The Forgotten Empress

By cheeky_monkey_ca2001

671 27 17

It seems like life is just getting worse for you, the death of your grandmother and finding out you're now tr... More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Part title
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9

Untitled Part 5

57 4 0
By cheeky_monkey_ca2001

Hux catches her before she hits the ground, pulling her unconscious body safely into his arms. Well, this was not how he had planned for his bride to end up in his arms for the first time, her makeup running down her face from the tears she had shed. His coat slipping off her shoulder exposing her skin to the cool air causing her to break out in goosebumps. Hux was still very irritated with her chosen outfit. Walking around dressed like a common slave, shaking his head as he carries her to the sleeping quarters on the ship. "Highly inappropriate." He murmured to himself as he lay her on his bed.

The first piece of clothing that he removes from her is the top portion of her so called costume. Reaching into his pocket he removed the small red pocket knife, pressing the button and allowing the blade to spring to life in his hand. He was going to have to remove this deplorable outfit, to see his woman nude before him but for some reason he found himself getting cold feet. He had seen plenty of women without their clothes, the idea of being in the same room with an unconscious, naked woman was not foreign to him. But this was his woman. This was his future wife, anyone would be nervous about finding themselves in such a situation with the love of their life for the first time.

He took in a breath, gripping the knife in his sweaty hand before placing his palm against her ribcage to hold her steady as he carefully pressed the knife into the thin gold band that ran under her armpit, snapping it and sending it reeling on each side of her body. One piece down, several more to go.

He took his time, cutting each of the four bands around her ribs and collarbones until he was able to lift the front piece of the bra off of her. He was disgusted to find she was not wearing underwear, thinking it wouldn't have taken Ren that much time or effort to expose her. He grumbled, looking away, down her body at the flimsy piece of underwear that held the burgundy cloth, telling himself that people didn't often wear underwear here anyway; she was only preparing herself for her duties in her new home.

With that he went to work cutting the two bands at her hips, the ones that barely hid the thin, skin colored underwear she wore under it and pulled it off of her, thankful that she was at least modest enough to hide the most intimate area of her body from prying eyes. He pulled the long flowy cloth off of her and tossed it over his shoulder, even nearly naked in front of him she looked so much more dignified than she did wearing that awful outfit.

He moves to the closet removing one of his button-up shirts, with a sigh he looks down at her resting form. Again, this is not how he envisioned viewing her without clothes for the first time either but he just had to get out out of that disgraceful outfit. Hux felt his cheeks flushed the tiniest bit as he admired her, she was a beautiful woman. He was quite proud that she is his, after a few moments he body shivered reminding Hux to dresses her. He goes about the daunting task of rolling her dead weighted body back and forth, pulling the clothing over her arms, under her body, and over her other arm before finally being able to button his shirt up and cover her breasts. He couldn't believe she had stayed asleep during the entire ordeal.

Now all buttoned up in his shirt he starts to take the braid from her hair, he gets a damp cloth to clean her face. For the first time in weeks, Hux can relax. "Finally phase one is done, you didn't make it easy did you?" He asks her unconscious body with a cocky grin. He gently rests his index finger under her chin before whispering to her more, speaking to her as if they had been married for years and it was the most natural thing in the world. "I suppose you will make phase two equally as difficult." Hux rubs his thumb along her bottom lip, he releases an angry growl thinking about where they had last been. "Kissing Ren," he hissed, those are his lips. Hux rises from the bed and storms from the room, he needed to get his temper under control before she wakes. He was already going to be in trouble for taking her against her will, and probably for changing her clothing as well.

"I told her though, I explicitly told her I did not tolerate this sort of behavior." Hux fumed to himself as he returned to the cockpit verifying the coordinates, making sure they were on the correct course. He often spoke out loud to try and reason with himself that his actions and words were justified. It didn't work all the time, but it was certainly working now.

Hux was well aware that she wasn't in favor of their marriage but to find her kissing Kylo Ren that's just.......reprehensible. He needs to get her back to the Finalizer, get the paper signed and begin her training so he can introduce her to the entire galaxy. What a pair they will make, he thinks to himself. To present her to the masses as his beloved wife, to hold her on his arm as they walk through the balls they will attend, to walk down the halls of the Order's Flagship the Supremacy together, intimidating everyone once he was rightly crowned Supreme Leader. Hux was busy imagining her sitting on Snoke's throne, him by her side, she looks to him for guidance and support. Ren on his knees before them. Yes, this would be perfect.

