Little Mix One-Shots

By Jerriespetals

56.5K 1.5K 985

Just a bunch of one-shots, if you have any requests feel free to leave a comment! More

Why? (Jerrie)
See You Soon (Jerrie)
Good Enough
Good Enough 2.0
Sickly (Jerrie)
By the Cedar Tree - Project 17 (Jerrie)
It Should Be Me (Jerrie)
Day By Day (Lesy)
Out to Sea (Jerrie)
Pranked (Jerrie)
This Town (Lesy)
Weeping Willows (Jerrie)
Lonesome (Jerrie)
Hero (Jade + Lauren)
Last Christmas (Jerrie)
Soft (Jerrie)
Ideas? Requests?
Exposed (Leighade)
Ouch (Jadesy)
New Year's Day (Jerrie)
Deep Down (Jerrie)
Aunt Flow
Dark (Jerrie)
Over (Jerrie)
Cologne (Jerrie)
Here for You (Jerrie)
Quarantined (Jerrie)
Unspoken (Jerrie)
Mundane (Jerrie)
Goodbye From Lonely (Jerrie)
Ghost Girl (Jerrie)
Out to Sea 2.0

Notice (Jerrie)

1.8K 64 7
By Jerriespetals

Prompt: Jade's a famous author that pays more attention to her books than her wife.

So I got a lot of messages and responses, and I tallied the votes and the winning way to write this was: NO SMUT

I might put references to stuff related to smut but there will not be a sex scene. Sorry to everyone who wanted it the other way :p

This one's gonna be fluffyyyy but also saddd

The sun was setting behind the New England skyline by the time Perrie Edwards pulled her car into the driveway of the house she shared with her wife of 5 years. The blonde put the car in park, a wide smile on her face. 

Today, she had been promoted to assistant manager, and she couldn't wait to tell Jade about it. 

"Baba you won't guess ... " Perrie burst through the door, her voice trailing off when she looked around the dark entry hall. 

"Has she even been out of her study?" Perrie murmured, flicking the light switch to send light dancing around then empty room. She kicked her boots off, shrugging her jacket off as the faint sound of music reached the blonde's ears. 

Perrie climbed the stairs, the music becoming more apparent. It was The Struts. Jade was a big fan of their music. 

Perrie pushed the door open slightly, smiling softly when she saw Jade sitting in the dark oak chair Perrie had gotten her for Christmas last year. 

Jade was leaning over the paper in front of her on her elbows, tapping the pencil against her lips. Her bun had come loose and strands of hair had fallen down around her face. 

Jade was more of an old - fashioned writer, and just and old - fashioned person in general. She didn't believe in putting in any writing electronically until a rough draft was written down on paper. She drove a 1990 Ford pickup truck. The only reason the had an iPhone 8 was because Perrie had bought her a new one when her beloved iPhone 5s had been dropped in water after over 5 years of use. 

She preferred antique rugs over modern tiled floors. She hadn't gotten new glasses since before she'd met Perrie. She owned on old white MacBook from 2007. 

Perrie walked across the carpeted floor, kneeling down once she reached Jade. 

"Hi baba," Perrie murmured, pressing light kisses on Jade's shoulder. 

Jade paused the music, turning around to face her wife. 

"Hi baby," she grinned, leaning over and kissing Perrie sweetly. 

"How was work?" She asked once they'd broken apart. 

"You're looking at the new assistant manager of New England Business Asscoitates," Perrie said, beaming proudly. 

"Oh my god, that amazing!" Jade exclaimed, leaping up and hugging Perrie tightly. 

"I was thinking celebrating at your favorite Italian restaurant?" Perrie suggested, wiggling her eyebrows at Jade. 

Jade's expression sank. "That sounds amazing Pez," she sighed. 

"But you can't go," Perrie said, not bothering to hide the bitter undertones. 

"I wish I could baba, I want to celebrate with you," Jade frowned, taking Perrie's hands in hers. "But the production company set a deadline for the next chapter of the book. It's this Friday, and I only have five pages done. The book is almost over, then I promise I'll make up for everything."

"I understand," Perrie sighed. "What about I cook for us then?"

"Mmm, that sounds wonderful," Jade smiled, leaning up and pecking Perrie's lips. 

"I'll leave you to your writing then," Perrie said, pressing a kiss to Jade's forehead and retreating back out the door, shutting it behind her. 

Once Perrie was out, Jade sank back into her chair, dragging a hand down her face in frustration. It wasn't like she didn't want to spend time with Perrie. She didn't mean to cancel all their plans. This book could be her big break, and Perrie knows that. She understands. 

