Magical Lies

By Tarheels1

22.1K 451 706

If Killing Harmony never happened and they were all actual, talented students More

Ugly and Shorter Than Me
Little Red
You Made Me Die
They Should Know
Thunder Stealer


1.9K 42 80
By Tarheels1

Ouma's P.O.V.

Do the DICE members even have cannon names?

Watch for the *** again, will be changing to Himiko's P.O.V.

"God, I'm such a fucking idiot," I screamed to one of my DICE members.

I had called Aimme on skype almost as soon as I got in my room. She tried to get me to calm down so she could understand what was happening, but all I could say for now was how stupid I was. She looked at some of the other members who were out of view for a few moments probably wondering if I had finally lost my mind. I shouted in frustration before finally going silent. She patiently waited for me to calm down but I don't know if that was even possible at this point.

"The girl of my dreams things I hate her," I probably was loosing my mind at this point, "Do you know how crazy beautiful and kind she is? Jeez, it's as if she's an angel in disguise."

"Is this the magic girl," my pigtailed member asked.

"She's a mage," I defended, "And yes, I'm sure I've sent you pictures of her before. What am I going to do now?"

"You could tell her the truth," she smirked, "I know that it's hard for you to do that, but I know you're capable of doing so."

This was no laughing matter! I heard a couple other suggestions from the other members. Some were telling me to send her flowers, others said to make her favorite dinner, and they even suggested that I bang her. I nearly screamed at them over that but took a deep breath. Aimme waited for everyone to be quiet before speaking up again.

"Listen Kokichi," she spoke calmly, "I know you like this girl, it's really obvious if you ask me, so just go ahead and make it clear to her. She seems like a really sweet girl."

"She is," I said glumly, "There's so much I've lied to her about, I don't even know where to start."

"Might as well just start with how you feel about her," she said, "Then you can figure out where to go from there."

I sat back and stared at my phone. I remember taking pictures from the party as well. I looked through them and smiled over all the pictures I took of her. She was laughing in almost all of them and was curled up against me. Even when she was blackout drunk, even when I heard her throwing up in her bathroom, she was insanely beautiful. I scrolled a little farther and stared at a picture that I had of her kissing my cheek. She doesn't remember this at all, but having this picture makes me feel a tiny bit hopeful.

"She's such an amazing human being, Aimme," I finally spoke up, "I'm crazy for her."

"If you're crazy for her, then wouldn't you want to be honest with her," she asked, "This girl seems worth it. Of course! We would have to meet her to make sure she'd be good for you and our group."

I laughed, "Himiko is definitely not joining this group. Just the thought of you all meeting her is terrifying."

"Go to her," she said, "She deserves to hear from you."

"Thank you," I said before hanging up.

With that, I stood up and took a deep breath. I stared at myself in the mirror trying to decide if I should just go to her in what I would usually wear. I ran my hands over my baggy, white shirt and then through my hair. I should at least look nice. I paused. No. I have to be myself around her. I can't fake anything anymore. I looked at my door and prepared myself to walk the few feet down the hall to her room. From here, it felt like she was far away. Is now even the right time? I couldn't bring myself to move anymore. I felt like I was glued down and the thought of moving was painful. My chest hurt as my heart raced. Is it even worth it now? Is she still crying? The very thought of her being upset made me feel the same way.

What if I actually screwed things up? My group definitely thought that I could go talk to her, and for that brief moment, so did I. I wanted to run to her room so badly and scoop her up in my arms. I didn't move though. I just let the silly little fantasy run through my mind as I stood still.


I couldn't stop crying. My heart was shattering in my chest and at this point, I didn't think it could be put back together. I ignored all my texts and calls from people trying to see if I was okay. I heard knocking on my door every now and then. I didn't answer, I didn't even move from my bed. I curled deeper and deeper into the sheets and cried. I thought back to the morning after the party and how Oma's arms were wrapped tightly around me. I felt safe in that moment, but all his feelings were a lie. What else should I have expected from someone like him?

More knocking came and this time, it was so obnoxious and wouldn't stop so I made my way over to it. "What the fuck do you want," I opened the door and screamed to the point where my throat hurt.

"Hi," Oma flinched at my outburst.

I was about to shut the door on him when he stopped me. The door slammed into his arm with so much force that it made him wince. I don't care, he deserves it! I tried to shut the door but he was stronger and wouldn't let the door move.

"Can we talk," he asked, "Just for a minute."

"No," I shouted and finally stopped trying to close the door, "You're an asshole! How dare you try to lead me on! Do you understand that you're not supposed to do that? We aren't children anymore!"

"Himiko," he started.

"No," I shouted again, "You have no idea what it's like to be told that someone likes you and then be humiliated. You're not the only one who's done that to me! I've been bullied for my whole life, and when I think I finally found someone who understands me, he ditches me in the middle of no where and never speaks to me again! You hurt me just like him!"

"Himiko," he spoke up again.

"And you know what else," I couldn't be stopped at this point, "I'm just a stupid, gullible, ugly girl to you, so of course you choose to play with my heart. Do you even care about me at all or am I just some kind of game to you? Why am I the one who always gets picked on like this? Why can't I just find one guy who's not a complete asshole like you?"

"Himiko," he grabbed my shoulders and shouted, "Would you shut up for one minute?"

I shoved him away and wiped my tears away. I didn't even know how badly I was crying until now, "Fine."

He took a deep breath, "You have no idea how crazy you make me. From day one, the very second I saw you, I knew you were different. I can't help that I lie sometimes, I've done it so much that it's just become who I am, and I don't know who I'd be if I weren't like that. There's so much I need to tell you, but for now, I just need to tell you that I really, really care about you. So much so that when you were drinking, I just wanted to hold you back so you wouldn't go for anymore. I was so worried when I heard you throwing up, I thought that you were dying."

"I don't believe you," I sniffed, "Why should I believe a single word you say?"

Oma shrugged, "I don't know, just please listen to me, just for a few more minutes. If you don't believe me, then I'll leave you alone."

My heart sunk and I felt it break even more, "Go on."

He took a deep breath, "I'm in love with you. I love how passionate you are about your talent. I love how you have these tiny bursts of energy and whenever you just feel like being curled up in bed. I love your hair, your eyes, your style," his voice cracked and he held my face, "I love it when you smile. Himiko, I love you so much that it hurts. I'm not use to this feeling at all, and I have no idea what to do with these emotions. Please believe me, I don't want to ever leave you alone. I love you."

More tears fell down my face and he wiped them away with this thumbs. He moved one of his hands down so that his thumb gently traced my lips. I blinked the remaining tears away and rubbed his chest. I slowly made my way up to his face and held it in my hands.

"You know, you're really going to have to work your ass off to prove your love to me," I laughed slightly.

"I know," he smiled, "I'll do everything I can to make sure I make you the happiest girl in the world."

"How are you going to start?"

He thought for a moment before smirking down at me. It was that same smirk he gave me before tackling me and tickling me, "I think I know."

With that, he crashed his lips down against mine and slammed my door shut.

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