Arron and Trexx

By strawhat_pirate

735K 50.5K 10.9K

Barely escaping alive from a human trafficking ring, Arron finds herself running for her life as her captors... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81

Chapter 64

7.4K 515 57
By strawhat_pirate

Third person pov

The next day, Arron didn't want to let Shikamaru leave the bed. She whined and grasped onto him like some sort of koala bear, anchoring him into his place as he groggily tried to get up before his mother could barge in and see them lying together in the same bed. That would surely get Arron put into her own, personal room. He was sure they were already considering it seeing how much she had improved.

Arron suddenly let go of him, lunging and tackling Trexx, who's mouth was open and about to take out the light fixture in the middle of the room. The beast let out a deep whine of his own as they crashed loudly to the ground with a thump that seemed to echo through the room. Shikamaru cringed a little as Arron, messy hair and all, popped up with wide eyes. She turned to look at him, looking like she'd just gotten a shot of adrenaline far too big for her small body.

He cracked a smile, chuckling at her as she blinked a few times to process, her mind still fogged by sleep, but also racing due to Trexx's assassination attempt on Shikamaru's ceiling fan. The Nara gazed at Arron as she hugged Noot and Mothball, still seeming a bit dazed. Trexx, who was usually able to refrain from eating Shikamaru's light fixtures, stared up at it longingly. It wasn't even on, so Shikamaru wasn't sure why he'd gone for it. 

Shikamaru liked to, as creepy as it was, watch Arron. Just observe her in whatever she was doing. Nara's weren't particularly talkative or sociable, preferring to watch rather than participate. Shikamaru was no exception to this fact, so he often found himself gazing at Arron when they were alone. Whether she were squinting at a book in an attempt to sound the words out in her head, or sitting by Trexx and playing with Mothball. Compared to her previous behavior, she'd come miles.

Arron got ready quickly after that. Arron didn't seem to think changing in front of him, or anyone, was particularly a problem. Shikamaru could understand that. After all she'd been through, seeing someone without clothes, unfortunately, probably didn't affect her much. That didn't make Shikamaru any less flustered when she forgot that she wasn't meant to.

"Arron." He said, face buried in his hands, and his cheeks red. He heard her pause in her movements, and then there was a shuffle, and the sound of the closet door opening and closing again. He peeked. She'd gone.

"Fy drwg." Her voice came out apologetically, muffled by the door. Shikamaru took a deep breath. That had been close. He'd only seen her lower back.

"It's okay, Arron." Shikamaru said. It was odd; Arron didn't seem to mind undressing in front of him, but didn't like him seeing her scars. But if she undressed, he'd see them, so he wasn't sure what the thought process was on that. Maybe it was if she took off her clothing specifically for him to see. Maybe that was the problem.

They got ready, and ate omelets Arron made. Shikaku had bought some light bulbs for the three shadowy beings. Arron made it a point to save a few for Skronk, who'd been put in charge of guarding the house. He'd made him with that purpose in mind, so she knew he knew what he was meant to do, without a doubt.

A knock on the door disappointed Shikamaru, as he knew it was Ino. Arron seemed excited, dressed in a plain grey shirt along with what Shikamaru thought might be ninja pants, though he wasn't sure. They were baggy, stopping just blew the middle of her calf. She wore her white sneakers just as she did everyday, her dark hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. A part of him hoped it would be messy when she got back, though he didn't know why.

"Bye, Shikamaru!" Arron hugged him with such exuberance and love that Yoshino couldn't not awe at them. Shikaku simply chuckled. Nara men usually had trouble finding women to marry, but Shikamaru seemed pretty set. Adoration poured out of Arron anytime Shikamaru was around her, or even just brought up. She didn't even try to hide it.

"Hey, Arron!" Ino chirped when the girl opened the door. She peeked past. "We'll try to be back on time!"

"Don't rush." Yoshino said in a reassuring tone. Shikamaru couldn't help but glare a little. He'd been about to demand her back at three for the little stunt Ino had pulled yesterday, not bringing Arron back until nearly twenty full minutes past the time they'd set. He'd just about had a heart attack.

