Danger Zone

By BellaLoveLola

245K 10.8K 5.2K

Imagine being so involved and invested in a relationship that nothing you your significant other did was wron... More

1 ' Time
2 ' Meet & Greet
3 ' Drama
4 ' Cute
5 ' Psychological
6 ' Strong
7 ' Friends
8 ' Feelings
9 'Fun
10 'Gaia
11 ' Pleased
12 ' Loved
13 ' Time
14 ' Goodbye
15 ' Honesty
16' Just friends
17' Lovers
18 'Wanted
19 ' Done
20 ' One
21 ' Trip
22 ' Love
23 ' Pray
24 ' Newest
26 ' Trusted
27 ' Babe
28 ' Real
29 ' Next
30 ' Growing
31 ' Rider
32 ' Three
33 ' Nazareth
34 ' Healing
35 ' Gender
36 ' Next
37 ' 7:27 am
38 ° 32
39 ° Houston
40 °Good
41 ° Dance
42 ° Friends
43 ° Baby
44. Sick

25 ' Almost

5.1K 216 58
By BellaLoveLola

Nazareth Pov

P&A Tuxedos Tuesday 11:18 am

So, Mercury ass wouldnt even let me pick my own got damn shoes. Like women, I know how to match. Plus her wedding shoes are in her closet. I was looking for my gold sweater that she went and took out of my walk in closet, that she wore to sleep for like a week.

I found it in her walk in closet, along with her shoes. She could have hid them. But I will wear whatever shoes just long they arent some heels. She better not even joke either.

But we been living in our new house now officially for three weeks. I leave for deployment in two weeks. Lord have Mercury been sad. She been throwing up like crazy on top of that.

Good thing her appointment is in two days.

"I cant fit this" Mika said

"You got fat?" I asked

"Mika you didnt even put it on" I stated

"Why I gotta wear this?"

"Mika you didnt want to wear a dress so you wearing a suit" ly stated

"I hate yall" she added

"Fine when we leave I can tell Merc that you want to wear a dress" I said

"Man, I ain't wearing no dress" she said

"Okay. Mika what you want to wear?" I sat down and we all looked at her

"This is fine, I like the color and shit" she said putting the jacket on

"Bitch dont say nothing else to me" I stood back up fixing my suit

"You look good Naz. You getting married" Mike laughed

"She already married" Nicky added

"That is true but you know what I mean" Mike said

"Yes, well we just getting married again let's just say that"

"What kind of cake yall got?"

"Its triple, chocolate, red velvet and vanilla. She loves red velvet" I said

"So do i"Mike stated

"I like chocolate" Nicky added

"Your orders all set and ready to go" the man told us

Mike slow ass, on her period that's why she tripping for no damn reason. None the less I am excited as fuck about this wedding happening. I wonder if she invited Rihanna.

Man, I love me some Rihanna.

Home 8:27 pm

Merc been gone to her practice with the team. Now I haven't hear from Janell in a couple of weeks besides her making smart ass comments. And all that shit is annoying, she asked could she come to the wedding. Like what no.

Why would she even ask that stupid shit in the first place.

"Dinner is almost done" I said taking the steaks off the grill

"I hope she like grilled steak tacos" I said and started slicing the avocados up

Ring ring

"Hey Captian Jones"

"So I know your getting married March fifth.  Which is two weeks from today. If you deploy this Friday you'll be home a week before your wedding" he stated

"That's fine, whatever tall want me to do, then I'll do it" I stated

"Okay, and keep and eye out on Keith"

"Who is that?" I asked

"The new he is a e three"

"I thought this nigga name was Kenneth" I laughed

"Okay stop it. Deploy Friday at four am be at base on time"

"I'm so happy I'm on my period for deployment. Because im gone tare her ass up" I said

"What?" He said

"Damn I thought you hung up. But okay Friday at four" Iaughed and hung up

Marc about this work on our wedding night. We are going to Bali, I told her that we would have to wait because of deployment reason. But I lied, I wanted to surprise her.

