METAMORPH ... k.mikaelson

By liIiths

726K 20.2K 8.7K

Being the last witch of her kind, Lena Ricci has been protected by Rebekah Mikaelson her whole life. And the... More



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By liIiths

  " I scream too loud when I speak my mind "

"It has been said that all love begins and ends with she who gave us life. A thousand years ago, my mother turned us into monsters, yet still, she claimed to love her children, even as she vowed to destroy us. The noble Elijah, tormented by long-buried shameful secrets. Kol, the wily troublemaker out for no one but himself. Finn, the devoted acolyte, his love all too easily warped by our mother's sick hate. Fierce Rebekah willing to risk everything on the chance that she might one day find happiness. And me, the bastard child, my mother's greatest shame. Now, finally, we have defeated her giving her the choice she never thought to give us, to live on as one of the monsters she created or suffer the slow agonising death she so deserves."

"I am so glad that I didn't want to listen to any music on that agonisingly long car ride," Lena muttered sarcastically as she slammed the passenger door behind her.

"Congratulations, I guess," Cami shrugged at Lena, who had just come round the side of the Jeep to get to her and Klaus, as she spoke. "But right now, I'm a little more worried about Finn considering I totally stabbed him in the back."

"He won't find you here," Klaus promised Cami. Lena smiled up at the white house in which she had spent the night with Rebekah, Hope and Elijah. The night before Klaus and Hayley got to meet their daughter for the first time in five months. The night before everything changed. "This is the safest place you could possibly be. Come on, there's someone I want you to meet."

Klaus took his girlfriend's hand and they made their way up to the house. Lena couldn't help but think that it had been a full day since she and Rebekah were sitting on that front porch with Hope, watching the sun rise over the beautiful mountain range in the distance.

"I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family."

"The little troublemaker all the fuss has been about," joked Lena, squeezing Klaus' hand tightly. Everytime he thought of or spoke about his daughter since he had met her, his lips would widen into the brightest grin she had ever seen on his face. It was beautiful.

"Camille--" the door opened from behind them as Klaus spoke, and Lena turned around to grin at hayley with Hope in her arms. "--this is Hope."

"Oh my god," Cami breathed out, causing Lena to let out a breath of laughter as Klaus' arm wrapped around her. Thoughts of Rebekah being unsafe in somebody else's body were flying around in the back of her mind, but just the sight of a smiling Hope was enough to ease the nerves in her gut for the time being. "But I--you said--I thought she was--"

"The only way to truly protect her was to convince the world of her death," explained the Original hybrid, unable to tear his eyes away from his daughter.

Lena turned to Cami as well as she could with Klaus' arm firmly planted around her waist. "That's where Bex and I have been for the past five months, looking after this munchkin!" Cami just looked bewildered, but in a good way. It was beautiful seeing Hope bring the life back to people's eyes.

"I hope you understand that once it's safe for you to leave here, our secret cannot leave with you."

Cami nodded at Klaus, smiling as her eyes filled with joyous tears.Lena couldn't help but smile back as her arms wrapped around Klaus' middle, watching as Cami made her way up to Hayley and Hope. The baby girl cooed and frowned a little, but as soon as she caught sight of Lena's familiar blue hair, her face broke into the brightest grin and Lena waved back at her.

When Cami called her perfect, all Lena could think about was how utterly right she was. Hope Mikaelson was perfect. Until she was screaming at three in the morning because she needed attention, then she became a little less perfect.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

SITTING next to Cami on the couch, Lena pulled her knees up to her chest,listening to her boyfriend talk. She did quite like his voice. It held the distinct marks of ancient times, vibrating with the deep tremble of a thunderstorm riding through the air. Lena always liked to draw Klaus with a thunderstorm happening in the background.

"Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe for Hope, which, to start, means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn," Klaus said, sitting down in the armchair beside Lena.

"Once he figures out what you've done to your mother, he's gonna go off the deep end," pointed out Cami, running long, trembling fingers through blonde hair.

