My Melody || Jungkook BTS✔️

By estella_w

94.6K 3.1K 261

For her there isn't such a thing as a one side coin. She is honey and lemon at the same time. He is a stone i... More

23. LOVE


1.2K 38 3
By estella_w


"Noelle hurry up. We are already late." I yelled from the door.

"Coming." She answered.

Omg. This girl is always late and we end up running to school because of her.

After some minutes we finally left home and got into the elevator.
Hoping that I won't see him since in the morning because I have been thinking about him all night, I dreamed of us together and our happy times.

Of course luck isn't in my side today.
The elevator stopped at sixth floor and here he comes in all his glory, wearing one of his black hoodies, ripped jeans and a baseball cap.

He looks the typical bad boy that makes every girl fall head over heels for him.

"Morning." He greeted looking briefly to Noelle and lingering his gaze at me. Scanning my outfit from head to toe.

He came near me trapping me in the corner of the elevator.
Then entered Jimin which was smiling happily and greeted us.

"Tonight we are having a party and you girls are invited." Jimin said after he shared a look with Jungkook.

"Well actually we..." I was going to refuse his invitation but Noelle didn't let me finish.

"We will come. Thanks for inviting us." She said looking to Jimin.

This girl drives me crazy. She avoids looking at me because knows pretty well that I am not happy with what she did.

"That's great. At 8 pm the party starts so be there on time." Said Jimin and then the doors of the elevator opened signalling we arrived.

Jungkook didn't said a word the whole time, he may be angry why Jimin invited us.
How I can go there and see other girls talking ,laughing and dancing with him.

"Why you accepted it? Why Noelle?" I was really angry at her.

"Well we need a break from school, we should have more fun and enjoy. And we know them. They are not strangers." She explained.

"Is this even a reason to go there? And we don't know anyone else beside those two."

"Well that's a chance to know more people right? Don't over think just enjoy." Noelle said winking at me.


I was too tired after a long day to school and I was not in mood to go in a party.

I was lying lazily on the bed when Noelle emerged on my room.

"Come on we need to get ready." She said taking my headphones away.

"No I don't want to go." I said whining like a baby.

"We will. Get up, wear something sexy, put some make up on and get ready to break some hearts tonight."

"I don't want to go in a party to see drunk people, couples making out every where, sluts throwing themselves to every boy in the room." I said rolling my eyes.

"Really Joy?" Noelle laughed out loud.

"It's just a little party, more like a gathering. This kind of party can't be done in a small apartment. And I know what bothers you." She added.

"And according to you what bothers me Noelle?" I said titling my head at her.

"The fact that these sluts who you mentioned may throw themselves to Jungkook."

"No it's not true." I said, even though a part of me wished that they all know that Jungkook is mine.

"Whatever you say Joy. Start getting ready now because the party starts in abouts a hour." She said closing the door behind her.

With no other way, u started getting ready. I choose a short black dress and decided for a light make up.

"You look smoking hot." Said Noelle coming beside me in the mirror while I was trying to make my curly hair stay put but at the end I decided to let them naturally.

"Yeah yeah. Let's go now. And I am warning you, when I say we leave , we leave ok? "

"Yes miss." She said seriously. And we both ended up laughing at her words.

I don't know why I felt nervous. It's not like I haven't been in a party before.

The party wasn't as crowded as I thought. It was a small party and I wondered what are we doing here? It's like a small gathering of their friends.

As soon as we entered my eyes locked with a pair of dark blue one. He was looking at me, and I was lost at his bright eyes.

He was staying there at a less crowded corner with another boy, whom I didn't recognize.

"You can have him later but now we should move." Whispered Noelle at me.

I continued with her but I felt his eyes following me , I felt his eyes touching every single part of my body. That made me feel a hot sensation , burning all my body.

Noelle found a way to a small group which were talking and drinking. I didn't know anyone there and I am sure neither does she.

"What are you doing? We don't know anyone there. And they are mostly boys." I said stopping Noelle in mid road.

"There's Jimin too. We should greet him right? He invited us." She said catching my hand and dragging me behind her.

"Hi girls. You both look lovely." He said as soon as he saw us.

"Thanks for having us here." I said smiling softly at him.

"You're welcome." Jimin smiled.

"Why don't you introduce the girls to us?" Said one of the boys.

After Jimin introduced us to the group the conversation was directed to us.
They started asking general questions and all the time one of them, hadn't put his eyes off me. His name was Suho I remembered. It was awkward and I felt uncomfortable having his attention.

"What about you Joy are you dating someone?" He asked suddenly. His question caught me off guard.

As I was about to answer a voice startled me.

"Baby that's nothing to get shy about, this are my friends and It's ok to know that we are together." Jungkook says while placing his hands around my waist and puts his head at my shoulder.

When did he come?   He was there talking to his friends.

All of them were surprised and some were still looking at us and some others congratulated us.  Suho was looking at us and Jungkook sent him an angry look.

He dragged me out of the room to the balcony, where we were all alone.

"Why did you do that?" I said pushing him away but he didn't move.

"I know him very well, he is a playboy. Wants to have fun." He said too near me, his warm breath all over my lips. Was making me feel things, things that make my body on fire.

"And who is speaking ! The playboy himself." I said.

"I am not like him." Jungkook said raising his voice.

"Well you are a playboy." I continued on my own.

"Ok then I will show you what this playboy can do to you." Jungkook said and as soon as he finished talking his lips were on mine.
He started kissing me hungrily, our tongues fighting for dominance but like always he wins.

We parted breathing heavily. He was still holding my face closer to his.

When his lips touched mines for the second time his phone rang and brought me back to my senses.

It was Lisa.

Pushing him away I run inside. I heard him cursing under his breath but he answered it.

I wanted a drink now. As much as a cliche it sounds, alcohol maybe helps to forget. I have never drank in my life.

Grabbing a drink I gulped it down in once . It burned my stomach but I needed more. I got a second one and than an another but a hand stopped me.

"What are you doing Joy?" Was Noelle.

"Drinking. Don't you see or need a pair of glasses?"

"Stop acting like this. What happened?"

"He is a jerk Noelle. And I have decided that it's time to move on, like he did." I said and felt the tears burning in my eyes.

Better drinking than crying so I grabbed the glass on my hand and lifted it to my lips.

"Joy stop." Noelle tried to take the glass from me.

I avoided her by walking between the crowd, getting lost from her sight.

Watching behind me in case Noelle was following me, I hit something hard and my drink was all over it.

"Why are you always spilling things on me?" He said.

It was Jungkook. That one person that I wanted to avoid. Looking at him I remembered the scene from earlier.
One second he is kissing me and the other he talks to that bitch.

I started leaving but his hand stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"You have a mess to clean up."

He dragged me to his room and closed the door twice.
Now I have no escape. I am at his mercy.

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