Stydia one-shots

By stydiaHAShappened

185K 6.5K 1K

Title basically says it all. Feel free to leave requests! More

1. And if you die
2. Late
3. Not Jealous
4. A Little Void
5. Little red riding hoodie
6. Coping With Death
7. The Christmas present
Perks of stydia
8. Everything
9. Guess Who's Back
10. The Dinner
11. Stydia texts
12. Sheets
13. Season 6
14. Like That
15. A Living Body
16. Stydia as Songs pt. 1
Stydia Sexy Time
17. Season 6
18 .HER
19. The Phone Call
Perks of Stydia pt.2
20. Catdog
21. Fight
22. I got Tagged...again
23. The Sun
24. Season 6 imagine
25. Wedding Ring
26. College
27. Sleeping
28. You Okay?
A "No Clue" one shot
29. He
31. Colleague
Perks of Stydia pt.3
33.Folded Like Fabric
34. Coin
35. Claudia
36. Drunk
Stydia Phones
38. Best Friends Brother
39. Soft
40. Room Mate
41. Tattoo
42. Late
Stydia Phones Pt.2
43. Tattoo pt 2
44.Over Protective
Tattoo pt.3
45. Anchor
Tattoo pt.4
Tatoo pt.5
47. Apartments
Stydia Phones pt.3
51. The Trio
52. Autumn
53. Friends
54. Youtube
Perks of Stydia pt.4
55. Winter
Interrupting Pt.2
57. Coffee
58. Mornings
Interrupting Pt.3
59. Ocean Scene
60. Sweet
61. I'll be back
62.I Love You
63. Just Ask
64. His Room
65. The Bed
66. The Crush
67. Let's Go Swimming
69. Saturday Night
70. They talked about everything

68. I Usually Don't Over Think

1K 44 2
By stydiaHAShappened

They had kissed, earlier that morning so sitting across from each other at lunch and feigning normality seemed quite impossible. It was quick and sudden and oh so terribly delicious and all Stiles wanted to do upon seeing Lydia was scoop her into his arms again. Instead he sat next to Isaac at the packs regular lunch table, across from Lydia, and hardly threw a glance her way which sent her into a panic. Had she done something wrong? Had it been a mistake? Was it a fleeing decision?
Scott nudged her with his elbow, a slightly humorous though overall concerned look on his face. "Are you okay? Your heart is beating really fast."
Lydia was afraid to answer, as if Scott would be able to smell Stiles on her tongue if she spoke. She mumbled, "fine", trying not to part her lips so much and set on finding a piece of gum in her bag (the really strong mint kind that you chew after drinking coffee).

Kira continued to argue with Isaac about electromagnetic spectrum while Scott attempted to simultaneously eat his lunch and explain Geometry to Malia across the table. Meanwhile, Stiles was trying to shrink into himself as much as possible in order to avoid bumping knees or feet with Lydia. It's not that he didn't want to, it's just that–
"There's a pop quiz today in Physics." Lydia's head was aimed down at the table but her eyes were looking up at Stiles. She had physics two class periods before him so she usually warned him about the occasional surprise grade.
"Oh yeah?" He hated this. He hated the "lets ignore this" small talk.
She nodded. "It's over general wave properties."
"Thanks for the heads up."
She smiled nervously and chewed her gum and didn't eat lunch but worked on her assignments. All the while she managed to ignore (though she's not sure "ignore" is actually the proper word to describe how much she didn't want to ignore) Stiles and the lengthy glances he stole that Lydia noticed from the corner of her eye. He couldn't help it; her features relaxed while she worked making her all the more beautiful to look at. His gaze would linger over her lips and he'd remember how soft and full they'd felt against his own. He desperately wanted to kiss her again.