"That's why we need to keep you out of harm's way," Klaus said before going on to explain his plan. "Lena, Hayley and I will return home and take care of my wayward brother--"

"And find your sister," cut in Lena. She could not stop thinking about Rebekah. Blonde hair tumbling over beautifully pale shoulders. A satin, pale pink dress and leather jacket combo for a night out in Sicily. Killer red lipstick and winged eyeliner. Blood dripping from sharp fangs. Arms protectively curled around her. Images of her best friend, her sister, her mother replayed in her head. They had to find out whose body her soul was in and return her to her old body, her vampire body.

"Yes, and find my sister," Klaus let out a sigh. "Elijah will remain here with you, Cami. He's been experiencing some side effects since his ordeal as our mother's captive, best he stay and convalesce." They all turned their heads towards the suited vampire staring out of the window as if that could take him back to a time when he wasn't plagued by memories he had tried so hard to keep out of his mind.

"A single violent outburst at a filthy roadside cafe and one never hears the end of it."

"Alright, calm down there Macbeth," joked Lena, rolling her eyes at Elijah. It was more than a single violent outburst and they all knew it. There was something very wrong with Elijah and he needed help and the only person who was fit enough to help get rid of a vampire's demons was the blonde sitting on the couch looking worried.

"Well, Cami has a way with minds plagued by demons, brother, you two can bond." Cami breathed in a harsh sigh from beside Lena and the young witch felt every need to stay with her to keep her safe. She really did wish they could have brought Carlotta, but the less people who knew about Hope, the better.

"Well, if you'll excuse us, we best be on our way," Klaus said taking a hold of Lena's hand and pulling her to her feet. "Rebekah should have woken up in the body of Angelica Barker and someone is getting a little testy about leaving her too long--" he sent his girlfriend a pointed look and she flipped him off. "--once Rebekah has cut the ties of Miss Barker's former life, she will make her way directly here. You should expect her shortly."

Lena allowed Klaus to pull her out of the beautiful house. They sat on the steps outside the house as they waited for Hayley to say goodbye to her daughter before she joined them. It was perfectly silent between the two, both of them just revelling in the fact that they could touch each other again, holding hands so tightly as if they were afraid the other would float away. Lena couldn't help but think it was nice, to have this sort of freedom with Klaus, a chance to show how much he really meant to her.

"Come on lovebirds, we've got a witch to burn!"

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

WHILE out in the courtyard, the wolves and the vampires came to a new agreement because of Hayley's brilliant leadership, Lena and Klaus made their way to Lena and Rebekah's old room. Instead they could hear Kol laughing to himself and Lena glanced over to Klaus, noticing the way he gripped the bottle in his hand tighter.

They needed Kol though, he knew what this girl with Rebekah stuck insider her looked like. Neither of them did.

"Settling into your new accomodations?" asked Klaus, raising his eyebrow at his younger brother as he and his girlfriend leant in the doorway of the bedroom. Klaus had leant in this doorway many times over that one year, but it was always Lena he was talking to. It was always Lena who was staying in it, burrowing under the champagne coloured duvet, sketching on the balcony, falling asleep on the small armchair by the fire.

To him, it wasn't really Rebekah's anymore. It was Lena's. Now, it was Kol's.

"Well, I would have preferred my old room," moaned the vampire-turned-witch, "but seeing as it's filled with a dusty nursery and a hybrid I thought it best not to complain."

"I brought you something," Klaus said, showing Kol - who was at the wardrobe - the bottle of absinthe in his hands. "In honour of your return to the fold. I believe it's you favourite, or at least it used to be. La Fille Verte."

Lena remained in the doorway as she watched Klaus and Kol interact. The new witch grinned to himself as he took the bottle from his older brother and Lena could see a tension in his shoulders. It made her eyebrows furrow. What was Kol worried about?

"Ding-dong," he sang, bitter humour on his tongue. "Wow, the witch it dead. Or undead." He said something in a language that Lena didn't recognise, making Klaus laugh. "Whichever."

