Sander's 'Sitting! Sander's S...

By theanythingchannel

131K 3.8K 9.1K

Thomas, Patton, Roman, Logan and Virgil are all in charge of babysitting you! Logan is caring for your logica... More

Chapter 1 - New Friends!
Chapter 2 - Meeting Mr. Sanders
Chapter 3 - The Magical World of Princy
Chapter 4 - Nice To Meet You... Dad?
Chapter 5 - Anxoiusly Waiting
Chapter 6 - First Steps Outside
Chapter 7 - The Great Deception
Chapter 8 - Happiness is an Elegant Stage
Chapter 9 - Welcome to the Internet World
Chapter 10 - Filming Freakouts
Author's Note
Chapter 11 - Just Kickin' It
Chapter 12 - A Decitful Playdate
Chapter 13 - Belt Test Blunders
Author's Note
Chapter 14 - Birthday Puppy Love
Chapter 15 - Cookie Crumbs and Flashbacks
Very Special Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 16 - Happy Birthday, Y/N!
A/N: Q&A
Chapter 17 - A Father's Love
Chapter 18 - Candlelit Nights
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 19 - Rain Clouds and Clouded Minds
Author's Note: Very Important, Please Read!
Chapter 20 - The Ghost of a Former Guardian
Chapter 21 - A Rainy Home and Coffee Foam
Chapter 22 - Puppy Love
A/N: Nothing's More Important in The Story Than This
Chapter 23 - Cloudy Days and a Bully's Ways
Chapter 24 - A Day...
Chapter 25 - ...That Ends in Tears...
Chapter 26 - ...And Starts With Hope
Chapter 27 - The Devil's Train
Chapter 29 - A Christmas Bow and Lots of Snow
Author's Note: Cover Change Competition? Also Ships. (This Took Me Forever)
Chapter 30 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 31 - Storytime!
Chapter 32 - They Really Are Man's Best Friend
Chapter 33 - At Your Service... Dog
Chapter 34 - First "Love"
Chapter 35 - Operation: Leave the City
Chapter 36 - Operation: Leave the City Phase Two
Chapter 37 - Operation: Leave the City Phase Three
Amino and future updates
A/N: Really Important to Me
Author's Note

Chapter 28 - Snowflakes and Taxi Brakes

1.1K 36 93
By theanythingchannel


THIS IS NOT A HOLIDAY/CHRISTMAS THEMED CHAPTER. ITS TOO EARLY FOR THAT. (I like to wait until December, and when Christmas starts too early, it makes me #saltysam)

I was shovelling the almost LITERAL MOUNTAIN of snow in my driveway this morning, and I had a soft snow themed chapter in mind. (While I was shovelling the snow, I ended up lying in the driveway for almost a half hour thinking about how Aizawa Sensei from aboli No Hero Academia can't cancel Hagakure's quirk since she's invisible [meaning that Hagakure has no visible eyes, and since Aizawa Sensei can't see her eyes, he can't cancel her quirk. #snowshovellingthoughts])

Trigger warning!

Just kidding. This is a soft chapter, so get your uwus ready and snuggle up. (Or buckle up. I can't tell you how to live your life.)

Enjoy the chapter!



We don't usually see a lot of snow in Florida, but in the winter, my friends and I go up to the place famous for being called ski country.

Vail has always been may favourite ski spot, with Breckinridge being a close second. The mountains are gorgeous in Colorado, and there's plenty of snow everywhere, so that makes it a perfect place to be around the holidays.

Of course, it's not the mountains that make it so perfect. It's the fact that all my friends get to come with me. We stay up there for two months in a winter cabin. Vail has some of the best views, best slopes, and we have the place to ourselves. It's perfect.

