Maura's Family. (Rizzoli and...

By Seashellvid

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Maura adopts a daughter who shows up at the morgue after school. That's when Paddy shows up. This story takes... More

Maura upset
Jane Rizzoli
On the Hunt
Hide Out
Meet your babysitter
To Jail With You
Hoyt's plan
Life or Death

Meet dad, and grandpa

1.1K 26 6
By Seashellvid

"Stupid girl! Shut up!" A man growls from the front. Lucy shrinks back to her mother. Maura is very upset but Lucy is the one crying.

One of the men's heads pops into view a little later. "Both of you to separate sides or the little one dies," he snaps. His head disappears knowing they'll follow directions. Maura raises her arms over Lucy's head and slides to the other side of the van, the one closer to the door. Lucy grasps a door, the door is made of plastic and has diamond holes evenly spaced all over it. Lucy's fingers slide through different holes.

The van stops in another couple of minutes.

"Mom. do you have you phone?" Mauura shakes her head at Lucy's question. The door next to Maura open. An almost bald man stands there, he looks a little like Maura. Her dad! Lucy thinks. She said he's back! What does he want with us? 

"Who's the second one?" The man snaps at the two men that kidnapped us.

"That's my daughter Paddy," Maura tells him after a moment of shock.

"Maura, you were never pregnant. I've been watching over you your entire life. I never saw you pregnant." Paddy starts.

"That's because I adopted her" Maura informs politely, "now, what do you want with us?" [warning. Paddy will be mean and a horrid person in this story] 

"You, it's what i wanted with you. I don't care about her. She's not family. -" Maura interrupts Paddy.

"She is family! She's more family then you've ever been or ever will be!" Maura snaps. Maura lets go of the door she is holding and starts to scoot to Lucy. Paddy grabs her ankle and pulls her out of the van. When Maura tries to head back into the van to get to Lucy, Paddy holds her wrist tight, almost hurting her.

"Get the girl out of the van throw her in the corner. If she moves, shoot her in the leg," Paddy demands dragging Maura away from the van.

"No! Paddy what do you want?" Maura cries.

"I want to protect you. If I can get to you, so can my enemies. I can do it with or without your help. The police can't protect you and you know it. As soon as people realize your related to me they'll go after you. and if they can't get you they'll go for your 'daughter'," Paddy spits the last part glaring at Lucy who is now in the corner, just daring to breath.

"I can protect myself and my daughter. Let us go," Maura demands. Paddy shakes his head.

"No, because I'm protecting myself now. I have to kidnap my own daughter and that," Paddy motions to Lucy, "to do it fine. Honestly, I'd love to get rid of that girl, but I also want to get to know you, so i keep her, for now. Maura your my daughter and I've always looked out for you, but now I need to protect you because your too dense to figure out you need my help." Paddy stops realizing what he just said. Hurt flashes in Maura's eyes, but quickly disappears.

"I don't need or want you help protecting us. Your a horrid man and I want you to let my daughter and I go, she doesn't need a bad influence in her life." Maura's voice is monotone.

"No Maura, your my only child now and I will protect you." Paddy gives a sigh, "With or without you approval. I'll protect you against your will if I really need to. I don't want to, but I'll do what I have to do." Paddy lets go of Maura and pulls out pictures,then hands them to Maura, she looks through them. One from 5th grade, and one from graduation. Maura looks up at Paddy.

"You were there?" Maura questions surprised. Paddy nods.

"At your college and Medical graduations too."

"That doesn't matter. Let us go." She throws the pictures on the ground and heads over to Lucy. She gives the man near Lucy a threatening glare that he flinches under. Maura grabs Lucy and they start to walk to the door.

"Excuse me. She needs to come back to the corner or I'll shoot her." Maura freezes. Turning to the man she covers her daughter's ears.

"You touch her and I'll take you foot and it'll go down your throat, I will then take you mouth and stitch it shut. I'll then take your gun and shoot your ankles and wrists. I will make your death slow and painful." Maura growls. Paddy walks up to Maura and Lucy. Lucy shrinks up into Maura, who grips her daughter and glares at Paddy, whom is in their way.

"You may leave," Paddy says to the man, who walks away. "You two may not leave."

"Paddy you let us leave or so help me," Maura stops herself from continuing.

"Both of you in the corner NOW!" Paddy screams at them. "I SAID YOUR NOT LEAVING!" Paddy starts to turn red and pulls out his gun. "GO!" Maura and Lucy make their way over to the corner. Paddy calms himself a little before continuing. "Maura, i'm going to give you a phone. Don't worry, Your police friends can't track it." Paddy smirks at Maura's glare. "You will call your friend Jane Rizzoli and give the phone to me. I know she'll want you back." Paddy hands Maura a burner phone.

Maura hesitates before putting in Jane's number. She hands the phone back to Paddy. Paddy motions to the van before walking over to another part of the room. Lucy stands up first, followed by Maura. Both walk to the van, but don't want to. Maura looks from the van to Lucy to Paddy, who;'s not paying attention to them, then back to the door,

"Mom, no," Lucy's voice is soft, "Our hands are zip-tied," Lucy holds up her hands, "we don't know where we are, and I'm sure he'll come after us. I don't want to risk either of us getting hurt." Maura nods. She agrees, but would still love to escape. The pair stands at the van talking about this or that quietly when Paddy comes over. He opens the van door and shoves then in, then slams the door.

The van starts up and they leave.

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