She did not trust Kol. There was something about him that Lena couldn't bring herself to trust, as if he was always scheming,always stabbing people in the back, always having an ulterior motive. She knew Rebekah loved him, but she had always loved Klaus and Elijah that little bit more.

Suddenly the bottle shattered and Lena was being pushed back. She hit her head off the wall as she watched Finn storm past her, his voice full of unwavering anger as he asked his brothers where their mother was. Lena felt dizzy, the impact of her head against the stone wall making her more light-headed than usual and all she could hear was ringing as she moved back to the door so that she had something to hold onto.

'Doesn't he look peaky?" she heard Klaus ask Kol, teasingly, as she blinked away the bright flashes of light. She officially hated Finn Mikaelson more than anyone else.

"He does look peaky," replied the youngest brother.

"You feeling alright?"

"Don't make me ask again," growled Finn. Next thing Lena knew she couldn't breath. It was like her airways had closed up and the air could not get into her lungs. She began to choke, her fingers scraping at the invisible hand that tightened around her neck. "Or she will die."

"Let her go," Klaus' voice was cold, unnerving ice. A snow storm in the middle of winter, freezing you to the core, icy winds beating against your skin and turning the flesh red raw. It would have frightened Finn had he not been used to his bastard brother. "She had nothing to do with our mother, let her go!"

But Finn's magic grip only tightened.

Lena's eyes began to water. She was choking on the air that she could not breath. Her vision blurred around the edges. There was a buzzing in her ears and her head thumped as if beaten like a drum. Her heart beat faster than usual as Death's cold fingers wrapped around her skin, ready to take her away from the world she was not finished living in. Was she going to die?

"You will never find her," Klaus told his brother. If looks could kill, Finn would have been able to shake Death's hand as an old friend yet again. "Let. Lena. Go!"

Finn smirked. Lena's head lolled to the side, her fingers stopped scratching and began to fall from her neck. Her eyes began to roll to the back of her skull. All she could see was darkness.

"Please," Klaus' voice broke with emotion so thick and so unknown to Finn that the witch had no choice but to let go. Lena crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath. Finn had never heard Klaus sound like that. It was almost like he actually cared.

"You think you've won, let's see how long that arrogance lasts brother."

As Finn left the room, Klaus rushed over to his girlfriend. She was breathing deeply, gasping in the breaths she had been denied of for a mere two minutes. Her head felt like it was filled with cotton and she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and let herself sleep. Things always got better after she slept.

"Hey, no, you stay wake with me right now," Klaus' voice was as soft as cotton candy, Lena couldn't help but think as she felt herself drifting away to her favourite land of sleep. 

"Kol where are those smelling salts?"

"Give me a sec to bloody find them!"

"We don't have a second, if you can't bloody tell!"

"HERE! Oh my god, your knickers need untwisted, brother!"

"Bugger off!"

Suddenly a strong scent had combed it's way through Lena's nose and she let out a splutter of a cough as she fell back from Klaus, very much awake and no longer wanting to drift away into sleep. Her nose scrunched up at the smell and she sent him the fiercest glare she could.

"What was that for?"

Kol laughed, but it was quickly cut off by the Abattoir starting to shake. Lena grabbed onto Klaus' arm so that she didn't fall over, but she couldn't dismiss the sound of breaking glasses and books hitting the floor.

"What the bloody hell was that?" asked Kol, glancing around the room as he straightened himself up. Lena and Klaus shared confused glances as they got to their feet.

"Maybe there was an earthquake, I'll check outside," Lena said, moving towards the balcony she had spent so many nights just sitting on listening to music and drawing. However, when she reached the open doors, she was blocked by an invisible barrier. "Fuck," she muttered under her breath.

Finn had trapped them in the compound. Now there was no way of getting out and finding Rebekah. Kol left the room, going to see what was going on as Klaus came up behind his girlfriend. His hand pressed against the barrier and his skin began to sizzle. Lena winced, pulling his hand away as the disgusting odour of burning flesh entered her nose.

