
By sweetskitz

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Read on and find out ha! Sorry, not sorry. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 2 Ethan's point of view
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - part 1
Chapter 26 - part 2
Chapter 26 - Part 3 Ethans point of view
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - ethans point of view
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Final chapter

Chapter 40

126 11 0
By sweetskitz

I flick the stations trying to find a clear signal.

"Your not going to get anything till a bit up here" he snaps out

"So he does speak" I roll my eyes at the fact he's only just started talking to me again, earning me a huff in return

"It's not even bad" I try to play it down

But he's back to ignoring me

I hand him a tissue that I found floating around the back with everything else this car had in it.

He snatches it from me as he presses it to his head soaking up the blood.

"This car is fucken bad luck" he groans out

I'm not convinced it's the car I just really shouldn't have tried to drive the way I saw Ethan do it.

"I might have missed a turn" he says carefully focusing on the path we are taking

"We have been driving for like a week already how are we not there yet?"

He looks to me 'Don't you dare' written all over his face as I grab another tissue pressing it to my cheek and biting my tongue.

We continue on as I watch the headlights bouncing of the trees with the soft glow of the moon above. Wishing I could wind up the window but there's no windows left to block the cool breeze.

I wonder if Ethan's mad at me or what he's been thinking this whole time. I feel like shit for leaving him I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have done it to any of them. I'm a Luna and I really need to start acting like one. I want to be there for Ethan I want to be there for my pack. God how am I suppose to fix this. I've hurt so many just because I couldn't cope.

maybe this is why he never shows weakness, never falls a part? He's always so strong like nothing affects him. He would have to know the domino affect of what happens if he loses it. It wouldn't just be the few close to him like me that are burdened but the whole pack. God what I have done.

"I'm sorry Jason" I whisper

I'm so fucken sorry

"It's just a car" he snaps

No I smile lightly

"No, I'm sorry for turning my back on our alpha, turning my back on you ... our pack" I look to him as my words fall honestly

He smiles at me and it reaches his eyes for the first time in weeks

"You finally get it now"

I nod my head

It bigger than me it's bigger than our alpha it's our pack the lives it holds they all depend on us for leadership, support and most importantly protection. I failed them. I failed my mate.

"I guess now since we are finally being honest" he gives me a weak smile

"Yeah" I caution

"We're leaking fuel" he reveals his irritation forgotten


"We don't have much of a tank left.. our spare drums were ruined"

I cringe

That's my fault. When will I stop fucking everything up

"Will we make it?" I ask hopeful

"Should at least .. maybe close to the border"

I nod my head as I peak to the mfuel gauge it's below a quarter tank as it drops again.

"That's dropping pretty fast"

"I know" he takes out his phone and hands it to me as he pushes down on the gas making us move faster

"Wanna know the worst part" he asks looking  to me as I stare at the phone knowing what he wants me to do


Before he can answer I see steam coming through the bonnet sizzling out through the cracks

"It's been red lined for a few miles now, the car is over heating" he laughs making me laugh at how ridiculous this all is.

"Kinda need a plan b anytime now Mia" I grab the door as we round a corner sliding as he shifts the gears

Yuck "I think I just ate a bug" I cough trying to spit the little critter back out

"Karmas a bitch" Jason laughs

Ignoring him I look to the phone unlocking it finding Ethan's name I hit call

I listen to it ring as the phone just rings out. My heart beating as it thumps in my chest trying to break free.

"Take a breath Mia and try the office" he glances at me looking me over

I can do this

I search for it as my finger hovers over it before pressing down

It's ringing. He picks up on the third ring. Please don't be mad please don't be mad.

"Jason" i hear his voice for the first time in weeks my insides jumping for glee.

"I..it's Mia" I speak softly

He pauses as I glance to Jason, he gives me an encouraging smile

"How are you?" he asks sounding slightly confused wrapping around my heart

"Um.. we ..the cars broken" I get out feeling scattered I don't even know what to say I miss him so much I just wish he was here. Just the sound of him is mushing up my brain. I can't even structure a proper sentence together.

But I screwed up.

"The cars not going to make it Sir we may need some assistance" Jason speaks knowing he will be able to hear him

As that has just occurred to me. Asshole could of saved me the trouble of embarrassing myself further.

"You have left midnight blue?" He questions

"Ah ..yeah, we are about half hour out from our border but we came into a bit of ... car troubles you could say" he narrows his eyes at me clearly not forgotten "can you meet us?" He asks

"East side?" He asks as I hear a door slam and sound of keys being shuffled around in the background

"Nah nah we coming in north.. it's a bit of a long story Sir"

"See you soon" is all he says as the line goes dead

My heart popping loudly as I try to shake the nerves.

"You didn't tell him we were coming home?"

"You told me not too" he glares at me

"I didn't expect you to listen" I snap

"No that's only you" he snaps back his facials turning into a smile

"What?" I ask

"I just got off border patrol for two weeks" he says smiling


"What do you mean?" I ask

He shakes his head saying no focusing on the road grinning like an idiot.


