Managing the Avengers

By WriterManiac1

40.5K 1.1K 332

(Reader Inserts) Your adventures in managing the Avengers. Including a game of dodge ball, the avengers getti... More

Head Shot (Dodge Ball with the Avengers Oneshot)
It's Raining Cats and Dogs - Where's Bucky?
It's Raining Cats and Dogs- It's Not Fair
It's Raining Cats and Dogs - The Curse of Chatter Box
Lights Out (Halloween Special)
Pumpkin Carving and Anger Issues (Crappy Halloween Special)
Christmastizing the Avengers (Christmas Special)
New York Lights (Christmas Special)
The Gift of Giving
Hack Attack
Your Lucky Number is Food
Dehyrdated... Disaster?
It's Raining Cats and Dogs -Sne-kitty
Heaven in a Box and Angel Fans
Everyone is a Hero / Hero Bucky
Just Keep Swiming
Baby Babble - Thor Drops the Baby Bombshell
Baby Babble - Cribs, Babysitting, Ribbons and a Mischievous Steve
It's Raining Cats and Dogs - Because Science
The Bleeping Jar
Fast Forward

Forget Me Not (Loki's Amnesia)

1.5K 43 50
By WriterManiac1

Forget Me Not (Amnesia)

Written by:  Breann Preston

Summary: When Loki gets amnesia specifically regarding yours and his relationship (or rather the lack of romantic relationship between the two of you) from the past year, Tony decides it's the perfect opportunity to try and move things along in trying to get you and Loki together. Hoping to expose Loki's feelings for you and vise versa, he tells Loki that you and the God are married. Leave it to Tony to create a plan way over his head but Tony believes it to be the perfect plan.... Up until Tony realizes just how little he's thought things out. When Loki's amnesia wears off, there almost definitely will be a funeral service for a certain billionaire.

AUTHOR NOTE: I wrote this AGES ago so it's some pretty crappy writing but I thought you could would enjoy it regardless. Just don't judge too much okay? 


3rd Person POV

Not even bothering to stop and open the door that lead to Tony's workplace, Loki ripped wood from its hinges and off the wall with his magic, looking utterly pissed as he stalked through the doorway.

Casually, Tony poured himself a drink from his own personal bar, not even bothering to look up at Loki, as if this happened often. "What do you want, Rock of Ages?"

Loki had to calm his temper before speaking. When he finally did speak, he spoke carefully as if not to peak his anger again. "Why in the Nine Realms would you ever tell [Name] that the soldier has feelings for her?"

Tony smirked, finally knowing what this was about. He set down his drink. "Jealous?"

A flush of anger ran to Loki's face. He ignored the comment. "Giving her false information based on your own entertainment is cruel, Tony. Especially when this involves someone who works tirelessly for you!"

Shrugging as if he didn't care, although, he was loving Loki's reaction to this, Tony sat down on a chair, sipping his drink. "Sounds to me like you care about her."

Loki's face turned red at Tony's continuing disregard. "You lied to her." Loki seethed.

Tony did a double take of his friend, giving him a judgemental, yet amused look. "Don't you lie to people all the time?"

The God resisted the strong urge to strangle the man in front of him and instead pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not to this extent, Tony. Do you realize how much this will hurt her when she finds out the truth? You're giving her false hopes."

"Relax Loki, I'm just trying to set [Name] up with some people. She needs a boyfriend ya know. Besides, how do you know that Steve doesn't like her?"

Loki felt his rage burn through him like the fire in Helheim. "The fact is, Anthony," he hissed Tony's full name like poison. "You shouldn't lie to people for your own stupid antics of setting people up with each other! Most importantly, of all people, you shouldn't lie to [Name] about something so sensitive. How much would you appreciate it if someone told Pepper that you didn't love her anymore?"

Keeping the dismissive and flippant front, Tony shrugged carelessly as he took another sip of his drink making Loki clench his fists tightly. "I don't think it would really matter." Tony waved him off.

Aggravated at his response, Loki practically snarled at him, intent on teaching his friend a lesson. "If you're so keen on imposing into others love lives, what if I was to interrupt into yours? What if I was to make you completely forget every memory you had made with Pepper for - say an entire year. You wouldn't care to object? Hm?"

"You can't do that Loki." The billionaire rolled his eyes swirling his drink as he said it.