After all, no one knows Jade better than Perrie. 

Jade sighed, looking down at her wedding ring. "I'm sorry Pez," she whispered, pressing her lips to the ring. She picked up the pencil, pressing the tip against the paper. As if like magic, the words started following through her pencil onto the paper. 

She slid down the wall, her hands fisted in her hair. Tear tracks were permanently stained upon her rosy cheeks, and her once bright green eyes no longer sparkled ... 

"She can't make it," Perrie said heavily. 

"I'm sorry Pez," Leigh Anne replied over the phone. "I really am."

"It's not your fault," Perrie sighed. "Hell, it's not even Jade's fault. This book is driving her insane. It's all she's been talking about."

"You know how Jade is," Leigh Anne reasoned. "You two will be back to fucking after she releases the book."

"Leigh!" Perrie scolded. "I just miss her, that's all."

"My poor poor friend," Leigh Anne sighed. 

Perrie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I have to start making dinner for us," she said. "It has to be perfect."

"Ooh, a sexy stay at home dinner," Leigh Anne said. "Maybe you'll eat each other instead of the dinner."

"Leigh I'm hanging up now," Perrie hissed, pressing the end button on her phone. 

Once Perrie set her phone down on the counter, a tear drop landed on the case. Perrie sniffed, turning to grab a tissue from the counter next to the sink. 

It wasn't Jade's fault she was missing so much. Her manager was constantly breathing down her neck, setting strict and almost unreachable deadlines. It was a wonder Jade had published anything under him. 

It was just that Jade had missed so much. Earlier this week Perrie's best friend of 10 years, was moving across the seas to the UK to be with her family. It was understandable, and Perrie couldn't help but feel sad. 

So, Perrie had said goodbye to Ellie at the airport by herself. Jade had been too busy to come. Perrie didn't think Jade even knew that Ellie was gone. 

Perrie grabbed her phone to call Ellie, forgetting that she'd be asleep right now, seeing as she was 5 hours ahead of the blonde. 

When it went to voicemail, Perrie just sighed. "I miss you Ellie. Call me when you can," she said, another tear rolling down her cheek. 

Perrie set her phone down again, and glanced at a picture hanging over their dining table. It was taken the day Jade and Perrie had gotten married. Their eyes were shining, their faces flush with happiness as they smiled for the camera, their family and friends surrounding them. 

It was the best day of Perrie's life. 

There was a thump from upstairs. "You okay love?" Perrie called. 

"Yeah, just stubbed my toe," came Jade's faint reply. Perrie's lips curved up in a slight smile. 

"You sure you didn't bang your head on the table?" Perrie called back, already knowing the answer. 

" ... Yeah," came Jade's reluctant reply. 

Perrie just chuckled at her wife's antics, forgetting her past mood as she grabbed ingredients out of the drawers. This dinner would be perfect. 

Jade paused when she heard the clang of metal pans downstairs. She sighed, putting her head in her hands. 

"Why does it have to be so hard?" Jade groaned, a tear landing on her paper. 

In the past year, Jade had not had a day just to herself and Perrie. It was killing them both, and Jade's heart twisted everytime she saw the hurt in Perrie's eyes when she turned another dinner, another date down. 

"You deserve someone better than me Pez," Jade sighed, picking up the picture of Perrie she kept on her desk. Perrie's beautiful blue eyes were sparkling, and her mouth was open mid - laugh. Their old dog Hatchi was sitting on Perrie's lap, licking at her face. 

Jade frowned, remembering the day Hatchi had to be put down. 

"J-Jade," Perrie called, Jade's head shooting up as she noted the fear in her wife's voice. 

"Baba what is it?" She asked, running down the stairs and stopping short when she saw Perrie kneeling next to Hatchi, who was laying on his side and whimpering. 

"What's wrong with him?" Jade whispered, dropping to her knees beside Perrie. 

"I-I don't know, one minute I was making lunch for us, a-and then the next I heard a loud cry and I ran and found him here," Perrie explained, her voice shaking as tears poured down her face. 

Jade's heart sank, and she opened her arms for Perrie to fall into. 

"Hatchi will be fine," Jade whispered, stroking Perrie's hair. 

"We need to go to the vet," Perrie said, managing to compose herself after a minute of letting Jade hold her. 

"I can't leave the house, it's a stretch even eating away from my computer," Jade sighed. 

"Why?" Perrie asked. 

"There's some sort of conference I'm about to have with my editors and my publishing staff," Jade said apologetically. 

