By xoxooprincesss

74.4K 699 516

You moved out to LA from your small hometown to pursue your career in dance. You're currently a freshmen at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Finale)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Another Update!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Season Finale)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Mid-Season Finale)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Comment Time!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Reader Review!
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 2

2.8K 31 10
By xoxooprincesss

Kayla and I's uber dropped us off at this super cool house in the Hills. I could hear the music from outside and saw some people near the front of the house. I saw some girls walking up to the house, but I couldn't quite see who opened the door and greeted them. Kayla heard some faint Mo Bamba playing and started singing to herself.


"Okay, that's enough."

"Sorry, I pregamed a little before I came and got you."


"No worries, that just means that you have to speed up and catch up with me because I sure as hell ain't slowing down! Come on!"

Kayla and I started walking up to the house, it looked pretty big far away, kind of like a big bachelor pad. We walked in and it was a good crowd of people, I'd say at least like 80 people in the house. Music was blasting all around me and everyone was singing along and Kayla immediately started joining the crowd and getting hype to it. Don't get me wrong, I can party but usually not right away and Kayla usually is in party mode right off the bat, so I kind of let her run off and make friends and do her thing and meet back up when I'm in party mode. She ended up seeing some guys from her Psychology class so I went to grab us some drinks. I went into the kitchen, which for some reason seemed so familiar. I felt like I had seen it before. Maybe like on Instagram or something. I heard some loud laughing and yelling and turned around and saw a group of people cheering some guy on while they recorded him dancing on their phone. I kind of lifted my head to see and just saw some tall guy hitting the folks and then I looked a little closer and dropped Kayla and I's drinks all over the floor. It was him. I couldn't believe that this was happening. I quickly snapped back into reality and grabbed some paper towels off the counter and cleaned up my mess. I ran as fast as I could to find Kayla and interrupted her conversation with some girl.

"Yo what the hell, Vanessa? Why do you look like you just ran a mile?"

"Why.... didn't.... you.... why.... tell.."

"Vanessa, breathe!"

"It's him! This is their.... house... he's"

"Vanessa, what?!"

I finally caught my breathe.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me this was the PRETTYMUCH house!"


"You didn't know?"

"Vanessa, did you not hear at all what I told you about the all the fun is in not knowing who's house it is. Did that not give you any indication that I had no idea who's house this was? How do you know!?"

"I just saw Zion dancing! In the kitchen!"

"Omg, did you say something?!"

"No, I dropped our drinks, cleaned it up, and ran."

"So, you're telling me you not only wasted perfectly good alcohol but you also didn't even say hello!"

"He was occupied dancing on people's stories!"

"We have to meet them!"

"Well considering I don't see anybody swarming them for pictures or videos, I'm going to figure that these people are their friends and we're the only fangirls at this party."

"Well that just means we have to be discreet about it."

"Okay, well before we do anything "discreet" I'm going to use the bathroom before I get overly excited."


I walked into the kitchen just to see if Zion was still there and just saw some people talking.





I stepped outside to the front lawn.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Sweetie, where are you that it's so loud?"

"Kayla dragged me to some party in the Hills."

"Oh wow, that sounds fancy."

"Haha, not really."

"Well hows the party going?"

"It's going fine, literally the craziest thing happened, but I'll call you back later and tell you."

"Okay Sweetie, be careful. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom."

I hung up the phone and just as I turned around I bumped into this dude that was like 2 inches taller than me. I kind of stammered back a little bit, but regained my balance.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you-"

As I looked up I almost passed out.

It was Nick. Nick Mara. THE Nick Mara. In the flesh. Right in front of me. Perfect jawline and all.

"Yo, you're good. Are you okay?"

"Uhm.. Yea, I'm fine, sorry about that."

"Nah, you're fine. Uh, have I seen you before?"

"Uhm no, no actually I came here with a friend, who found about this party from another friend who found about- you know what it's a long story."

"Haha, I bet, well I'll let you get back."

"Yea, nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too....?"


"Vanessa. Nice meeting you too, Vanessa. I'm Nick by the way."

"Yea I-....I figured. You kind of look like a... Nick."

"Really? Never heard that one before. Well, it was nice meeting you, Vanessa. Hope you stick around.

"Yea, nice meeting you too, Nick."

I walked back inside frantically trying to find Kayla. I was walking through the living room when I spotted her near the couch.

"You will not believe who I just met!"

"Please tell me it was a PRETTYMUCH boy!"

"It was! I ran into Nick outside!"

"You're kidding, tell me everything!"

I explained to her the entire situation.

"See what happens when you listen to me and come outside your apartment!"

"I know I know, you were right."

"When am I not! Like can this night get any better?"

As great as this night became I didn't think anything could top it, and right when I thought my night had peaked it got 10x better than I thought it ever could. Right as Kayla and I finished talking someone stopped the song that was playing and and the intro for PRETTYMUCH's Real Friends came on and all the boys came out of the kitchen and started getting super hype. Everyone started jumping around and yelling the lyrics. Kayla and I looked at each other and could barely contain ourself considering we knew all the lyrics, but we kind of acted like we were just enjoying the song and just danced along. Nick noticed us in the corner and invited us to get hype with everyone. We went over and started singing and dancing around. Everyone started recording everyone dancing and having fun. The song started to near the end and everyone started clapping. As the night started to near the party started to mellow out.

"Hey, I'm gonna go wait in the line for the bathroom, you good here?"

"Yea, I'm good."

I went over to sit on the couch and pulled out my phone and scrolled through my feed. I looked through my snapchat story I posted of the party and started laughing to myself. Literally this had become one of the best nights ever and nothing could top it. At least that's what I thought. I heard some people move from the kitchen to the living room and heard some guys talking getting closer to me.

"Oh yea, this is the girl I met early, Vanessa."

I looked up to see Nick and glanced over to who was next to him and once again almost passed out. It was Zion. Nick was introducing me to Zion Kuwonu. THE Zion Kuwonu.

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