Managing the Avengers

By WriterManiac1

40.9K 1.1K 332

(Reader Inserts) Your adventures in managing the Avengers. Including a game of dodge ball, the avengers getti... More

Head Shot (Dodge Ball with the Avengers Oneshot)
It's Raining Cats and Dogs - Where's Bucky?
It's Raining Cats and Dogs- It's Not Fair
It's Raining Cats and Dogs - The Curse of Chatter Box
Lights Out (Halloween Special)
Pumpkin Carving and Anger Issues (Crappy Halloween Special)
Christmastizing the Avengers (Christmas Special)
New York Lights (Christmas Special)
The Gift of Giving
Hack Attack
Your Lucky Number is Food
Dehyrdated... Disaster?
It's Raining Cats and Dogs -Sne-kitty
Heaven in a Box and Angel Fans
Everyone is a Hero / Hero Bucky
Just Keep Swiming
Baby Babble - Thor Drops the Baby Bombshell
Baby Babble - Cribs, Babysitting, Ribbons and a Mischievous Steve
The Bleeping Jar
Fast Forward
Forget Me Not (Loki's Amnesia)

It's Raining Cats and Dogs - Because Science

1.2K 32 2
By WriterManiac1

Chapter five: Because Science

Your POV

​Tony suddenly burst into the room, everyone jumping in surprise, then looked at a frantic Tony. "Pet Store. NOW!" He demanded.

​Everyone looked at each other weird, never guessing that Tony would ever say that. Tony hated all the pets, besides Bruce's fish (Wonder why). The pets could simply look at him and he'd glare at them and call them stupid. He wasn't abusive to the animals, he just hated them and everyone knew that, including the pets. Hearing Tony say that everyone needed to go to the pet store was like him saying that he was done with drinking- unthinkable.

​"Why?" Bucky asked, just as surprised as everyone else.

​The billionaire started to pace the room worriedly, ranting one hundred miles per hour. "Okay so you know how Bruce is gone, right?"

​"Uh... right." Nat answered, everyone knowing that Bruce had been gone for two weeks, spending some time helping out medically in Calcutta, and wouldn't be getting back until later today.

​Tony's fingers wrapped onto his hair, tugging slightly. "Well, before he left, he told me to feed his fish until he got back, right?"

"Yes..." You answered, then jumped when Tony suddenly was up in your face, his hands clamped onto your shoulders.

"I didn't!" He admitted shamefully. "I didn't feed them. But look, I didn't mean to kill it, I really didn't! I just got busy and-"

Steve cut him off, "You killed one of his fish!? Tony! You know how much Bruce loves those things! They're like family to him!"

"I know!" Tony whined, "Don't you think I know that? I didn't mean to! But," his voice lowered. " gets worse."

"What could be worse than killing a member of Bruce's fish family?" Clint asked, meeting your eyes.

"Killing two members?" Tony muttered.

"You didn't!" You exclaimed.

"I did." Tony answered, his eyes shut tight. He then started to pace again, his hands making frantic gestures. "I screwed up, alright! I didn't mean to! I just forgot about them! Ah! I screwed up bad! He's going to kill me and he gets home tonight! So that's why I need to go to the pet store and get him two new fish. He'll never know the difference! Right?" He finished, looking at everyone hopefully.

Everyone glanced at each other doubtfully.

"Come on guys!" Tony pleaded. "I need your help! I can't do it alone!"

"You may be a pest," You said, starting to stand up, "But I don't think I could live without you. And if I know Bruce, if he finds out, Hulk will be unleashed on you. So I won't let you die."

"Nor I!" Thor boomed.

"Us either." Steve said, himself and Bucky standing.

"I probably could, but I'll do it for [Name]." Nat agreed halfheartedly.

"Without you Anthony, I don't believe I'd have myself a drinking partner, so I'm in." Loki smirked.

"Personally, I think it would be hilarious to have Stark be Hulk smashed..." Clint started, his expression looking like he very much enjoyed the image.

"Clint!" You scolded, knocking his feet off the chair they were resting on, making your brother almost fall off. You glared at him and he finally rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Whatever." He grumbled.

​"Thanks you guys!" Tony said, sounding sincere and really relieved. "I don't know what I would do without you guys. I would be completely screwed."

