Cursed with Wings (Thranduil...

By spypuppy

514K 18.1K 2.8K

[Book 1] Belle is a cursed She Elf. Betrayed by her own family, Belle runs for the hills, forced to accep... More

Chapter One: The Curse.
Chapter Two: The Fear Of Losing A Mother.
Chapter Three: The Change.
Chapter Four: Meeting An Elf.
Chapter Five: Blue Eyes.
Chapter Six: The Prince.
Chapter Seven: The Disappointed King.
Chapter Eight: The Arrow Of Hunger.
Chapter Nine Part 1: An Unsuspected Guest.
Chapter Nine Part 2: Meet The Healer.
Chapter Ten: Raina Meets Belle.
Chapter Eleven: The Queen.
Chapter Twelve: The Lullaby.
Chapter Thirteen: Grandma
Chapter Fourteen: Ollie.
Chapter Fifteen: The Royal Pain In The Arse.
Chapter Sixteen: The Dying Queen.
Chapter Seventeen: The Tortured Seamstress.
Chapter Eighteen: The Ball.
Chapter Nineteen: The Willow.
Chapter Twenty: Questions.
Chapter Twenty One: The Moonlight Dance.
Chapter Twenty Two: The Unconscious Angel.
Chapter Twenty Three: Mother In The In-between.
Chapter Twenty Four: The Damsel In The Queen's Garden.
Chapter Twenty Five: The Dream.
Chapter Twenty Six: The Loss Of A Great.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Saving An Innocent.
Chapter Twenty Eight: A New Hope.
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Newcomers.
Chapter Thirty: The Elixir.
Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 1: The Announcement.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 2: Miserably In Love.
Chapter Thirty Four: A Possible Future.
Chapter Thirty Five: Be Still...
Chapter Thirty Six: The Death Bed.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 1: The Betrayal.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 2: The Demon.
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Aftermath.
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Truth.
Chapter Forty: The Poor Criminal.
Chapter Forty One: Memories.
Chapter Forty Two: The Battle.

Chapter Thirty One: The Battle & The Cure.

7.5K 262 58
By spypuppy

Belle's P.O.V

"Dawn?" I said, a tear falling down my cheek as I ran to the door, I looked back at Dawn's sleeping figure as I was about to close the down when I saw something catch my eyes. Opening the door again, I went to the right side bedside table. On it laid a small bottle, curious I grabbed the bottle in my hands. It was nearly empty except for a small drip of some sort of blue liquid.

"This must be what she must have drank before ending up in this state!" I examined as I moved my gaze to the paralyzed Dawn and said, "I will do anything in my power to restore you to your proper self, Dawn." I promised to her, hoping she heard me. I then put the cork back inside the bottle to seal the remaining liquid to escape and ran out the door.

As I quickly stepped down the steps and grabbed my cloak, I heard a small groan coming from upstairs, then hearing little footsteps slowly come down the old stairs. A half asleep Ollie came into view, his brown hair stuck out in weird angles as he dragged a ragged towel behind him. "Blue Belle?" he murmured, his mouth opening wide as a big yawn escaped his lips as he whipped the sleep from his eyes. I let out a small chuckle as I said "I am heading out for a bit, Ollie. Go back to bed before you collapsed on the cold, hard floorboards"

He looked at me before nodding and dragged himself from where he came, a bit off balance. I put the cloak around my shoulders, I hear Ollie mumble, "Be safe" as I opened the door. Instantly I was bombard with the freezing cold air.

The outside was covered with a thick layer of snow, making the whole barely recognizable. I huffed, putting on my knee high boots as I mentally prepared for the worse. With a deep breath I stepped into the deep snow, feeling my feet instantly soak.

I grumbled as I heaved my feet across, trying to get to my destination. The only place I know where I could receive help.

The Blacksmiths.

The only problem is that it is still dark and no one will be awake. But with a huge issue at hand, I will stop at nothing. I felt as if my bones were surrounded in ice as I saw the shop insight. I hoist my nightgown up even though the hem is already wet. I pushed myself harder, ignoring the pain evolving in my worn out legs. I sighed in relief once my feet first stepped under the shelter. Brushing the remaining ice off my dress I knock on the door, hard.

I heard loud annoyed footsteps with a few words in a different, presumably dwarfish come to the door. The door sung open with a BANG. I was surprised if it didn't fall off its hinges. "What!" he growled. There in the doorway was a very pissed off Wayland.

