I'm Sorry Alpha

By lilmc87

12.5K 313 65

Her entire world is turned upside down in the matter of days. Her parents are getting divorced, her mother ra... More

Sorry Alpha
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 19

295 10 2
By lilmc87

Chapter 19

I brushed away the tears before he entered but I knew he would probably still be able to tell. He entered the room and I stood up and turned to face him and I gave him my biggest smile. I was genuinely happy to see him as I always was.

"You were crying." He stated and I shook my head.

"No, almost crying. Don't worry about it, I figured it out with Denver and no he didn't make me sad I did it to myself." I replied.

"Good, because you know I would make him pay if he caused you to be sad. So I actually came here to tell you something and I honestly don't know how to say this..." He started saying but I stopped him.

"Just stop, I don't care if it's good or bad just stop. Give me this one night, I want this one night spent alone just hanging out with you watching movies and talking and then tomorrow morning you can tell me whatever it is you came here to say, deal?" I blurted out, I knew it was bad news, it was always bad news. I just needed time with him and I wanted to find the courage to tell him about my feelings but right this second was not the time. I felt like I stood there forever waiting for his answer. I could see he was torn and it was almost like seeing him have a silent argument with himself or maybe it was his wolf.

"Gavin?" I said softly trying to get him to give me an answer.

"Ok...one night..." he replied and gave me a big smile and I smiled right back. I had one full night with him, alone just the two of us. By the end of it I wanted to tell him how I felt before any bad news could change my mind. I then rushed into the kitchen and started pulling snacks out, cooking popcorn, throwing a frozen pizza in the over any junk food I could find I pulled out to begin my night of movies and talking. He walked to the kitchen and leaned the doorway looking more handsome than ever and I felt my cheeks turning red.

"Do I even want to ask what you are doing?" he asked.

"I'm getting snack, we are going to watch movies and pig out on junk food and your not going to tell me no, got it?"

"Yes ma'am." He replied and came and started helping me bring the snacks into the living room. We picked a couple movies, we would alternate between the different ones we each chose and then I grabbed some blankets and pillows and got comfortable. I saw his eyes suddenly turn black and I knew he was mind linking with someone in the pack and I felt disappointment flood my body.

"Please do n't go and do Alpha business..." I pleaded when his beautiful grey eyes returned.

"Sam, I am the Alpha..." he said softly

"For tonight can you just be Gavin and can you ask Reid or even Denver to help do whatever someone is asking you?" I pleaded while giving my best puppy dogs eyes, or maybe now I should call them my sad wolf eyes.

"Fine, I'll ask Denver to assist." He finally conceded and I smiled happily and pressed play. During the movie he didn't mind that I asked him questions, I found out when his birthday was, what his favorite color was and I even found out his parents were currently in London with his younger sister who was mated to a Beta there and they would be back here in a couple months. He asked me questions but I had always been so open with him that he already knew a lot about me, I also realized he was super observant because I noticed things about me not many people knew. I could tell he was slightly horrified but impressed by the amount of snacks I fit into my small body which made me realize I was a lot smaller than most other she wolves, even with my training. I didn't want this night to end, I wanted him this relaxed and happy with me always but I knew either the news he had or my confession would ruin this, all of this.

We took turns asking each other questions and I learned so many little things about him, his birthday, his favorite color, the fact that his parents were currently in London with his younger sister since she recently discovered her mate was a Beta in one of the packs there. I was glad to see the longer he stayed the more relaxed he became and it seemed whatever he had come here to tell me had slipped into the back of his mind at least for now.

Soon after midnight I felt myself nodding off to sleep and not long after I felt him strong arms scoop me up and begin to carry me up the stairs.

"I'm not done asking questions." I mumbled sleepily into his chest.

"Then you can ask them from under the blankets in bed because your falling asleep and I'm pretty sure that couch isn't comfortable enough to sleep on." He replied back and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"It's not." I grumbled, when he put me down on the bed I instantly knew it wasn't my bed it smelled like him and not me.

"Why are we in the master bedroom?" I whispered sleepily.

"Because this bed in more comfortable, you will sleep better. Good night Sammie..." he said and went to walk away but I grabbed his hand.

"Don't go, stay with me. Stay at least until I fall asleep." I begged looking up at him sleepily. He looked torn but finally lad on the bed and I didn't waste anytime cuddling up to him. He was so warm and comfortable it was like snuggling a cloud, well a cloud with abs but still really comfortable. I felt him run his fingers gently up and down my back like he was soothing me to sleep.

"I didn't tell you what I wanted to tell you..." I said through my sleepy haze.

"Then tell me now before you fall asleep, although I'm pretty sure you're sleep talking right now." He laughed softly still stroking my back gently. I gently pushed myself up so I was facing him in the dark and leaning on his chest, it felt super intimate and if the lights were on he would be able to see me blushing and I probably looked drunk since I was half asleep.

"Gavin... I'm falling in love with you..." I whispered and before anything else was said he captured my lips with his. It wasn't a very long kiss but the softest most gentle kiss I could imagine. It was pure bliss and even if it never happened again I would be content with how perfect it was, but I hoped it would happen again. He gently laid me back down and held me close and I drifted peacefully off to sleep.

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