We've been coming up here since my friends and I were kids. Xavier has a father who is overseas, but he's never able to visit, and Jason lives with Xavier because he was separated from his family, so they don't have to ask anyone's permission. Xavier does Skype his dad on every holiday, and his dad always answers because he cares so much. In a few years, he's going to be coming back, so that's good at least. F/N's parents let her spend time with us a lot, she practically lives with us, so her parents let her come with us to Colorado. They stop by for a week at our cabin to spend time with F/N during Christmas though, so there is that.

Despite being as close as we possibly can be to the slopes, we don't always ski while we're up here. Skiing is fun and all, but it would be boring to do that 24/7 for over two months. We do our homeschooling during the week, we go to the movies, we go to penny arcades, shopping malls, and lots of other places to hang out. Plus, we are also very close to the Arabelle, a really fancy hotel surrounded by stores, restaurants, taverns, and the building all have this gorgeous tan stone finish that looks worn down after standing tall for many years. The pathways are also incredibly intricate, with no cars, and beautiful stone walkways and bistro tables sitting outside various establishments. Its also fun to watch people go up and down on the ski lift that doesn't actually take you to a ski area. It takes you to this special area where families can take part in special event. The Arabelle is like a miniature town, and it also happens to have the ski shop we frequently go to. Of course, while we are up here to ski, not all of us actually use skis. Xavier, Jason and I all snowboard, while dad and F/N use skis.

We've just gotten back from walking around the Arabelle, and we're now at the cabin. Xavier, F/N, Jason and I are all looking for things to do today, all while sipping on the drinks we got at one of the coffee places at the Arabelle.

"Y/N, I can't believe that you got a cold drink in the middle of winter! How were you not freezing cold out there?" Xavier asks. "If I hadn't given you my hoodie, you would've frozen to death."

I don't respond. I just look at Xavier with a smug glance as I take a long, slow sip of my drink. Toby and Sumo sit next to me and put their heads in my lap.

"Oh, you sneaky little- I- you- you got a cold drink in the middle of freakin' winter just so you could wear my hoodie?!" Xavier asks.

"You act surprised." I reply simply.

Xavier stammers for a minute before he pauses, and possibly realises that it's really not that surprising that I would go to every possible extreme if it meant that I could wear his hoodie.

"You could've gotten sick!" Jason yells!

"Okay, mum, I'll steal his hoodie before we leave the house next time." I reply.

"Good." Jason says. "Wait did you just call me 'mum?'"

"Xavier, your hoodie smells so good!" I say.

"Y/N-" Jason tries to cut in.

"F/N, get over here and smell this, it's really comforting." I say, ignoring Jason.

"Y/N!" Jason whines.

"You're right. That cologne Xavier uses smells really good." F/N says.

"Is no one going to answer me?!" Jason says.

"What doth thine problem be this time, mother dear?" I ask Jason.

Jason just stares at me for a really long time.

"I'm just going to say that's a 'yes."

The rest of us laugh while Jason looks at the three of us with a look of pure, and utter disappointment (A/N: I'm used to that look from every person in my life, I swear. XD)


After thinking about it for all of five seconds, we decided that it would be a good idea to just go out to eat somewhere. It's getting pretty late after all. We thought it would be fun to just go somewhere and order some appetisers for all of us. (What's your favourite food? Tell me in
*le comments*)

"Hey dad!" I yell into the kitchen. "Can we go out to eat and just chill out together?"

"Y/N, I was just heading to bed. Don't you think it's a little late to be going out?" Dad asks.

"Jason's in charge." I reply.

"Have fun! Call me when you get where you're going!" Dad says. I kiss him on the cheek before the four of us jump in the car and drive to... wherever.


We ended up stopping at Papa Murphy's to get some take and bake pizza since we were driving around a lot and we wanted to go home. We just got some pepperoni pizzas, so the wait shouldn't be long. Some chocolate chip cookie dough caught my eye, so naturally I bought two pints of it.

"Didn't your dad make two batches of cookies already?" Jason asks. "Why are you going to bake more?"

"Who said anything about baking?" I ask.