"Can't I?" Loki bristled, unamused. "Tell [Name] the truth or so help me Tony -"

Tony's lips curved. He was enjoying this way too much. "Or what?" He taunted. "You'll erase the memories I've made with Pepper this year?" He gave a laugh before saying in the most sarcastic tone he could muster, "I am sooooo scared!"

Infuriated, Loki had already started the spell, muttering words under his breath. Becoming so caught up in his anger however, Loki, mis-said a part of the spell - something so small that in his rage, was left unnoticed. It seemed like something so small could be overlooked but with the power of Loki's spell, even the simplest of mistakes could take a turn for the worst, and that's exactly what this one did: backfire.

Loki thrust the spell at Tony but just before the green swirl of magic hit the billionaire, it paused midway before suddenly shooting back to Loki, striking him instead and throwing him o the floor.

The billionaires eyes widened when he saw Loki collapse. He ran to him, not really sure what to do with the unconscious God on his floor. "Holy shit! Loki? Loki wake up!" But Loki didn't move. Panicked, Tony called the only person he could. "Jarvis! Jarvis what's wrong with him?"

Jarvis answered immediately. "One moment sir." A blue scanner projected over Loki's body. Once Jarvis was done, he answered. "His vitals appear to be fine sir, but from the green illuminating him, I would assume that he struck himself with his own spell."

"So....does that mean that instead of me losing my memory with the spell that he threatened me with..." Tony thought aloud. "he was the one that now has lost his memory?"

"I believe so sir."

A sinister grin came on Tony's face at all the things that he could do about this. "Lokster wake up!" he called at the God again, shaking him a little more violently. At last, Loki started to wake up.

"What in Odin's name did you do to me this time?" Loki groaned, wincing as he sat up, a hand on his head.

The billionaire thought quickly.

"You have amnesia." He said, praying that Loki wouldn't know he was lying. Thankfully for him, Loki wasn't able to detect the lie from his spinning head.

"How did that happen... exactly?" Loki asked, groaning as he struggling to stand.

"You uh... hit your head really hard during a mission and you've, like, forgotten stuff."

"Unfortunately not you I see."

From the response, Tony blinked, shocked that Loki hadn't called him out on the lie. Loki was was excellent at detecting a lie, he always knew if someone was lying so how had he not caught Tony? Was he just trying to distract him so the God could kill him later?

Nervously, tony glanced to the side, his whole body tense as he still expected Loki to call him out on the lie but Loki still didn't mention anything. The gears in Tony's head started turning. If Loki couldn't detect Tony lying, that mean he could tell him anything and that Loki would believe him.

A wide smile spreading on his face as he thought of how much fun he could have with this. "What do you remember?" Tony asked, trying to calculate what ridiculous things he could make Loki believe. His smile only grew as Loki started repeating things that he remembered last year but nothing included yours and his relationship as friends. Loki remembered everything that had happened with you the first year but not the latest year.

You had been working for Tony and the rest of the Avengers for a little over two years, getting the job just before Loki was sent to Earth to carry out his sentence, so the two of you had known each other for some time. During the last year, Tony hoped to bring the two of you closer but you and Loki stayed good friends and nothing really progressed.

Tony smirked when he realized how perfectly this was going to work out. Remembering clearly how worked up Loki was about him telling you that Steve liked you, so Tony decided to use that to his advantage.

"Oh my god!" Tony exclaimed, sounding actually concerned once Loki had finished talking. "You don't remember anything about this year?" Loki shook his head, mystified. Tony tried not to smirk and silently thanked you for teaching him some acting skills. This next idea of his plan was huge, Loki was going to kill him if he ever found out, but Tony was jumping to take the risk. "Not even the wedding?" He asked.

Confusion crossed Loki's face. "Wedding? Whose wedding? Barton and Romanoff?" He asked, assuming that the two had finally admitted their feelings for each other in that year that his memories were gone.

"[Name] isn't going to be happy about this..." Tony mumbled, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. Fortunately for Tony, the spell had messed with Loki's lying ability so Loki didn't detect a thing and most likely wouldn't for a long time.

"What would [Name] have anything to do with me not remembering about Barton and Romanoff's wedding?" Loki asked perplexed.

"Cuz it was her wedding dumbass!"

