The Secret's Demise (sequel t...

By bvb_ismy_saviour

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Andy and Hope didn't have the smoothest beginning, but things had gotten worked out and put in place. Will An... More

Escape Plan
Lost and Alone
News, Hate, and Moving On
Schools and Surprises
Visitors and Unexpected Tragedy
The New Addition
The Tattoo Tour
Flashbacks and Problems
Writing, Recovering, and Australian Parents
Life Is A Bitch
The Instruments of the Troubled
Remember When
Concerts and New Friends
A Night to Remember
The Picnic
CC's Shocking News and Ashley's Little Secret
Complicated Love, Engagement Rings, and Drunk Troubles
Footprints in the Sand
Now Entering The City of Chicago
Free Now
Andy In Wonderland
The Search Begins
A New Beginning
Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones
Who The Hell Would Say That To A Girl?
The Church of the Wild Ones
Girl Problems and A Knife
Where Will We Go From Here

A Legal Age

196 6 1
By bvb_ismy_saviour

**** This one is a nice AndyxHope chapter. Enjoy :) ****

I wake up extremely early so I can catch my flight. I get dressed, put my hair up, and put on light makeup. Then, I checkout and catch a taxi to the airport.

Once I'm on the plane, I go on my laptop and watch two movies: Divergent and Catching Fire. They are pretty good, and they made the plane ride go by fast.

I land and text Andy that he should probably leave now because I'll have to get off the plane, get my luggage, and find my way out of this giant airport.

H- The plane just landed. You should probably leave now.

A- I left a few minutes ago. See you soon.

It's probably a half an hour to 45 minutes later when I am FINALLY out of the maze of a building. I see Andy standing outside of the car with his hands behind his back.

"For you." He pulls his hand from behind him and he has a dozen white roses.

"Oh, Andy! They are beautiful." I take them and pull him in for a hug. "You are so sweet."

"Come on. I have some interesting news." He drags out 'interesting' and it worries me.

He takes my bags and opens my door for me. My bags are put in the back and he hops in the drivers seat.

"What is the interesting news?" I ask once we get on the road.

"Well, I was getting your mail yesterday after the interview, and while I was dropping it off at your place, the landlord person came by and said that you have to be out of your apartment by tomorrow afternoon." I'm completely shocked.

"He said I'd have until the end of this week to move out!" I'm so mad. "Did he say anything about why?"

"He said that someone came by and was looking. He said that they could look at your place on Thursday, so you have to be out by tomorrow." I don't know what to think.

"Will you help me pack up everything?" I turn to him and grab a hold of his hands.

"Of course. I can get the guys to come over and help too. You can stay with me for the time being, but my lease is almost up as well. I have another two months or so." Wow.

We pull into my driveway and Andy helps me unload my stuff. I made the last trip out to the car while Andy stayed inside and went to the bathroom or something.

When I walk back in, he has a one of the roses in his hand and red rose petals are scattered around the floor under him.

"What's this about?" I walk up to him.

"Hope, I know that you wanted time to think about the future and where you'd be and you weren't sure if I would be a part of it. I want you to know how much you mean to me and how much I care about you. I love you Hope. I never stopped loving you. I want to be with you, as more than friends. Hope, will you be my girlfriend?" I have to wipe a small tear from my eye.

I'm too choked up to speak, so I grab the rose, set it on the table, and pull Andy in for a kiss.

"I take that as a yes." We give eachother a smile and start to kiss again when the front door flies open, Batman dashes in, and the guys all burst through the door, shouting their 'Hellos'.

"Did we interrup something..." Jinxx was the first to notice the way Andy and I were embracing eachother.

"Uhhh... Only Andy asking me to be his girlfriend and me saying yes, then a small make out session. But we are happy to continue if you don't mind waiting a few minutes." They all shake their heads and tackle Andy and I away from eachother.

"ASHLEY LET GO OF MY BOOB!" When he 'tackled' me, his hand ended up somewhere he isn't allowed to touch, ever.

"Sorry!!" He steps away and I glare at him. Since that one night, he hasn't been allowed to drink and if he does, one or more of the other guys have to be with him. I haven't really talked to him since that happened, so it's a little awkward.

"So, Hope is being forced out of here by tomorrow. We need to pack everything and get it in a moving van or all of our cars. I think a moving van will be better though. Unless you are leaving the furniture." Andy noticed the awkwardness, so he spoke up.

"I can't take the furniture. I didn't buy it, I can't keep it. This place came fully furnished, so that's how I have to leave it. The cars will work just fine. We just need a shit ton of boxes." We all laugh.