I sat the food out, and grabbed some wine. After all it is Valentine's day. Shes been busy with her dance team all day I dont even think she realized. But it's cool.

I heard the door open and close, then the alarm beep. Good girl she set the alarm.

I sat at the dinner table in the dining room. In my Gucci shirt, and slacks. My gucci slides, and sunflowers in hand for her.

"Nazareth?" She shouted

"Shit she cooked" I heard her say

"Umm Naz?" I could here her shoes coming to me

"Naz I go...awwww Naz" she said looking at the table

She had Rose's and a bag of buffalo wild wings.

"You got food and flowers for me?" I asked

"Yes, I didnt want you to think I forgot about our first Valentine's day together" she walked over to me

"I thought you did that's why I cooked for you and got you flowers" I handed them to her

"Well, I bought food and flowers for you. So here" she handed them to me

"This is silly" I said

"Yeah I know" she laughed

"Well let's eat" I said

"First you look nice as fuck. I would eat you for dinner but you know you got tour thing going on" she laughed

"Haha" i said and we sat down

Mercury was beautiful as fuck.

"Two weeks and well be married married" she smiled

"True. I deploy this Friday.  So I'll be gone a week and be right back" I told her

"Okay" she said

We ate dinner and just talked, and I drunk wine and she had cranberry juice.

We talked about her doctors appointment, she had her blood drawn yesterday and they are going to test it to make sure she is pregnant.

I'm just as excited she is.

"I'm nervous" she said as we laid innthe bad tub together


"Being pregnant, and knowing Saqui is out now"

"Well since our baby, is going to be here dont qorry about him, just worry about you and the baby"

"You sure because he had a way for whatever reason, to do what he wants to so, yeah ok. I'm scared" she said

"Well, I'm here and I'm not going no where fact" I said

The cop that was helping her, got fired, and replaced with someone else. So, they cant help her. Well wont help her for whatever reason. That reason being Saqui.

Obgyn Office Thursday 9:00 am

I threw up this morning because I was so nervous about. I'm acting like I'm pregnant, and Merc is calmer than I am.

Im freaking the fuck out.

"What time do yall leave for Atlanta Saturday?" I asked

"We leave Friday night actually at two pm. I dont want to be at the house alone"

"Awww merc" I smiled

"Yeah yeah" she slapped my leg

"Well hello" Janell said

"Getting tested are we?" She added, I stood up fixing my watch

"Say something and I will fuck you up" I whispered to her

"Vassos?" The nurse said

"Yes" me and Mercury said

We walked to the back with the nurse,  and waited in a room.

"Janell and Kaley and this Mia bitch is starting to piss me the fuck off" she said

"Alright relax" I laughed at her squeezing the hell out of my hand

"Sorry I'm just saying" she said

"Hello, famila " Dr , Lamar walked in

"Hey Dr" we replied

"So. Let's get right to it. You are definitely pregnant" he laughed

"We knew that" I said laughing

"Ho do we know who egg it is?" Mercury asked

I was ready to have a kid if she was, but I wasnt ready to carry a kid due to working off planes and shit.

"A simple DNA test after the baby is born, could determine that. If you really want to know"

"I dont care who baby" I said

"Me either I just thought..well never mind" she smiled

"Your only four weeks along, but you'll be able to see and baby and the sack" he said

"Okay" she said

She laid back on the table, and relaxed as he got hos things together for the ultrasound.

"Okay" he turned around and lifted her shirt up and put the gel on her stomach

"Are you guys ready?" He asked

"Yes" Mercury said

He nodded and placed the scanner on her stomach.

Now I can read an ultrasound, very well. I looked at the doctor and back at Mercury.

"Wow" he said

"Is something wrong?" Merc asked

"Not at all" he said

"Is uh that the baby?" Mercury said


"And that one, and this one" he pointed to the screen

"You okay?" He asked

I literally just passed the fuck out.

