A Muggle In The Wizarding Wor...

By starxight

112K 3.6K 1.1K

❝Who knew that an ordinary student from another world would join the Wizarding World and come to Hogwarts Sch... More

The Start Of Something New
Starting To Fall Into Place
Diagon Alley
Welcome to Hogwarts
Sorting Ceremony
Ron's Howler
Professor Lockhart
Quidditch Practise
Enemies Of The Heir... Beware!
The Heir Of Slytherin
Qudditch Match
Moaning Myrtle
Dueling Club
Polyjuice Potion
Tom Marvolo Riddle
The Basilisk
The Fake Hero
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3.6K 142 54
By starxight

As soon as we arrived at Hagrid's Hut, we started knocking while yelling "Hagrid! Hagrid! Are you in there? We need your help!!"
The door flung open with Hagrids confused face. "Come in quickly."

"Got just the thing. Set him down on that chair over there." He said while giving a bucket full of water to Ron.

"Better out than in. Who was he trying to curse anyway?" Hagrid questioned while slugs were dribbling out of his mouth splashing into the bucket.

"Malfoy. He called Y/N, well I don't exactly know what it means." Said Harry.

"He called Y/N a Mudblood." Hermione told Hagrid. "He didn't!" Hagrid answered as he's been offended. Harry and I were confused.
"So what does Mudblood exactly mean?" I asked.

"It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone...like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation." Hermione explained.

"Yeh see, Harry. There are some wizards -- like Malfoy's family -- who think they're better than everyone else 'cause they're what people call pureblood." Hagrid added.

"That's horrible. Are you alright Y/N?" Harry asked. "Yeah, it's not the first time I've been called that. Malfoy called me a Mudblood when I first met him on the train." I explained.

Ron spits out another fat slug when whimpering "Its disgusting."

"I'm so sorry Ron. Because of me you're going through all this suffering. I'm sorry." I apoogised.

"Don't be sorry Y/N. Ron just wanted to help you. That's a true friend right there." Hagrid comforted. "Anyways, how is Hogwarts so far? You must be enjoying, I know it's only your first day here but it's much better than your muggle school isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's much better! I love it here! I really like the different subjects that we do in Hogwarts. In our world, we do very boring subjects such as Mathematics and English and Science" I replied happily.

"Mathematics? What is that?" Ron asked even though he looked sick. "I will tell you another time. When you are feeling better." I told him...

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