"Don't even start to apologize," Perrie said firmly, kissing Jade's forehead. "I'll call you if something happens, and you just worry for now about that conference. 

"I love you," Jade said, leaning into Perrie. 

"I should hope so, we've only been married for almost 4 years," Perrie joked, her face falling when Hatchi let out another whimper. 

"I love you too," Perrie whispered, pecking Jade's lips before running to get the pet carrier. 

Jade reached down to stroke Hatchi behind his ears. "You'll be fine baby," she whispered. 

Suddenly, Hatchi reared back and bit Jade's hand hard. 

Jade gasped, withdrawing her hand. "Hatchi!" She gasped, looking at her hand that now had bite marks in them, with blood slowly seeping out of a couple holes. 

"What happened?" Perrie asked, running back into the room with the pet carrier and Hatchi's favorite blanket. 

"Hatchi bit me. He bit me," Jade whispered in shock, staring down at the dog on the ground. 

"He did?" Perrie blanched. 

"He really needs to get to the vet," Jade said. 

"What about your hand?" Perrie asked. 

"I'll be fine, Hatchi needs help," Jade replied, scooping her good hand under Hatchi's back and helping place him inside the pet carrier on top of his blanket. 

"Bye," Jade said, kissing her finger then touching Perrie's lips with it. 

"I'll call you," Perrie said, running out the door and shutting it behind her. 

Jade regretted not going with Perrie. It was one of the worst decisions in her life. She remembered when Perrie didn't call her, and then hours later she came home, completely broken. 

"So far, I think your chapter is going smoothly," her manager said. 

"Thank you sir," Jade replied. 

"I think I'm pushing up the release date for your book to next Tuesday instead of Friday," he said. 

"But - " Jade started. 

"This is your last chapter, is it not?" He interrupted. "After you release the book, you'll have a couple weeks before book tours start, and then you'll tour for a few months, then you can start writing the sequel."

Jade opened her mouth to say something, but at that moment she heard the door slam downstairs. "I'll be right back," she said, getting up and running out before anyone else could say anything. 

"Perrie?" Jade called, running down the stairs two at a time. "Are you okay? When you didn't call ... " her voice trailed off when she saw Perrie stumbling toward her. 

"Baba, what's wrong?" Jade asked, dread knotting her stomach when she didn't see Hatchi anywhere.

Perrie's eyes were red and swollen, her mascara was smudged and her shirt had a spot of something on it. 

"Hatchi," she choked out before collapsing in Jade's arms. 

"They had to ... J-Jade he's dead," Perrie sobbed. 

Jade's eyes filled with tears and they sat there for a few minutes, the two cradling each other, each one nursing a hurting heart. 

"Oh my god," Jade whispered, her head shooting up when she remembered she'd left her managers and publishers hanging in a conference call upstairs. 

"What is it?" Perrie sniffed. 

"I was in the middle of my conference when you got home," Jade said. 

"I interrupted your conference," Perrie realized. "I could have ruined your chances with that company."

"No no baba, I'm sure you haven't," Jade said, but Perrie was adamant. 

"J-just go back upstairs and finish the call, when you're done you can come back downstairs," she said, kissing Jade's cheek. 

"Pez - "

"You need this to work," Perrie said, smiling sadly. "I'll be fine. We can cry some more later over a tub of ice cream and a Disney movie."

Jade smiled slightly at Perrie's weak attempt to create some humor. 

"Fine," she sighed, leaning over and kissing Perrie softly before pulling away and trudging back up the stairs. When Jade reached the top, she looked back to see Perrie carrying Hatchi's case into the other room, her shoulders hunched and her feet dragging. 

"Sorry about that," Jade said once she'd entered the room, clearing her throat and wiping her eyes. 

"Are you ready to continue?" Her manager asked. Jade nodded, settling down back in front of the computer. 

She didn't leave that room until almost midnight, long after Perrie had fallen asleep in their big bed. 

The page was full of words when Jade looked down. She had been so lost in memories she hadn't realized she was writing the whole time. She read over it, pleased to see it went along with the rest of the chapter. She then opened her laptop, and began to type the page. 

The two stared at each other as if seeing the other for the first time. Laying there, weak and drained of spirit, their true souls were showing through, and it was blinding ... 

Perrie pulled the meatloaf out of the oven, smiling as warmth from the oven washed over her tired body. She grabbed the salad she'd prepared from the refrigerator, and tossed it a couple times to fluff it up. She placed the meatloaf in the middle of their table in the kitchen (they preferred it to the large dining room table), and lit the two candles she had placed there. 