"Did he really just trap us all in here?" Kol asked, entering the room again and sounding way more annoyed than he did before. Lena could tell why, she was annoyed too now. She had to go out, find Rebekah and return her to her original body. They couldn't do that while stuck inside the compound.

"He certainly did, which means we have a witch problem. You're a witch, fix it!"

"Your girlfriend's a witch too, if you haven't forgotten!"

"I haven't, you'll both fix it!"

Lena rolled her eyes at the squabbling brothers and moved past them both in order to track down one of her family grimoires she had left in the Abattoir. However, Kol's hand reached out and latched onto her elbow to stop her as he asked Klaus what he wanted them to do about it.

"Well, considering the crowd, I think you'll be more motivated to find a solution," Klaus told them, smiling crookedly at the pair. "After all, I can easily out wait our brother's antics. You, on the other hand, might find yourself looking appetizing to some of our fellow prisoners."

Kol shared a look with Lena. She had paled a little at her boyfriend's words.

"We're gonna need some help," Kol said. Lena nodded, knowing exactly what he was thinking. They needed Davina. She was strong and she and Kol had a special bond, their magic was something else. Something Lena had never seen before.

"I'm sure there's a spell in one of my family grimoires that could help with this. Kol you go phone Davina, I'll go find it."

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

LENA had never felt so chuffed before as she hugged the grimoire to her chest and practically squealed with happiness. She had found the exact spell to get them all out of this trapped hell and then she and Klaus could go and find Rebekah.

"That obvious, huh?" she heard Hayley ask as she left the library in which she had stuffed the grimoire to keep it safe while she and Rebekah were gone with Hope. She had taken her other ones with her, but she was so glad that she had left this one here.

"What? That you had sex with Elijah?" asked Lena, leaning against the bannister on the other side of Hayley. Klaus laughed loudly. "I mean, you guys were glowing when we turned up this morning," she explained with a shrug.

"Frankly--" interrupted Klaus once he had finished laughing. "--I'm glad the two of you dropped your pretenses and, shall we say, let the spirit move you--"

"Okay, okay!" Hayley stopped him,pushing him away as both he and Lena burst out laughing. "That's enough you two." Lena and Klaus both sobered up, but they exchanged grins. "And you guys probably did it in that stupid car!"

"More than once," smirked the hybrid.

"Klaus!" Lena leant over Hayley to slap her boyfriend on the arm, causing him to laugh again. Even Hayley giggled, but she quickly shut up when her eyes landed on someone else. The man she was now engaged to. Lena shuffled, awkwardly, on her feet and excused herself to go and find Kol before she could hear whatever stupid advice her boyfriend was going to give the obviously guilty werewolf.

By the time Lena had reached the bottom floor, Davina and Kol were standing waiting for her at the entrance to the compound. One couldn't get in and the other couldn't get out, so they were stuck on opposite ends of the barrier, flirting with each other as always.

"You two ready?" Lena asked, causing them both to jump at her sudden intrusion to their conversation.

"Scared the crap out of me, blue," admitted Kol, pressing his hand to his heart as though it had missed a beat. Lena just grinned up at him and opened her grimoire on the exact page in which the spell was on.

"Okay," Lena slammed shut the spellbook and let it drop to her feet. She raised her hands to the barrier, making sure not to touch it and Davina and Kol did the same. "Et nos in captionem et nos ipsos liberare possimus, id requirit ut homo iam emissum auferat," she chanted and they both joined in.

This was different and weird. Lena had never performed her magic with anyone before. She felt powerful, as if her own ancestors were pushing her to get more involved, to be stronger because there were others to help. This was new and she liked it.

Suddenly, Lena felt her magic jump and both she and Davina let out small shrieks at the electricity that coursed through them, a current of pain that forced the three of them to jump back.

"What just happened?" asked Davina,staring at her own hands in confusion.

