You Are My Girl (Olicity) - F...

By peetaology

881K 20.2K 6.2K

The story of Felicity and Oliver. A spirited IT girl and a playboy billionaire with a secret. More

You Are My Girl; 1
A Warning; 2
An Old Friend; 3
Safe and Sound; 4
Saving Felicity; 5
House Guest;
A New Place
A Talk With Oliver
Don't Shoot The Messanger
Mr. Queen
Hooding Up
Waking Up To Confusion
The Feelings
Remember Me?
Broken Hearts Can Heal
More Problems
An Image
A kiss, Amanda, and a cure
The Man In The Skull Mask Tells All
A Pawn in his Game
A Plan- and "The Man"
Taking Down a Friend
Arrow Business
The Broke Rich Boy
The Bank Robbers- and trained by the best
How To Shoot An Arrow
Losing Someone You Love
You Are Not Alone
Barry Allen.
Oliver Freaking Queen
Taking The Heat
What Oliver Might Have Done
Wake Up Oliver, I'll Take Care Of Everything Else
Determined Smoak & Her Partners
A Ring Of Broken Promises
Fifty Shades Of Queen
Warning Season 3 Spoiler
The Arrow's Sister
Vengeance Of The Queen
Fifty Shades of... Green
Life is Full Of Surprises
How to (Not) Hide the Truth
So We Meet Again
Mini Felicity
Who Is Palmer?
The Family Man
Team Arrow?
Heart to Heart
Very Platonic Circumstances
Love and War
Dark Secrets
And The Walls Came Crashing Down
An Arrow to the Knee
Keeping Her Safe
Fighting For a Future

The Arrow is Back

10.4K 244 149
By peetaology

[Chapter 39; The Arrow is Back- but is Oliver?]

"Do as I say but not as I do." -My mom

^ I needed a quote and my mom always says that.. So yea


Roy, Barry, and Felicity were in The Arrow Cave, reviewing the footage of Diggle's kidnaping. Of course it had made the news, and Roy had instantly called Felicity- who had then called Barry.

"I'm pretty sure Isabelle wouldn't be that stupid to kidnap him in broad daylight." Roy pointed out.

"She wants us to know it's her." Barry argued.

Felicity's head was starting to hurt. Everyone had a different theory for why Isabelle had revealed herself the previous day and no one was agreeing.

Felicity's theory was that Isabelle was just plain stupid, but no one agreed with her either.

"Alright, let's start with the facts. Isabelle gets Oliver, now she kidnaps Diggle. Obviously, she is picking us off one by one." Roy finishes his theory, getting looks from both Barry and Felicity.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just take you all out at once?" Barry asked, shaking his head.

"I agree with Barry, wouldn't Isabelle want to just get rid of us all at once?" Felicity questioned, not seeing the logic of Roy's theory.

"Well, what if she just wanted you to suffer, seeing everyone else go first?" Roy answered her question with a question of his own.

"No." Felicity ran a hand through her messy blonde hair. She didn't want to believe Isabelle's vendetta was now directed at her, but it was possible.

"I plausible point." Barry said thoughtfully, much to Felicity's despair.

"I don't think so. She is just getting whoever she can get her hands on- that's Isabelle for you." She muttered bitterly.

"Well I think the best thing to do right now is suit up and take her down." Said Roy, putting on her mask.

"I'll ping her location." Barry offered, turning to Felicity's computer.

"Roy, uh, can I come?" Felicity asked.

Roy turned to her in surprise. Barry looked up at her in alarm.

"No way." Barry spoke up at the same time Roy did. "Sure." Said Roy.

Felicity looked between the two of them, slightly confused. "I asked Roy." She told Barry.

"Felicity, I don't want to see you getting hurt." Barry protested.

"I won't. Isabelle will be the one getting hurt." Felicity vowed.

"Leave that up to me." Roy scolded her lightly.

I'm not a child, she thought.

As soon as Roy was ready, the two headed out. Barry traced Isabelle's location to an abandoned warehouse in the Glades.

"It's always the abandoned warehouses." Roy chuckled to Felicity. She nodded.

