The Assassination Classroom i...

By Plushy_plue

218K 6.3K 4.8K

A teenager named {y/n} was visiting their grandma in America, a typical otaku. However, one night while going... More

The night that changed you forever
Goodbye America...hello Japan
My new home?!
Bitch-sensei pt2
Tch Bastard!!
My first mission!!
Dumb Assembly
I can go home!! Wait why are they here?
No way!!! Ouran kids!
I saved Haruhi just in time!
Cool!! I get to stay with the Ouran kids!!
My new abilities
Heading back home
I meet Itona!
Finally test day
Our trip to Kyoto!!!
Kyoto pt 2
I hate this!
Transfer student
I didnt mean too....
Bitch-sensei v.s Karasuma
Movie trip to America!!!
You know them!?
A sleepover at my house!?
Ugh give me a break!?
Valentines day special
We meet again
Part of the truth revealed
Ciel Phantomhive house
Why is Karma so mad?
We wont lose the game! Not again!
Oh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it had to happen
They're here!
Take that back!!!!
That was close
I was so scared...
Holy shit....I'm going to die
I just made a new enemy
It'll soon be over
I really need some rest
God damn it why!!? (part 1)
No... (part 2)
Swimming pool!!!
I'm going to kill him!!!!
Final exam begins pt1
Let the battle's begin!!! pt 2
Well I'm fucked
Little Clarification
Final battle part 1
Shit is getting interesting pt 2
Things cant get worse...right?
Under Cover mission!
It's actually him...
Its all over
The book isnt over!
I cant stay here anymore
Training camp?

Human target

2.7K 86 24
By Plushy_plue

{y/n} POV-

So as many should know Bitch-Sensei and her weird cocky master Lovro has to try and kill me and's so annoying!!!

Karma had waited for me today in the morning since we'll ya know? I grabbed my bag and quickly ran outside to meet him. Karasuma left early since he had a meeting to go to.

"Thanks for waiting Karma" I say as I give him a small smile. He nodded as he held out his hand. He wanted to hold hands???

"Uhh? Why you're holding out your hand?"
"Idiot give me your bag" I rolled my eyes playfully. I gave it to him and pouted
"I can hold my own bag ya know"
"Yes I do know but with you being a target and all the bag might drag you down" he grinned evilly. I playfully punched his arm
"I'm way better than you think Karma!"

I tried to give him an evil look....boy was that a fail. He just pinched my cheeks!!! We both started laughing.

During the whole way to the school Lovro kept on stalking me like I'm prey?! Like ummmm hello!! I know you're there!! He even dared to try and pull that lost puppy crap. This old guy gives me a's going to be a longgggg day.

-Class Time-

Karasuma began reaching the gym class again. Me and karma stretched in the back as the others were in the front. He is in the middle of talking when we saw Bitch-Sensei come running with tea?

"Karasuma-sensei~ you must be thirsty from all the work you're doing; here have a cool refreshing drink~"
"That's defiantly poisoned?!?" The class thought as she tried to give it to him.
Karasuma just sighed in frustration as he held the bridge of his nose.

Me and Karma was in the back of the class stretching; we held our hands as he pulled me forward to try and stretch out my legs.

Bitch-sensei sweatdrop as she tried to think of another way. I mean we all know her tricks already and it won't work on anyone here especially Karasuma! She then dropped to the floor and started to fake cry.

"Waaa!!! Karasuma I fell!! Give me a piggy-bag ride!!!!" She held out her arms like a spoiled brat.
"Really? That's her backup plan?" I say to myself as Karma gave a small chuckle. He yanked me harder which caused me to stretch farther than I planned. I gave him a glare "Owch!!"

As the class was focused on Bitch-sensei failed attempt Lovro was in the woods that was near me and Karma. Obviously he was hiding his presence which was pretty good I'll tell you that; I don't even think Karma would've seen him.

As Lovro was slowly sneaking him on us, he held the knife in his hands "I got her now heh this is too easy.." he thought. But oh ho little did me knew he had been greatly mistaken.

I was able to sense his movements from within the ground?? Does that make sense?? It felt more like vibrations; just like in New York City and the subway. Feeling the vibrations from the trains as it was approaching. That's the best way I can describe it.

Anyway, me and Karma changed into a different pose? It's something we don't do back at home but we linked arms, he bend forward as I dangle from his back; amazing stretch for the lower back!!

"Your very light {y/n}-san~" Karma said in a yeast manner
"Sh-Shut up and focus" I growled.

