Amnesia [ h.s ]

By xtearsoftheriver

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Definition of Amnesia: ● am·ne·sia /amˈniːzɪə/ ● A partial or total loss of memory. Usually resulting from sh... More

Amnesia [ h.s. ]
Chapter 1 ~ The Party
Chapter 2 ~ Subliminal Message
Chapter 3 ~ Dangerous
Chapter 4 ~ Fear
Chapter 5 ~ Dark side
Chapter 7 ~ Promises
Chapter 8 ~ Memories
Chapter 9 ~ Reality
Chapter 10 ~ Shame
Chapter 11 ~ Strong
Chapter 12 ~ Mystery
Chapter 13 ~ Doubt
Chapter 14 ~ Numb
Chapter 15 ~ Mistake
Chapter 16 ~ Dream

Chapter 6 ~ Freedom

605 69 28
By xtearsoftheriver


"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

I don't know where he was driving me, but it was taking a really long time. Why was he forcing me to do all this? It's my freedom of choice, at least I think I still have a say in anything I'll ever do.  Why was he like this? I guess darkness took the best of him. 

"Where are you taking me?" I looked up at him with a curious gaze.

"Going to kill you in the middle of the woods."

My eyes grew wide with fear. I knew it! I always knew he was a serial killer.

"Relax." He rolled his eyes. "I just really want a damn ice cream."

I don't understand. In a second he's all mean, looking at me as if he's actually about to murder me, and now, he looks like a fucking child, wanting his ice cream. He's so messed up, and because of him, I'm starting to wonder about both his and mine sanity.

"We're here." I got out of his car, which,surprisingly, was white. He reached for my hand, but I evaded his grasp and continued toward the door. 

 His hand, once again, made contact with my arm, and I tried to let go of him. But this time was different, he didn't want me to run, I think. Well, there's not much I could do about that. He knows where I live.

After he got his ice cream we headed to his car again. And that was a hell of a car. "What do you  want?" I spit, not caring about his reaction.

He raised one eyebrow at me. "I just want to eat my fucking ice cream, Henna."

"No, what you really want." My voice was harsh, for the first time, I wasn't afraid of him.

"Look, sweetheart, we wouldn't want you getting hurt now, would we?" He looked at me, his green eyes not showing any emotion, making me a little bit uncomfortable. Yup, forget that part I said I wasn't afraid. "I thought so. If I were you, I would keep that pretty mouth of yours shut." He got into his car, me mirroring his moves. 

"I wanna go home." I crossed my arms, and somehow, that made him laugh. "What!?"

"You're going to stay at my apartment." My eyes grew wide, that's something I really didn't want to. I looked to the door at my side, and as if he could read my mind, he locked it. "I would not want to do that." I flinched with the acidity in his voice. 

Why me? I don't get it. I try to understand why the hell he chose me. And I couldn't think about anything. I couldn't think at all. My mind was so full of this, full of him. Before I knew, tears were streaming down my face. He was focused on the road, so I guess he didn't notice what was going on. 

I remember when he hugged me until I stopped crying. Why couldn't he be always like that? It would be so much better.

"I don't want to." My voice was low, it was like a whisper.

"What?" His gaze on me for a second.

"I don't want  to go with you." My eyes were slowly closing. I knew I just made him mad. It didn't take much to know that.

"You don't have a choice." 

"How's that?" I let out a screech that could wake the dead. "It's my life, I do whatever I want." My arms were crossed again. 

"I own you now, love." He smirked. "And you'll do everything I want you to." My mouth dropped open. What did he mean? Once again, fear squeezed my stomach, it clutched at my throat, it clutched at my heart with cold fingers. The dread his words invoked must have shown on my face, since his smile grew wider. 

I preferred to stay quiet, there's nothing I could do. And that made it worse, knowing that I was trapped. I felt numb.

At this moment, I believed him. He could do whatever he wanted with me, I'm weak, I can't stand for myself, and that's what worries me the most. I'm a doll for him, I obey him, and that's not right.

"Henna, did you hear me?" I looked at him. "Well?"

"No, sorry." My eyes focused on my lap, were my hands rested.

"Let's go."


His apartment was somehow pretty clean for a boy. His living room was in a beautiful tone of light blue, along with white couches. There was a window that occupied the whole wall, so we could have a breath taking view of the city. A plasma was planted right in front of that big transparent glass. The kitchen, was in a really pretty brown. The counters were modern and clean, their top was white. There were three doors closed, and stairs that lead into another part of the house, obviously. I was in awe. 

I just stood awkwardly in the hall, not knowing what to do.

"Make yourself at home, I'll be right back." Harry took his black iPhone from him pocket, walking up the stairs. Seconds later, I heard a door close. I think he went into his bedroom.

Like the curious bitch that I am, I had to follow him, pretty silently, so he wouldn't listen me. As I approached one of the doors, I heard a voice, Harry's husky voice I could tell.

Although he was trying to talk low, I could still hear him. "I'm not going to fucking hurt her." He was talking about me. That's the point of him bringing me here. I quickly made my way back downstairs. My hands were desperately trying to open the door, but it was locked. There was no way I could get out of here.

My breathing was now fast, I was scared. Scared of what he might to do me. I wasn't safe, and since I met him, I never was. He was dangerous. Then it hit me like a hurricane. My freedom's gone, totally gone. He'll do whatever he wants, because he knows I wont tell anyone, he knows I won't say no.

What scares me the most, is that he knows so much about me, and I know nothing about him. Whoever he is, he's no good. 

