Junior Year (Sequel to Start...

By CMPunkIsAmazeballz

60.5K 1.6K 197

(READ 'START OFF FRESH' BEFORE READING THIS BOOK) Emily-Grace is at McKinley High for her second year. She ha... More

Chapter 1: Another Year
Chapter 2: Cheerleading
Chapter 3: Why?
Chapter 4: Auditions
Chapter 5: The List Is Up
Chapter 6: The Present
Chapter 7: Getting Organised
Chapter 8: The Party
Chapter 9: The Hangover
Chapter 10: The Start Of Miley
Chapter 11: I Never Liked Her Anyway
Chapter 12: Miley Again
Chapter 13: The Date
Chapter 14: I Can Be Miley
Chapter 15: Nearly Time
Chapter 16: Sectionals
Chapter 17: We Did It
Chapter 18: These Girls Are Special
Chapter 19: Loser Like Me
Chapter 20: New Assignment
Chapter 21: New Songs
Chapter 22: This Is Our Song
Chapter 23: The Day I Wish To Forget
Chapter 24: Romantic
Chapter 25: Now I'm Gone
Chapter 26: New York
Chapter 27: Back Home...Sadly
Chapter 28: Heart Attack
Chapter 29: I Don't Want To Be Here
Chapter 30: His Date
Chapter 31: Today Is The Day
Chapter 32: My Love
Chapter 33: We Are Ready
Chapter 34: The Challenge Begins
Chapter 35: Regionals...Finally
Chapter 36: Woo Hoo
Chapter 37: Auditioning For The Musical
Chapter 38: Worst Morning
Chapter 39: The List
Chapter 40: Costume Fitting
Chapter 41: One Year Anniversary
Chapter 42: Last Rehearsal
Chapter 43: My Birthday
Chapter 44: Show Time PART1
Chapter 45: Show Time PART2
Chapter 46: Planning The Dance
Chapter 48: Dress Shopping
Chapter 49: Prom...Again
Chapter 50: Prepare For Nationals
Chapter 51: Nationals, Here We Come
Chapter 52: Beach
Chapter 53: Nationals
Chapter 54: Farewell
Author's Note - PLEASE READ
Author's Note - First Chapter of Third Book Uploaded

Chapter 47: Packing

776 25 2
By CMPunkIsAmazeballz

Sorry I haven't been publishing chapters. I'm just not in a Glee mode right now, but I will try to finish writing this book :)


I look around my room. It's nearly empty.

The only things I have that aren't packed for New York are my bed, my clothes (in my wardrobe), and my laptop.

I look in the corner of my room and I see a box that says: 'Mum's Stuff <3'. I take a deep breath and I walk over to the box. I pick it up and I carry it over to my bed. I take another deep breath and I open the box.

The first thing I take out is a photo of her and me. It was taken on my 5th birthday.

*Flashback starts*

"Make a wish, baby girl," Mum said. I close my eyes and I make a wish. I open them again and I blow out the candles. "Good girl. Would you like some cake?" I nod with a smile. She then cuts a slice of cake for me and she hands it to me on a plate.

"Thanks Mummy," I said and I look around the empty room. "Where is everyone?" She sighs and she grabs my hand.

"I'm afraid its only us two, dear," she said and I sigh. "Hey, it's okay. You've got me." I smile. "Now, who wants to open their presents?" I raise my hand and she laughs. "Come on, dear. Let's go get them."

*Flashback Ends*

I smile at that memory. That was a good memory.

I place the photo frame beside me and I continue to look through the box. I find her birthday card I made for her when I was ten.

*Flashback Starts*

I quietly sneak into my Mum's room with her card in my hand. I tip toe past her and I place the card on her bedside table. I turn around and I tip toe away. I then feel hands on my waist and they pull me towards the bed. I laugh as the fingers from those hands tickle my sides.

"Are you trying to leave without saying good morning?" Mum said and I continue to laugh.

"No," I said and she stops tickling me. "Happy Birthday." I then hug her.

"Thank you, sweetie," she said and we part.

"I made you breakfast," I said and Mum looks at me worried.

"Did you burn yourself, dear?" She asks and I shake my head. We hop out of her bed and I guide her to the kitchen. I sit her down at the table and I run over to the tray of food. I then grab it and take it to Mum. She smiles when she sees it.

"Ta da!" I said and I place it infront of her.

"Cereal, toast, and orange juice. Thank you, dear," she said and she starts to eat her breakfast.

"Did you see the card I made you?" I said excitedly.

"Of course I did, dear. It's very beautiful and creative," she said and I smile. "Thank you sweetie." I hug her.

"You're welcome Mum," I said and she hugs me tighter.

*Flashback Ends*

I take a deep breath and I place the card back in the box. I look through the box a bit more, but all I find is beads, drawings I did for her, and other belongings. I then find a little maroon box.

I take it out and I look at it.

"What is this?" I ask myself. I open the box and my mouth drops. I then pull out a golden heart necklace out of the box.

I remember Mum would always wear it.

*Flashback Starts*

"Hi sweetie." I stop drawing and I turn around to face Mum. I smile at her. "What are you doing?" She asks and I look back at my drawing.

"It's the owl from the Harry Potter movie we watched at school," I said and I face her. "Mum, since it's my 13th birthday next week, can I get a phone?" She smiles.

"Maybe, dear," she said and she fiddles with her necklace.

"Mum, where did you get that?" I said and she looks at the necklace.

"This was my great-grandmother's necklace. The heart opens to reveal a picture," she said and she opens it. One side of the heart had a lady and the other side had a child. The child looks familiar. "That's my mother and that's you *cough* *cough*." She points at the pictures.

"Can I have the necklace one day?" I ask her and she nods.

"*cough* One day dear, *cough* one day," she said and she coughs some more.

"Mum, are you okay?" I ask with worry. She then collapses. "Mum!"

*Flashback Ends*

I take a deep breath and I hold back the tears. I look back down and I see a piece of folded paper in the box. I take it out and I read it:

To my beautiful daughter, Emily-Grace,

If you're reading this note, then I have passed away. I want you to know that I will always love you. I want you to have the necklace. It is time for you to have it. I love you so, so much.

Love, Mum

I smile with a few tears rolling down my cheeks. I then get up with the necklace in my hand and I walk over to my mirror. I put the necklace on.

I smile and I open the heart. It reveals a picture of Mum and I on my 13th birthday, the day before Mum had to go get surgery.

I look at the other side and it is empty. It must be for me to put another picture in.

I close the locket and I wipe my tears away.

"Hey Gracie." I turn around and I see Jake standing in the door way. "You okay?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah. Just going through Mum's things," I said and he smiles.

"Well, your favourite niece is here," Jake said and I smile.

"Is it Beth?" I ask and he nods. I then run out of my room and down the stairs to find Shelby, Puck, and Beth in the lounge. "Hi Shelby." She turns around and she smiles at me.

"Hello Emily. It's nice to see you again," she said and I smile.

"It's nice to see you too," I said and Beth looks at me. "Hi Beth." She runs over to me and I hug her.

"Hi Emiwy," she said and I smile.

"Gosh. How old are you now?" I ask with enthusiasm.

"Fowr," she said and she holds up four fingers.

"Cool," I said and she smiles. "Do you wanna go play?" She nods and we walk hand in hand to the backyard.

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