"You're going to just eat that with a spoon, aren't you?" Jason asks.

"You know me so well!" I say with a cheeky grin.

"Well, Xavier, F/N and I need to go put our backpacks in the car. I don't know why we brought them. Can you wait here with the pizza?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, no problem." I reply.

"Can you guys take my bag so that I can stay with Y/N?" Xavier asks.

"No. Carry your own bag." Jason says.

"Okay, mum." Xavier says with an eye roll.

The gang leaves to throw their stuff in the car, leaving me with the pizza and an empty store.


After about fifteen minutes, the group still isn't back, and the pizza is ready. I decide to pay and leave, and I set off to find the car. The parking lot isn't far from where I am, so they should be there waiting for me.

I get to the parking lot, and to my surprise, the car isn't there.

"Where did they go?" I pull my phone out to text Jason, but my phone dies just as I read the last notification from Jason; "Where are you?"

I start to head back towards the Papa Murphy's but I don't see my friends there either. I start to walk around, desperately trying to find someone who can help.

I take a seat on the bench outside the Papa Murphy's and wait. I set the pizzas down next to me and I pull my legs to my chest. I rest my head in my knees and cry. (I suggest starting the music now.)

I feel someone touch my shoulder and I jump. I look to my left and let out a sigh of relief. I forgot that Toby and Sumo were both with me. They're both resting on my lap. Sumo is licking the tears off my face, and Toby is snuggling up in my lap. I put my hood up and realise that it isn't my hood at all. It's Xavier's hoodie. I pull the worn sleeves over my hands and bury my face in the collar. I take in the intoxicating smell of cologne, sweat, and smoke. Xavier has never smoked, but the smoke machines are always on where he works, meaning that the smoky smell gets on his clothes. Normally I hate the smell of smoke, but Xavier makes everything better. I hang my head low and start to sob. I hear someone walking towards me, but I chose to ignore it. I'm going to rest here until I have the strength to walk home. I let out the tears, with sobs of fear and pain. I let it all out, pain, sorrow, sadness, as Sumo and Toby snuggle up with me. I take shaky breaths, as I try to not make a scene in the strip mall.

"Don't be afraid." I hear a familiar voice. I look up, confused.

"I said, don't be afraid." Xavier sings to me. "We're going home."

Xavier reaches out to me. I take his hand and he wipes my tears.

"Why didn't you pick up your phone?" Xavier asks.

Unable to speak from choking on tears, I just hold up my phone and press the power button.

"Oh, your phone died?" I nod. "That's okay. I'm here now. F/N and Jason went to the store since the fridge is empty. They couldn't have been there for long. Do you want to go shopping, or do you want to go home?"

"I'll... go.... shopping." I say between sobs.

I pick up the pizzas as Xavier picks me up bridal style. I sob as we walk towards a parked cab. I knock on the door since Xavier has his hands full.

"We need a ride to the Safeway. Can you get us there?" Xavier asks politely.

The driver looks at Xavier, then at me. "Is she okay?" He asks.

"She was just really scared." Xavier says.

"I'll drive you down there, no problem." The driver says smiling.

"Thank you, sir."

Xavier sets me down on the seat. The cab smells like cigars and motor oil. The smell is suffocating. I can barely breathe. I bury my face in Xavier's shoulder. He holds my head and sings softly to me. I try to calm my heart rate, and steady my breathing. Nothing seems to work except Xavier's soothing voice.

"Don't be afraid. I said, don't be afraid." He sings. "We're going home."

I sob softly.

"I... I'm al... already t-there." I choke out. "M-my home I... is with y-you."

Xavier whispers the rap verse of "Taxi Cab" by Twenty One Pilots to me. It's a song that we always listen to together. It's one of our favourite songs. I continue to sob into Xavier's shoulder, and I take in the smell of his cologne. I've always loved it from the moment he bought it. It smells like fresh air, not like an ocean breeze, but like open mountain air, with pine trees. He also has the smell of my apple pie wax cubes clinging to his shirt. The smell of smoke from the escape rooms where he works is also permanently rooted in everything he owns.