Niall warned me. Why didn't I listen to him? I'm so stupid, so naive. I should have never even spoke to Harry. But he's always one step ahead of me. The party, the key, everything. He knows everything, how could you possibly beat that? Right, you can't.

And for the fiftieth time I met Harry, I started crying. Crying like there was nothing else to do, and that was true, there wasn't. I just had to sit, and wait for my time to die.

My back slid down the icy wall, my sobs getting louder and louder. What have I gotten myself into? I grabbed my knees, hiding my head between them. How I wish I never met him.

I heard Harry coming down the stairs, but I wasn't going to look at him. I didn't want him to see me like this, and I didn't really want to see him at all.

"Henna?" He bent down, I could feel him in front of him. "Henna, what's wrong?" I couldn't distinguish any emotion in his voice.

"W-why do you want to hurt me?" Suddenly, I didn't feel like crying. I don't know why, maybe because I was just mad at him. Pretending to be a good guy. I lifted my head, so I could face him. His brows were together, an harsh look on his eyes, like he was fighting inside, in his head.

"What do you mean?" 

"I heard you talking to someone." I let out a small sob. "And you said you wouldn't hurt me."

"Are you even hearing yourself?" He seemed surprised. "You just denied yourself." I looked at my fingers. "Besides, nobody ever taught you not to hear other people's conversations, Henna?" And now, there's the real Harry.

"I'm sorry."

"Just don't, stop acting like a fucking child and get up." He was harsh, not even caring about me, or my feelings.

I did what he told me to, standing there, like if I was waiting for his next order. "Are you hungry?" I nodded. Damn, he changed his mood quickly. How I wish I could do that. I followed him to the kitchen, siting on a bench by the counters.


Harry was actually a great cook, I have to say. But the silence between us while we ate was unbearable. I got up, taking the dish to the sink. "I'll do that." He took the white dish of my hand, beginning to wash both of them.

This is what I don't get, right now, he seemed pretty much normal. Not like that person who scares the shit out of me.

"Let's go to sleep." He turned to me.

"I'm not sleepy." I wrinkled my  nose at him.

"Oh, but you are." He softly grabbed my wrist, pulling me up the stairs. "You're sleeping with me." I froze. No, I'm not sleeping with someone who can kill me during my sleep."

"No." I stopped walking, making him glance at me. His famous grin on his angel's face.

"Yes you are." We got into his room. It had a big window like the living room. And since it was upstairs, and night, the view was even more beautiful. The bed was turning to that big amount of glass, so if you were laying in there, you could see everything. 

His bedroom was like the rest of the apartment. Breath taking. I could stay here and admire the beautiful city at my feet. Without Harry, that would be great.

"Do you like it?" His husky voice, low and soft, his mouth pressed to my ear.

"Y-yes." And there comes the stuttering again.

"Relax, I'm not going to do anything with you." Harry walked towards his closet, grabbing a t-shirt, throwing it at me. I furrowed my brows. "I think you don't wanna sleep with that." He pointed to my shorts. "It seems uncomfortable as hell. Although I wouldn't mind." He smirked and winked at me.


The shirt was big, it reached my tights. But it smelled so nice, I think it smelled like him. I finally got out of the bathroom, realizing Harry was already in the bed. I'm not going to sleep with him, no way.

I sat on the cold, dark wood ground, leaning against the king sized bed. "Aren't ya coming?" I shook my head, looking at the view. "You know you can do that up here." I just didn't want to be in the same bed as him.

"Can't I sleep in the couch?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Nope." He popped out  the 'p'.

I frowned, crossing my arms.

"And it's not acting like a baby that's going to make me change my mind." I could sense the amusement in his voice. "Come." I rolled my eyes, getting up. At least the bed was big enough to keep a big space between us. 

I sat on the soft brown sheets, feeling his sight on me. I got below the hot blankets. This was awkward.


Harry moved one more time. "What now?" 

"I'm used to sleep in the middle of the bed." Could he be more childish than that?

"Well, not tonight" I hissed.

"It's fucking uncomfortable."

I rolled my eyes. "Then deal with it. It's your fault I'm in here." 

"Fucking rude." Because he's the right person to talk about that.

I let out a sigh. "Just sleep."

"No, I can't." 

God dammit. "Shut up, oh my god."

"But I wanna sleep in the middle." That definitely sounded like a child speaking.

And before I knew, one of his hands was on my waist, his legs intertwined with mine. "What the hell are you doing?" I whispered angrily.

"This is comfy." He totally ignored my question.

"Back off." I clenched my teeth. That only made him to grab me tighter.

I could feel his breath on my neck. And somehow, that relaxed me.

"Harry..." He didn't answer. "Harry." Was he ignoring me? "Harry?" I can't believe this, he already fell asleep. I tried to get out of his hold, but it felt impossible. Might as well just stay there, and so it was what I did.

Hello my beautiful readers, I missed ya

A whole chapter of Harrenna omg But don't get too excited about that. Harry has to seduce her, to impress her, to play nice, but why? You'll know, you'll know, don't worry ahah So, if you ship them JUST STAWP already. It's not good, or is it? I don't know .-. So, tell me what you thought about this chapter. You have one clue here, one clue of her future, just analize the chapter, you'll notice it. It's not obvious I have to say, even if it does look like that.

And for those thinking Harry was a cutie pie at the very end, REMEMBER HE TOOK HER FREEDOM AWAY. But I have to agree, him wanting to spoon is cute aww But anyway, appearences are deceptive.

And you have to know, I'm portuguese, maybe my grammar's not on point, so don't be mean about that, okay? Thank you.

Oh, and there's a picture of Harry's bedroom on the side.

Love you all


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