Creature of the Shadows

By springtrap7777

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There is something called a Shadow Daemon, they are a magical creature capable of a lot of things for both go... More

An Unusual Morning
The Festival
Carnival Games
Help Meh
Suspicious Lizard Girl
My Brain Is Stupid
Hero's Attack!!!
Who are you???
5-1-19-20-5-18 1-16-18-9-12 6-15-15-12-19
A Sad Flug
Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?
Azazel the Daemon General
The Search Begins
An Eye for an Eye
Trade Backs
I'm Sorry
Putting a Plan to Action
The Family Reunion and the Sister
Meeting More of the Family
Just A Quick Thank You!!!
Long Live the King
Flug's Invention
The Meeting
Castiel, King of the Angels
Mephistopheles, the King of Demons
Azazel, King of Daemons
Celeste, Queen of Humanity
Christmas Time Boiz!
Slug and WhiteHat
Forgotten Brother
Ask the Hat Family (Not an Update)
A Brother's Comfort
I Can't Think of a Good Title Please Help Me in the Comments
The REAL Lemon chapter
The Morning After


783 25 80
By springtrap7777

Flug's pov

    I'm quickly gathering my stuff from the room me and BlackHat were using. I put everything back in my suitcase and got up. I then left the room and went downstairs to meet SmallHat.

    He was talking to NectarHat. I walked over to them. SmallHat looked over at me.

    "Are you ready?" he asked me.


     "Okay," he said putting on what almost looked like a saddle, but for a humanoid creature. He must have seen my confusion, "BlackHat would probably kill me if I was holding you or giving you a- what do humans call it? A piggyback ride? Yeah, that's it. And I've given rides to a few creatures before. It's mainly so I don't get yelled at while I fly us to the SDADA hangout." 

     I guess that makes sense. After he was done I awkwardly sat on top of the saddle.

     "So why are we flying there? Can't you teleport?" I asked.

    "I can only teleport in very certain conditions, it's just easier to find a rip in the dimensions and fly to the location I'm heading to," he explained. Again it did kind of make sense to me. He then took off with his giant wings. He flew in the air for a few moments before going through what seemed like a rip in the sky. We were in the same weird dimension but we weren't anywhere near were NectarHat's house was. 

     We flew towards a big building. He landed on outside of a door and I hopped off of his back. He took the saddle off and it disappeared. Wait, disappeared?

     "I thought you said you couldn't teleport?" I asked him now suspicious.

      "I can, just under certain conditions, and if you were wondering about the rider I can teleport items at any time. I can only make living creatures teleport under those certain conditions, it's weird," he explained. Demons are weird...

      SmallHat than knocked on the door. A few moments later a voice called out from the other side.

    "Password and user number?" The voice asked.

    SmallHat than preceded to say something in a different language before saying a series of numbers in a few different languages.

    The door then opened and a young looking human stood there.

    "Small!!!" She shouted before giving him a hug. "It's been such a long time since we've seen you!"

   This human looked somewhere in here late teens anywhere between 16 and 18. She had short blond hair with a pair of bright blue eyes to match it. She was short and round. She had a tattoo of an eye on her forehead. She's actually quite cute for a girl. If I wasn't gay I probably wouldn't mind actually dating here, but that's from looks alone.

   Anyways SmallHat seemed pleased to see this lady. After a few moments of them hugging the girl looked at me.

   "Who's this?" she asked walking around me, probably to analyze me.

    "You know my older brother right? Well, this is his scientist and yesterday I found out that he's a shadow daemon so I decided that it would be best to bring him here. His name is Flug," SmallHat explained.

   "Nice to meet ya!" The female said happily extending an arm to shake my hand. She had a Texan accent to her. I accepted and we shook hands. Her skin was really smooth. "My name is Isabel! It's always nice to meet another Shaemon!"

   "Shaemon?" I asked.

    "Its a mixture of the words shadow and daemon, it's much easier to say Shaemon instead of shadow daemon," she explained.

   "Oh, makes sense,"

    "Anyways you two can come on in!" she said allowing us to enter the building. She made sure to shut the door behind her. The inside looked much bigger and grander than the outside.