Close my eyes and take in all the sounds. The streets at night are busy, yet they sound calm at the same time. The sounds are calming, with the soft radio in the back playing a random news station, the whooshing noises of the passing cars, and the soft sound of Xavier's heartbeat thumping against his chest and his humming all help me calm down. I regain control of my breathing, and my heart rate returns to normal.

"You feeling better?" Xavier asks.

I nod. I'm afraid to speak. I'm scared that I'll burst into tears again.

"You're scared to say anything, aren't you?" Xavier asks, as if reading my mind. I nod.

"Oh," Xavier says, dragging out the word in a sudden realization. "Your senses are overloaded, aren't they?"

I nod a third time. I hang my head in shame. I feel guilty for not wanting to speak. It just feels like I'm being rude.

"Hey," Xavier says, lifting my chin so our eyes meet. "I'm not mad. I understand how you're feeling. I don't want you to have an anxiety attack, and it would be cruel of me to force you to do something that would lead to that outcome. I don't love you any less because you don't want to say anything. I think I would actually prefer that you stay quiet for now, just until your mind clears a bit more. Okay, Oreo?"

I smile. Xavier always knows what to say to make me smile.

"Like I said before, don't be afraid, Y/N. I'm right here. We're going home soon. I promise." Xavier pulls out his phone. He turns the screen to me so I can read the time. 22:39. I smile. Xavier knows that doing late night errands is something that I really enjoy.

Xavier types something in his phone, he's probably texting Jason. He puts his phone in his pocket, freezes, and looks at me for a moment. We lock eyes for a moment before Xavier reaches behind my neck and feels the back of my neck. I stare at him, confused.

"That's the problem. You had nothing to mess with to calm yourself down. That's why it's taking so long." Xavier reaches back into his pocket and pulls out my mother's dog tag. "You dropped it on the car seat when we went to get the pizzas. I almost forgot about it."

I smile as Xavier puts the dog tag around my neck. He also reaches for the beanie on his head and places it on my head. I look at him with a worried expression. Xavier could catch a cold.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I worry about you getting sick first. I don't want your dad getting mad at me for letting you get sick."

He's been like this since we were little. He always gave me his jacket, hoodie, blanket, hat, scarf, or whatever he could to keep me warm. I rest my head on his shoulder and stare outside the window at all the twinkling lights.


We get to the Safeway, and we thank the driver. Xavier reaches into his pocket for his wallet, but the driver stops him.

"Keep it." He says. "It was no trouble at all to get you here. This ride's on the house."

"Thank you so much, sir." Xavier says.

"Think nothing of it. Have a good evening." The man smiles and drives off.

"Let's get inside." Xavier says. I hold his hand as we walk inside the store. Once we enter, I see Jason and F/N standing at the entrance waiting for us.

"That was quick. We've only been waiting for a few minutes." F/N says.

"Yeah, the only reason you say that is because you were able to play games on your phone that you actually remembered to charge for once." Jason says.

"Hey! I remember to charge my phone!" F/N protests.

"Yeah, only when I remind you, or when you get the pop-up on your phone that tells you that you have 20% left." Jason says.

"Whatever. Let's just get the groceries and go." F/N says.

Suddenly, a man who works at the store walks over to us.

"Hey, you can't have dogs in here, ma'am." He says.

"They're service dogs." Xavier says.

"Well, she's not blind, deaf or injured, so what could they possibly be for?" The man asks rudely.

Xavier reaches into my pocket to grab my phone. He takes off the case and grabs the cards I use to identify Toby and Sumo as service dogs. The cards also specify what my dogs are needed for, which is my anxiety and, in extreme cases, protection.