There was a moment when Isaac and Scott shared a look, when they both had watched Stiles while he was staring at Lydia.
"Do you smell that?" Isaac mouthed. Maybe he was imagining it?
But Scott nodded and mouthed back, "lust?".
Stiles sighed, something tragic and full of longing. Malia opened her mouth to complain about the tension but Kira threw an eraser at her, a warning not to.

When was the last time Lydia had been so head over heels for someone? Let alone Stiles. Stiles Stilinski, the boy who had wiped mud all over her favorite dress in the fourth grade. Stiles Stilinski who had showed up to every single one of her birthday parties uninvited, gift and all. Stiles, whose lips had been on hers at approximately 9:34 AM. Her toes curled in her shoes at the thought as she struggled to remember what it had felt like. He was warm and soft and his breath was minty still from brushing his teeth before school. He smiled when she started to kiss back, then broke away all too soon and walked off without so much as a glance over his shoulder.

"Lyds," and now he said her name so sweetly, as if nothing had happened, "are you okay?"
"You're zoning out." He grinned and, damn, she nearly lunged across the table.
Instead, her foot found his under the table and she was quite satisfied by how large his eyes grew at the act. She'd done it on purpose, desperately needing him to understand what she was about to say.
"I think I left my textbook in Chem, I'm just worried. . .help me find it?" She whispered the last piece as if they weren't sitting directly next to their super-hearing friends, as if what she said was a naughty little secret.
He nodded, "yeah, 'course. If you're that worried, I mean."
Was he receiving the underlying message? She figured he had when he stood and gave Scott a quick fist bump before explaining the situation.  He even offered to carry her bag. She declined politely and ran a hand along Kira's delicate shoulders as she passed, walking beside Stiles out of the cafeteria.

Lydia grabbed hold of his hand as soon as they were around the corner and quickly led him along the halls. She intended to find someplace private but, well, this was high school and no where would be completely private. So, she turned down one last corridor and practically threw herself against a locker. His heart was pounding; this wasn't the chemistry lab.
"Was it a mistake?" She couldn't hold it in any longer. "Did you mean to? Was it real?" He was caught off guard, eyes wide and lips parted though he wasn't quite sure what to say. "Was. . . I mean, what was it for?" And she hadn't said the word "kiss" yet but they both knew that's what this was about. Her brows scrunched together as she thought and Stiles felt guilty in the pit of his stomach. He hadn't known she was so worried about it. And when he was silent, she couldn't help but babble nervously again. "I usually don't over think these kinds of things but it's you, Stiles, and you're so different than anyone else I've ever. . . That's not the point. What I'm trying to say is you make me nervous, which is quite ridiculous, because I'm usually the one that's confident, you know? I'm the one that brings guys to their knees, so why aren't you even remotely fazed by me and why do my legs feel weak when you're around."

His step forward startled Lydia but she didn't back away, even as he continued to get closer. The tips of their shoes were almost (but not) touching now.
"You know how long I've waited to do that?" He mumbled, shy but somehow confident as well, like he had rehearsed that exact line in his head the entire day. His chin was nearly tucked into his chest in order to look down at her but she focused her eyes at the neckline of his shirt. "It wasn't a mistake, I wanted to do it, and dear god I hope it was real." His left hand found her waist. "I wanted to kiss you." He had said it. Her eyes finally met his. "I want to kiss you." It was nearly a whisper but she heard him loud and clear.
"Then do it."

He rushed forward in mere seconds and crashed his lips to hers. The anticipation had killed him but this was so worth it. She kissed back instantly which caused him to grin and dear god, would anything ever be better than this?
Stiles couldn't keep the smile off his face when they separated. "You know I've liked you since, I dunno, the third grade, right?"
Authors note:

Oh my. What is this? Is it (it can't be) AN ACTUAL POST? Whaaaaaaaat. Wow. I have tons and tons of drafts that I never ever finish and I am still working on my original novel at the moment (psa it sucks ass). Stress stress stress.
Talk to you again in like two years?
Comment, read, enjoy!
P.s. I miss writing for y'all :(

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