"I have a ton of boxes from when Blaze moved in with me. We don't know what to do with them, so you can have them." CC and Ashley hop in their cars to go pick up all of the boxes.

"Okay. Jake, you go in my closet and start neatly shoving my clothes into the multitude of suitcases. Jinxx, you work on the kitchen. Get all of the dishes and towels and everything. Since we have no boxes yet, just stack them on the island. Andy, you go into the living area and start folding the couch blankets and stacking them into piles and get together all of Batman's toys and stuff. Put him in his crate as well so isn't running around. I'll do the bathroom." We all head off to our separate areas and start getting my shit together.

CC and Ashley get back and disperse the boxes to each of us. Ashley and CC start packing up my dresser and bedroom accessories.

By 11:30 that night, boxes upon boxes upon boxes are piled up in what was once the decorated living area.

"Now to pack them all up in our cars." I grab Batman's leash and get him out of the crate while CC moves the crate to my car. Batman is then put back in the crate and boxes are piled around him.

We pack the cars up one by one and then we all head to Andy's house. I take a quick stop at the landlord's house.

"Here are the keys. Everything is out, but if you go through and find anything else, just pack it up and call me." The meeting was very brief.

I drive to Andy's house and the guys have unloaded most of my shit into Andy's garage.

"We have your clothes and mandatory utilities, aka your makeup and...feminine things." Ashley shivers at the mention of 'feminine things'.

"You are a strange man-child." I laugh at his frowny face.

"Andy, don't forget we have to be at the studio tomorrow." Jake mentions.

"Wait, I thought we had tomorrow off!" Andy knew what tomorrow was.

"Why does it matter?" Ashley and the other three don't know.

"Tomorrow is my birthday." They all are shocked.

"Her 21st birthday, to be exact. And I will not miss it." Andy stomps his foot and crosses him arms.

"PARTY!!!!" CC shouts.

"Shut up! It's late. Listen, tomorrow we are not going to the studio. I'm going to spend the day with my girlfriend, and I'll see you guys at the studio on Wednesday." Andy and I go inside while the guys head home.

~Andy's POV~

Hope and I get ready for bed and then as she's walking out of the bathroom, I pick her up bridal style and place her on the bed. I then climb in next to her, kiss her goodnight, and fall asleep.

In the morning, I wake up early and make sure Hope stays asleep.

I walk to the kitchen, feed Batman, and then start making chocolate chip waffles and bacon, Hope's favorite breakfast of all time.

I had a hell of a birthday gift for her. There is more than one part, and I just know she'll love them.

I prepare her a plate of food and a glass of chocolate milk, and I take them to her in my room.

"Happy birthday." I had set down the tray on the night stand, and I had gentally shaken her awake.

Once she was sitting up, I handed her the tray.

"Andy, you didn't have to do this." I knew she loved it, she just hates accepting gifts.

"I think you mean to say 'Thank you for the breakfast, it is wonderful.'" She giggles.

"Thank you very much for breakfast, Andy. It is wonderful." She then takes a bite and her eyes light up. "Grab a plate and come join me."

I grab myself a plate and plop a waffle and some bacon on it. Then, I join Hope on the bed.

"I saw that you hung out with Kellin, Danny, and Ronnie. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, I had a blast. The show was amazing and we went to lunch and chatted for a while."

"Well, I'm glad you had fun. The interview was torture. She was getting mainly into our personal lives. She asked minimal questions about the record, which was supposed to be the main focus. It was so bad."

"Aww. Now I'm wondering what the article will be about. Could you-" The ringing phone cuts her off.

I hop up and answer it.


"Hi, this is Karla from AP Magazine. We understand that the interviewer we sent was not too decent and was getting too personal. I apologize for her actions and I'd apreciate if I could send someone else over to redo the interview. Is that possible? I know you are very busy."

"When did you have in mind? To send over the new interviewer, I mean."

"Either today or tomorrow, if it works for you."

"Today is a personal day, so we are all spending it freely. I will call the other band members and ask about tomorrow. Can I call you back in a little bit?"

"Of course. Thank you for understanding and for asking." She hanfs up and I group text the guys.

Andy- Got a call from AP, they wanna rodo interview tomorrow bc sucky person from yesterday screwed up.

Jake- Tomorrow we are supposed to start recording. We can't tomorrow.

Ash- We have recording and writing the rest of the week. Our next open day is Saturday.

Andy- I'll call back and see if they can send someone then. I'll text back in a bit.

So, I redial the number and am connected back to Karla.

"Hello Mr. Biersack."

"Hi. I talked to the guys and turns out, we have the recording studio booked all week. Our next open day is this coming Saturday. Would you ba able to send someone then?"