"Anxiety exists, buddy. It's a serious thing, and if my girlfriend needs her service dogs to help her through it, then she's going to have them with her at all times. Got it?" Xavier says. He always gets frustrated when people don't understand the seriousness of anxiety, especially mine.

"How was I supposed to know?" The man asks.

"Well, for starters, the jackets that say,'Don't pet. Service dog at work.' Should've been a huge red flag, and the fact that her dogs are always by her side should've also been a hint. A two year old could get that. Now, how about you leave my best friend alone since she's already been through enough for one night, and your inconsiderate, rude, and oblivious self couldn't even have the decency to notice my friend's tear-stained face, and be nice. This girl is basically my sister, so if you ever disrespect her again, especially on a night like this, I WILL END YOU." F/N says threateningly.

The man stares wide-eyed at F/N, and then looks at Jason and Xavier, who look ready to pummel this guy.

"I-if you need any help finding anything, p-p-please let me know." The man says uneasily.

We set off to find the groceries, and we instantly start messing around. The whole experience becomes like a little game, we have to look for the things we need, and whoever finds the item first gets a point. The loser has to pay for groceries.

The list has so many things on it, but we are nine people. Xavier, Jason, and F/N have known about the facets of my dad's personality since we were kids, so they do count. When referring to them, we usually just refer to my dad to make things easier.

First on our list is produce. We grab a bunch of fruits and vegetables that we need for dinners and for cooking certain dishes like carrots, corn, peas, broccoli, green beans, lettuce, potatoes, raspberries, strawberries, bananas, apples, blackberries, limes, and lemons. We also grab cranberry, apple, and orange juice since it's in the same area. Xavier tried to juggle some of the apples, but with little success, as he drops all of them on the floor. I'm able to point out almost all of the items first, which annoys everyone pretty quickly.

"She's not even allowed to lose! She's not even talking, either! How is she winning?! What is my life?!" Jason groans.

I snicker, proud of myself.

"I think it's a little early in our lives for an existential crisis." F/N says.

"It's never too early." Jason fires back.

"You make a good point." F/N says.

I laugh from the basket of the trolley.

"And what are you laughing at, ya cheater?" Jason asks. "How are you so good at finding things?!"

"I think you're just blind." Xavier says. I nod in agreement.

"I can see just fine!" Jason yells.

"Okay, how many fingers is Y/N holding up?" Xavier asks. I proceed to hold up three fingers.

"September." Jason says without hesitation.

"Yeah. Okay, so up is down, and down is up, it's raining monkeys, and wood is now a drink." Xavier says.

"Acknowledged." Jason says.

I start tearing up from laughing so hard.

"Anyways, we still need apples." F/N says. I point to the bin of apples behind me without even looking. I feel the trolley come to a stop, and I look up to see Jason walking away.

"Where are you going?" Xavier yells.

"She didn't even look! I'm done." Jason walks away, and turns right back to continue pushing the cart.

"Why'd you come back? I thought you were done." Xavier teases.

"I don't have a death wish that's big enough to make me want death by Y/N's dad." Jason says.

"Point taken, point processed, point acknowledged." Xavier replies.

"Okay, we have all we need for the produce, so now we just need bread." Jason says. I look over at the bakery section to see the free cookies. I immediately point at the free cookies, trying to get Jason to go that way.

"Are you serious?!" Jason yells. I realize that the array of breads was in the exact direction I was pointing.

"I think she was pointing at the free cookies, not the bread." F/N says.

"So she didn't even try, and she got the points anyways?! That's it. Y/N, you're paying for groceries." Jason scolds.

I shake my head, stick my tongue out at Jason, and hardcore parkour my way out of the trolley, before running down the aisle. I manage to grab Sumo and Toby's leashes in the process, too.

"Get back here, young lady!" Jason yells. I weave my way through the aisles until I loose Jason, and then I jump right back in the trolley as F/N and Xavier laugh and start hiding me under all the stuff so Jason doesn't see me when he comes back.