9:45 am

Opened my eyes, and Merc and the nurse and doctor is standing over me and Merc is fanning me with her hands

"Bring the ultra sound back up?" I said getting up

"Are you okay?" Merc asked

"Yeah, let me see the screen?" I asked again

"You saw correct its triplets" he said

"That's three babies at once?" I asked looking at her

"Yes" Mercury said crying making me cry

"Three, like three Merc?" I asked

"Yes" she smiled hugging me

I can't believe this shit. This is alot one baby, okay cool, maybe two one we each could handle. Three, like the number three that is alot. Three is alot, for new borns.

Yeah now I'm scared.

Neil's Airforce Base

Friday 3:05 am

I'm tired, I got like no got damn sleep. Janell kept blowing my fucking phone up about stupid shit. This chick has no reason to be messing with me at all. No calls, texts nothing. But she does and wont leave me be.

Dont even get me started with all the hate pages on Instagram for Merc. All kinds of shit, she got aids. They hope she dies, she got what she deserves with Saqui. Then talking about if she has kids they hope our kids die. Just crazy shit, like who makes fake pages.

"You okay?" Mika tapped me as I sat on the Military flight

"Yeah, just waiting for take off" I said

"You sure you been quiet. You usually talking shit" she said

"Just praying to my mom. You know like I always do before we take off to deploy" a girl who isnt on my team walked passed me

"Yeah true dat" Mika replied

"Zach here right?" I asked

"Yes" she pointed to him

"And Kennth and everyone else right?"

"Yes why?"

"Then who is that?" I pointed to a girl sitting right next to Zach

"Oh that's Zoe Wright" shes and e three also, and new also. So we got two new people." She sat down behind me

"I need to speak to captain Jones" I said feeling my phone vibrate

Merc - have a safe flight

Me - thank you

Merc - you okay? You been different since the appt..

Me - yeah I'm fine

Merc - if it's the pregnancy. We can wait if it's too much to do right now. I can wait, I dont mind

I would never in a million years ask that of her. We both agreed to have kids, I dont want her to think like this. The fact that she still holding on to Saqui and his bullshit is eating me alive.

Ring ring

"Yes?" Mercury said

"I wouldn't ask you to do that. I'm fine with this" I smiled

"Trust me I am happy..."

"You just been acting different since yesterday. If you want to wait I can make an appointment and if it will make you happy"

"Mercury dont SAY THAT SHIT" I yelled then lowered my voice

"Dont say that bullshit to me. I wouldn't.. never mind I'll hit you up later. I love you" I hung up

I get where she coming from, she still hurt from Saqui. She didnt she wasnt allowed to have kids because of him. I get it I really do. I'm telling her kids are fine, and it's like she dont want to hear that shit. It pissed me the fuck off. Yes I am mad at her right now for even saying or even asking me that shit. Just dumb.

Mercury'Gaia Pov

Hilton Atlanta 5:37 pm

We been in Atlanta for about two hours now, they all down in the pool area acting like real kids, and of course Larissa is here doing nothing again.

I should be happy, that we here doing this dance competition and I am, because I know we going to kick ass. We won first place in one already, there is no stopping now.

But I'm hurt because I'm so broken and tore up by Saqui I cant even began to understand why Naz loves and care so much. I should be happy and I am that I'm pregnant. But he is ways in the back of my head every single day.

Naz tries to show that it dont bother her,  but it bothers me that I cant get over this bullshit with him. So, I know for a fact its fucking bothering her.

"What is with you?" Miya asked

"I didnt make their outfits for you to be crying the entire time" she added, as I wiped my eyes

"Nothing I'm fine"

"Um no, you been teary eyed since we left Vegas. What's going on?"

"Its like I cant seem to get over Saqui and all the stupid shit he puts me through.  Them Naz...I know she tired of it because I am"

"That's why your crying?"

"No, it's just I dont know if it was a fight or not about us and kids and I told her I can wait. Then she yelled at me and hung up....i told her i dont have to have..."

"Have what?" Miya asked

"Nothing, it's not that big of a deal. We should be ta..."