​"You're probably still screwed." Clint muttered as he walked. "Ouch!" He yelped, holding his head after you hit him, telling him to play nice.

​"To the store of Pets!" Thor thundered, everyone praying for Tony's sake that Bruce wouldn't notice.


​"Hurry!" Tony yelled. "He's going to be home any second!"

​Everyone rushed into the Avengers Towers and raced to the elevator, impatiently waiting until they opened at the pet lounge. Once you got to the pet floor, everyone raced out, Tony racing to the fishbowl, trying to place them in before Bruce came. "Stall him!" Tony called over his shoulder, referring to Bruce who was already coming up the elevator.

​You had already gone to the Pet Store and found two fish that looked exactly like the originals, but you didn't anticipate how long it was going to be between finding fish that looked the same, getting through lines and traffic. As you guys were entering the building, you already saw Bruce pull up, walking briskly towards the building with an excited speed.

​The doors dinged and Bruce's face appeared after the doors slid open. "Hey!" He greeted and hugged everyone. "How is everyone?"

His question was met with grumbling and he shrugged before surveying everyone, "Where's Tony?"

​Panic erupted as everyone looked at each other, not ready for an explanation.

​Bruce looked at everyone quizzically before finally shaking his head as if you were all kids, "Alright I want to see Gamma and Betty. I haven't seen them for ages!"

​"NO!" Everyone immediately shouted, trying to block him, but Bruce was able to shimmy through everyone, walking towards the room while he was being followed with wide eyed faces, praying that Tony would make it in time.

​Suddenly Tony appeared from the doorway before the scientist could walk in, causing Bruce to jump.

​"Tony!" Bruce said, startled. "What were you doing in there?"

​"Oh just...feeding your fish like you said to." Tony lied horribly, but he must have done something right in his life as Bruce bought it, everyone feeling relieved.

​"Thanks for doing that Tony, I really appreciate it!" Bruce smiled, patting him on the shoulder. "Now I need to see them." He disappeared into the room, the door shutting behind him.

​Everyone looked at Tony and felt like they wanted to fall on the floor from relief. Everyone started to disassemble, thinking the worse had finally passed. It was only an hour later that you realized that the plan had ultimately failed in the end.

​You were watching T.V. in the bar room when Bruce walked by. He had just gotten done unpacking and needed some water, which surprisingly could actually be found in the bar. While he was walking past he casually asked, "So when did you guys buy the new fish that Tony killed?"

​So busy switching through the channels, you answered, not comprehending what he had just hinted. "Oh we bought them at the pet store right before you came home. Tony barely made it before..." You trailed off, pausing in what you were doing as realization dawned on you. You spun to face Bruce, your expression panicked.

​Bruce started to laugh at your expression and you couldn't figure out why at first, but slowly you figured it out.

​"You-you knew?" You asked, shocked.

​"Of course I did!" Bruce laughed, quickly composing himself to explain. "For one thing, Tony forgot to flush the old fish. He got them in the toilet but didn't get rid of them completely."

​"Sounds like him," You muttered.

​"Yes it does." Bruce agreed. "And the other thing that tipped me off was that Tony told me he was feeding the fish. We all know that he wouldn't have done that."

​"Then why did you ask him?"

​Bruce shrugged, "I have my reasons."

​"Science." You said, not a question but a statement.

​He laughed and confirmed your thought. "Science."

​You rolled your eyes with a smile on your face, flopping into your chair, shaking your head amused. Whenever you caught Tony and Bruce doing the funniest and oddest things, they'd tell you, 'Because science, [Name]' or just tell you 'science.' Eventually, you understood their ways.

​"Wait," You tilted your head, confused. You turned back around in the chair to face him. "So you're not mad?"

​"I did expect it. I actually took my fish with me on my trip and bought other fish before I left. My real fish are still alive; I took them with me. Everyone knows that Tony doesn't do responsibility well. I'm upset yes, but he fixed the problem."

​You scrunched up your eyebrows. "But he didn't."

​Bruce put a finger to his lips in a 'shhh' gesture. "But they don't know that. This can be our little secret, yeah?"

​Laughing you agreed, nodding your head. "Yeah."

​"Good." Bruce smiled then walked to get a drink making you laugh as you went back to your T.V. surfing.

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