniest sliver of air. Chory is freaking out, and the Guild members are trying to soothe him, while explaining what is going on at the same time. I feel my head being lifted, and it is placed on Juicy's knees, while I faintly hear sirens outside, spots dotting my vision.

"Simon, try to stay awake okay? Chory and I are right here, we're right here....'' Her comforting voice fades away as the lack of oxygen finally shuts me down.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep Beep Beep Beep beep- I hear beeping. It is getting faster. Holy swiss cheese that is irritating. I try to open my eyes, but they feel so heavy. Ugh, will somebody turn that off! I successfully open my eyes a few minutes later, the annoyance driving me.

I immediately recognise I am in a hospital room, and the beeping is my heart. I found living annoying. That's not the first time. The beeping gets even faster, and a nurse comes in, smiling at me. How dare she smile at a time like this? Stop smiling!

"Oh, you're awake." No dip sherlock. She walks over, humming a really annoying tune, checking the machines.

"My, you seem a little excited. Everything is okay. The doctor will be right in." She struts out humming again, and I roll my eyes, causing me to notice for the first time the little mask on my face. Helping me breathe. I remember what happened now, and start to panic even more.

Where is everyone? Dumb question, the waiting room genius. The only reason I am really panicking is chory. Is he too worried? Most likely. He has probably gotten three ulcers in the time I have been here. How long have I been here anyways?

I look around for a clock, and see it is twelve thirty in the afternoon. Okay, so they have had to spend the night here. Oh man, oh man oh man oh man. What if they contact my parents? I wasn't even ready for a phone call, now I might have to see them in person?

I have to get out of here. I start to pull off the cords, but right at that moment a tall man with salt and pepper hair, bushy eyebrows and a long white coat walks in. A....a....dare I say the word? Doctor. Ugh, it sounds awful even in my head. 

"Hello there, don't do that. We need to keep you here for just a tiny bit longer okay?" He comes over and takes the breathing mask off, and I inhale with minimal difficulty.

"There we go. My name is Dr. Sheen, and you are Simon, correct?" I just glare at him, cursing him for being a doctor. He merely smiles, and looks down at his clipboard. Stupid clipboard.

"I see. Well, it looks as though you've had a pretty severe asthma attack. You should be ok now, but I'll prescribe you a new inhaler, just for safety. I've gotten hold of your parents, and they are on their way." He smiles again, and I just stare wide eyed. The beeper is beeping up a storm now, and he walks closer and taps it.

"My, you must be scared. Don't worry, they were contacted last night, they shouldn't be far." You fool! That is why I am scared!

"C-can I see my f-friends please." I say, but it doesn't sound like a question. 

"Sure! I'll send them right in." Why is he so cheery? Usually doctors are not cheery, to say the least. 

The first one in is chory, who has slight bags under his eyes. He mustn't have slept a wink! He rushes over and scoops me up in a hug, being none too gentle. I don't mind though, and squeeze him right back. Boy am I ever glad to see him. I feel like I subconsciously missed him, even when on the meds and sleeping.

"Simon I.....I was so frightened. I did not know what was occurring, and I-I-" He breaks off and I shush him, rubbing his back.

"I'm okay now. Just stay with me okay? T-they've called my parents here." That's all I have to say, and he is immediately concerned.

"I will stay right beside you, as I promised. Do not fret." The Guild then comes in, looking worried. Guess they were giving us some alone time. I appreciate that.

"Simon? Are you going to be alright?" I listen carefully to his one, coming from Fable, so it is hard to understand. 

"I'm alright. You didn't have to worry about little old me, heh." They smile relieved, and I feel happy that they care that much, to be so concerned. Juicy comes up on my left side, in front of the rest.

"I am really sorry. I didn't think-I mean I didn't know! I didn't know you had asthma."

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault. Asthma is unpredictable. I would've had an attack anyways. What we need to worry about is my parents. They will be here soon. What do I do?" I start to wring my hands, the fear tightening my chest.

"Calm down first. You'll give yourself another attack!" This from Miranda, I try to relax. It won't be so bad, right? I have all of them here. As long as they stay right here while I talk to them.

Chory pulls up   a chair to my right, and sits down, the rest of them crowding my left side. Yeah. I'll be alright. I feel confident, for the moment. Because in the next moment the door opens, and there stand the two people I dread most. My parents. 

----------DUN DUN DUN!!!!!! Okay gaiz. Hope you liked it. Five comments for the next chapter! Gasp, what is she doing!? Trying to boost my confidence for this story, heh. <3----------------------- 

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