Too Young To Love


170K 5.8K 705

Sixteen year old Cali was born and raised in Los Angeles, California by her mother Violet and big brother Cai... Еще

Please Read ..
Chapter One - Introducing Characters.
*Chapter Two - Hiding each others feelings.
*Chapter Three - You can't know.
*Chapter Four - It's time to move on.
Chapter Five - New relationships.
Chapter Six - Baby on board / Kiss and tell.
Chapter Seven - Can you keep a secret?
Chapter Eight - Starting over.
Chapter Nine - Let's make it official.
Chapter Ten - Where were you?
Chapter Eleven - Never trust a hoe / Time for a change.
Chapter Twelve - Saying goodbye isn't as easy as I thought.
*Chapter Thirteen - A new beginning.
*Chapter Fourteen - Meeting the family.
Chapter Fifteen - Things aren't what they seem to be.
*Chapter Sixteen - Things just aren't working out.
Chapter Seventeen - Running away.
Chapter Nineteen - Surprise, Surprise / Let's talk it out.
*Chapter Twenty - I made a mistake, I'm sorry.
Chapter TwentyOne - Reality Check.
Chapter TwentyTwo - It can't be true.
Chapter TwentyThree - It was all a dream.
Chapter TwentyFour - Making the wrong choices.
... Chapter TwentyFive - Taking what's mine!
Chapter TwentySix - We have to find him.
Chapter TwentySeven - Is all of this worth it?
Chapter TwentyEight - When is the drama going to end?
Chapter TwentyNine - Family is everything / Another fresh start.
Chapter Thirty - Good Times.
Chapter ThirtyOne - I'm telling it all.
Chapter ThirtyTwo - Guess what? / This isn't going to work.
Chapter ThirtyThree - Time to tell the truth / What's really going on?
Chapter ThirtyFour - The truth is in the letter.
Chapter ThirtyFive - Did I make the right decision?

*Chapter Eighteen - Time to call it a quits / New beginnings.

4.5K 176 18

I just wrote this sooo don't judge me guys, NEXT UPDATE FRIDAY!

Killian's P.O.V


-The Next Morning-

Waking up this morning I had the biggest headache then to top that shot off someone's been knocking on my door like the damn police.

I hopped out of bed slowly making my way downstairs.

I was strapped so if whoever it is want to get in some shit we can.

Looking out my peep hole there was no one behind the door so I started walking back upstairs .. Until I heard another know.

"What the fuck!" I yelled, I was getting tired of this shit and its too damn early.

While opening the door I kept my hand on my gun that was placed in my waist.

"Cali?" She stood there with a small overnight back and a exhausted expression on her face.

"What you doing here?" I pulled her inside. "You got everyone in L.A ad NY looking for your ass, you know how worried everyone is?" I started to yell.

"I couldn't take it anymore Killian."

"So you pull some dumb shit like this?" I asked. "I'm taking you back to your dad now!"

"I'm not going." She folded both her arms.

"You going, I don't care if I have to drag your ass on that plane."

She took a seat on the sofa, I watched as she looked at me with tears flowing down her red cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

I walked up to her wiping away her tears. "Come on man don't cry, you know I hate it when you do that." I placed her in my lap.

"I just missed you, my mama and Cai." She placed her head on my shoulder."

"You only have one more month to go Cali." I told her. "I thought you like staying with your dad."

"I do but I'm tired of him and Megan arguing all damn day then to top that off I really feel as though we're growing apart, don't you?"

"Cali I've never felt the way I do with you with any other female, nothing has changed." She smiled. " I would never wanna lose you."

She brought her face to mines to kiss my lips. "Do you think I'm stupid for doing this?"

"Naw, I just don't want you doing anything like this ever again, I was worried about my baby."

She hopped on top of me as I sat on the sofa. "Since I'm here you think I can get a little something?" She smirked as she placed her hands on my chest.

"Bad girls don't get treats." I whispered in her ear.

"But whyy." She whined.

"Because daddy said so." I smirked. "Now get your bag so we can take you back to your dad."

"Wait I don't have any money for the ticket." She stopped.

"Come on I got you." She smiled.

I'm happy she's safe but I just hope the next time she has a problem that she'll talk me.

Looks like I'm going back to NY.


Cali's P.O.V

"You not staying?" Killian and I had finally made it back to NY.

"Naw I got some shit to handle back in L.A with Cai at the trap."

I felt sad all over again. "I understand."