Loki immediately froze. "What did you say?" He asked through clenched teeth, obviously upset. "Who did she marry? " He shouted, outraged then continued bitterly. "The Soldier?" He scoffed. "Clearly he isn't right for her- clearly I'm the one that she should marry if anyone I-" He started to rant of his jealousy while a devious smirk snuck it's way onto Tony's face, the billionaire loving how jealous Loki was getting and loving that the God had admitted his feelings for you aloud, finally. "I knew that I should have done something! I should have asked to court her rather than being afraid of what she might think of me! Now I've lost my chance and-" The God continued to ramble while Tony tried to get his attention.

"Uh... Loki?" The billionaire asked, watching as Loki paced back and forth while he ran his fingers through his slick black hair, muttering curses to himself about what a fool he had been. "Loki?" Tony asked again, through without any answer. Fed up with not being listened to Tony finally yelled his friend's name. "LOKI!"

"What?" Loki yelled back, spinning to face the billionaire.

"So... you don't remember who her husband is?"

"At the moment, Anthony," Loki hissed. "I'm not exactly in the mood to talk about who [Name]'s spouse is as I am clearly upset that it was not me-"

"See, that's just it," Tony intercepted. "Her spouse is you."

Loki's anger evaporated. "What?"

Tony spoke slowly, pronouncing every syllable carefully as if Loki was a toddler. "You- and [Na-me]- are - mar - ried."

Pure shock crossed Loki's face. "What? But- that- how is that possible?"

"You tell me man, I don't know how you could possibly forget your own wedding-."

"No," Loki cut him off. "I mean how are we married? But.. Also that I suppose. I don't remember anything. At all...."

The billionaire tried to hide his smirk. He faked a shrug. "Well it must have been that spell you put in me- or at least we're going to put on me."

Loki's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean that I was going to put in you?"

"You kinda screwed it up."

"Explain." The God demanded, crossing his arms.

"I don't know. Magic is weird. It's not my division."

Loki didn't appreciate the billionaire holding back. "What was the spell that I was going to cast?" He demanded.

"Something about not remembering my true love and our memories for a year?"

"Damn." Loki swore under his breath.

"Well I'll go tell [Name]," Tony said dramatically, casually, going to walk to the door.

Loki's eyes widened dramatically. "No!" He rushed in front of Tony, holding him there. "No! you can't tell her. She'll be upset at me! The spell should only last a few days, at most."

Tony swallowed, fear suddenly making him want to throw up. Loki would eventually find out that Tony had lied about this whole thing. And when he found out.....

Whatever. Tony smirked to himself, brushing the doubt away. It'll be worth it. Totally worth it. He'll thank me once they're finally together.

"Once the spell wears off," Loki thought aloud. "Everything will be fine again. I'll just act like I remember everything for the time being."

Tony tried to hold back a laugh. Oh god it just keeps getting better! He thought to himself. He thought that he'd just give Loki the scare and lie, saying that the two or you were married, and be done, but if Loki wanted to take this further... It was almost too perfect.

"You won't tell anyone will you?" Loki pleased.

"Of course not."

Loki narrowed his eyes. "I'm serious, Anthony."

Tony scoffed. "So am I. If you want, I can help. You don't remember anything so I'll help fill you in on the things you miss."

A sigh of relief left Loki and the billionaire tried not to laugh again.

"Pardon the interruption" JARVIS suddenly spoke. "Dinner is ready on Miss Barton's floor."

"Right, thanks JARVIS." Tony called back then looked at Loki. "You ready to test your acting skills?"

Your POV

The door to the elevator dinged and you sighed in relief as Tony and Loki walked out. "Thank goodness. JARVIS has been trying to reach you for the past 10 minutes."

"And we're all starving." Clint muttered angrily, crossing his arms and pouting

"Shush, Clint." You glared in his direction.

"I don't get why we have to wait for everyone to be here!" He whined as Loki and Tony strode to their seats

"Because I hardly see you guys." You responded, grabbing the rolls from the oven and bringing them to the table. "Dinner is the one meal that we can eat all together. You guys know how lonely I get in the tower when you guys are all gone."

Clint wanted to argue, but he knew that he couldn't and rather stayed quiet.

"Just one meal a week. At least one meal a week. That's all I ask for. " You sighed quietly as you took off the oven mits and put the rolls on a plate. When you started to walk to the table, Loki suddenly hopped up and took the plate from you with a smile.