"I assume that means we're all free to go?" Lena heard Klaus ask from behind her, but the three witches shook their heads.

"No," Kol told his brother. "The spell's locking us out."

"Finn must be channelling something, a dark object, maybe," suggested Lena, sharing a look with the two other witches. The three of them gulped before they looked back at Klaus. His face had darkened. Now there was no way of getting out. No way of saving Rebekah. No way of extracting his revenge on his eldest brother.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

"What do you mean she's gone?" Klaus asked his brother on the phone as he and Lena made stood in a random corridor, alone and with the phone on speaker between them. They had been trying to figure out how to get through the spell when Elijah had phoned with news on his their sister and, of course, Lena had been interested.

"I just received a call from Angelica Barker, who is still very much herself," explained Elijah in that soothingly slow voice of his. Lena often wondered how Elijah could speak so agonizingly slow especially in situations such as this. It was almost like he wasn't actually worried.

Whereas, Lena's feet had started to bounce and she was chewing on her fingernails, eyebrows creased. Klaus' free hand came out to take a hold of the hand near her mouth and pulled it away, squeezing it tightly to try and calm her nerves. 

"Stay where you are," Klaus ordered, "I'll handle it."

He hung up and pocketed his phone. It was then he noticed how much his girlfriend was shaking and both of his hands moved up to cup her cheeks so that she would look him in the eye.

"Listen to me." There was no need to compel her, she did so anyway. "We will find my sister, she will be safe." Lena nodded, although her erratic heartbeat told Klaus that she wasn't truly convinced and so he pulled her into a tight hug, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her blue hair.

"Everything alright?" Kol's voice rang through the silent corridor, but Klaus did not let go of his shaking girlfriend as he glanced up at his younger brother.

"It will be--" he said, his chin resting on Lena's head. Her arms were wrapped so tightly around his middle that if he was human he would not have able to breathe. "--provided you found a solution to this little quandary of ours."

"I might have," sang Kol, forcing Lena's head up from Klaus' chest so that she could send him a confused yet inquisitive look. "I'm not sure you're gonna like it, though."

"I'm not sure we have a choice," Lena said, pushing herself away from Klaus,but keeping a tight hold of his hand. She couldn't let herself get too caught up in her emotions. She needed to focus. They needed to get out of there and find Rebekah now that she was not in the body that she thought she would be in. She could be anywhere with anyone doing anything and they would have no clue.

"There are things that we need from the lycée, which means we need it clear of Finn. knowing him there's only one thing that will distract him for long enough."

"And what's that?" asked Klaus, growing a little worried at what Kol would suggest.

"If you tell him where to find our mother."

Lena squeezed Klaus' hand tighter, noticing the way that his jaw clenched at the mere thought. But then he realised that Kol was right. He nodded, and led his girlfriend out of the corridor, thinking to himself about what he had to do.

As soon as they reached the courtyard though, they heard the snarling of the vampires. Klaus pushed his girlfriend behind him, noticing the blood thirsty look that haunted the vampires eyes.

"Stay this close to me at all times," Klaus whispered to his girlfriend. She nodded, and felt his arms circle around her before he rushed them upstairs to the dining room that had Gia, Josh and Marcel in it. "Your vampires seem to think it's lunchtime!" he snapped, but he stopped short when he noticed that the three vampires in the dining room were all doubled over and snarling too.

Klaus was very quick to come to the realisation that his girlfriend was no longer safe.

"They're not the only ones who are hungry," Marcel told him, "It's all of us." Klaus felt Lena's press against his back in fear. Last time she had a run in with a vampire he ended up taking a rather big chunk out of her neck.

"Yeah, like super sized hungry and there's an all-you-can-eat werewolf buffet through those doors!" Josh told them, not even a hint of humour laced behind his words.

"Upstairs, to the study, lock the door behind you. I'll be up as soon as I can be, love."

