Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction)...

By Nick_Christiansen04

3K 150 37

This is a sequel to the Jyrus story I did. It takes place a year after Jonah leaves. I hope you enjoy! More

Not an update!
Not an update!
Not an update!


29 2 0
By Nick_Christiansen04

Previously on Unexpected.

"Why should I talk to you when all of you can't forgive TJ for his mistake?" Cyrus asked.

"I'm sorry TJ..." Jonah apologized. "Up for a game of ping pong?"
"Who isn't."

TJ ran into a burning house searching for a person. When suddenly the house collapsed in front of TJ leaving him on the ground.
Cyrus' P.O.V
IS HE CRAZY?! HOW MANY TIMES IS HE GOING TO DO THAT?!!!!! I searched for the opening TJ went in but I couldn't see it.

"TJ!" I called out.
"Cyrus!" Buffy's voice yelled.

Andi, Buffy and Marty charged towards the house. I held back tears as I just stayed silent.

"Where's TJ?" Marty asked. I pointed towards the house. With no hesitation I sprinted towards the open flames.

"Damn it!" I shouted. "I'm not loosing anyone today! Especially not TJ!"

I kept punching the wood and kicking. Nothing would budge. The house fully collapsed. My heart sank as I fell to my knees letting out everything I had held back.

"C-Cy..." Marty said.
"Marty I think he just needs to be left alone." Andi suggested.
"M-Muffin?" I heard TJ's voice say confused.

I shot up my head while tears rushed down my face. I looked to my side with widened eyes. I saw TJ standing there with Jonah's mom. I got up and sprinted to him.

"Uh.... What is Cyrus doing?" Marty asked.
"He's hallucinating..." Jonah answered.

I came back into reality and pushed my way through all of the broken wood. With the fire still burning I risked my life to find TJ. Pushed up every Ash I saw. I found a black hand and gasped.

I kicked around the wood and saw him there as stiff as a plastic toy. More tears came flying out of my eyes as I screamed at the top of my lungs.


I heard movement come from behind me. I was too broken to look back.

"Sir you shouldn't be in this fire." A person told me. I got up slowly and nodded.
"Please save him...." I said softly.
"We will do everything we can but you need to leave." The person told me.
"Ok..." I replied leaving.

I found my way back out of the fire and near the group. With me still bawling my eyes out the firefighters came out with TJ in their arms. He still laid stiff.

"No..." I cried.
"Cyrus what?! Huh?!" I asked. "You're going to tell me that it's going to be ok?!"

I looked at everyone then looked at Jonah who was still on the ground in pain. We both have suffered.

"Jonah.... We'll get through this together." I told him. He stood up and shot a glare at me.

"Cyrus how could you?" Jonah asked.
"I didn't do this." I answered.
"Is this seriously who TJ's dating?" Jonah asked himself. "This is the person I dated?!"
"What are you talking about?" Andi asked.
"Cyrus decided that after we fought he would just get away with lighting the house on fire." Jonah answered.

"First of all, after we argued I went back home into my own basement. Second, why would I lite a house on fire? Finally, why did you suddenly blame this on me?" I told him.

Jonah walked towards me. I took a step back as he came in for a punch. I shut my eyes as nothing hit me.

"That's enough!" Buffy yelled. "Just because your house was lit on fire doesn't give you the right to attack and blame Cyrus!"

Buffy let go as Jonah walked away. I looked at him with a sad look and looked back at TJ. Geez Jonah's a real handful. What changed him while he was gone?

"M-Muffin..." TJ said.
"Is this real?" I asked the group.
"Yeah." They answered. I went by TJ.
"You stupid dummy." I told him.
"I thought I was gonna loose you..." He replied.

I shook my head as tears fell out of my eyes again. I didn't say anything. I hugged him softly as an ambulance came. TJ shut his eyes again putting his hand on mine.

I looked back up at the group. They nodded as I hopped into the ambulance. The doors shut as I sighed.

"Please... Let TJ be ok." I whispered to myself.
"You really care about him don't you." A guy said.
"Yeah... He means everything to me." I replied.
"From his injuries, it seems like he'll be out for a couple of weeks." They told me.

My eyes widened as I remembered we had plans this weekend. I guess we can't do anything anymore until he gets better...
Jonah's P.O.V
Damn Cyrus. Fuck everyone. He was the one who really burned down my house! Cyrus was angry at me for not forgiving TJ. Then he burned down my only home! I can't believe I ever dated that asshole!

Cyrus and TJ shouldn't even be together! He brought Cyrus somewhere he could've gotten hurt! Does TJ know any sense at all?!

I let all my anger out by punching a pillow at a hotel room. My sister and mother noticed.

"What's wrong?" Paige asked.
"Cyrus burned down the house." I answered.
"Why would Cyrus do such a thing?" Mom asked.
"Because TJ is a bad influence on him!" I answered.
"He seemed friendly to me." Mom disagreed.
"Why are you both in their side?!" I asked getting angry.
"It's not something Cyrus would do." Paige answered.
"Your sisters right Jonah." Mom replied.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. I pulled out my phone and was already on photos. I saw every memory Cyrus and I had when jyrus was a thing.

"Am I just jealous?" I asked myself. I kept swiping through the photos. The one that hit me the most was where we said goodbye.

"I miss his hugs..." I sobbed. "I want Cyrus back..." 

Alright TJ looks like you have competition for Cyrus...

Hello! Back for another chapter!!! Hehe. Well Jonah will soon find his "Cyrus" I guess. Lmao enjoy! Bye!!

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