"I dont know how many times i have to tell you about Naz. Let her love the fuck out of you. That is who Naz is, she is caring she is loving, she is a sweetheart, she is protective, she is genuine no matter what. Let her be that, I know what you went through is alot, trust me I know. Dont mess with with your now wife because of him. Dont give that mother fucker the satisfaction of knowing he still has control over you Gaia" Miya said

Miya has a point she always has a point.  I just wish it was that easy.

"Okay, could you give me a second and I'll come down to the pool with you guys"

"Yes, just hurry up. Because Ronnie is gay but his little gay eyes be roaming" she laughed

"Alright" I laughed picking up my phone

Ring ring

"Hello" I said

"Hey Gaia. Sorry Mercury" my dad said

"It is okay, you can call me that" I smiled

"I wanted to call and tell you good luck with your dance team tomorrow" he said

"You remember?"

"Yes, I'm not that old" he laughed

"Yeah I guess your right" I laughed

"I saw your interview on that Tyra banks show today. I want to apologize for not being there" he said

"You dont have.."

"I should apologize alot" he added

"Well thank you. I'm pregnant" I said

"Oh, I wasnt expecting that. But congratulations" he said he sounded happy

"Nazareth right?" He asked

"Yes" I smiled

"Howd that happen"

"She dosent have..."

"No dad she doesn't have a penis" I started laughing

"I was just asking" he laughed

"Test tube  babies is what it was called when I was growing up" he said

"Triplets "

"That is alot of kids, one was enough for us" he joked


"Your mother was like you. She loved the idea of a big family" he said

"I know" I smiled

"So," he said

"Yeah, um i have to go now. Tend to my dance team. I'll call you and tell you how it goes"

"I'd like that" he said

"Bye" I stated and hung up

I want to hate him but I can't, I want to so bad. Love makes you do stupid shit.

He was everything that Naz is to me, to my mother. I seen it everyday, the way they looked at each other was love without even speaking. They way he looked at my ml other is the way I catch Naz looking at me.

They have alot in common. He was a Major in the Airforce for ten years. Then I came along and he retired after I turned three years old. Everything was fine, then one fight lead to my mother saying she wanted to leave and then it all changed.

Saturday  A&M University  10:34 am

We have seen ten dance teams so far, they are good I mean fucking good. I'm kind of nervous.

I started to feel so sick, sick as hell. And I just threw up, in the trash can.

"You right?" Mindy patted my back

"Yeah, just nervous I guess"

"You work with all these star and you nervous. You not even the one dancing" she laughed

"Yeah, but just nerve racking, its twenty dance teams here"

"Yeah, but we pretty damn good. Thanks to your popping teacher"  Ronnie said

"Yeah, I know. Who got some gum?" I asked

"Here" Larissa said

"Oh wow, she speaks" I took the piece of gum and walked over to Miya

" have you talked to Naz?" I asked

"Yes why?"

"Nothing" I said, i havent even talked to her

"Well, they just announced that yall are next...damn excuse you" Miya said to some lady dumping into me

"Your all in the way" she said

"Still use manners" I added

"No one cares that you dance for Beyonce, get out of the way" she said

"Who said anything about beyonce?" I asked Miya as the chick walked away

We both just started laughing, as I picked up my phone and got on Instagram just waiting for us to be called.

Then someone tags me in a post on Janells page.

BeautyByJanell @NazZaddy bae see you before she deploys 😍😏💋💖 #anf

badmia haaaaaaaannn 😂😂😂😂 go besfrnn
QuNnb she cute as fuck
Mercury'GaiaFanPage lies
queenrissa so Mercury still getting cheated on??🤔🤨🤨
Cryn @Mercury'Gaia ???
AsiaBarlas bitch sike
              view all 1,286 comments

I just ignored it, and put my phone in my pocket. But that's exactly what Naz had on when she left. The jean shorts and all.

I just shook my head, and snapped back to reality. Of course this shit happens.