"I can work something out. Will it be the same address?"


"Okay. Thank you again for giving us another chance with this. Goodbye." I hang up and then text the guys saying 'Interview at Jake's on Saturday. Be there early.'

I return to Hope in my bedrrom. She has finished eating.

"Sorry about that." I hop onto the bed and finish eating.

"Who was it?" She turns and faces me.

"It was a person from AP, wanting to schedule a makeup interview. So, on Saturday, I have to go back to Jake's because we are recording the rest of the week." She nods in understanding.

"I'll return to work as well tomorrow. I'm excited because while you were gone, Austin Carlile tweeted me saying he was going to come to the shop tomorrow!" She was so excited because she loved OM&M's music, and Austin was one of her other band crushes.

I smile as I say, "That's awesome. Now, I have your first present. Close your eyes."

~Hope's POV~

"Close your eyes." I follow Andy's instruction because he was getting my 'first present'. And that means he got me more than one present. "Open."

I open my eyes to see him holding a little box. It isn't a small ring box, but it is probably something jewlery wise...

He hands it to me and I open it. Inside is a necklace. There is one simple charm, and it's the letters A and H connected. It looks like 'A&H', and the letters have little diamonds on them.

The chain and charm are both real silver and the small diamonds are real.

"Andy, I love it. It's beautiful!" He takes it out of the box and places it around my neck.

"You look stunning." I blush at his remark. "Now, get dressed, and your second present awaits when you finish."

I again do as he says.

When I come out of the bathroom, a note is on the bed.

'When you need an animal companion, who do go to?' I take it this is a scavenger hunt to find him.

I search for Batman. He is curled up on the couch with a ribbon and a note on his collar.

'When I need to freshen up after a local show, where do I do that?'

I walk to the bathroom and search for a note. I then see the closed shower curtain. I pull it back and the next clue is revealed.

'Where do we put the leftover waffles on those waffley mornings?'

To the fridge I go.

When I get there, it isn't on the fridge, so i open it and see the small card on top of this morning's waffles.

'Aside from you, who is my little snuggle bear?'

I didn't have to think twice about it. Crow is his best friend.

When I find the fat cat, he has a note attached to him with a bow.

'This one is a little harder. When we were apart for such a long time, what did I keep with me to have a part of you with me?'

I don't know this one. I go search through his room and then I see a little shiney bow on top of something.

'I knew you didn't know this, so I had to help out a little. I kept this necklace on everyday. I needed a piece of you with me. And now for your last clue: How do I take you from place to place on special occasions?'

I take a second to look at the necklace before heading out to the car. It was a black leather string with a rock attached to it. On the rock, my name was engraved into the back.

I pick up the necklace and place it in my pocket. I walk to the car and as I thought, he was standing outside of the passenger door, and he was holding a single red rose.

"Did you have fun looking for me?" I nod.

"I didn't know about this." I hold up the necklace.

"I know. I never told you about it. I have worn it everyday since I had it made. I actually had it before the incident, two years ago. I was going to show you, but then... well, you know."

He then opens my door, hands me the rose, and walks around to the driver's seat.

"Ready?" He smiles over at me, placing the key in the ignition.

"Ready for what?" I have no idea what is going on, and I don't know what to think.

"Your second surprise." I hesitantly nod, and he drives off.

We pull up to the recording studio after driving for about 20 minutes.

"What are we doing here?" I places his finger over his mouth, telling me to be quiet.

Then he whispers, "Follow me."

Andy hops out of the car and so I follow. We go into the building and I take it we aren't supposed to be here. All of the lights are off and its vacant.

"We have to stay clear of the guard who patrols when the studio is closed." He whispers again and then heads for a door.

"Go up." It was a stairwell.

We climb up the stairs and soon, we reach the last set of stairs and a ladder is infront of us.

Andy climbs up, so I follow him.

The ladder leads up to the roof, and when I climb onto it, I'm amazed.

"Do you like it?" There were candle lanterns set up in a circle around a blanket and there was a picnic basket next to it.

"When did you do this?" I grab his hand in mine.

"I had the guys set it up earlier today." The corners of his mouth raised. He has the cutest smile.

"What's the basket for? We just ate breakfast." He laughs, almost mocking me.

"There isn't food in it. I had them borrow the CD that has our songs that we recorded the other day. The lyrics aren't there yet, but I can fix that. I also had them put Jinxx's old CD player in it." Andy leads me to the blanket and we sit down.

"Won't the guard hear us up here?" He laughs and shakes his head.

"The guard won't care if we are up here. He knows the guys set this up and that we are here. I wanted to add some adventure for gettin here." We both just laugh and stare into eachothers eyes.