    The first room -the one we are in right now- had big ceilings that stretch far beyond what was necessary. There were two staircases that stretched up into darkness, but we didn't go that way. We walked in between the two staircases and into a door that led to a hallway.

    "Ya know, Small, we've been a bit worried cuz it's been a while," Isabel told SmallHat.

    "Yeah, I know, I've been quite busy with work lately, I was also in the daemon dimension longer than I would have wished to have been. I don't know if you've heard but the daemon king died yesterday morning Inbetween time. So without trying to, I stayed a couple extra minutes there messing up my schedule, I have some catching up to do tomorrow," SmallHat told her

    "I had heard from Honey that something had happened with the daemons but since she's rarely there I didn't really listen cuz you know how she is. Shell lie straight to your face to see what she can get outta ya," Isabel told him.

    We soon entered another large room. There was a large table on one side of the room and the other side had some games scattered across the floor and a TV with a couch and some chairs. There were a group of five creatures playing some monopoly.

    "I was gone for an hour and you five had already managed to make a mess outta the game room, again," Isabel said sounding quite annoyed at the mess.

    "Hey, it's not my fault that the twins couldn't decide what to play," a demon boy said in a cocky way.

    "Don't try to push the blame on us! You're the one of refused to put back the games you took out! We just suggested a game or two and you took them out and set it all up without putting them away!" a pair of Angel's shouted at the guy. They were both females and from the looks of it, the two them were winning.

    "Nah uh!" The guy quickly said in response, "You're the ones who took them out!"

    "Both of you shut up and Loki it's your turn to roll!" a small girl who was also a demon told the guy from before. He rolled his eyes before grabbing the dice and rolling. He got a 6 and a 3. He grabbed the car token and moved it across the board. He landed on a green space with a hotel on it.

   "Damnit!" Loki yelled. The two angel girls laughed at him. He hissed at them.

    The final person who was sitting there looked at Loki. He seemed to be a human, a young one at that. He had long green hair that covered his eyes. He seemed like a normal human boy except for the fact that there seemed to be some sort of mist around certain parts of his body

    "Loki!" The boy yelped. The use of the word damnit seemed to make him uncomfortable

   "Loki remember not to swear when you're around Alan!" SmallHat scolded Loki. "You know it makes him uncomfortable!"

   "Sorry, SmallHat..." Loki said looking down at his lap seeming to be upset to have been yelled at. The human boy who I assumed to be Alan looked over at me. He ran over to me.

     "Are you a shadow daemon as well?! Or are you a new member of the staff?" the kid asked me.

     "Uh, I am a shadow daemon, are you?" I asked him questioning his choice of words. 

     "Uh-huh!" he shouted happily lifting his bangs so I can see a pair of green eyes with his mark surrounding his left one. I couldn't help but smile from under my bag. After showing me his eyes he let his bangs fall back into place infront of his eyes.

     I decided to crouch down so I can be closer to his eye level, "So you're name is Alan, right?"

     "Yep! Random question can I see your eyes?" he asked. I guess f he showed me his eyes I should too... I lifted my back just enough for the kid to see my eyes. I don't know what color they are now, but if I were to guess they would have a shade of green of sorts and maybe a bit of purple from my nervousness. 

     From what I can tell he was mainly looking at my left eye, the one were my mark should be.

     After a few more second I pulled my bag back down. 

    "You know, you're the first other shadow daemon that I actually got to see with my own two eyes! I've only ever seen them on pictures, even though a new one comes around every month. But they never stay long enough for me to get a chance to see them. I'm the only one who lives here," Alan explained.

     "You're the only one who lives here?" I questioned.

    "Yeah, he's an orphan, since his family ain't alive no more we take care of him. Most of the shadow daemons are normally adults and they have their own lives that they would like to go to, and if the location they are staying at is unsafe for them we allow them to stay here until we find somewhere else for them to go. He's the only one who is living here permanently," Isabel explained to me. Alan nods.

    "Yeah... But the staff is really cool! Well, expect Loki... He can be kind of mean... He also says bad words..." Alan said looking down at his feet.

     "Alan is only 7, and when his parents died a year ago he was forced to go into foster care, where his foster parents treated him quite badly and now swears bring back those kinds of memories... So we try to keep Loki from swearing around him, but as you can tell he doesn't do that too often," Isabel explained quietly. Poor child. He's just a kid and he's already gone through hell...