"Typical..." At the moment, she was starting to regret not taking a bow herself. She had been practicing with Oliver's a great deal, and was getting better. Of course moving targets where a different story.

Felicity was sure that her archery skills could make an exception for Isabelle Roshev.

"Well, this is the place." Roy interrupted her train of thoughts.

The building was definitely abandoned. It looked like something straight out of a horror movie.

"What of Barry's wrong? I should have double checked." Felicity mentally slapped herself.

"Barry's good computers stuff too, we'll be fine." Roy assured her, and headed in the unlocked door.

If she hadn't locked her door, Isabelle must be really stupid. Yeah, she was stupid. Isabelle had messed with the wrong group.

Felicity shook her head at her thoughts and tried to focus. Roy had his bow ready, and he ushered her behind him.

She stayed close to Roy, but as soon as she saw Isabelle, she felt like bolting at the other woman.

"Well, well. I knew it was just a matter of time until the other team members showed." She shot Felicity a condescending smile. The man Felicity recognized as Dr. Mitty had Diggle at gunpoint a few feet behind Isabelle.

"Diggle!" Felicity cried out without meaning to. He simply grunted a reply as the gun was forced in his face.

"Touching," Isabelle mused sarcastically, "now, how is Oliver? I've been worried sick! I mean, that's rough. Right after he bought that ring too."

Felicity felt her blood boiling as she stood next to Roy.

"Now, little red man, put the bow down or your friend dies." Isabelle demanded smugly.

Roy let his bow clatter to the ground. Felicity thought his gesture was a little dramatic, but Isabelle seemed pleased.

"I hope you rot in hell for this." Felicity spat, getting a strange look from Roy. This was probably the angriest he had ever seen her.

"Sure, sure." Isabelle waved her hand dismissively.

Roy took a step back so he stood in front of Felicity. She felt safe behind her friend, but honestly at the moment she didn't want to be safe. She wanted to rip Isabelle's throat out.

"Just let him go, your argument was with Oliver and I'm pretty sure you've settled it." Roy said, pain clear in his voice as he spoke.

"That's where you'r wrong. My argument is with the whole Queen family." She corrected.

Felicity bit her lip, confused.

"Diggle is the bodyguard of Oliver Queen, Roy is dating Thea Queen, and you almost became Felicity Queen." Isabelle finished, turning to Felicity.

"It sounds like you're just obsessed with Oliver." Roy argued, clenching his hand into a fist.

"No, not entirely. But it just so happens that Oliver is also The Arrow- another one of my problems. It's called killing two birds with one stone." Isabelle explained.

"The Arrow was bringing good to this city, something apparently you can't handle." Felicity spat, holding back unshed tears.

Isabelle regarded her with dark eyes. "Anyways, enough of the small talk. Roy will see my real motives soon enough. But as for you, Felicity..." She let her voice trail off.

Suddenly, Felicity was grabbed from behind. This man wore a mask, and it wasn't one she recognized.

While Roy had been protecting her from the front, neither of them had thought about the behind.

Felicity tried to wrench her arm out of the mans grasp, but it was no use. He was strong. The man dragged her to the center of the room, facing Diggle.

Diggle's eyes met Felicity's, and a pang found it's way to her heart. This man was about to be a father, he couldn't just die.

"I'll make you a deal." Felicity said before she could think.

"I don't think you're in a position to make a deal, Ms. Smoak." Isabelle laughed.

"Just hear me out," Felicity pleaded, gaining a shocked look from Roy, and a glare from Diggle, "I will do whatever you want- weather it's hacking something for you or simply dying willingly at your hands." She said.

"And why would you do that, Ms. Smoak?" Isabelle asked, arching a brow.

"Because then you would let Diggle go." Felicity answered evenly." Diggle's eyes widened, and he began shaking his head.

"That's insane Felicity, you're not thinking. I know losing Oliver was hard for you, but you need to use your head. He wouldn't want you to do this." Diggle shouted, before getting silenced by Dr. Mitty.

"Deal. I want you to sign over your place in Oliver's will to me." Isabelle smirked triumphantly.

Felicity's eyes widened in surprise. "I'm in Oliver's will?"