He smiled. "I'll see you in three weeks."

"I'll be counting down each day." I kissed his lips.

I hugged him one last time before he walked away, I'm so tired of all this back and forth shit from L.A to NY.

Walking up to my father's house I took in one last deep breath before pressing the doorbell.

"Ugh I thought you'd be gone forever." Megan said as she opened the door while rolling her eyes.

I pushed passed her.

"Where's my dad?" I asked.

"In his office trying to locate your fast ass."

"I can't wait for my daddy to leave your broke ass."

"Broke?" She questioned with a small giggle. "Baby I'm far from it, did you forget who I'm married to?" She smirked.

"And you must not know my mother." I smiled, if my dad ever files for a divorce from this bitch my mom would have her on the streets in seconds.

I walked pass her to go upstairs where my dad's office was.

I knocked on his door softly before entering, he was at his desk with his eyes shut as CJ slept peacefully on his chest. "Hi daddy." I spoke softly."

His eyes immediately opened to the sound of my voice. "Cali?" He ran towards me as he held Cj. "Thank God your okay baby."

"I'm sorry daddy." I gave him a warm hug. "I didn't mean to run away."

"Cali why would you do that? I thought you were happy here." He took a seat at his desk.

"I just missed home .. In L.A."

"I know you do but come on Cali you know better than leaving without telling me or your mom."

"I hope I didn't cause too much trouble."

"You have, do you know how many people are out looking for you, how many times your mother and I called the police nagging them."

"Is mom Okay? I hope she's not mad." I frowned. "Is Cai mad? I hate it when he's mad at me." I felt a tear drop my my eye.

"They're not mad baby, they're just real worried. Look I'll go call everyone telling them that your safe, take a seat." I sat in front of his dest as he sat behind it.

As the phone rand CJ began crying. "Is he okay?" I asked. CJ then reached his little arms out for me to hold him.

"I think your his favorite." My dad said with a light chuckle.

"I think so too." I smiled while rocking him back to sleep.

Megan's P.O.V (Cai and Cali's dad Chris's wife)

I'm so tired of all the bullshit I've been going through, I'm tired of Chris, his daughter and our spoiled ass son. I wish I had never met that man, he ruined me and my body.

Tired of laying down doing nothing in this big house I hopped in my Porsche then drove straight to Daquan's house. Daquan is a straight up thug (PICTURE OF DAQUAN TO THE SIDE), I met him about six months ago about a month after I had CJ.

He stayed in the hood but of course he had money, I never waste any of my time with broke niggas.

Pulling up to his two story house I walked out of my car then rang his doorbell. I don't feel bad at all that I've been cheating on my husband for so long. I'm tired of that man, I wanna enjoy my life and not be stuck at home playing mommy and wife.

When he opened the door I immediately hopped in his arms with my legs around his waist while my arms were placed around his neck.

"Damn gir'." He squessed my ass. "That ass getting fatter."

"I want you to fuck me." I whispered in his ear.

He carried us both upstairs into his bedroom then placed me on my back.

"You want this?" He was only wearing boxes so he pulled out his dick.

"Yeah." I bit my lips. "I want it all."

He kissed my lips then started kisses and sucking on my neck, he knew that drove me crazy.

"Damn bae right there."

He pulled my shirt off then my bra, my breast were immediately attacked by his mouth.

"Mmm." He smirked.

As he sucked on my breast I took his dick into my hands slowly stroking it.

"Come here." He layed on his back. "Time to go to work."

I layed on top of him getting in the 69 position.

I moaned as licked and sucked on my cat, I loved the way his tongue played around with my lips. "Don't stop baby." I moaned as I continued stroking and sucking on his monster, I knew just how he liked it. Wet and nasty.

After a few minutes had passed he placed me on my back as he hovered over my body. I prepared myself for all the pain he was about to put on me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he positioned the tip at my entrance. He slowly rubbed and tabbed his dick on my cat teasing me for a few seconds.

He smashed his lips onto mines kissing me then quickly forced himself inside of me.

"Ahh." I semi yelled, his dick wasn't normal size that shit was huge.

"Shhh." He whispered as he stroked deep inside me.

"Babe stop." I pushed his chest a little. "It hurts."

"Shut up man, an take this dick."

I didn't wanna upset his so instead of complaining I just moaned as if I felt pleasure. We go through this all the time first it's pain then it's pleasure.

