Love Triangle | Harry/Draco x...

By Lil-Pickett

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Twelve parts published! You are in your first real relationship with Harry Potter himself. But what happens w... More

Chapter 1 - "Oh look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!"
Chapter 2 - "Jealous, Potter?"
Chapter 3 - What do you want?
Chapter 4 - It's time to explain, Mr. Malfoy
Chapter 5 - Regret
Chapter 6 - "You're too good for him"
Chapter 8 - Can you trust a Malfoy?
Chapter 9 - "Pleased to meet you Mr. Malfoy"
Chapter 10 - The rescue mission: Part 1
Chapter 11 - The rescue mission: Part 2
Chapter 12 - Time to choose

Chapter 7 - Detention

297 6 2
By Lil-Pickett


In front of you stood Professor Snape. He looked even scarier than normally.

"Am I interrupting something?", Snape asked with his cold and deep voice while glancing both of you with despise.

                          * * * * * * *

"Actually, yes you are, Professor", Draco answered sarcastically. You punched his arm to silence him.

"No, of course not, Professor. We're so sorry, we didn't even realize it was that late already", you answered with your most innocent voice.  

"Two hours of detention for the both of you, tomorrow night, in my classroom. And Mr. Malfoy here just got ten points taken from Slytherin for being sarcastic", Snape snapped. "Now get up and go to your common rooms, immediately", he commanded. Draco helped you get up. You were already leaving when Snape suddenly grabbed Draco by his shoulder:

"Not so fast Mr. Malfoy, I actually need to discuss something with you. Ms. (Y/l/n), you can go now."

Draco smiled at you and nod his head for goodbye. You turned around and headed to (h/n) common room, wondering what Snape wanted to talk about with Draco.

Draco's POV:

I watched (Y/N) walking away and disappearing around the corner. "Damn, she's a good kisser", I thought.             

"Ms. (Y/l/n) is gone now, you can stop drooling, Mr. Malfoy", Snape said. He turned me around to face him by grabbing my shoulder. I was about to answer something incredibly clever, as always, but he decided to interrupt me.

"I see what you're trying to do with that new girlfriend of yours, and I don't like it, Mr. Malfoy", Snape said. His face was now awkwardly close to mine.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Professor", I hissed to him. "Besides she's not my girlfriend. Or at least, not yet..."

I smirked after that last sentence. I really liked the idea of calling (Y/n) my girlfriend one day.

"Stop with the act Malfoy, I'm well aware of your father's little business!" Snape raised his voice.

"That has nothing to do with this! Besides, (Y/n) is a Half-Blood", I answered, also raising my voice.

"That hasn't stopped him before, has it?" Snape asked. "His main focus seems to be on the Muggle-Borns, but I know Half-Bloods have been involved", he added.

"Well that doesn't concern me anymore, I'm done with his business!" I answered. For a moment Snape was quiet and we were just staring at each other.

"I'm sure Ms. (Y/l/n) will be glad to know that as well", he then said.

"Are you threatening me, Professor?"

"Does it sound like it?" Snape asked. I didn't even bother to answer, I couldn't care less about his empty threats.

"It's late, go straight to Slytherin common room and don't forget your detention tomorrow", Snape said like nothing had happened and then slowly turned around to disappear into the darkness. I was so irritated. "Snape is going to suffer so bad if he says anything about this to (Y/n)... She doesn't need to know..." I thought while walking towards Slytherin common room.

Next morning:

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n)! Wake up immediately and explain!!" you heard your friend yelling.

"Explain what...?" you mumbled while pulling your blanket over your head.

"Last night you said that you would come here right after me, but you came like an hour later! Where the hell were you? And most importantly: with who?"


"Argh, did you even listen to me?" your friend asked, sounding really frustrated. You did listen, you just didn't want to answer.

"I, umm...kind of got detention for this night. With Draco...." you mumbled under your blanket. Fortunately you and your friend were alone in your dormitory so no one else could hear your conversation.

"WHAT?" you heard your friend shouting. At the same time you felt her jumping on you and tearing the blanket on the floor.

"Hey!! I'm cold, give that back!"   

"NO! What the hell (Y/n)?! How did you guys get detention? Why were you with him? I told you not to!!" she yelled, still sitting on you.