"You may need to hang on for this"

I grip the door and the dash board as he pushes the car to its limit climbing the hill, we near the top as we start to lose momentum

"Come on come on!" Jason lowers the gear and revs it as the car starts to choke

"Just a little bit more"

I see the top finally come into view as we just make it over the top and over as we round a corner the car leaning down as we descend back down the other side of the mountain just as the car dies losing the engine.

"Looks like we're rolling from here" Jason laughing tightening his fist around the hand break.

"I hope James didn't want this car back"

Jason laughs

"Your telling him and your fixing it , if you don't know how by now, than learn because I'm not helping you this time" he narrows his eyes at me smiling. He obviously still pissed at the fact I accidentally rolled the car ..off track and down a small hill. Fucken baby.

I roll my eyes. I don't know how to fix cars at least on my own, but by the sounds of it I better learn now.

"Are we meant to be picking up this much speed" I ask watching the dirt track the trees passing me by quicker as we speak

"Ah.. maybe"


He starts to pump the break but the car doesn't even slow

"Corner... corner Jason"

"I know I fucken see it" he yanks up the hand break locking the tyres as we begin to skid only slowing slightly as the car turns

He steadies the steering wheel straightening us back up as the car slows towards the corner

"Hold on!" he shouts

The corner comes all to quickly as we brace ourselves for impact, the airbags are gone they were deployed during our roll but I still hold on  just as tightly.

The car slams into the tree instantly stopping the most the impact hitting the cars back side, we wobble to a stop. no glass breaks as it's all already broken. We made it.. again.

"You ok?" He takes his seatbelt off as he reaches for mine unhooking it looking me over.

"Yeah I'm good" I laugh out making him laugh too


Theres a deep sound of cracking as Jason suddenly opens my door pushing me out. Rolling out himself. The same time a large tree crashes down onto the roof of the car slightly caving it in. Shit the hurt.

Oh my god

"You could still fix it" Jason says staring at the smashed up car before us. Leaves dangling over the top of our heads

I narrow my eyes at him

"It's a possibility but maybe I should help now" he jokes reaching up grabbing a hand full of leaves and throws them at me chuckling

I can't believe this

I watch as he gets up and searches the car he pulls out his phone and the box of tissues throwing it to me.

"What am I, your target practice" I joke as I look to my legs

"Nah your my headache" he laughs

Ha funny.

Why do I always seem to have blood on me. Rolling my eyes I press the tissues to my skin soaking up the bits of blood, on my knees.

I turn in the direction to the sound of a car in the distance

"You ready" Jason asks looking out from the car obviously hearing it too

"I kinda have to be" he nods as I watch him picking things out of the car and throwing them onto the dirt before me.

I stay on the ground listening to the car getting closer and closer making my heart beat faster and faster, until I feel it l, the headlights shinning over me onto our poor excuse for a vehicle, coming to a stop just metres behind me. Wow it really highlights the damage.

This is it.

I hear the door first than his foot steps as I get up dusting the dirt and leaves off me

"Sir" Jason says hopping  back out of the car

"Nice ride"

Breathe Mia

I turn to face him as his eyes leave the car glancing at me before focusing back on Jason. My heart skips a beat.

"I thought you knew how to drive" I watch as he approaches the car looking it over

I don't know what he's thinking the cars a wreck there's a large tree currently laying all over it, I still can't believe after I rolled it, it still managed to drive.

He's in a grey shirt, dark wash jeans and black boots. he has stubble like he hasn't shaved for some time now. But other wise he's just as gorgeous as he was when I left him. And I can't stop staring at him.

"Yeah about that" jason laughs looking to me

"Fuck, did you roll this thing" Ethan says making a full circle around the car assessing it

"Nah I didn't .. but she did" his eyes narrow as he smiles at me

Ethan's looks from the car to me than back to the car confused

Yea I'm not sure how I managed it either.

"Right.. we can come pick it up in the morning" he sounds unimpressed

Jason starts picking the stuff up off the ground as I help him giving me a questioning look

I feel his eyes on me

Jason heads for the working car as I go to follow before Ethan grabs my hand softly and turning me gently to face him

"Are you hurt?" His brown eyes soften as he reaches up pushing my hair away from the small gash across my cheek. The tingles spread down my neck.

"I'm fine" I answer awkwardly finally under his gaze my emotions building running a mess

Looking deep into his eyes, After everything i did. He still cares.

He nods his head dropping his hand while he searches my eyes. I'm not sure what he's looking for.. I look away my feelings getting to me my eyes begin to water. I've hurt him, I feel it. I didn't want to face it.

He slowly takes the things I was holding and indicates for me to head to the car. But I'm crumbling

My wolfs whines she want him as I too want him back in my arms this time I ignore the awkward moment

I turn back Around suddenly, his body stiffening as I press my cheek to his chest and tighten my arms around his waist refusing to let go. I burst into tears no longer being able to hold them back

"I'm so sorry" I tell him, still not brave enough to look at him while I say the words

He slightly relaxes and hugs me back just as tightly leaning down and placing a long gentle kiss on the top of my head.

But he doesn't say a word

He picks me up with so much ease my tears flowing out but I can't stop them.

I'm back and in his arms, willing to do anything to make it up to him.

I really did fuck this up.

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