He supposedly didn't see me because when his eyes landed on my small figure they immediately soften as his cheeks became slightly pink with embarrassment. "Sorry Lassie, didn't see ya," he said before continuing "What are ya doing here at this god awful hour?" his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as I said, "I need your help. It is a matter of great importance," he nodded, and stepped aside, letting me past.

I walked down the gloomy hallway until I came to the kitchen, which was a disgrace by the way. Dirty dishes piled up, nearly touching the low ceiling, the pantry door was open with hardly any food inside. This must be what it like to have no woman in a house, chaos.

I sat down on a still near the doorway to the living room as I looked up at Wayland who was fetching us some tea when a half asleep shirt Isaac came into the room. "What is with you," he growled at Wayland's back. "It is bloody late and ya decide to make a heap of a racket." Wayland turned around and smirked at Isaac, a kettle in his hands. "Isaac it is rude to shot when we have a guest," he said calmly, smirking at the poor boy before heading to hang the kettle above the fire in the living room.

I let out a small giggle, making Isaac gaze snap to me. His whole face turned red as tomato, making my giggles turn into intractable laughs, snorting included. His lips formed into a small smile as I calmed down. That's when he asked "What are y-" but was cut off by Wayland coming back into the room saying "She came here because she wants to tell us something important," he said while poring the tea into 3 mugs.

Once we were all seated at the table, I started to speak by saying "I came into Dawn's room to check up on her, when I found her paralyzed with clouded eyes and extremely pale" Once I finished that sentence, I pulled out the small empty bottle from my pocket and place it in the middle of the table. "I found this by her bedside table, I think it is some type of poison."

They didn't nothing for a moment, before Isaac reached out and gently grabbed the bottle. As he was inspecting the small amount of liquid, he said "It is defiantly some type of sleep draft, a powerful one at that" he paused for a moment before saying "Ahaha! Its enchanted. Look!" he said showing me the bottle while I sat there confused. How does he know all this stuff? When Isaac finally looked up from the bottle and noticed my weird expression he said "Sorry, It's just that Raina taught me a thing or two in her spare time," he said with a sheepish smile.

"Anyway," I said, shaking my head. "Can you make a remedy?" looking directly at him. He thought for a moment before nodding, which made mood rise. "But it will take a while," he said which made me drop. "How long?" I said, eager to know. He looked back down at the bottle for some time before saying "At least 2 days, maybe 3 at the most," he said before adding, "But a wizard or which has to enchant it or the elixir won't work." I groaned, leaning back in my chair in defeat.

I suddenly felt a hand go on top of mine. I looked up to see Wayland with a small grin as he said, "Leave that ta me."



Thranduil's P.O.V

I pulled my cloak tight around my shoulders as I felt the breeze nip at me. I heard the occasional groan of annoyance from the men, once in a while. We have been riding for two days straight, for if there are lives probably at stake, I'll do nearly anything, especially for those I love. Neawilth.

The way her blonde hair fell past her shoulders and her yellow eyes gleamed like gold. Her gold skin, so sweet, I craved for the sweet honey nectar of her skin. And oh, her laugh sent chills down my spine. But every time I thought of her, flicker of images possesses my mind. Images of her. The desperate peasant girl Belle, with that hideous smile and that annoying laugh of her. I swear, when I come home, I'll lock her in the dungeons so I won't be able to see her ever again.

I smug smile formed to my lips but quickly changed as I heard rapid sounds of hoof prints coming in our direction. Suddenly, a heavily cloaked rider came from the fog that surrounded the entire army. The man pulled back his hood to revel Dawn's Husband, Oscar. His complexion was extremely pale, almost ghostly. His eyes were huge and held a horrified look to them.

"Sir, it's worse than we thought," He mumbled to the King and I. "There are orcs everywhere, the kingdom has hardly any defence left. The people are dying!" Oscar practically screamed at us before mumbling something under his breath.

"What?!" I shouted at him, my hands tighten around the reins. Oscar looked at me with shocked eyes, taken back at my sudden approach. He looked down and took a deep shaky breath before looking back at us with those brown eyes of his.

"There are dragons, many dragons," he said with a shaky breath.


Wayland's P.O.V

I kept haring my footsteps echo down the hallway, mumbling under my breath as I tugged my coat around my frozen bones. "Jessh that girl better be right about this," I said as I came up to the guarded closed throne room.

"Well, Well. If it isn't Wayland the romantic, still trying to woo little Raina." The Guard, Richard who was a complete jerk smirk at me, his jerk twin laughing his head off. Richard then opened his big fat mouth and stated, "Well news flash, She's DEAD!" They interrupted into laughter while I felt my hands clench into fists by my sides.