"Don't be ridiculous. You are the woman he loved, and his life was in constant danger. Did you think he honestly hadn't made a will?" Isabelle sneered, obviously enjoying the upper hand.

"But Oliver isn't dead, not yet." Felicity challenged. Her thought process was going a million Miles a second. Her judgment was clouded by desperation and grief.

"I can speed that process up a little," Isabelle smiled maliciously, "now, we had a deal."

"No." Felicity breathed. She was torn. The odds were against her.

If she refused, Isabelle would kill Diggle and probably Roy as well. If she accepted, Isabelle would kill Oliver and Roy, but spare Diggle.

Felicity knew she would die either way.

"Oliver wouldn't want this, Felicity. We are a team. We die as a team." Diggle shouted from somewhere.

"Don't do it, Felicity!" Roy called from across the room.

Felicity tried to get her brain to function. From somewhere in the panic, she saw Isabelle's gun posited at her.

"It seems you've made your choice," Isabelle said, faking sympathy, "Too bad, I would have liked that will. Mitty, take care of the body guard."

Felicity heard the sound of a gun being reloaded. She squeezed her eyes shut as Isabelle took her aim. Felicity was shaking so bad she was surprised her glasses hadn't fallen off.

"Isabelle, no!" Roy called in one last desperate attempt. She heard him draw an arrow; the sound of the metal arrow scraping the bow echoed around the room.

"Isabelle Roshev, you have failed this city." The deep voice of The Arrow hushed everyone.

The Arrow?

Felicity opened her eyes to see Oliver, dressed in his suit, standing a few feet away, his bow trained on Isabelle's figure.

Roy hadn't been the one to draw the arrow after all.

"Oliver?!" Isabelle's expression was almost enough to make Felicity laugh out loud. She had gone chalk white.

"Drop. The. Gun." The Arrow hissed through clenched teeth.

Isabelle smiled wickedly at him before pulling the trigger.

Felicity's eyes widened. The scene seemed to play out in slow motion. Roy picked up his arrow, and let an arrow fly at Isabelle in one quick motion. Diggle lunged forewords, catching Dr. Mitty off guard.


The Arrow slammed into Felicity, knocking her down to the ground. The force of Oliver's weight knocked the breath out of her.

"Are you alright?" Oliver asked, his voice hushed.

Felicity blinked, looking around for her glasses. They had finally fallen off during her fall.

"Answer me, Felicity." He persisted.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, thanks." Felicity managed to choke out.

In a second, Oliver was back on his feet.

Once Felicity found her glasses, she slipped them on. Much to her dismay, they were slightly cracked. She looked up to see Isabelle lying on the floor; Roy's arrow in the back of her left thigh.

Dr. Mitty was cowering by the wall, as Oliver had his arrow pointing at him. "You have failed this city." He hissed before letting his arrow fly. It nailed the business man straight in the chest, and Felicity looked away.

"And as for you. I should kill you right now." Oliver said, turning to Isabelle.

"Go ahead. That's what you are. A killer." Isabelle was pushing Oliver's buttons now.

He chuckled darkly. "I'm a killer when I have to be. You messed with me, my family, those I love and care about, and my team."

Felicity looked at him in surprise. She had never heard Oliver call them a team before.

"She's not worth it man." Diggle said, putting a hand on Oliver's shoulder.

"You're right. She isn't." Oliver said, and he released his arrow.

Roy let his jaw drop as the arrow hit Isabelle in the stomach. Felicity guessed that he wasn't expecting Oliver to kill her.

Though it felt wrong, a huge weight just felt like it had been lifted off her shoulders.

"We're ok." She breathed in disbelief.

"Yes, we are." Diggle said quietly.


Back in The Arrow Cave, Barry Allen was waiting.

Barry Steal Yo' Girl Allen.

Oliver narrowed his eyes and turned to face his team. Diggle shrugged guiltily, Roy looked down at the ground, and Felicity met his eyes.

"We needed the help. He is trustworthy." She said boldly. Oliver bristled.