Lena nodded, glanced at the vampires again and fled from the room. But she knew she wouldn't be safe, so she used her magic to morph the air around her so that her scent was trapped inside an air bubble that nobody else could smell and made her way up to the study as quickly as possible. She wished she could use that spell on the werewolves but there was no way of getting them all to one room without a vampire trying to grab a quick bite. None of them were safe, not until this problem was fixed.

This problem that was obviously caused by Finn.

"I merely seek to negotiate," Lena heard Klaus' voice through the door she had just locked and set down the grimoire she had managed to grab on her way up to the study in order to keep it safe. When she let her boyfriend through the doors, he grinned at her, but she could see the nervousness in his eyes.

"You want our mother, I want out of this bloody compound. The economics of what comes next should be easy to grasp, even for you." Lena's eyebrows furrowed when she noticed Klaus roll his eyes and smile sarcastically to himself as he listened to Finn drone on. She wondered what on Earth the eldest Mikaelson brother could be saying to him to get him to look so bored at such a time.

Suddenly, Klaus made a sort-of slurping noise that made Lena's mouth fall open in confusion. "I'm sorry, we must have a bad connection, could you repeat everything you said after 'what I want'?" Lena almost laughed along with Klaus,he seemed so genuinely chuffed with himself and she couldn't help but fist bump him when he held his fist out for her to do so.

Lena sat herself down on the arm of the couch as she watched Klaus' face fall. He seemed to be pondering something, as if he wasn't sure what exact move he should make. It was almost like watching someone play chess.

"Esther for our freedom, do we have a deal?"

There was the final move, the checkmate, the one that ended the entire game. Lena waited with bated breath, hands clasped together under her chin as if in deep prayer, watching every movement that Klaus made to figure out if Finn agreed.

"St Roch, number one. The Delphine Tomb."

With that Klaus hung up the phone. He spun around to face his girlfriend, phone immediately going into his back pocket. Lena lowered her hands from where they sat under her face, not saying anything as she awaited his explanation.

"Do not leave this room under any circumstances, do you understand me?"

Lena nodded and Klaus leant forward to press a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you," he whispered against her skin. He did not wait to hear her say it back. She watched him go, the word 'likewise' still on the tip of her tongue.

Why was nothing going right?

Why was everything going wrong?

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

KOL and Davina had figured out a spell that would disarm all magical objects in the compound, including the compound itself, meaning they would be able to get out. The only problem was, it would also disable the daylight rings that the vampires used. But they had to do this spell, it was the only solution they had.

So, Kol, Davina and Lena sat at the entrance of the compound, creating two large semi circles of salt. This was not a spell that Lena could do. It did not morph anything, it only took magic away and so she was going to give her power to Kol in order to make the spell stronger.

"What the hell are you looking at"


Lena spun around as the fight broke out. The werewolf smashed a chair against the floor in order to have a stake to use against the vampire and that's when Lena sprung up from her crouched position on the floor. Her hand shot up, ready to use her magic to freeze both the werewolf and the vampire but then Aiden grabbed his pack member, causing him to spin around and slice open his arm with the stake.

The vampires rushed forward, grabbing Aiden and forcing him to the ground. They got ready to sink their fangs into the werewolf, but Josh ran forward, snapping one's neck and throwing the other vampire back into Marcel. That's when Lena decided to whisper the spell to herself, freezing the obviously hungry vampires in their spot so that they couldn't move. But she had forgotten Josh. Josh who still stood above Aiden, eyes glowing red, fangs protruding over her lips.

"Joshua!" luckily Klaus was there to push him back. He glanced over at his girlfriend,noticing the way that she used her power in order to keep the other vampires from moving. There were quite a few of them. "You get away from him right now!"

"Davina, Kol, you're gonna have to do the spell without me!" Lena shouted at the pair, nodding at them to tell them to start. They both nodded back and got to work.

The vampires were growing hungrier and hungrier. There was no way that Lena could unfreeze them and get the spell started in time to get them out, so she had to keep them in place until the spell worked and they were all free to leave.

But what would happen to the vampires and their daylight rings? Lena could not know. None of them could.