"Let me take that for you." He offered.

A blush and small smile came on your face as he took the plate and placed it on the table. "Thanks." You told him, slightly taken back by how much of a gentleman he was acting. You smiled at the sweet gesture then started to walk to your seat. Before you could get there however, Loki was by your side and pulling your chair out.

"Here." He smiled at you.

Your cheeks blushed a deep red as you nodded a thanks to him then sat down, Loki pushing you in then took his place across from you.

Everyone started to eat, chatting and laughing, everyone telling about their latest battle while you listened in awe. You had to admit that you were jealous that they got to go on fun missions while you were stuck in the tower doing paperwork.

"[Name]," Loki said, making you turn to him, a smile still on your face from what Nat said. "This food is amazing. You're such an incredible cook."

On instinct, you bit your lip, becoming shy as your cheeks flamed for what seemed like the hundredth time that evening. Why was Loki acting so nice to you? He was always so sweet, but today much more than normal, very... Straight forward. First taking the rolls for you, pulling out your chair and now complimenting your cooking.

"She's a terrible cook," Clint interrupted before you could thank the God of Mischief. "We used to have a cat and she killed it with some of her brownies." Clint joked earning him an elbow in the ribs from you while you laughed.

"At least Loki has manners." You told him. Then turned to the God. "I'm glad you like my cooking, thank you."

Loki smiled back at you, the award winning smile that made butterflies erupt in your stomach and make your knees feel wobbly. Thank goodness you were sitting down.

Everyone started to talk again, Steve and Bucky laughing at something Thor was saying while the rest of you laughed along. Natasha and Clint were talking about a mission that they had a long time ago to Bruce. You thought that you were pretty observant around the table, but there were two people you weren't looking at very closely. Loki was staring at you with a love sick smile, thinking about how lucky he was to have you as a wife, and Tony was smirking, looking in between the two of you, knowing exactly what was happening. You however, were completely obvious.

3rd Person POV

Tony smirked as he watched Loki help you with the dishes, the two of you joking around and having fun. Tony couldn't help but congratulate himself on what a good plan this was.

He watched as Loki kept doing sweet things to you like a husband would do. He complimented you and did sweet things until the day was nearly over.

Exhausted from a long day, you yawned and stood up from the couch, only the bustling of New Yorkers at night outside. "I'm going to bed." You announced. "I'm beat."

Loki suddenly stood next to Tony. "I guess I'm off too."

The billionaires eyebrows suddenly scrunched together. Why would Loki suddenly go to bed right after you announced you were?

Before Loki could follow you, Tony grabbed his arm, holding him back. "What are you doing?" Tony whispered under his breath.

Loki looked back at him, wondering if he could possibly be serious, but his expression was stone. Loki sighed, explaining. "We're going to bed." He told him. Seeing Tony's look, he thought he had to explain further. "I'm going to bed with my wife, Tony."

But Tony had heard him the first time, he simply wasn't coming to terms of what the hell he was going to do. He forgot that married couples slept together, and he didn't think that you, not onto the trick, were going to like sharing your bed to someone who wasn't your husband.

Quickly, Tony's brain scrambled to come up with an excuse. "She wants her space cuz she's uhh...hurting." He said quickly, his face scrunched up in fear. Loki would never buy that but by some miracle, he did.

"Hurting?" Loki repeated, his eyes suddenly becoming possessive and concerned. "What for? What's wrong with her?"

Tony's eyes darted around to the room, thankful that no one was paying them any attention. He grabbed Loki's arm and pulled him out of the room, scraping to find a reason.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, and he blurted it out before realizing he was taking this trick too far. "She's pregnant."

A smile turned on the God's lips, excitement brightening his face. "She is?! Oh my Gods that -" He frowned suddenly. "Why would that make a difference?"

"Morning sickness you know. She doesn't want to - wake you up and all that. You've been sleeping in your separate rooms because of if."

Loki's face showed that he thought it was odd, if you were having morning sickness he wanted to help you and be with you every step of the way, but if he had already agreed to it. "Very well, but why didn't you tell me about her pregnancy earlier?"

"She hasn't even told anyone yet." Tony thought quickly. "She isn't showing yet, it's early and she doesn't want anyone else to know, not even Clint, so keep it that way."