     "Hey! It's not my fault that the kid's always around when I swear!" Loki yelled out while giving some monopoly money to the two angels.

      Isabel went over to grab him and drag him out of the room to more than likely lecture him.

     The two angels started to howl in laughter at the sight of the small human dragging the tall demon out of the room.

     "Does this happen often?" I asked Alan. He nodded.

     "Sadly, yes, Isabel doesn't like to be backed talked to, and she doesn't like how Loki acts around me," he told me looking at the door. A little bit after that a daemon came up to me. 

   "You're Flug, right?" the daemon asked. I nodded. "Alright come this way."

    I followed them down another hallway different from the one before. We entered a door after a few seconds of walking. The inside of the room looked similar to a doctor's office.

     "What is your birth name?" the daemon asked.

     "Liam Schmidt," I told them. It nodded its head before typing something at the computer. Afterward, a human male came into the room. He had black hair, green eyes, and was quite tall. He wore a doctor's coat and a stethoscope around his neck.

     The daemon got up and left the room. 

    "Hello, Mr.- is Slys the name you go by now?" he asked.

     "Um, yes, but Flug is fine with me," I explained.

    "Ok, anyways, Mr.Slys, I am doctor Stockwell. I am a human who works with the SDADA, or the Shadow Daemon Awareness and Defense Agency," he told me, "I don't know if SmallHat explained to you, but here we help daemons understand themselves and we may do a little bit of learning ourselves. Right now I'm going to perform a pretty normal check up for humans when they go to the doctor. So can you please remove your paper bag off of your head." I did as he asked.

    As he said we did basically the same thing that every checkup that doctors normally do. He measured my height, weight, checked my health, had me do that cough thing, he checked my eyes and my ears, checked my pulse, etc. There were a few things that were slightly out of the ordinary. 

    He had asked about what I was feeling and was doing to explain to me about my eyes before I interrupted him telling him that I know they change because of my emotion. He had also asked me to walk into this weird device. He told me it was similar to an X-ray, but that wasn't like an x-ray I've ever seen before. But that was about the only weird things that had happened. 

    "From what I can tell, you're healthy, so before we do much of anything can you please tell me what you already know?" he asked.

     I explained to him what I knew for the next 10-20 minutes. He seemed quite satisfied after writing everything down in a small notebook.

    "So, from what I can tell, you don't know much about imprints and a few other things," he said looking back over the notes.

    "Imprints?" I questioned.

     "I don't know if you've noticed, but there is an almost impossible to see cloud around your tailbone, back of your head, and your elbows," he told me.

   I looked really closely at my left elbow, and I could barely see it. The air around my elbow was slightly more opaque.

    "That's the beginning of your imprints showing themselves. An imprint is a little extra feature that you gain as you become more and more accepting towards what you are. Most shadow daemons don't get this far on their own, so whoever you are living with is really making you enjoy being yourself," he explained. Huh, an extra feature...

    "So what exactly are these extra features?" I asked.

    "Well since I am a human I can't even see the cloud on you yet, but from what Small told me, you are quite far in the process. And the reason you went into that machine was so I can see what your imprints might look like, they aren't fully developed yet, but for sure you're gonna have a tail of sorts, either some sort of weird animal ears or horns, and I'm not sure what's going on with your elbows," he told me.

    "So basically, the more I accept that I am a shadow daemon, the more my... imprints will show?" I questioned.

    "Yes, that is indeed how it works. Anyways now that you know more about yourself, if you don't mind, we would like to know more about you, so if you could follow me down the hall that would be nice," he told me. I grabbed my bag and not googles and walked with him down the hall.

(Most of this next bit is gonna have a lot of swears, but that's how I want the character to be like, this part isn't too big in the story but it does give a bit of background info for the next chapter)
White hat's pov.

   I walked around my quiet mansion. It's always quiet around here. There's only 3 of us in this big place. I walked downstairs looking for my cooky scientist. And yes I do have a scientist,  I don't exactly need one, but if my brother has one, then I should have one too, right?

   Anyways, I walk down to the lab where he stays most of the time. I opened the door to see him working on some sort of project.