Perrie stepped back, satisfied. She smoothed down the dress she'd chosen for the dinner. It was a blue dress that Jade loved on her, paired with some black heels. She had Jade's wine red dress laid out on the back on her chair. Everything was perfect. 

Perrie looked at the time. It was 6:01 pm. Time to go get Jade. 

"Baba," Perrie sang, dancing up the stairs. She was as excited as a giddy schoolgirl. This was their first "date" in almost a year. 

She pushed the door open, smiling softly when she saw Jade leaning back in the chair, her eyes closed in concentration. 

"Yes!" Jade exclaimed, making Perrie jump slightly. Jade leaned over, scribbling furiously onto the paper. 

Perrie waited until Jade was done writing to make her presence known. 

"Ready for dinner my love?" Perrie asked, bending down and kissing Jade's head. 

"Pez," Jade breathed. "You look amazing."

Perrie giggled, twirling for Jade, feeling butterflies when she saw Jade's eyes rake over her body. After over 9 years of being together, Jade still gave Perrie butterflies everytime she smiled at her. It was magical. 

"Your dress is downstairs, come on," Perrie said, gesturing for the door. 

"Just give me 5 more minutes, I can't wait to taste what you've cooked up," Jade said, leaning up to kiss Perrie. 

"I'm sure it will be amazing," she murmured against Perrie's lips before pecking them once and then sitting back down. 

"Okay," Perrie smiled, backing out of the room with a grin on her face. 

7:00 pm found Perrie sitting hunched over at the table, nursing a glass of champagne alongside two burned out candles. 

Jade had forgotten. 


Perrie downed the rest of the glass in a single gulp, then stood to go see Jade. She walked up the stairs, pausing halfway to kick off her heels. 

Perrie pushed the door open, the sounds of Jade's snores hitting her ears. She looked to see Jade laying with her head in her arms on the desk, her pencil tangled in her hair. 

"I guess no dinner then," Perrie sighed, walking over and scooping her wife into her arms. She carried Jade down the hall into their room, laying her down. Perrie grabbed her pajamas, and started to put them on. She couldn't stop the lone tear that trickled down her face and made a dot on her green bed shirt. 


Perrie turned around to see Jade sleepily blinking at her. "W-what happened?" She asked. 

"You feel asleep," Perrie said shortly, guilt squeezing her heart when she saw Jade's face fall. 

"I ... missed dinner," Jade realized. 

"Yeah," Perrie said heavily, coming over to sit on the bed beside Jade. 

"I'm sorry Perrie," Jade said, placing her hand over Perrie's. "I know how much you were looking forward to it. 

"It's okay," Perrie said, falling back onto the pillows and closing her eyes. She felt the bed shift, and Jade's weight leave from beside her. 

Off to work some more no doubt, Perrie thought, fighting the urge to cry. 

She was surprised, however, when she heard Jade's footsteps entering the bedroom once again a few minutes later. 

"Wake up Perrie," Jade whispered, pressing her lips to Perrie's cheek. 

"Jade wha-?" Perrie said, opening her eyes to see a folding table set up across the end of their bed, and two plates of meatloaf on it with a candle in between them. 

"I felt really bad for missing dinner," Jade explained. "So I brought dinner to us. I hope that dinner in bed in our pj's is as good a date as you had hoped."

She looked so nervous, as if she expected Perrie to throw the meatloaf in her face. 

A laugh bubbled inside Perrie, up through her mouth. "I love it," she said, leaning over and kissing Jade gently. 

"Shall we eat then malady?" Jade asked, holding up her glass. "It's not champagne, but I hope water is just as good."

Perrie smiled, clinking her glass with Jade. "We shall," she said, raising the glass to her lips. 

Once the meal was finished, Jade lifted the table and set it into the corner. 

"You're so strong," Perrie said, twisting her hair in her finger, delighted when it came off her finger in a corkscrew curl. 

"Only for you," Jade replied, making a funny pose. Perrie giggled, Jade falling onto the bed and pulling Perrie down beside her. 

"I really hope you had a good night," Jade whispered, tucking a curl behind Perrie's ear. 

"I did," Perrie said sincerely, leaning over and kissing Jade softly. "It was perfect."

"I love you so much Perrie," Jade said, curling into the blonde's body. 

"I love you too baba," Perrie whispered, curling around Jade's body, shutting off the light. 

Perrie fell asleep with a smile on her face, her legs tangled with Jade's. 

Their diamond rings sparkled on the dresser. 

Heyyyy I really liked this one shot hope you did too :)

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