"YOU!" Hux hadn't been paying attention. He didn't hear her wake. They were almost at their destination. Ren conveniently had the Finalizer waiting at the edge of the unknown. They would be there within the hour. "You son of a bitch! You take me home right now!" She yelled as she stumbling down the hallway. Her body is not used to artificial gravity yet. "I'm serious," she takes another step swaying stumbling forward another three steps.

"My darling please be careful you are no used to space yet. You need to take it slowly." Hux moves forward preparing to stabilize her. "You may experience some dizziness, some people can be sick the first few times." No sooner had the words come out his mouth then her hands fly up to her mouth and she looks at him panicked, the sound of gagging filling the air before her hand flew to her stomach and he was bending over, ready to spill the contents of her stomach all over his clean and pristine ship. "Quickly!" He shouts at her, reaching to her shoulder and pushing her down the hall. "The refresher is right to your right!" She stumbles over to the toilet with Hux following quickly behind, as she loses what she once held inside of her her holds her hair back out of her face. "Oh, my poor darling." He said as he rubs her back. "You're ok, I'm here, I'll take care of you."

"Oh God!" She said in a small pitiful voice when she finishes. Hux helps her to her feet guiding her over to the sink. There he gets her water and he also starts to explain the side effect she could expect. "I hate you." She said with a sad little pout. "Hate is a strong word, you know?" He offers, turning the warm water on and running one of his white wash clothes under it before offering it to her. "You're right, but it's the right word." She said, pushing the cloth away from herself and looking down into the sink. "I fucking hate you." She whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

"I'm sure you think you do, but in time that feeling will change." Hux straightens posture, doing his best to keep a neutral face even though her words pained him. It was more pain than what he was willing to admit to feeling, he could take any creature saying anything about him any day. But to hear those hateful words come from the woman that was supposed to love him really rained on his parade.

"No, you took me from my home!" She turns away from the mirror she rests again the counter having just finish brushing her teeth with his toothbrush. Hux was busy making mental notes of all the things he would need to get when they arrive. Clothing, pillows, blankets, snacks and food, all of the things any young woman would need to keep herself healthy and entertained in his absence.

"I am returning you to your true home. That planet was never your home, those people were never your family. You will see this in time. Everything I have done I had done for you. To return you to your rightful place." She wasn't listening to him she was looking down at the dress shirt she was now wearing as a dress. He would have to message Phasma to bring something suitable for her to wear off the ship, she couldn't make her first appearance on the Finalizer in a white button down dress shirt.

"How did I get in this?" She asked with an edge in her voice as she pointed to his shirt. Hux thought about lying for a moment tell her a droid did it, try to put out the fire now burning in her eyes but maybe it was better to just get it all out now. That way when they arrived there will be no scenes in front of his men.

"I changed you of course. What you were wearing was unacceptable especially for someone in your position." Hux brushes a strand of hair back from her forehead. "You are not ready to be shown to the public yet but still I couldn't have a hanger worker or troops seeing you dressed as a slave girl." It was then that Hux noticed all the items on the counter shaking where they stood. The towels on the hanger swaying in a non-existent breeze. Hux slowly takes a step back, anger radiated off her. "Now my darling, it is ok." Hux said, trying to calm her, but he realized he may have made a small oversight. He never considered that she would be Force sensitive, though considering her lineage it seemed foolish now that he hadn't realized it was most definitely a possibility.

"Ok, oh it's ok!" She waved her hand nonchalantly, the drinking glass in the counter slides a few inches forward. "It's ok that a man I barely knew in the first moment I am defenseless completely took advantage of me. That's fine." Her voice is dripping with sarcasm, behind her the items on the counter are now floating, hovering behind her as Hux backs from the room.

"I hardly took advantage, I merely changed your clothes." Hux continues backstepping down the hallway. "Perhaps it was a slight invasion but as your future husband--" She steps out in the hallway with the glass, toothbrush, toothpaste, the hand towels all trailing behind her.

"I AM NOT YOUR WIFE!" She yelled as she did the very walls in the hall groaned as if under pressure.

"Please, my darling you need to calm down. " Hux started becoming highly concerned that she may accidentally rip their ship apart. She points a finger at him.

"Don't you tell me to calm down!" She yelled causing the drinking glass to fly in his direction. She gasped looking over her shoulder seeing the items floating behind her, she released a scream stumbling back towards him.

"Shhh, shh it's ok." Hux tries to calm her again as the walls give another groan. "Calm down, I can explain this, but first you need to calm down my darling girl." She continued backing up, Hux reaches forward to offer her some comfort she was clearly frightened. Once she calmed down he would explain her newfound powers to her.