Andy takes out the CD player and places the CD in it.

"This one, there are no vocals to it, but it's called 'Resurrect the Sun'. It is one I wrote in the hospital." He hits play.

The beginning is the sound of a beautiful piano.

After listening to the CD, and Andy singing along to a few of the songs, he leans in and kisses me.

"I love you." I whisper through our kiss.

"I love you." He answers and smiles.

A few minutes later, Andy stands up and offers me his hand.

"Come on. We are already late for your third and final surprise of the day." He leads me through the empty studio, we drop the CD back off, and then we head out to his car.

"Where are we going?" A half an hour later, we are still driving. I had never been out this way.

"Just a second. We are almost there." He turns another corner and then pulls up to a house. There are no lights on inside, and no cars in the driveway. I do hear the barking of two small dogs.

"Andy, who's house is this?" I am scared to death. It isn't very light out any more, there are no street lamps, and we are walking up to a house with two dogs inside. What the serious fuck?

Andy digs around in the bush that's in a pot on the tiny porch and comes up with a key. He unlocks the door, places the key back in the pot, and pushes the door open.

It's completely dark, one of the windows had a wooden board covering it, and the dog barking is coming from a different room.

"Andy..." I grab his hand and squeeze it very tightly.

Before I have time to even think, the lights slam on, and people jump out from everywhere yelling, "SURPRISE!!!!"

"Holy shit!" I sscream, extremely surprised.

"Happy Birthday, Hope!!!" A lot of people are here, all of which I know.

All of BVB is here, Blaze is here, Danny and Ben from Asking Alexandria came, Matt Good is here, Dahvie and Jayy showed up, Sarah and Liz are here, all of Pierce the Veil showed up, Kellin and Ronnie and Austin came, and then a few people who I don't really know, but seem to be friends of some people here all came.

"Happy birthday, babe." Andy hugs me from the side and then goes off and starts talking to people. Muisc starts blaring, there is a self-serve bar in the kitchen, many snacks, pizza, even a few colored lights and neon disco balls are placed around the house.

"Hey Hope! Happy birthday." Ashley come over and gave me a hug. "How do you like it?"

"It's great." He has a drink in his hand and I catch myself eyeing it.

"Don't worry, it's pepsi. And I don't know if I've said this yet, but I'm really sorry for what happened. I was being a dick and I know there are no excuses for what I did." He is very sincere.

"I forgive you. I know this makes me sound dumb, but who's house are we at?" I literally have no idea.

"Yours truly." He just smirks.

"This is your house? And I didn't know you had dogs." I am talking quite loudly because the music is blasting.

"Yeah, I have two pomeranians, Tokyo and Killer." I laugh at the facts he has small dogs.

"Don't laugh. They're vicious. They can lick you to death." Ash then joins in on my laughter.

"I'm going to get a drink." I say and point to the kitchen.

"I'll come too. I need a refill." He follows me to the kitchen and when we enter the room, Andy is in there.

"Hey." I walk up and poke him on the shoulder.

"Hey. Having fun?" I nod and then grab a cup.

"What should I have? Non-alcoholic...." He grabs my cup and fills it with half sprite, half rootbeer. I take a sip. "Ooo, yum. Thanks." I give him a kiss and then I notice on of his arms leave my neck.

A few seconds later, a cold ice cube is dropped down the back of my shirt.

"Oh, fuck!! I will get you. Watch your back, mister." I then dash off and almost run straight into Blaze.

"Woah, what are you running from?" She smirks.

"Andy dropped ice down my back." I explain, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, haha. Boys... can't live with them, yet you can't live without them." I then remember the engagement.

"Can I see your ring?" I know I've already seen it, but not on her.

She holds out her hand. "Thank you for helping Chris. He told me the story about getting it."

"Oh, haha. Yeah, that was an interesting day." We both laugh and then CC comes up and wraps his arms around Blaze.

"Hey. What are you two talking about?" He kisses Blaze on the cheek.

"You." I then leave that situation when they start making out.

Hours pass and the party goes on. People have found me to say happy birthday, and then a few have come to say goodbye because they had to leave.

"It's two am. I think I'm ready to go home. It's been a fun day." I had interrupted Andy's conversation with Jake.

"Okay. Let's say bye to people first." We walk around and say our goodbyes to who is left and then we head home.

"It's a shorter drive to home from here than it was from the studio." Andy grabs my hand and places a kiss o it.

I don't remember ever getting home, but around 5 am I wake up and I am in bed with Andy. I still have my clothes on, so I get up and put on pajamas, get a glass of water, and then I return to bed for the night.

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