After a few minutes the pain had finally went away. Daquan new how to fuck me right but he could be real rough sometimes.

He then placed his arms around my neck making slow but deep strokes, feeling it all in my stomach my moans got louder.

"Hold on tight." He whispered in my ear.

Wrapping my legs tighter around his waist he started going real hard and rough.

"Babe slow down."

Ignoring me he continued at the same painful paste.

I decided to just lay back and give him what he wanted.


"Here sniff this." He placed a bag full of coke inside my hand.

"All of this?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I told you if you let daddy for what he had to do in bed that I had something for you."

I kissed his cheeks. "Thanks baby."

Placing the bag on his class table I got a piece of paper rolling it like a blunt. Taking my first sniff, I felt a rush of energy go through my body.

"You want some baby?" I asked as I poured out the last bit of coke.

"Naw Imma use this." He pulled out a fresh needle with a small glass tube filled with clear liquid.

I watched as he tied his arm then stuck the needle inside, he layed his head back onto the sofa as he stiffened up.

Not knowing what to do and being so use to this situation I just watched everything that went on.

Seeing him finally opening his eyes I felt relieved. "You scared me." I sighed.

Without saying anything I was slapped across my face, I immediately fell to the floor.

"What are you doing?" I held my face.

"Shut up!" He yelled while unbuckling his pants.

"Quan wait." I held out my hands. "I can't do this, it hurts." He stripped out of his bottoms then slowly started undressing me.

"Just once." He whispered in my ear as tears fell from my eyes.

I layed back on his hard, cold wooden floors as he placed his body on top of mines.

"Don't cry." He kissed my lips.

"Please don't hurt m--" Before I could finish my sentence he stuffed all of himself deep inside of me.

Feeling the drugs I took earlier in my system the pain instantly went away.

Everything that happened tonight wasn't new to me, this happens almost every time we meet. I know what I'm doing is dumb but it make's me happy and I love him.

Chris's P.O.V

As I layed in bed I began thinking. Why did marry this woman?

Megan and I have been together for six months and married for a year. I loved her and always wanted to marry her then when she got pregnant with the baby I decided to finally make it happen.

After she had CJ everything changed. She would go out all hours of the night, sometimes she wouldn't even come home then when our son would cry she would always go into another room far away from him.

It's like he's not even her son, since day one I've been a father and a mother to that little boy.

I'm starting to think marrying her was all a big mistake.

"Chrisssssss!" She slurred out loudly. "Chris!" She shouted.

It was four in the morning so everyone was asleep.

She came walking into our bedroom holding onto the walls for support. "What the fuck Megan."

"Where's my baby Chris." She threw her body onto the bed.

"Stop being so loud he's asleep."

"Sleep?" She jumped up. "It's not sleep time."

I pulled her towards me by her wrist. "What's wrong with you .. Are you drunk?"

She laughed. "Nooo silly, now let me go!" She wiped her nose.

I looked at her disgusted. "Have you been doing drugs?"

"Why are you yelling, shut the hell up." Cali told her.

"Cali baby go back to bed."

"No Chris let the lil' bitch say what's on her mind." Megan got into her face.

I quickly pulled her away pinning her onto the wall while holding onto her neck. "Listen to me and listen good, if you EVER call my daughter out of her name again I'll send someone to fuck you up and if you ever disrespect me and our son again I'll kill you." I removed my hand.

CJ then began screaming historically after all of the yelling. "Cali go get him."

As Cali turned around to leave Megan pulled her by her hair. "Don't you touch my son!" She yelled.

I ran over to them pulling Megan off Cali. "Cali go get CJ!" I yelled.

I walked over to Megan helping her stand to her feet. Disgusted with her I punched her right in the face.

Both my parents taught me not to ever lay a hand on any woman but this bitch crossed the line when she put her hands on my child.

She fell from the punch so I got on my knees hitting her a few more times, I was tired. Tired of her, our marriage and this secretly fucked up life I lived in NY.

After I was done with her I ran into the nursery. "Cali I want you to pack up everything you own, I'll grab a few things for CJ and I, we're leaving."

"Where are we going daddy?" She placed CJ in his crib.


What do you guys think?

What's going to happen to Megan? Will she let them leave or will she stop Chris from taking away her son?

Do you think Chris has had enough? OR was he wrong for the way he reacted and the things he did?

Cali's going back to L.A? ... AGAIN?

Keep reading to see what happens in chapter ninteen. REMEMBER to pleasee comment and vote!

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