"He knows my secret? That is not your secret to tell." He said, raising his voice. Felicity's eyes widened at his sudden anger, but Oliver couldn't help the raging jealousy that burned inside him.

While he had been sleeping, Barry had joined Team Arrow.

"I won't tell anyone," Barry offered, "and I can't believe you're really walking right now. You should sit."

Oliver rolled his eyes as he pulled off his hood. "You should stop talking. I hired you as a detective, not a doctor."

"How long have you been awake?" Barry asked, ignoring the hostility that was clear in Oliver's tone.

"Forty five minutes." Oliver answered honestly, feeling his eyelids start to droop.

"Soon you'll be making more headlines. 'Oliver Queen escapes the hospital after being in a coma for two weeks'." Roy joked half heartedly.

Diggle nodded in agreement. "You should go back man."

Oliver groaned. He had more supplies here. His island remedies where way more effective than the drugs at he hospital.

"No, I'm staying here for the night. I'll go home to my family tomorrow." Oliver informed his team and Barry. Barry wasn't part of his team, as far as he was concerned.

"All right, I should head back to Lila. She is probably worried sick." Diggle said apologetically.

Everyone nodded. "Goodnight Diggle." Felicity threw her arms around Diggle. Oliver bit his bottom lip. Felicity hadn't hugged him yet.

"Goodnight Felicity." Diggle headed up the staircase and before he even had a chance to open the door, Roy spoke.

"Thea probably needs some... Comfort..." Roy stated, trotting up the stairs as well, wiggling his eye brows suggestively, earning a glare from Oliver.

That wasn't a pleasant thought- Thea was his younger sister. "Don't tell her anything. As far as you're concerned, I am missing." Oliver called after him. Roy never replied, but Oliver knew he wouldn't dare say anything.

Barry shuffled awkwardly. Part of Oliver enjoyed making him uncomfortable.

"So, good save guys." He mumbled.

Felicity chuckled. "That was probably the closest call I've ever had."

"Why were you out there?" Oliver asked her, his focus leaving Barry for a second.

"I wasn't thinking. How do you deal with it; losing people?" Felicity asked quietly.

Oliver felt a twinge in his heart. "It will take more than a concussion to get rid of me, Felicity Smoak."

Felicity ran towards him, but he was ready. Oliver picked her up bridal style. It may have been a little much to life a person right now, but Oliver wanted to be close to her again.

"Speaking of your head, you should really lie down." Felicity scolded.

"Yes. Go home to the mansion. I'll be fine here." Oliver told her, hoping Barry would get the message as well. He wanted to be left alone.

Love had gotten in his way. Oliver knew that he had to focus on being The Arrow for now, which would put his proposal on hold.

Felicity could never know about that.

"I can stay here-" Felicity began but Oliver cut her off.

"I really need some time to myself, Felicity. Go back and pretend you don't know anything, ok?" He told her. Trying to keep his voice soft.

Barry looked mildly surprised. "I can take you home."

Oliver had to restrain himself from slapping Barry senseless. He needed some distance from Felicity if he was to get over her. Focusing on being The Arrow was going to be the hardest thing he has ever done.

"Alright, uh, goodnight Oliver." Felicity mumbled, probably noticing how he was pushing her away. A twinge of guilt tugged at Oliver's heart. He didn't want her to go.

He didn't reply until both Barry and Felicity were out the door.

"Goodbye, Felicity Smoak."

Oliver felt his eyelids become even heavier. His head was throbbing and everything became out of focus. He managed to stumble over to his chest of island remedies and select the right one.


I wasn't planning to make the chapter this way at all, but it kind of just happened.

Someone has messaged me about wanting a "Rated R" scene between Felicity and Oliver. I would like to say right now that I'm not going to write that in this book.

In the tv show, they don't really show much and I would like to keep my book that way. Also, I don't really picture Felicity and Oliver really being dirty or anything like that. I can right PG13 scenes I guess, but this isn't Fifty Shades Of Queen.

Ok? Ok.

If you guys really want a more detailed scene, you can comment and I guess I'll consider it.

On to another subject, I'm having trouble updating some of my other Olicity stories, so if you have any ideas for my writers block comment that below too! :)

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