I Couldn't Stop Caring

By _TheFreak_

203K 6.5K 4.7K

"I couldn't stop" Lexa whispered softly "Stop what?" "I couldn't stop caring" -- Book 1 of the 'I couldn't s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Epilogue
'I Can't Stop Loving You'

Chapter 23

5.4K 214 45
By _TheFreak_

Clarke held Lexa's sword for her as they made their way towards the makeshift arena- a large circle made of wooden posts and guards that stood behind them. On one side of the circle, surrounding the outside, were Azgeda guards and warriors. Amongst them, were the Ice Queen and Ontari, who sent flaming glares to the other side of the circle where Lexa and her people stood.

"Lexa...?" Octavia murmured as she approached "we have a problem"

"What?" Lexa frowned

"Azgeda aren't the only ones here"

"What are you talking about?" Clarke asked "the fight is with Ontari."

"Who also happens to be an ally of Farm station" Octavia crossed her arms "they're here"

Clarke looked over her shoulder to see another group of people pushing through to the front of the crowd. Surly enough, there was Pike, grasping his gun tightly in its holster, eyes fixed on the commander. Beside him stood Bellamy, brown eyes finding his sister instantly.

Betrayal flashed in Octavia's eyes, and Clarke could never even begin to imagine how she felt. To be left and betrayed by her own brother would destroy her. Although, Clarke had felt similar feelings with her mother when she had learned that she had turned her own father in. Clarke clenched her fists as Octavia turned back towards Lexa.

"They don't matter. They're just here to watch. They can't do anything against you, right? It's against the rules?" Octavia asked urgently

"Yes, it is against the rules. However, I'm not sure how much Pike cares about rules" Lexa said "watch them"

Octavia nodded "and... what about Bellamy?"

Lexa stared at her blankly "what about him?"

"I-... he's my brother... I don't think I could stop him if it came down to it" Octavia admitted.

"Then don't" Lexa said "Indra will be with you"

Octavia nodded once again before backing away to find Indra, braids whipping as she turned. Lincoln followed her, never once leaving her side.

"This doesn't change anything" Lexa mentioned as Clarke tightened the straps on her armour

"I know it doesn't. I don't think it would matter if it did. You'd still be going out there."

"I would, yes." Lexa said, catching Clarke's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting go again. She turned only to be pulled back by her armour.

"Listen... Lexa I... I care about you okay? I don't want to lose you." Clarke whispered

"I care about you too, Clarke." Lexa frowned at her armour "I want this off"


"I want it off. Clarke it's too heavy. I don't have as much movement as I'd wish for" Lexa explained

"Lexa that's your only protection from Ontari" Clarke said with wide eyes as Lexa unbuckled the straps.

"Clarke, I can't fight with it on" Lexa slid the armour off, handing it to Titus, who had appeared at the event. Clarke could only see him as a coward.

"This is a terrible idea" Clarke stated, holding out her sword.

"I know" Lexa said. She pulled her sword from the sheath in Clarke's hands, who then quickly stepped forward to press a kiss to Lexa's cheek "I'll be fine"

"I know" Clarke quirked an eyebrow, repeating Lexa's words.

With one last small smile, Lexa turned to walk into the circle, posture tall and confident. The burning worry inside Clarke almost made her sick, and she wanted to launch herself after Lexa to take her place.

She had seen Lexa fight before in the middle of a battle hacking down Azgeda warriors like they were twigs. But Ontari wasn't just any Azgeda warrior. Neither Lexa or Clarke had even met her before, never mind seen her fight. For all Clarke knew, she could be just as ruthless and vicious as the commander herself. Clarke's heart beat tripled as she saw Ontari step into the arena across from Lexa, sharing a matching smirk with the Ice Queen.

Titus laced his fingers together tightly as he watched, and everyone shuffled on their feet at the suspense of what was yet to come. Clarke took a deep breath. She had to believe in Lexa. She had to.

Both Ontari and Lexa approached each other, circled each other, eyes crawling and sizing up their opponent in search of their flaws and their advantages. On Ontari's half, all Clarke could see were flaws. And on Lexa's half... advantages. Lexa was taller, stronger, and more agile. Ontari looked to have no chance against the commander.

With one last glance behind her at the Ice Queen, Ontari was the first to attack. She lunged, teeth gritted with impure anger, raising her sword and swinging it with unrelenting speed. In one smooth movement, Lexa sidestepped, avoiding the whirling blade. Lexa would have to be quick; the other girl was fast. But Ontari also let her emotions cloud her judgement whilst fighting.

Ontari growled angrily and her attacks began to grow sloppy with the decrease of thought in which she put into them. That was, until she momentarily took Lexa by surprise sending a direct stab towards Lexa's prone chest. The commander only just managed to block Ontari's deadly stab resulting in a cut down her stomach as she slammed the other girl's blade away with her own.

Clarke clapped her hands over her mouth to stifle a gasp. Indra only chuckled from beside her.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Clarke said, flinching as Ontari wouldn't stop attempting to deliver fatal blows on the commander, who blocked them with ease.

"Lexa is playing with her" Indra pointed out "she's getting a feel to Ontari's methods and letting her tire herself out. Watch."

Clarke frowned at Lexa. She looked so at ease, simply dodging swings and occasionally sidestepping or allowing her sword to clash with her opponent's. Behind them, Nia smirked with confidence.

"Something isn't right..." Clarke whispered to Indra "It looks like Nia doesn't even care.