The moment his hand touched her shoulder she jumped let out another scream, Hux felt himself being hit by an invisible wall, that lifted him off his feet sending him flying back into the cockpit, he crashed painfully into the back of the pilot seat. The last thing he remembers before losing consciousness was to see (y/n) crumple to the ground, her hands over her eyes weeping while her body painfully convulsed.

Ren didn't waste a moment of time getting back to his ship. There was no way he was letting Hux takeaway (y/n). The memory of her kiss was scorched into his mind. Never before has he felt such desire.

As he leaves the atmosphere he felt a rush, the force was coming back. The sensation was slightly overwhelming but after a few moments, he had regained control. He raises his hand using the force to flip the switches on the console. Never before had he been without his powers and it had been an unnerving experience he didn't care to repeat.

When he arrives back on the Finalizer. He found there to be a scene. Hux's ship was docked surround by troops.

"Release the General, or we will have to use deadly force." Ren heard over the loudspeaker.

"What is going on here?" Everything stops, the men stand at attention.

"Supreme Leader," The commanding officer moves forward. "The General's shuttle come out of hyperspace off the port bow, when there was no response to our hails when pulled the ship aboard." Well, what's the matter with Hux? Did they kill each other on the flight? Ren wonders

"We have confirmed that the General is inside and alive but we have been unable to make contact. There is also an unidentifiable female on board that seems to be highly unstable, sir." Kylo sighs well at least they hadn't killed each other.

"Why haven't you opened the door?" Kylo walks closer to the ship.

"Sir we have tried it would seem something is keeping it closed." Kylo can sense exactly what was doing it, stars her force signature is enormous. As he takes a step closer and quickly stops as the entire ships lift off the ground hovering. Before setting down with a bang.

"Give me the comm." Ren takes a moment to compose himself, he was never one for public speaking and well this little scene had started to attract a crowd.

"Y/N can you hear me?" He pauses for a moment. "I need to you calm down, I understand you are upset but I can't open the door with you pushing against me." The ship rises and falls again."Y/N calm down sweetheart and I'll be able to help you." Kylo waits a moment. And raises his hand to the dock door. "I'm opening the door, don't be afraid." The door cracked and groans have he forced it open inch by inch. The idiot troops looked ready to storm the new opening. The ship rises and falls again. "Stand down!" He commands, knowing she could fly off the handle and accidentally kill everyone around her should she be startled. "(Y/N), sweetheart I'm coming aboard. Just me."

Kylo wasn't expecting to find this level of damage on entering. The walls leading to the cockpit had panels warped out of shape wires hanging down sparking. "Hux!" Ren called out he'd answered with a weeping sob just ahead. He enters the cockpit to find even more damage, but he freezes taking in the scene. Anything not tied down was floating, including Hux's unconscious body. He had a nasty bruise on his forehead. Kylo find a clearly overwhelmed (Y/N), she is a complete mess, her puffy eyes are filled with terror when she looks up at Ren.

"I, I didn't mean to!" She voice breaks as Kylo moves closer but stops instantly as Hux's hat and data pad start flying at him.

"Sweetheart it's ok, no one is mad." Kylo takes a seat on the floor by the door.

"They said they were going to hurt me but I couldn't open the door and Hux won't wake up." Her words came out in a wail and Ren's heart breaks into pieces. To be a young Force user again, to not have any control of something you know nothing about. He sympathized with her fear, he only wanted to help her. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too." She sobs again, Kylo moves closer avoiding her shoes that floated by his head.

"Sweetheart it's not your fault, no one is mad." Kylo reaches forward to touch her shoulder in an attempt to calm her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screams the ship groans again. As all the floating items swirl around. "I don't want to hurt you too." She weeps, Kylo was at a loss as to what to do.

"Do you trust me, sweetheart?" He whispered. She looked at him with large tearful eyes.

"Yes." She answered, Kylo can't help but smile, his heart fluttered slightly hearing her say she trust him.

"Ok I'm going closer and I'm going to help you. I'm going to take care of you." Kylo moves slowly closer

"Hux too?" Kylo giggles as he raises his hand to the side of her head.

"Yes, Hux too my sweet." She looks at Kylo with complete faith, he uses the force to put her out, kylo moves quickly to grab her before she falls back. There's a clatter all the floating objects fall to the ground and a thump as Hux's body to is now back on the ground.

Kylo scoops her up into his arm carrying her off the ship and to the medbay, giving orders for Hux to be looked after as well. Kylo hold her close, wow just wow such power, she is amazing!

"Welcome to the First Order sweetheart. Welcome home." Kylo brings her head closer placing a kiss on her forehead.

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