"Well... I was sitting alone and just about to return here when Draco came to talk to me. And we talked. Aaand... Well... kissed. And then Snape saw us and decided to give detention", you explained shortly. Your friend's expression was murderous.

"KISSED?! (Y/N)! Can't you just stay away from him... Or at least wait a bit so you can have a proper talk with Harry. DRACO MALFOY. IS. NO. GOOD. When will you believe me?" Her expression was now more worried than angry.

"He was actually really caring last night, he even asked me if I was okay", you answered. (Y/f/n) rolled her eyes.

"Yup, you clearly won't believe me until something bad happens... Don't tell me I didn't warn you!" You didn't even listen to her anymore.

In the evening:

It was finally a time for your detention. After avoiding Harry and his friends the whole day it was almost (but only almost) a relief that you would spend the next two hours locked up in Potion's Classroom where you wouldn't have to deal with anyone else than Draco and Snape. You knocked on the door and were surprised when you saw that it wasn't Snape who opened the door, but Draco:

"Hey beautiful", he greeted you while letting you in.     

"Hi... Umm, where's Professor Snape?" you asked while looking around the classroom.

"He let me in and then left somewhere, I don't know where and I don't really care", Draco answered.

"Missed me already, Mr. Malfoy?" you heard Snape's voice behind you while he entered the classroom. You tried to hold your laugh.

"Cauldrons are on the table on your left. You clean every single one of them and after that you can leave", Snape instructed.

"But there are like dozens of them!" Draco complained. "Why can't first-years clean their own cauldrons?"

"Stop asking stupid questions Mr. Malfoy and get to work if you want to get out of here", Snape answered. "Ms. (Y/l/n) you too. And no talking", he added.

You both sighed while looking at the pile of cauldrons. You started the cleaning on the left side of the table and Draco on the right.

After about ten cauldrons:

"I'm already exhausted..." you whispered so that Snape couldn't hear you. He was was sitting at his desk, writing something.

"How about a little break then?" you heard Draco whispering to your ear. He placed his hands on your hips from behind and pulled you close to his body.

"Is someone getting excited? Because that's definitely not a wand in your pocket", you answered seductively. You could feel his boner against you.

"Always excited when you're around, babe", he whispered and grabbed your ass with his other hand.

"Hold your horses Draco, we're in a detention!" you laughed. "Snape will notice."

"Can't we just sneak out?" he tried to convince you.

"No, are you crazy?" you answered while turning around to face him.  

"Well, if you want detention so bad, I can surely give you some punishment", Draco whispered while smirking flirtatiously.

"Oh, I think it should be the other way around", you answered. "You're the reason I even got this detention in the first place."                      

"You punishing me? Not gonna happen honey, I'm the dominant one here", he whispered. You were about to answer when you suddenly heard a loud bang from the door. You, Draco and Snape all turned to look at the door.

You were absolutely stunned when you saw who came in. Harry and Ron rushed in, looking very concerned but then slightly relieved when they saw you. That was weird, because just yesterday it seemed that Harry never even wanted to see you again.

"(Y/n), you're okay!" he said and ran to you. Draco was holding you protectively when he saw Harry approaching.

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be? you asked him. You were extremely confused and so was Draco and Snape.

"Excuse me Mr. Potter, but we're having a detention here! Twenty points taken from Gryffindor!" Snape shouted.

"Whatever, I only care about (Y/n)'s safety!" he yelled back.

"My safety? What is going on?" you asked and looked both Harry and Ron.      

"Keep your hands off her Malfoy!" Ron yelled at Draco. Ron was now also walking towards you. Harry grabbed your hand and tried to pull you away from Draco.

"You keep your hands off her, Potter!" Draco shouted. "You've caused enough trouble for her by embarrassing her in front of the whole school!" Draco stepped in front of you to protect you. Harry pushed Draco and they almost started a fight but you stepped between them.

"STOP! Now calm down before someone gets hurt!" you yelled at them. "Can someone please explain what the hell is going on here?!"

"You're the one who might get hurt (Y/n)!" Ron panicked. "He's dangerous!" he said while pointing at Draco.

"What? I don't understand!" You were still confused.

"(Y/n), you have to come with us immediately. The Malfoy family is trying to kill you", Harry said with a serious look on his face.                        

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