We get to the checkout, and Jason still hasn't noticed me under the pile of stuff. You think he'd have noticed since Toby and Sumo are right beside the cart. He really is blind.

Something happens that I didn't expect. Once Jason gets to the front he asks the lady at the checkout a question.

"Could I use the microphone you have to make an announcement? I lost someone." Jason says.

"Of course, sir." She sets up the microphone and hands it to Jason.

"Thank you." Jason takes a deep breath before speaking into the mic. "Y/N SANDERS. YOU HAD BETTER GET YOUR TINY LITTLE BUTT OVER HERE BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT OF HERE BY THE EAR."

"Thank you." Jason hands the mic back to the lady, who looks terrified.

I then decide to end the joke. I pop out of the pile of food Marilyn Monroe style, and cause Jason to scream in a not so manly way.

"You little-." Jason sighs. "You're lucky you're not feeling good because I would have sent you to bed without dinner."

"She gets it, mum. Chill out." Xavier says. I giggle to myself, and Xavier pats me on the head. Xavier turns around and lets me jump on his back so he can carry me piggy back style. I nuzzle his shoulder and end up closing my eyes as I fall asleep.


I wake up in Jason's car. We appear to be back at the cabin. I check my phone. 23:28. It normally would be late for a normal person, but my sleep schedule died along with my dignity and will to live, so I don't think anything of it.

Xavier picks me up bridal style and carries me inside. He lays me down on the living room couch before heading out to help Jason and F/N bring in the groceries.

Jason puts the pizzas in the oven, and the cookie dough goes in the refrigerator. I watch as F/N OCD's the heck out of the refrigerator, probably putting things in colour order, biggest to smallest, and all that good stuff. She has a lot more patience than me.

Xavier comes over to check on me, and he hands me a deck of cards. The ones that my friends and I have been playing card games with since we were kids.

"How are you feeling, Oreo? You feeling better?" Xavier asks.

"I'm starving. When are we going to eat? We were supposed to do that hours ago." I reply.

"The pizzas are almost done. In the meantime, do you want to play a game of cards?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"You want to play ERS, don't you?" (Egyptian Rat Slap, my favourite card game. It's basically a slapping card game.)

I nod eagerly.

"Of course you do."

"It's my favourite game, and you suggested cards. This is all on you."

"Point taken."

I start shuffling the cards. I get so lost in shuffling the deck that I lose track of time. After what feels like only seconds, I see a plate of pizza slide across the coffee table.

"Cards, eh? Let me guess, Y/N is picking the game, and it's ERS. Well, I guess it's true what they say. Life sucks, then you die." Jason says.

"Whatever. Just suck it up and play. It's funny when you lose." I retort.

"Oh really? And why is that?" Jason asks.

"Because you make the funniest faces, you yell a lot, and you look like you're losing your sanity. All things that are funny to watch." I reply.

"She's right." F/N says.

"I'm not a sore loser!" Jason yells defensively.

"No, you're just a loser." F/N says.

"Haha, you're so funny." Jason says, dragging out his words in sarcasm.

"Yeah, you know who's not funny? You, unless you're losing to a little girl." F/N teases.

"You're a little girl, too. You and Y/N were born on the same day!" Jason fires back.

"Yeah, and you act like you're the mother of the group." F/N teases.

"Yeah, mum." I cut in.

"Dude, just shut up and play. Your lovers quarrel can wait." Xavier mocks.

"Lovers quarrel?! We- we're not- I'm- I just- okay, I'll shut up now." Jason says.


"Are you kidding me?!" Jason screams in a less than manly way.

"No." I reply simply.

"I'm so done with all of this!" Jason yells.

"Hi, So-dome-with-all-of-this, I'm Y/N." I tease.

I can see the will to live leaving his body as Jason's sanity slowly drains. I laugh uncontrollably.

"Calm down, before you have a heart attack." F/N says.