"Why do you know then? I highly doubt she would tell you over her own brother.

"Jarvis!" Tony gave a nervous laugh. "Jarvis told me to get a pregnancy test and I assumed."

Loki nodded and Tony felt like he was going to pass out from relief. Loki would have murdered him if he knew the truth,

Your POV

Sunday's were your favorite. It was the one day that the Avengers nearly always had off. You weren't sure if all the villains were Christian, but you appreciated no one attacking on Sunday. You also appreciated Tony giving you Sunday's off so you could sleep as long as you wanted.

The elevator rang and you turned to see Loki walking from it. He smiled when he saw you. "How are you feeling?" He asked, a worried tone laced in his voice.

You laughed, thinking his question was odd. "Fine. How are you?"

Loki nodded to you in an answer that he was also alright but he didn't seem to agree with you on your answer. "Are you tired?" He pressed. "Can I get you anything?"

Although he was being tremendously sweet, you thought it was odd. Something had been different with him lately, but a good different. He was spending more time around you and you felt more relaxed with him around. He was always around you too, giving you his undivided attention, and you weren't complaining, you loved it. He had always been sweet, but now... You were the only thing that seemed to matter.

"Honest Loki, I'm fine."

Still, he didn't seem to believe you and walked behind the couch, "You look so tense." He murmured, sounding concerned as he placed his hands on your shoulders and rubbed them in a relaxing motion. You nearly melted, having some knots in your shoulders from working at your desk that he was working out.

You laughed again, "I'm not complaining, but you really don't need to do that Loki."

"Close your eyes." He commanded gently. "Anything you need, I can get it for you."

Feeling like maybe this was some sort of trick or trap into getting something he wanted, you stopped him, leaning from his grip and and turned around to face him. "What's gotten into you lately? You've been acting weird around me."

For a moment, you saw a flash of panic run through his eyes as he walked around the couch and sat next to you. "Nothing, darling."

Your cheeks flamed when he called you that.

Loki noticed and rubbed his hand down your cheek. "I love it when you blush, you know."

Of course, that only made you blush more. You turned away becoming really shy at his bluntness. If you didn't know any better you'd say he was flirting with you.

"How 'bout a movie?" Loki suggested.

All you could do was smile and nod, not being able to speak still because you were so flustered.

"Is [Favorite Movie] still your favorite?" He asked, sitting besides you.

You beamed. "How did you remember?"

A light smile crossed his lips. "I remember lots of small things about you." He looked into your eyes with an almost adoring look and leaned forward, moving a piece of hair from your eye. "Like how you twist your hair when you're concentrating, or how you try to hide your beautiful face when you're embarrassed." You blushed and went to turn away but Loki caught your head and turned it gently back to him. "Or how your favorite flower is a [Favorite Flower], how much you love [Fav Season]. And that you wanted to be [Childhood Dream Career] when you were younger."

"Well I'm impressed." You giggled. "I don't even know that Clint knows all those things about me."

Loki gave a small chuckle and sat back, draping his arm in the couch behind you making your cheeks turn pink. Was he making a move on you or just resting his arm there?

"Jarvis?" Loki called, "Can you play [Favorite Movie]?"

"Of course."

The movie started to play and Loki suddenly pulled you close to him. You felt your face burn, becoming shy. He kept you pressed against his side and you couldn't seem to understand what was happening.

Finally, you decided not to fight your butterflies. If he was making the move, you weren't going to pull away. So, your shyness disappearing, you let yourself relax and move closer to him, resting your head against his arm. Eyes still on the movie, he smiled noticeably.

Once the movie ended, you didn't get up and Loki made no move to either. Both of you were too comfortable to move. You had no idea why this was happening but you couldn't complain at the complete relaxed feeling you felt around him except for the nervous butterflies that tried to remind you that this was your crush- snuggling up to you.

"If you had a girl...." Loki suddenly said. "What would you want to name her?"

"Like a baby?" You asked, wondering where he had suddenly come up with the question. When he nodded, you had to think for a moment, seeing by as you weren't planning to have kids for a while. "Umm.... Well I'm not really sure." You stared at the blank screen, trying to think before you turned to him, "What about you? What would you name her?"

A small smile fell on his lips, his eyes brightening. "Jade."

"Oh I love that name!" You gushed, only a small part of your brain regenerating that in your dream we're the two of you had been married, that's what you had named your twin girl. "I love it!"