Indra' eyes suddenly widened "Oh... shit..."

Something in the way Ontari fought suddenly snapped, and she spun with such elegance and speed to deliver a harsh kick straight to Lexa's face, knocking the commander off balance. She stumbled back, eyes wide and dazed with the blow. Ontari lunged with her sword once more, this time receiving a more delayed reaction from Lexa. The tip of her sword dug into her shoulder, causing Clarke to bite her lip. That armour would have definitely benefited her now.

With the smallest groan of pain escaping Lexa's lips, the braided brunette swung her sword. However, the blow had an acute fault due to the new injury in Lexa's shoulder. That fault allowed Ontari a chance which she took without hesitation. She ducked, dodging the blade and as she rose to her feet, jabbed Lexa in her shoulder with her elbow.

The sudden pain caused the commander's grip to loosen on the handle of her weapon, and the sound of her sword clattering against the ground rung in Clarke's ears. Ontari's kick sent it scuttling across the floor and away from Lexa's reach.

The commander was left defenceless.

Clarke impended over the risk of Lexa's downfall at that very moment. What if this was it? What if this was the moment where Lexa's reign finally came to an end with her death?

Clarke's thoughts were cut short as Lexa was knocked down to her knees before Ontari, a sword rested threateningly against her neck. Was this Ontari's way of killing Lexa? Decapitation? Did she want Lexa to die the same way her love, Costia, had died? She didn't want to watch. Clarke wanted to turn away and never see such a thing from happening. But then, she couldn't tear her eyes away.

"Any last words, commander?" Ontari sneered. Lexa glared up at her with her hands curled into tight fists.

"Not for you" She said evenly, staring up at Ontari who stood over her "and not now"

"Very well" Ontari lifted the chipped crafted iron which dripped with nightblood and slashed at Lexa's neck.

Clarke expected the mass of blood to stain the ground for eternity. She expected Lexa's body to slump to the ground, her head falling beside Ontari's feet like some sick game of ball. But the thud of limbs against the floor never came. Instead, came the scuffling of feet.

Lexa ducked her head rapidly, evading Ontari's decapitating swing. She leapt forward, strong shoulders colliding with Ontari's knees causing the black haired girl to crumble to the ground. The sword Ontari had wielded landed beside Lexa's across the arena.

Lexa was on her feet in an instant, and brought her boot to Ontari's face in a vicious kick. Black blood sprayed from the girl's mouth, splatting in large drops against the leather of Lexa's boots. The blow was hard, sending Ontari into a momentary state of blindness. It sent her stumbling, fumbling at her belt in attempt to retrieve her dagger which she had kept hidden through the entirety of their fight. Until now.

The blade flashed in the blazing sun as Ontari slashed at Lexa. Sweat rolled down the side of Lexa's face as she sidestepped and dodged until bringing Ontari's attacks to a hault by blocking the dagger with her forearm. The commander brought a knee to her opponents stomach and grasped tightly at the dagger in the other girl's hand, causing her to double over at the pain.

They both wrestled for power over the small slice of death which they held between them, and fresh clouds of dust leapt up from below their feet at the action. Lexa gritted her teeth and tilted the tip of the dagger towards Ontari's heart, struggling against the black haired girl's own strength.

It was over before Clarke even knew that it could be. Lexa's grabbed Ontari by her shoulder and shoved her vehemently onto the blade, using her own body to force the metal further into her heart. Lexa's green eyes stared into the darkening brown eyes of Ontari, allowing herself the privilege of watching the life drain from her. Satisfied, she pulled out the dagger from Ontari's chest, which had also been sandwiched between both of their bodies, with one rushed step back.

The commander's jaw jumped with the adrenaline of a fresh kill, leaping below the skin. A sigh of relief escaped Clarke's lips, and Indra wore a proud smile which she directed boldly towards her Heda. Cheers erupted from Lexa's men and women who fought for her and supported her.

But Lexa was far from done. She drew back her arm and, over her shoulder, direct her aim directly towards Nia. Her arm twitched, fingers let loose, and a dagger was sent flying through the air with utmost precision. It found its new home in the stomach of the Ice Queen herself, settling into its new sheath of skin and flesh.

Lexa tipped her chin up as the queen of Azgeda fell to her knees, crimson blood spilling from her lips and rolling freely down the corner of her mouth. Two Azgeda lives had been taken in the small space of two minutes or less, not once receiving the mercy that they would never beg for nor ever receive.

It seemed that, after all the years Lexa had spent grieving, she had finally found the revenge she had looked for. Nia was dead. It was a debt of which she owed Lexa after murdering Costia, yet it would never be a fair trade; Clarke knew that. Nia deserved every single drop of blood that escaped her corrupt and sickening body, yet Costia deserved life. The Ice Queen wished for nothing but death and never once took the time to understand life in its own form- unlike Costia, who had explored it in its greatest beauty.

No, it was not fair. In fact, it was far from such a thing. Yet it seemed to be good enough for Heda.

And that meant it just so happened to be good enough for Wanheda too.

Hey there! I WAS going to end this a lot sooner, but I think I can squeeze a few more chapters out before I end this! And there will be another book before you say, so don't come strangling me just yet!

Comment and let me know what you think! Give the vote button an appreciative little tickle if you think it deserves it! (Of course it does, look at that cute little star. How cute and so very tickle-worthy...)

Thank you again, guys! I'm so happy that so many people are sticking with me on this! See you next chapter!

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