灰色オオカミ「Grey Wolf」

By namjin_namjoonjin

22.7K 1.2K 122

Park Jimin is a foreign student at Bismuth Royal Academy, a luxurious boarding school in the Southern Europea... More

Author's Note
Phase 1
Phase 1.1
Phase 1.2
Phase 1.3
Phase 1.4
Phase 1.5
Phase 1.6
Phase 1.7
Phase 1.8
Phase 1.9
Phase 1.10
1K reads
Phase 1.11
Phase 1.12
Phase 1.13
Phase 1.14
Phase 1.15
Phase 2
Phase 2.1
Phase 2.2
Phase 2.3
Phase 2.4
Phase 2.5
Phase 2.6
Phase 2.8
Phase 3
Phase 3.1
Phase 3.2
Phase 3.3
Phase 3.4
Phase 3.5
Phase 3.6
Phase 4
Phase 4.1
Phase 4.2
Phase 4.3
Phase 5
Phase 5.1
Phase 6
Phase 6.1
Phase 7
Phase 7.1
Phase 7.2
Phase 7.3
Phase 7.4
Phase 7.5
Phase 8
Phase 8.1
Phase 8.2
Phase 8.3
Phase 8.4
Phase 8.5
Phase 9
Phase 9.1
Phase 9.2
Phase 9.3
Phase 9.4
Phase 9.5
Phase 10
Phase 10.1
Phase 10.2
Phase 10.3
Phase 10.4
Phase 10.5 : THE FINAL

Phase 2.7

196 14 0
By namjin_namjoonjin

Jimin's POV

He wasn’t anywhere. I tried finding him again and kept calling him but luck was not on my side. I nearly gave up and was about to head back "What a noisy man you are." I heard Yoongi's voice from behind me. "Yoongi!" "You did bring me something that’s not boring, didn’t you?" he asked. I handed him a brown paper bag with snacks and explained what had happened to me.
"So, Yoongi, somebody attacked me, either the second Phantom Thief Kuiaran or the storehouse ghost or… anyway, this is getting serious!"

I stopped behind Yoongi after finishing what happened but he seemed to be interested in the snack I had given him. "It smells sweet." "Well, sure. Its sweets." "Even though it looks like dog feces!" he looked rather happy when he said that sentence. "It's called 'karinto'." He ate it and chewed for some time and said "It's hard." Was food only in his head? Didn’t whatever I just told him vanish in air??

"Most importantly,… Yoongi!!" "By a phantom Thief… or by the storehouse ghost… or maybe by the Golden Fairy of the library. Apparently, this is no pace for a boy. If there's anyone, it’s a ghost or an old man or maybe the golden fairy of the library." "W-What are you talking about?" I asked him. "That Bogum…" he paused as he tried to get another piece of the snack."He's the second-generation Kuiaran." "Eh? EHHHHHHHHHHHH?????" I screamed out loud with surprise.

"B-Bogum is the second-generation Kuiaran?!" "You really are a noisy man." "Oh, just, what are you talking about?" "I suppose there is nothing for it. Relying on the wellspring of wisdom, I'll reconstruct the pieces of Chaos so that you may know the truth."

Yoongi's POV

"The identity of the first Kuiaran was Max." "Eh? Max?!" "The first Kuiaran suddenly disappeared seven or eight years ago. Max was murdered eight years ago. Is that just a coincidence? Max, I mean Kuiaran, probably returned to the academy every spring in order to hide the merchandise that he stole. The book is one of them. But before he could hide it, he was sealed inside the tomb. And so… Bogum was searching for that same book." "Bogum…. But does that prove anything?" this idiot still doesn’t understand.

Jimin's POV

He let out a sigh and sat down. "What's wrong?" "Another one over in an instance. I am bored again." He said as he continued eating. "It's not over! What about the ghost in the storehouse?!" "How tiresome…" "Yoongi!" "The ghost said something to you, right?" "Yeah, it said 'Help me.'" Yoongi suddenly stopped eating and looked serious. "This is serious. You'd better get over there to help." "Help a ghost?" "The ghost of the storehouse… is the genuine transfer student."

I called Namjoon for help and when he arrived, both of us went to the storehouse. It was creepy enough but the scene gave me more goose bumps in the evening light. "What do you mean by taking me to a place like this?" Namjoon asked. I ignored his question and walked further into the building. "I'm sure the ghost's voice I heard before came from over here…" both of us continued walking until I stepped on some floor board that creaked. I looked closer and saw it was a cover to hide something. I moved the cover away and found a boy all tied up lying on the ground. I quickly untied him and carried him out. "Are you okay?!" "What the…" Namjoon muttered.

I tried to shake the boy to wake him up. After a few minutes, he slowly opened his eyes and gained his conscious back. "Thank goodness!" but all of a sudden, his face turned into a very scared look and hugged me. "Help me Please!" "It's all right now." I told him as I held him from his shoulders. "You are the real Park Bogum right?" "No.. I am actually Kim Taehyung. Park Bogum is the person who is impersonating me. We were on the same train from England to Crete. I told him that my grandfather's legacy is at this academy. That’s what he's after! He took me here and tied me up. I tried to fight back and bit his hand but I was no match to his strength."  Taehyung told us. I knew what he was talking about. "Inspector. Please take care of Taehyung." I said as I stood up to and walked out. "W-Where are you going?!" I heard Namjoon asking me but I didn’t reply him back.

Park Bogum POV

"Not here… Not here! Shit! Where is it?!" its gone. I walked back to where I saw the post card in the afternoon but the cabinet caught my eyes. I was about to open the door of the cabinet. "YOONGII" I heard jimin calling someone who doesn’t even exist. Why the hell does he have to ruin everything I am doing.

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