His eyes brightened more and his smile widened. "What about a boy?"

You sat up, pointing at him and grinning. "Now that one I've thought about!" You sat up on your knees, getting excited. "Hunter."

Loki nodded thoughtfully, "I like it."

Triumphant, you smiled then sat back on your knees.

His eyes didn't leave you and were staring at you so adoringly that you blushed and looked away. "What?" You shyly asked.

"You're going to be a fantastic mother, [Name]."

If you thought your face was hot before, it was burning as if gasoline smothered it. You put your hand over your heart, smiling. On instinct, you leaned forwards and gave him a tight hug then pulled away. "Thank you Loki. That means so much to me!"

He gave a hint of a smile and leaned forwards, probably to give you another hug too, but something fluttered in your stomach thinking maybe it was something more. Naturally, before you could find out however, someone spoke.

"Miss Barton?"

You jumped back, not expecting someone to talk, even Jarvis. You were so focused with Loki nothing else seemed to matter.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Dang right you did. You wanted to growl at the AI but instead sighed and said, "No Jarvis, what is it?"

"I thought that you might want a reminder to get dinner started."

"Oh shoot!" You cursed yourself and stood. "I totally forgot! Thanks Jarvis! I'll be right there."

The AI shut down and you quickly started to gather your things to get ready for the Sunday dinner tonight.

As you were bustling around, Loki watched you. "Do you need any help darling?"

Yet again, you blushed at the nickname. "No, no I'm fine thanks though." After all the Avengers did for you, you usually refused anyone to help. You liked to help give them a home cooked meal for all they did.

Loki's eyes followed you as you rushed towards the elevator. "Bye Loki! Thanks for the movie!" Suddenly you paused in your steps and before you could lose your nerve you walked to Loki and kissed his cheek then running to the elevator before he could react.

As the doors shut, your cheeks burned. "Did I really just do that? You squeaked to yourself both pleased by your bravery but extremely self conscious as well.

3rd Person POV

"Tony!" Loki called out urgently through the billionaires lab only to jump back, startled when Tony's head popped up behind his desk.

"How's that Jarvis?"

"Brilliant work as always sir."

A smirk came to Tony's face as he stood back, hands on his hips and admired what he had done. Loki rolled his eyes and continued forwards.

Movement caught Tony's eyes and he turned towards Loki to see him. "Hey Lokster what's up?"

Loki's face didn't even change from the stern line. The billionaires eyebrows knitted, suddenly knowing this was serious. He stood up. "What's wrong?"

"If [Name] and I are married..." Loki started and immediately Tony's heart stopped in dread from the suspicion in his friend's voice.

The God put up his left hand, "Then where is my wedding ring?"

Everything in Tony screamed for him to run, but his feet stayed fixed to the floor as if Trapster himself had glued them there. Tony's mind was buzzing, telling himself how stupid he was for trying to pull this off. He cursed himself for not thinking about Loki's wedding ring!

Oddly enough, the same thought hadn't even appeared in Loki's mind until nearly an hour after you had left to make dinner. Loki was surprised he hadn't realized it sooner.

In Tony's panic, he couldn't think of anything and was about to get caught when he noticed his computer screens were blinking at him. He took his attention to the computer, which thankfully only he could see as Loki was on the other side.

"Unless you wish to die today," it read, "tell him Miss Barton got it resized. - Jarvis."

Relief flushed through Tony. Thank you Jarvis! He sang in his head.

"[Name] went and got yours resized." Tony repeated what Jarvis had put on the screen. An emoji thumbs up appeared on the screen and Tony couldn't help but smirk a little.

Loki's face fell as if he was disappointed that he hadn't caught Tony in something. "I suppose that does make sense." He muttered.

Thank goodness! Tony added in his head.

Jarvis spoke to further help Tony and stop any further questions.

"Dinner is ready and Miss Barton asks if you would please come."

Leaping at the chance to leave, Tony replied with a "yup!" Then raced out.

Tony beat Loki up to the kitchen but he wasn't the last one to enter the room.

Everything had been set out with absolute precision, looking perfect. The food made Loki's mouth water, and apparently it had the same effect as Clint kept trying to sneak food into his mouth but Nat kept slapping him before he could. The rule was that no one could eat until you sat down. That way, it made people want to help more and made them enjoy the food more.