   "Heya Slug!" I yelled as I walk in. He groaned. He turned to look at me.

   His eyes were a bright yellow mixed in with red. He wasn't wearing the paper bag that I would have preferred him to have been wearing, instead, he was wearing his normal clothes. A black hoodie with the hood pulled up over his head, his light grey shirt that you can see since his hoodie isn't zipped up, a pair of ripped blues Jeans, and finally a white bandana that covered his nose and mouth. His dark brown hair was just barely visible from underneath his hood.

   "What do you want now?" He asked sounding quietly annoyed.

    "Wait what does orange and red mean again?" I asked more worried about what his eyes meant more than what I was actually gonna ask him.

   "I don't know, try annoyed and angry," he told me in a sarcastic way.

    "You said that with sarcasm, so you mean that you are happy to see me?" I asked unsurely. He sighed.

   "Just tell me what the fuck you want?"

    "No swearing!" I shouted. "Anyways I wanted to tell you that we are gonna go visit my brother!"

    "Which one?" he asked.

     "BlackHat, of course!" I told him in a happy voice.

    "Your relationship with your brother is fucked. And I mean literally fucked up," he told me with a snarl on his face and his eyes added a lime green to them.

    "What does lime green mean?" I asked him.

   He let out a growl before answering, "It signifies disgust."

    "What's disgusting about our relationship?" I asked.

    "The fact that, from what you've told me, you've tried to rape him, even though he is your brother! If I knew where the fuck my brother was I wouldn't want to fuck him!" he shouted. "Its gross and wrong! Even for your kind!"

Slug's pov

   Sometimes WhiteHat can be so fucking annoying, I know he took me in, but he took me in after he killed my family from before. Why is it everytime I transfer families it's only because they killed my previous family?!?

    Anyways basically from what WhiteHat has told me I know that he has at least attempted to rape his oldest brother, and that's just gross. And I'm gonna be forced into coming with him, ugh.

    Ya know if he wasn't fucked up and if he didn't want to fuck his brother, he isn't that bad of a person. He has some weird ass issues with his bro, but if he could lose all of that, I wouldn't mind him as much...

    "What does magenta mean?" he asked, he seemingly has forgotten what I had just said.

    "I dunno, who do I look like to ya? Some sort of color expert? Well, I ain't," so I might've lied a bit there...

    "Do you know what a pale yellow means?" he asked.

    "Again do I look like a color expert?" I asked. I'm still lying... My eyes must be becoming more pale yellow. Lying is difficult when your eyes give ya away, and they ain't giving me away by the normal human ways were you would need to know how that person looked when they are lying. My eyes give me away by becoming a pale yellow.

    "I mean they are your emotions,  don't you know what you're feeling?" he asked.

    "Like you really care about what I'm feeling. When are we gonna be going to your brother's place?" I asked quickly changing the subject.

    "I was hoping to go sometime tomorrow, I just wanted to give you a heads up!" he told me in his happy go lucky voice.

    "A'right, can ya leave me alone now?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

    "Yep! See ya later Slugigator!" he said before skipping on out. Ugh, Slugigator? Seriously? Slug and alligator, that's horrible...

    So tomorrow I get to meet WhiteHat's brother, BlackHat who is the next king if demons. I will probably also meet his scientist... The entire reason why I live here with WhiteHat is so that he can have a scientist of his own, but I refuse to look like him. WhiteHat wants me to wear similar clothes that... Flug?  wears. WhiteHat also started calling me Slug cuz it rhymes with Flug's name...

   My real name is Dexter Schmidt, but as long as I live here my name is now apparently Slug Flys, flys being pronounce as Fly-is. Its weird. It's the third name I've gone by since I was born.

   My birth name is obviously Dexter Schmidt, the next name I went by was when I was in the shadow gang, and my gang name was Penumbra, and now I'm supposed to go by Slug... This is just ridiculous.

   Anyways I should probably finish this project up and go to bed.

(I made another chapter! And I decided to add Slug into the story! He has a pretty troubled past. And the reason why he swears so much is because he used to be apart of this gang and he was the youngest member but he was also quiet high in command for being what he is. So what do you guys think? Anyways I hope you guys have a good one!)                    

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