Pirate!England X Pirate!Reade...

By KimiKawaiiDesu

154K 5.1K 3.2K

Girls aren't allowed as pirates, except you were a pirate. But the only reason why you are a pirate is becaus... More

Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P2)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P3)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P4)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P5)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P6)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P7)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P8)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P9) LEMON
Authour's Note!!!
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P10)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P11)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P12)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P13)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P14)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P15)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P16)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P17)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P18)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P19)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P20)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P21)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P22)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P23)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P24)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P25)
Author's note!!!
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P26) (ENDING)

Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P1)

10.1K 310 70
By KimiKawaiiDesu

Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P1)

There you were, drinking a glass of whiskey. You had your black pirate hat on with a (symbol) symbol on the front. You had blackish brown boot on that reached your knees. You had a long (color) coat on, a (color) fancy shirt on, along with (color) pants. You shirt tucked into your pants, and your pants tucked into your boots. You had a (color) belt around your waist, and brown belts that went around your legs, and across your chest. You had (color) gloves on, and you had your (color hair) hair tucked into your hat, making you look like a guy. You didn't want anyone finding out that you were a girl, because girls weren't really allowed to be pirates. 

"Aye, did you hear?" A man said behind you. 

"What did you hear mate?" Another guy said replying. 

"You know, some lad name (fake boy name) killed the powerful Falcon! They found him dead yesterday!" The man said slightly whispering. 

"No way! What does this lad look like?!" The other guy said. The other man shook his head sighing. 

"No one knows mate, but he must look killer!" The man shouted a little. Soon other people started joining in the conversation. Suddenly you heard about another pirate. 

"Bet he can't beat the pirate, Captain Kirkland!" Another man shouted. Your ears twitches as you listened more. 

"You mean, the infamous pirate, 'Captian Kirkland'?!" The other man replied and that man shakes his head up and down. You downed your whiskey and then approached these men. 

"Oi, who's this 'Captain Kirkland'?" You asked the man who was talking about him. 

"You don't know Captain Kirkland?! He rules the seas, and had beaten the strongest of the strongest pirate! I bet even this lad named '(your fake boy name)' won't even beat him!" He exclaimed laughing while holding a beer in the other. You shot him a dead glare an pulled out one of your two sword and sliced the cup he was holding in his hand. The beer spilled on the floor onto his boots. Everyone froze and looked at you. 

"Well that lad is right here, and he's gonna have some fun." You said with a devilish grin. They all gulped and looked at you scarily. 

"Y-your the lad (fake boy name) that everyone has been talking about?" He nervously said looking at you. You grinned and slid your sword back into your sheath. 

"Do you wanna find out?" You asked giving him another death stare. He shook his head no quickly and you smiled. You snickered as you took a coin and place it on the table. 

"That's the pay for the cup." You said walking out of the of the bar. You smiled and looked up into the night sky. 

"Another challenger I see..." You whispered as you closed your eyes and felt the close harbor wind. 

~Le Skip By Ze Awesome Prussian!~

"Mmmm..." You groaned as light shined through the window. You opened them slowly and closed them again sighing loud. You got up and wrapped your chest, making you look like you didn't have a chest like a girl. After you finished wrapping yourself up, you grabbed your clothes and got ready for the day. You tied your (color hair) hair up and placed your pirate hat on top of your head. You buttoned up your shirt and tucked it into your pants. Grabbing your coat, you flung it around you and stuck your hands through. You then putted on your boots, and walked into the bathroom, washing your face. You grabbed your two swords, wrapping them around your waist. You were ready for the day and headed outside, giving the owner if the inn some coins for staying the night. 

"Well...now to find my prey..." You said smirking. You just liked to face someone strong, because it made your blood boil with excitement.

You wandered around a bit, reaching the harbor that were filled with ships. You closed your eyes pulling out your two swords quickly and placed them at the neck of the person behind you. Your eyes adjusted to look at the face closer. You sighed and sheathed your swords turning to face the person. 

"Whadda ya want, Sarah?" You said placing a hand on your hip. Sarah was your childhood friend, but ever since you became a pirate you haven't really seen her. (You'll find out why you became a pirate later in the story)

"I knew it was you (real name), and I just wanted to say hi to a old friend." She said walking to your side. You turned around to look at the ocean again as she was now by your side. 

"Don't say that name, other people could hear you, ya know." You said annoyingly. She giggled and placed her head onto your shoulder. 

"I can't call my best friend by her name?" She asked as you moved her head away. You looked at her, and you sighed, but you smiled. She was your best friend for a reason, because she was just like you. You were stubborn and mean, yet sweet and kind to those you know really well. She was like that too, yet not as stubborn, but that's what made you and her friends. 

"Whatever...just don't say that in front of people..." You said resting your head against hers. She smiled and then grabbed your hands with her. She looked into your (color eyes) orbs and sighed. 

"Why do you have to be a pirate (Real name)?" She said looking sad. You smiled and kissed her on her forehead. You shook her hands off softly and looked into the seas. 

"You know I don't want to be in that selfish, stupid royal family...and being a pirate and sneaking out was the only way I could escape that place..." You said as you thought about your past life. You were a princess, of the royal family (last name). You couldn't do anything, you felt like a prisoner, and all you could do was study and read. You had freedom sometimes but it was only for a short time. You got sick of that life and began taking swords lessons secretly. You began to get so good with swords that you loved them. That's when you decided to become a pirate and sneak away from all that. Although you told your best friend everything. She didn't tell no one, but all she could do was worry about you. 

"I know...I-I just hope you don't regret it..." She said worriedly. You smiled at her and replied.

"I don't regret it one bit." You said as you felt the cold wind hit your face. You loved how the cold air would feel against your (skin color) skin. You stood there with your best friend for a while before she had to leave. You waved goodbye and then you turned around whispering to yourself. 

"Now to get my prey..." You said finally determined to find this so called Captain Kirkland. 

To be continued...

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