He was about to say something back until I heard Lovro started to make his way towards me; just when he was inches away from striking me I rolled backwards on Karmas back; much to his confusion; kicking the knife out of his hand which landed near Karasuma -causing the class to look this way. I can hear Lovro gasp in shock; I grinned and kicked Karma stomach. He landed on Lovro with a hard thud. I stood up and grinned. Karma glared daggers, if looks can kill I'll be dead in seconds.

"Nice try~ I told you you have underestimated me sir Lovro; I won't go easy on you" I gave a wink at Karma as he gave a small growl; I walked past Bitch-sensei and Karasuma. "Good luck Bitch-sensei~"

And with that I jumped into the tress and started to jump from branch to branch as I made my way down the mountain. I KNOW Lovro is pissed!!!! Hehe this is funnier than I thought!!

Where was I going you may ask?? Welllllll there's a sweet spot that just opened up and I just HAVE to try it!!

As I landed near the main building I heard twigs and leaves rustling behind me; I turned around to find a rather angry Karma. He threw a twig at me as I dodged.

"You will NEVER use me like an object again you hear me??" She glared as he held a serous tone.
"Hehe sorry Karma it had to be done! No hard feelings?" I stood in front of him with my arms opened wide. He raised a brow and gave me a 'are you serious' type of look.
"Hug it out!!" I grinned.

He sighed and gave in; giving me a hug. I smiled as he did but not a second later he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder!?

I wrapped my arms around his waist so I wouldn't die!! "Karma!!!! Put me down!!!"
"Nope we are going to that sweet spot like planned!" He held tightly; his hand landed on my butt!!
"Karma!!!!" I yelled
He gave his devilish grin and kept walking.

-Back at the school-

Karasuma and Koro-sensei was walking down the halls to the staff room.

"Ne isn't it fun being the target~" sensei said with an amused tone
"Absolutely not!" Karasuma gave an annoyed glance at the octopus.
"What if neither me nor {y/n} don't get caught?"
"Then I'll you both one FULL second without me moving" he smiled.
"Heh fine by me; but letting you know {y/n} is know to strike a target 10 times in less than a second and that include me as well~" Karasuma gave an triumph smile. Koro-sensei gave him a nervous glance as they walked into the office.

-time skip-

Karasuma, Irina and Koro-Sensei was in the teachers office doing what they always do. Irina was trying to figure out how to get Karasuma since it was hard to attack someone who knew your tactics. A few minutes had passed; it was quiet until Lovro barged into the room ready to strike Karasuma. Irina and Koro-sensei was shocked that he would attack someone who wasn't his target -but Karasuma was able to evade his strike; grabbing his wrist and slamming it against the table as the knife few out of his had, this became a shock to him as Karasuma knee was a few centimeter away from his face.

"You May be skilled, but you seem to overestimate your ability as an retired assassin to try and kill someone fresh from the special force" Karasuma glares as he went to pick up the knife.
"He's tough!" Lovro thought
"Even he couldn't even kill him?! Do I even stand a chance!?" Irina thought to her self.
"You know you understand that if you can't kill me by the end of today..."

Both Irina and the octopus shook in fear.
"Why your scared!?" She asked
"Please Irina-sensei!! You can't lose I'm voting for you!!" He gave a nervous glance at her.
"I am able to strike 5 times per second...not to mention {y/n} skills. I'll enjoy seeing you later today~" Karasuma said with an amused evil grin as he walked out.

Koro-sensei began to give a nervous sweat as did Irina. Lovro just stood there dumb founded. "Why are you attacking him!? He isn't your target!" Irina yelled. She didn't want him to steal her target! It'll ruin her plan to prove to him she IS a great assassin.
"Tch my target left after this morning"

Just then Karasuma popped his head in. "You say what?! She isn't in class!?" He held the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he left again to call her.

Lovro held his arm in slight pain; first it was the little girl who kicked his hand which had power to it and now Karasuma. Irina looked at his hand in shocked.

"Senses your hand.."
"Forget about it; it's just like how I couldn't kill that little girl let alone you" Lovro said with a serous tone. He knew he didn't have a chance not anymore.
"Giving up are we?" The octopus says with an amused tone
"Same goes for Irina" she bit the inside of her lip.
"On the contrary Lovro this isn't about skills this is about whoever makes a hit on their target is the better assassin" Koro-sensei seem to have more confident within Irina than she had within herself.
"At leafs stay and see this all the way through?"
"Fine by me" and with that Lovro left the office

"Do you actually think I can hit Karasuma" she was doubting herself.
"Of course. I don't know what you have learned from your teacher but you've worked hard enough while you were here -for example your lingerie you ordered yesterday!" He pulled a magazine out with pictures of bras and underwear.
"Damn you Octo Perv!!!" Irina yelled.
"Show then what you can do; show Karasuma-sensei, your teacher and most importantly show your students"

-Time skip- (sooo many I know!!)