"Move away Richard," I growled. "I have to speak with the Queen about an urgent matter," I continued, not making I contact with the jerk.

"What? I'm sorry, did I just hear dwarfy saying that he 'needs to see the queen," He said mocking my voice, while his friend was laughing his pants off. "Well sorry buddy but no one's aloud to disturb the Queen until the King is back," He said with that smirk which I just want to slap off that ugly elvish face of his. "So I suggest that you that you move your little dwarf arse back to your cave were you belong," He said, inches away from my face. I sighed, knowing what I have to do if I have to do if I wanted to see the queen. I pulled my gaze up until I met with his green eyes.

"Well I am sorry, but I have to do this" I said before my fist collided with his face. I heard a satisfying crack as he fell down onto the polished marble floor. He looked up with me while clutching his now bloodied broken nose. I then crouched down next to him, and grabbed the collar of his shirt and forcefully pulled it to me. Making his face inches from mine, I looked deep into his eyes and said, "Never and I mean ever! Insult my love again, do you hear me," growling out the last part. He nodded his head furiously. I felt my lips turn upwards into a small smile and stood up. I turned around to see the remaining guard was looking at me, scared and frightened.

I gave him a small nod and pushed open the huge oak doors and slowly walked into the throne room. Only to see a lady sitting on the king's throne. She looked half dead. Her eyes were red and puffy, with dark shadows underneath her eyes. She had a glass of wine in her hand as she steered at her heart shaped locket which was still around her neck.

I took a few steps and then cleared my throat, making the queen look up at me. Once her gaze fell on my lips formed a small smile, "Ah, Wayland my old friend." she said, her voice croaky from probably crying too much. "What would you like to tell me?" she said with her usual kind voice.

"I am sorry Heather but something terrible has happened. I fear that it may have infected many," I said, looking up at Raina's best friend.

Heather leaned forward in her chair and asked "What has happened?" her eyes filled with concern.

"Well, this morning I had a really worried Azalea on my doorstep, telling me that Dawn is in a deep sleep, her skin cold and her eyes clouded. I fear she may of been poisoned, Belle found an empty bottle on her bedside table, later Isaac claimed that it is a magical potion. I am afraid to say that Dawn and may be more cannot be woken up without a person with mag-"

"Magical powers," Heather finished me before saying, "I am on it." She then stood up and walked towards me and said, "Get a group of my men and get the infected into the ballroom, there I'll have my healers treat them until I get Gandalf to come. Only problem is, what are we going to do about the elflings?"

I placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "I know a Young lady who may be up for the job," I said, giving her a small smile.


Thranduil's P.O.V

The heat from the fires was unbearable. While I was slicing Orcs head clean off from their neck I looked around to see many of my men either being slayed by Orcs or burnt to a crisp by fire breathing dragons.

Moments ago I witnessed the death of Oscar, by taking the fired arrows into his chest, he collapsed to the ground next to me, whispering in my ear, "Tell my family that I love each one of them dearly. Tell Dawn that I am sorry for breaking her promise to come home." He said before weakly grabbing my collar and said, "Please tell them your highness," tears now streaming from his eyes. "Please tell th-" his eyes turned glasses as his body went limp. A final tear fell from his brown eyes.

The cries of many filled the air, but what caught my attention was a battle cry from a distant figure, with his sword raised he started to charge towards one of the beast which was currently stomping over many corpses eyeing the elf with his slit eyes.

But as I pushed my legs faster
I had a clear view of the brave elf, my father.

"FATHER, STOP!" I screamed out, sprinting as fast as I could, "FATHER, STOP! IT'LL KILL YOU!" I cried out desperately, only a few meters away from him. He looked awful, he had cuts all down his arms and was limping.

I reached out and grabbed his shoulder, hauling him back. He snapped his head towards me with a growl and shouted "What?!" looking at me with his usual hatred in his eyes.

"What are you doing?! Do you think you can accomplish this beast with the state that you're in? This only proves how reckless and stupid you've become with old age. I suggest you put down your sword and fight someone your own size!"

"I'm a king, he'll fit perfectly!" He said and gritted his bloody teeth.

"Do you think your pride will defeat this dragon?!" I said gesturing up to the beast. "This is my time to prove to you that I am truly your son!" I shouted and took and better grip of my blade and charged towards the fire breathing dragon. The dragon turned into my direction, his belly scales started to glow, which then kept traveling up his neck. I gripped my sword tighter as watched the beast open it big jaws wide, showing its huge sharp teeth to the world. I ran, my sword aiming for his eye.