Trexx lumbered behind the two girls. Ino hadn't had time to tell Asuma-sensei that her and her new best friend, Arron, would be dropping by. Arron was just so much more understanding than the other girls Ino was friends with. Not to belittle them, but Arron was definitely Ino's favorite. Her personality mixed with her sheer courage to stand up for others was awe inspiring, especially after what she'd been through.

"When are you and Shikamaru going to get together, anyway?" Ino asked, kicking a pebble as they made their way down the dirt road. Arron's personality had mellowed back behind her usual quiet and nervous demeanor, but Ino didn't mind. She was sure the girl would perk up once the day got rolling. Ino hadn't told her dad about the progress Arron had been making, but she had asked some questions about anxiety and trauma. Apparently certain things could trigger a nullifying effect. Like if your friend was too nervous to ask for something, sometime your need and want to help them would overpower your own anxiety. Ino wasn't too clear on the details, but was glad to better understand how Arron's moods worked.

Asuma was reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee when a knock sounded at his door. He felt a little surprised. He tried to think about who could possibly be coming over at this early hour, but couldn't stir anyone up in his mind as he unlatched the door. He hadn't invited anyone, and-

"A-Arron?" Asuma asked, staring down at her and Ino with wide eyes. Arron averted her gaze immediately, shrinking into herself. She rubbed her arms. He noticed some pale scars sticking out against her skin, but they weren't self inflicted. He immediately let his eyes dart back to her face. He didn't think she'd appreciate his staring.

"We have some questions about Arron's clan, Asuma-sensei." Ino said, making sure to use 'we' rather than putting Arron directly in the spotlight. The girl seemed to appreciate that. Asuma glanced at Trexx, but nodded silently, feeling a loss for words as he stepped away from the door. Arron had greeted him excitedly and with relief when she first saw him before seeming to realize that he had most definitely changed, and she'd immediately backtracked, becoming just as scared of him as she was of everyone.

"What do you two want to know?" Asuma asked as Trexx squeezed into the house, gazing around curiously. The man sat down on the couch with his coffee as Ino and Arron removed their shoes, Arron seeming reluctant to, but following Ino in suit anyway. This house had the type of floors the soles of their footwear would damage.

"Arron?" Ino had no idea what she wanted to know.

"I-I..." Arron trailed off, gulping. A cold sweat had formed on her brow. Ino put a comforting hand on her back, which seemed to surprise Asuma. The man hadn't realized she was letting people other than Shikamaru touch her now. "My clan... did they have a...a..." It struck Arron that Asuma spoke her language, and she seemed to perk up slightly. "Arianasai?" 

"A fund?" Asuma leaned back, and Arron's shoulders seemed to sag with relief. "They did. It went to you, and me after. I haven't touched it since... since it happened." Asuma frowned. "It's rightfully yours now that we know you're alive. I can get you access to it if you need it."

"Why do you need access into it, Arron?" Ino asked. "Wait, does this mean you're crazy rich?"

"Insanely so." Asuma chuckled. Arron brightened, and Asuma felt his heart clench at the smile that spread across her face. Her father's smile, no doubt. He tried to slow his breathing a little as he thought back to the bloodbath Arron's clan had become.

"Home!" Arron chirped as Trexx shoved a lamp down his throat. Asuma either didn't notice or didn't care. Something seemed to dawn on Ino.

"Arron, that's brilliant!" Ino squealed, hugging her. Arron tensed at first, but returned it cheerfully in a heartbeat. "You're a genius!"

"Beth?" Asuma asked.

"I-I need the arian." Arron responded quietly. She was getting better, but Asuma still made her beyond weary. "The, ah... money. Funds." She tried.

"Alright." Asuma said. He didn't really know why she needed it, but it was rightfully hers. It was not only illegal but also immoral to hold it from her. "Put your shoes back on, girls. We have a trip to the courthouse to make."

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