"I don't know the meaning of calm down, anymore, F/N!" Jason screams in an unholy, and quite girly way.

"Hey, Jason?" I ask.

"What, Y/N?!" Jason asks.

"I won." I reply with a cheeky grin.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jason misses the coffee table and ends up flipping the little plastic pizza table (the one that comes in every pizza box) instead. Everyone sits silently for a moment.

"I feel like this whole thing is an analogy for life." Xavier says.

"How do you figure?" I ask.

"For starters, Jason has lost his mind past anything humanly possible, and pretty much beating the world record for most sanity lost in five minutes. Also, he missed the coffee table entirely, and flipped the miniature pizza table instead, and ended up flicking himself in the head with it." Xavier explains.

"Your conclusion?" I ask.

"Jason." Xavier points to Jason who is visibly dying inside.

"Are you dead inside yet?" I ask Jason.

"I've been dead inside since the day I was born!" Jason replies.

"Are you in need of the sleeps?" I ask.

"Yes." Jason says, dragging the word out for an unnecessary amount of time.

"Then, as the wise man once said," I tell Jason. "GO TO SLEEP, YA DINGUS."

"Hey, you know what happens to nitrogen when the sun comes up?" Xavier asks.

"What?" I reply.

"It becomes daytrogen." Xavier says, laughing.

"I'm done with you all, I'm going to bed." Jason says.

"Good nitrogen." I reply.

"Sleep tightrogen." F/N says.

"Don't let the bed bugs biterogen." Xavier says.

Jason lets out a groan of pure frustration as the three of us laugh at his pain. We're amazing friends.


I'm standing on the balcony outside. I couldn't sleep, again. What a surprise. Xavier couldn't sleep either, so he came with me.

"You sleepy yet?" I ask.

"No. You?" Xavier asks.

"No." I reply.

We stare at the stars. We're pretty far from town, so the stars are much more visible.

"They look so pretty tonight." Xavier says.

"Don't cut in with that cheesy 'they're not as pretty as you' line." I cut in.

"While it's true, I wasn't going to be that cheesy." Xavier says.

We sit in silence. The cold air cuts through any warmth that there is where we are. Our blankets shield us from that biting cold, though. The couch outside is also made of soft fabric, which keeps us really warm. We're huddled up next to each other, with Xavier holding me in his arms.

"Why aren't you ever able to sleep?" Xavier asks.

"I don't know. I've just never really been able to since my mum died." I reply. "What about you?"

"I think too much. I'm also a very light sleeper. The slightest noise wakes me up." Xavier says.

"Oh. That makes sense." I say. I stay silent for a moment.

"Y/N?" Xavier asks.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"I love you. I've never cared about anyone as much as I've cared about you. We've been together for so long, and being able to grow up with you, and being able to be in a relationship with you was the best thing that could've happened to me." Xavier says. "What I'm trying to say is, I love you, Y/N, and I feel like you're the only one out there for me. I know were only sixteen, but I still love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"Xavier..." I pause. I don't know how to react. I feel the same way, but I never was able to put it into words like this.

"Xavier, I-"

"I love you, too, all the way to the moon and back."

A/N: I usually keep my stories at about 2000 to 2500 words. This chapter is over 5000 words long.

You guys deserve it! Thank you for over 100 followers (it's 116 now, to be more precise.)

I just want to ask you all a question: Do you guys ship F/N and Jason? (I only ask because I might have some chapter ideas in mind that include F/N and Jason being a cute couple.)

I put a one hour version of taxi cab up above, but I'm too lazy to change it. It's a good song though, so it doesn't really matter. (It's an amazing song and I want to cherish it and keep it a secret forever. This song is so pretty. I love TØP way too much.)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter! Please make sure to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, and as always, have a beautiful day my lovelies! I love you all so much!

~Sam :3

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The gang grow anxious as first Logan then Virgil start acting weird. Able to fight this mysterious voice that attached itself to them, Roman is taken...