Behind her, Kol and Davina chanted the spell. On either side of her stood Hayley and Klaus, arms crossed, waiting for the minute the spell that locked them inside the compound disappeared so that they too could disappear. Lena could feel the magic draining out of her, but she had to focus, focus on not letting a single vampire move out of her line of sight, if she even as so much as forgot one single vampire, that could be the end of the wolves. Of her.

She had to concentrate. She had to be strong. She had to focus on the magic of her ancestors that flowed inside of her.

You can do this. I believe in you. You are strong. You've got this. YOU CAN DO IT. BE STRONG. YOUCANDOIT. BESTRONG. Y O U C A N D O I T. B E S T R O N G.

Suddenly there was a blast of wind and Lena's magic fell away from her. She stumbled back into her boyfriend in tiredness as she heard Kol shout for Davina, but she did not care to look as she sucked in a deep breath.

The vampires all rushed back into the darkness of the shadows as Hayley shouted for Jackson to get the werewolves out. Kol shout something about 60 seconds but Lena did not care as she glanced back at the vampires, watching as Gia's fingers burned when they left the safety of the shadows.

She did not have time to feel sorry for them, though, as Klaus' hand circled around her wrist and he pulled her out of the doorway of the compound. Before he left with her though, he grabbed Kol's shoulder.

"Slight change of plans, brother" and with that he threw Kol back. Lena pushed Davina back when Kol hit the floor, as far away from the door as Klaus could have gotten him. There would not be enough time for him to get out. "I no longer have to treat you like anything but the treacherous liar you truly are."

"What the bloody hell?" questioned Kol. From behind the couple, Davina's eyes had sharpened into glares.

"Where is she?" Lena snapped at Kol. Klaus had explained to her, when he came to get her from the study to help Davina and Kol in getting them out, that he believed that Kol had lied to them about the body that Rebekah was in. Obviously, Lena was not very happy with the vampire-turned-witch who was now bleeding. Once the spell dropped and the vampires could stand in the sun, Kol was a goner.

"Please, they'll kill him," Davina pleaded with Lena. She glanced up at Klaus and then back to Kol. It was true, they would kill him, but Lena didn't really care. For once. She didn't like Kol, he was shady and she had been able to tell from the start. He had separated her from Rebekah twice now. She could let him die.

"Well," drawled Klaus, reaching to take Lena's hand as he knew that she would be thinking about her missing best friend. "He should have thought about that before he betrayed our sister! Rebekah never made it to her new body, did she? Seeing as how you cast the spell and, well, you're you I'd hardly call it an uncrackable case!"

"Rebekah's fine, Nik, it was a prank!" Kol started to storm towards them as he spoke - well, more like snarled. "Nothing more than anything you lot have done to me but I guess it's different when it's one--"

Kol was cut off when he walked right into the barrier. Their spell was down, Finn's was back up. The vampires were free to stand in daylight.

Goodbye Kol, Lena thought to herself, you bloody well deserve it.

"Barrier's back up," pointed out Lena, before she glanced at the vampires who were stepping out of the shadows. "Don't those vampires look hungry, babe?" she asked Klaus, cocking her head to the side as a taunting smile played at her lips.

Klaus smirked. He had had quite an influence on his girlfriend. "Oh yes, my love, they do. I was willing to welcome you back into my home but you had to return to your selfish petty jealousies. Well, let's see how well they help you survive when you're stuck in there!"

With that, Klaus pulled his girlfriend after him.

Neither of them turned back to look at Kol.

Neither of them really cared.  

anytime Rebekah's safety is in question, Lena snaps,what a queen

I just love Lena so much and I hope y'all do too, she's one of my favourite characters that I have ever created and I love just exploring all these new sides to her. I dont know if you've noticed, but Klaus does bring out a ruthless side of her that I think is quite fun. 

what do y'all think. you all liking Klena? 

also,all my titles are just becoming funnier bc i am so bad at coming up with title names, why did I decide to do this

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