1:28 pm

It was finally our turn, we just waiting for  real to be over and we get this over with. I'm ready for them to show everyone what they are capable of. Yes they had a few years off, but they back and better than ever.

"Any words?" Miya asked

"No I havent talked to her" I said

"I was talking about to the team"

"Oh, yeah sorry" I got up from my chair and walked over to them

"Do good out there. Dance like future is on the line. Because it is. You have producers, celebrities, performing arts school, and god know who else is out there who can give you a shot. So put the nerves down Nd attitude up high and work the stage like it belongs to you" I said

"Who pissed her off" Tyrone said

"Right" I heard Sarah


They ran on the stage and took their spot. I queued the music.

I never seen a crowd so hyped in my life. You would have thought jesus him self came back during their performance. I looked at the judges and they face said it all. I knew we had this. The delivery of this was amazing, we practice last night in the parking lot of the hotel and they didnt look or do so good.

They did everything I asked them to do. They all came off the stage looking like they all need new lungs.

"Yall did so good" I said jumping up on them has they went back stage

"If I was up there it would be better" Larissa said

"How about you be the water girl and go get a case of water" I stated


"Do it now" I replied

"Whatever" she said walking over to the food area

"You guys better be proud of yourself and i fucking mean that shit. And Ronnie the King of vogue himself was up there" i smiled and tears came down my face

"Are your crying?" Mindy asked as Larissa gave her some water

"I am?" I wiped my face

"Fucking extra hormones" I joked

"Extra?" Miya said

"Yeah it's nothing. I'm just proud of you guys. Even if you dont win you won with me. I'll buy you guys a glass giant ass trophy" I laughed

"I think on behalf of the class if we dont win, we still glad we got you as a teacher" Marie stated and they all hugged me

They relaxed and grabbed some food, and Larissa just sat there smiling and laughing to her self looking at me. I knew what she was making fun of. It's cool though. I guess the problem wasnt Saqui it was me.

"Here" Miya and Tyrone handed me some food

"Tyrone you did a good job out there. You could do choreo" I stated

"I want to work for you" he said

"Me? How?"

"Like your intern" he said

"But I dont have a business"

"Your a professional choreographer" he said and walked off

"You know he wants to meet Beyonce?" Miya laughed

"Yes I know, and I'm not really hungry" I said

"You havent had nothing. Plus you threw up, just eat okay"


"Look I saw janell page, I'm sure the picture is old"

"That's what she had on when she left me in the bed at two am" I smiled

"Naz wouldn't do that"

"I kinda dont want to talk about this anymore"



"They didnt even say nothing about it?" Moya stated

"I didnt hear nothing either " I got up and they all ran to the stage

"It didnt take very long, with a huge impact on the dance with creativity, the strength and the ability and the music was off the hook. It was no surprise that it was you guys" he stated

Tyrone took the trophy and held it in the air and s reamed Beyonce name, making the crowd laugh.

Hotel Room  11:28 pm

I took them all to pick out an outfit from the mall. Because they deserve a gift. Why not I could definitely afford it. It wasnt a big deal, but I have noticed that Tyrone has been wearing the same clothes for weeks now.

Knock knock

"Yes..aye was up teach?" Tyrone him and Ronnie hotel door

"Is that ronnie snoring?" I smiled

"Sure is" he smiled

"Can we talk for a second?"

"Yes" he stepped out the room

"I just wanted to make sure everything is okay with you?"

"Yes why?"

"I know you dont stay on campus, is everything okay at home?" I asked

"Um yeah I'm good teach"

"You sure? If you need anything just ask okay. Just call me anytime" I stated

"Okay teach get some sleep" he said

"You too" I smiled

I went back to my room, and showered and laid down to go to sleep.

Me -  we won ☝🏽🥇🏆

Achilles - I saw. Watched the entire thing on TV. I'm proud of you

Me - thank you

Achilles- your welcome

I called Naz a few times, but no a answer. I know shes out the country but i was trying to at least say Hi.


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