I felt my heart pound against my chest as I saw the first glimpse on the bright red/Orange heat. I aimed at my target, pulling my sword back and threw. The sword disappeared in the flames. I felt the heat as the fire rush towards me, scorching half of my face. I cried out in pain as I tried to protect myself. But in seconds I was knocked to the ground and covered from the killing as I heard a familiar scream ring in my ears. I opened my eyes to meet icy blues, my father. He was screaming out in pain as he sheltered me from the huger flames.

But then a loud shriek filled the air, which muffled my father's pain cries. The fire suddenly stopped, as I heard the pounding off the wind as heavy wings flapped into the air, followed by erupting roar. Then suddenly 4 more growls echoed throughout the fight zone. I then heard a sharp intake of a breath, looking next I saw my father, half of his body burnt to the crust as he struggled at breath. I quickly got him in my arms causing him to hiss in pain.

"Why did you do that?!" I asked him, but got no reply except for him looking up at me, his eyes held an emotion I had not seen in his eyes before.


He cleared his throat before saying weakly "I did what I did because you are my son and heir to the throne. I could not live with myself if I watched my son die without doing anything. My bo-" he coughed up a little bit of blood which stained his pale lips.

"My boy, I have done terrible things in my life, but what kills me with regret is that I have not been there for you, cared for you, but most of all I have not shown what every father wants to show his child. Love" He stopped and took a deep breath and grabbed my wrist.

"Listen to me, my son. Please don't waste your life like I have done. My wish for you is too be happy, fall in love and care for the people you love." He chuckled before adding "And stay off the wine!" I choked out a small laugh, tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.

"You'll be a good king," he mumbled.

He looked down to his right hand and slipped off his ring. He then placed it in my hand and said "This was my father's and his father before him. It is tradition to give it to his first born son when crowned king" He gasped out. The ring in my hand was an icy blue stone which was outlined with silver that crossed over like branches.

"Father I can't ta-" I said but stopped when I saw his eyes were glassy and his skin was icy cold. He laid limp in my arms, a small smile appeared on his face. I let out a sob as I let my shaky hand gently closed his eyes lids. "Goodbye father, I have forgiven you," I said in elvish before slowly standing. I looked around, and to my dismay, there were more dead than living.

I slowly walked through the battle field, watching my men kill the last of the orcs when I heard small whimpers. I stopped still, and decided to follow the muffled sobs. I was lead to a half burnt down house, the roof had fallen and the atmosphere smelt of burnt wood and blood. Carefully I went around to the back of the house. There, I saw two bodies, but as I came closer I saw their hands entwined with each other as they looked at each other with love.

The sobs seemed to get louder as I came to several pieces of wood leaning against the house. I instantly moved my hand to my spare dagger. I then pushed the wood back, shocked at what I had found.

There hidden from plain sight lay a small elfling. She had hazelnut hair and honey brown eyes, which stared at me, scared and frightened. In her arms was a baby boy, wrapped up in a fur blanket. Shocked I slowly laid my dagger on the ground and put my hands up in surrender.

I gave her a small smile and said, "I mean no harm, I am here to help." I then put a hand out to her, she shuffled away a little bit before stopping. She kept staring up and down at me before gulping loudly. She then looked down at her brother probably, and gave him a small smile. She then looked at me and cautiously stretched out her hand. When her small hand fell in mine, I slowly pulled her up and into my arms, while she kept holding the newborn.

I then walked back to the rest of the men, who were currently burning the dead. They were singing their farewells; some were injured others barely even a scratch. I cleared my throat, they instantly turned around, their eyes wide and mouths open. The bowed their heads and the healer came quickly over to me, he started to inspect the wounded side of my face while I kept looking at the little girl in my arms who was asleep. The healer then informed that my face will need to be bandaged.

I turned to the rest of the men and said "The king is dead" I showed no emotion as they gasped in surprise. "We will head back to Mirkwood in two hours. Search for food and supplies" I ordered. They nodded and were off. I looked down to see the girl steering up at me curiously, I smiled and asked "What's your name?"

She looked at me before whispering, "Julie" in my ear before adding, "His name is Julian," pointing to her bother in her arms. I smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you Julie," she gave me a small toothy grin and said, "Nice ta meet ya too Mist-ar."


Sorry I took so long. I had to preform a speech! (It went horrible!)

What do ya think of Julie?  Her pic on the side -->

If you have any questions, ask away, ill try and answer.

 Thank you for reading this long chapter, I hope most of it makes sense.

Thank you for the really nice comments.

Until next time


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