Everyone was enjoying there lunch within the class room. I had gotten yelled at my Karasuma for not being in class...soooo worth it.

"Ne Nagisa-kun and {y/n} come look at this" Karma says as he looks out the window to see Karasuma eating by the tree.
"Oh yea he's eating outside? That's unusual?" I mentioned slightly to myself.
"And now the women approaches" Karma says as a few us heads to the window to watch. I open one and sit in the edge while Karma leaned on the wall next to me

-with Karasuma and Irina-

As Irina approaches Karasuma while he was eating his lunch, he looked at the women with a confused gaze.

"Do you have a moment Karasuma-sensei" Irina says while holding the knife
"What now? This may be a mock assassination but I'm done playing games" he states in his usual serous tone
"Aww come on Karasuma, one poke and it'll be over with" she says with a little seduction within her voice, she took off her jacket revealing her black tank top
Karasuma glances up at her, his eyes squinting slightly wondering what her trick was.

Irina runs her fingers through her hair "It'll be worth your while; I'll make sure it was the best you'll ever had~"
"So that's her plan; I'll just take her knife and this will be over with" he thinks to himself "Fine do what ever you want" he closes his eyes slightly

Irina laughs slightly. She hides behind the tree that he was leaning on "Here I come" She States.

Just as she said that her ran around the tree; a string attached to her jacket made Karasuma lose his focus on her movements and puts them on her jacket. Once distracted she ran jumped on top of his chest. Panting slightly.

"Woah!! Bitch-sensei got the upper hand!"
"No way?!" A few students stared in shock. I already knew what was going to happen so I smiled slightly as I watched.

"Gotcha!!" She yells as she went to stab his face. He stopped it with his hands when it was a few inches from his face
"Crap that was a close call"

The two started to struggle with each others force. "Damn it!! I was so close!? If this was about strength I'll easily be done for" Irina thought.

She then gave him puppy dogs eyes as she spoke in her small soft voice "Can't I do it please Karasuma?"
He grew angry "What type of assassin begs for permission!!" They both started to put more force.
"You don't know when to quit" she glares at him. As such she began to put more pressure. He saw her efforts in trying so hard; he sighs and let's go as the knife strikes his chest "Fine" he lays his hands down beside him. Irina looks at him with confusion. "I'm not going to spend all day with someone who doesn't know how to quit" Irina allowed her head to hang back as she let out a sigh of relief

"Wow!! She did it!" "Way to go Bitch-sensei!"
The class cheered as I have a excited smile.

As Irina was walking back I jumped out to meet up with her. "Nice one..Irina-sensei" I gave a toothy grin. She was taken back since I never called her by her name. She was about to say something when her teacher Lovro came forward
"You were a terrible apprentice. You are probably better at this teaching. So make sure you kill him Irina" he says with a straight face. Her eyes lit up as she nodded "Yes sense!"

As Irina walked closer to the building she started laughing triumphantly he walked pasted me but stopped

"I'm only saying this once so listen good kid..I shouldn't have underestimated you" I crossed my arms and smiled.
"Good so tell your little assassin friends to stop calling me the American kid; I have a name and it's {y/-}" I was cut off as Karma picked me up again over his shoulder.
"Her name is {y/n}"
"Karmaaaa!!!!!" I kicked and hit his back trying to get out down.

Once we went to the teacher office Karma still held me as I stood next to Karasuma. There was an iron armor that fit sensei. "What the hell is this!?" He yelled
"This is for that 1 second!!"
"No no sensei~ your not getting away that easily~ Karma let me down for a second"
"No youll run away"
"No I won't. Fine just walked to this piece of junk and don't move a muscle" he hesitates at first but soon agrees.

He walks to in front of the thing; once I New he was in a steady position, I wrap on arm across his abdomen the other on his lower back; I lifted my legs slightly and spin to his other shoulder; my legs kicking the metal armor out the window. Not hitting Karma in the face as I mentioned; and landed on his other shoulder.

"There we go! No I can take out at least 5 tentacles" I grinned evilly as Karma stood a little frozen with what just happen
"Kyaaaa!!! Nooooo!!!!" He cried as he left the room.
"Damn octopus!!!!!!"

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