Finally coming towards the table, you laughed as everyone's eyes watched you, waiting to eat. "Dig in." You laughed as you sat down on your chair.

No one had to be told twice and immediately chatter erupted. You and Bucky laughed at something while silverware clicked against the plates.

Loki wasn't interested in talking and ate his food silently, thinking. He knew something felt weird and off when Tony told him that you and him were married, but he didn't know what it was. At first he had a suspicion that he had lied, but Tony had an excuse to everything Loki asked. It frustrated him to not know what was wrong with himself.

His attention was suddenly drew to you and smiled from seeing you laughing. He loved your laugh. Your eyes would brighten and you just seemed so happy.

Still eyeing you with love, his eyes fell down to your hands to see what wedding ring he had given you, since he had forgotten everything. He knew he would only give you the best. When his eyes trailed down your hand to your left, he stiffened when he looked to your fingers.

"Why aren't you wearing your ring?" He asked loudly, his voice confused.

Across the end of the table, Tony started to freak out but couldn't speak in time.

You paused your conversation and looked to him, the laugh still on your lips but it slowly faded seeing his concerned face. "My ring?" You asked.

Loki knitted his eyebrows and pointed to your hand. "Yes, your wedding ring."

Shit. Tony swore in his head.

Clint was the first to react, spitting out his water like a spit take in a movie. "YOU'RE MARRIED!?!?"

It was your turn to be confused as everyone stared at you in shock. "Woah woah woah woah," you held up your hands, "I'm not married? What are you talking about?"

Everyone's attention turned to Loki who shook his head and laughed, recovering smoothly. "I think I must have had a dream that you were married." He chuckled. "It felt so real I suppose I thought it was. My apologies."

You laughed along with him. "I was worried there for a minute - seeing as I'm not even dating anyone."

"Good." Clint puffed protectively. "You're not dating anyone - let alone marrying anyone without me knowing."

"I was gonna be pissed you didn't tell me." Natasha took a sip of her water.

"Don't worry, you would all be the first people to know. Hopefully I'll get married one day, just," you gave another laugh. "Not today." You joked.

Thor noted your doubtfulness towards you even getting married. "You shall marry, [Name], and he shall be worthy of you as Mjolnir is to me!"

"He's right," Steve spoke up, "The lucky guy better be approved by all of us.

Loki glared at Steve, getting the impression that the soldiers had feelings for you.

"You'll find someone." Bucky assured you.

"Tony!" Loki suddenly called at the billionaire who was trying to sneak away while everyone was focused on something other than him. The rest of the avengers eyes turned to him.

"Where are you going?" Loki asked him kindly but Tony heard the real tone and meaning to his voice: You're dead if you leave.

Knowing he was caught, Tony slumped back in his seat. "Jarvis uh... needed me to do something.

"Oh I'm sure it can wait." Loki told him with a sickly sweet smile making Tony gulp. "[Name] took so much time to make this, it's rude to just leave."

"Yeah." You agreed, a little hurt that Tony was trying to leave so soon. "Can't you wait?"

Tony laughed nervously. "Oh yeah, of course."

Bruce's eyes scrunched. "Are you okay, Tony?"

"He probably going through withdrawls." Bucky smirked. "Peppers been making him cut back."

"Where is Pepper anyway?" Steve asked.

Clint was the one who answered, the conversation swaying away from the topic of You and Tony, therefore Loki fixed his eyes on Tony his gaze burning the hero.

Flames of pure rage burned in his eyes, and although Tony tried to ignore it, he couldn't.

Tony was cussing up a storm in his head, wondering how he ever thought it was a good idea to trick Loki. He should have known it would blow up in his face!

Internally, Tony was freaking out more than seeing the Chitauri come from the sky. The look Loki gave him.... He didn't want to know how much rage a God could inflict. Tony felt like he was going to cry, throw up, pass out, or maybe all of the above.

Loki held himself back from lunging at Tony, to wring his neck. Slowly, after the truth had been revealed memories started to slowly fall into place, his memory returning.

Although the urge to kill Tony was nearly overpowering, Loki sat back in his chair, acting completely casual and continuing with the conversation which only made Tony more nervous. Tony didn't believe in any God, but he had never prayed so hard for one to come and save his sorry ass because he knew one thing; he was dead.   

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