METAMORPH ... k.mikaelson

De liIiths

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Being the last witch of her kind, Lena Ricci has been protected by Rebekah Mikaelson her whole life. And the... Mai multe



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De liIiths

" just running from the demons in your mind "

NIGHT had fallen across the land. The midnight hour had long passed. Lena could only feel warmth as she snuggled into the body beside her, her mind overplaying the memories that she and Klaus had just made.

And then she heard the gasp and her eyes flew open to see Klaus sat up, eyes wide, panting in fear. Sweat had spotted at his forehead and she couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows at his state. Had he had a nightmare?

"Klaus?" she whispered into the still, night air. He glanced down at her. His eyes were filled with terror and dread. She had never seen him so scared before. His hands were trembling as he gripped the duvet. "What did you see?"

As she sat up, she ran her hand up his arm. He let out a sigh at her soft touch, and seemed to move into her hand as it came up to cup his cheek. She let a small smile tug at her lips as he kissed the palm of her hand.

"Nothing," he lied, his own arm moving across the bed to wrap around Lena's waist and pull her closer. They had stayed up for hours just talking and kissing every so often. Now Klaus could kiss her, he was taking every chance he had to do so. But they were meant to be asleep, it was Father Kieran's funeral in the morning and they both had to be there for Cami. If they were too tired, they would ruin it for her.

"For being ancient, you're a shit liar." Klaus let out a breath of laughter, burrowing his head into the crook of Lena's neck. He felt her sigh as her own arms snaked around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. "Tell me," she ordered, voice soft and gentle.

"We were at the funeral," Klaus began to explain as they untangled themselves from one another to lay across from each other. Klaus did particularly love staring into Lena's eyes. They were such a beautiful shade of brown. "When I opened Father Kieran's casket, I saw...a baby, I think it was supposed to be my baby." Klaus' voice tightened and he took a deep breath to console himself. Now he had someone to talk to. Now he had Lena. "I went to pick her up, but then someone shoved a stake right through my heart and when I turned around it was my father."

Lena let out a tiny gasp. It would have been inaudible to human ears. Klaus let his eyes close at the sound that rang through his ears. Why did she have the power to make him feel so at ease and yet so tense at the same time?

"And then you woke up?" Klaus nodded and felt Lena's arms around him again. He wasn't surprised. Her hugs were becoming less of a surprise to him and more something that he looked forward to. They were safe.

"Don't worry, your father isn't back and you'll be a wonderful dad," was all she had to say. It was all she could say, because seconds later, when Klaus opened his eyes, she was fast asleep, tiny snores emitting from her body. He grinned to himself, pulling her closer and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

He had been waiting for the day that he could hold her like this.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

NEW Orleans' funerals were unlike anything Lena had ever seen before. They were filled with jazz music, lovely colours, alcohol and a parade. It was almost like a party. Every other funeral Lena had ever seen or attended had been sad things, full of mourning and downcasted eyes and hushed whispers. This was different. This she liked.

"When I die, I want this to be my funeral!" Lena shouted over the music to Carlotta, who was shaking her head along to the beat of the jazz music as she downed the last remnants of her first glass of wine. Both were dressed in black and both looked more elegant than it seemed possible.

"They don't do it like this in Verona," Carlotta told her, grinning at the people dancing around her. Everyone was celebrating like it was Mardi Gras or something. Well, everyone but Klaus, who had a face like a smacked arse, but luckily Cami had gone over to talk to him. "So, what happened?" Carlotta asked, looking between Klaus and Lena. Lena's eyebrows furrowed a little. She was still a little wary about telling her friend about kissing Klaus, because even though they had spent the night together, she still wasn't sure if this was actually a thing. "Don't be stolto, there is a new...chimica between you both."

Lena felt the blush run up her cheeks as she glanced back over at Klaus. She could still feel the ghost of his lips on hers. Every time they were alone together ever since last night, they had hardly been able to control themselves. "We kissed." Carlotta squealed. "And then we stayed up for so long just talking, he's--"


"No," laughed out Lena, shaking her head. "Klaus isn't perfect, he's rude and egotistical and insecure and slightly evil, but he's amazing, and he's sweet, and--"

"You love him?"

"You just have to interrupt me don't you."

The two women laughed and the next time that Lena looked over her shoulder, Cami was walking up to them, leaving Klaus sitting on his lonesome. So as soon as she had hugged Cami again, told her that she looked lovely again and then handed her over to Carlotta, she made her way over to Klaus, fingers tapping against the glass of lemonade in her hand.

"Earth to Klaus," she teased, noticing the faraway look in his beautiful eyes. Klaus blinked and smiled up at her, kicking the chair across from him out so that she could sit down. "You still thinking about that nightmare?"

"Just daddy issues, love, nothing to trouble yourself with."

"Klaus," she reached over the table, intertwining their fingers together. She watched the tension visibly leave his shoulders at her touch and her heart blossomed in her chest. He was so lovely.

Before she could say anymore, Marcel was standing up and clinking his glass to get everyone's attention. As soon as the music had died down he began to speak and Lena noticed that tension return to Klaus again, so she just squeezed his hand a little tighter.

"I know I haven't been around these parts lately. It's a testament to Father Kieran that we could come together and share a drink and a story or two. Kieran rolled into town on a rusty old cruiser after his daddy died 25 years ago, and damn it, that guy could party!" People laughed. Lena couldn't help but smile. Father Kieran had always been so nice to her every time she had met him.

"That was, of course, before he took his vows," continued Marcel. "But even then, he was committed to the Quarter. He knew that this town needed him and we still do. To Father K!"

"Father K!" everyone echoed, raising their glasses. Lena glanced up, remembering the prayer she had whispered in her head that day when she had gone up to pay her respects to Father Kieran's body in proper 'Heathers' fashion.

"Please, God, listen to me. I know I have not always been a good person, that I have not believed, that I still don't. But even if you do not exist, this isn't going to hurt, right? I just suppose it's more of a comfort really, having someone to say this to. But someone needs to look after Cami, and I know she had Lottie and I, and even Klaus, and everyone really, but maybe she needs some sort of higher power, just to keep her safe, to keep her alive. She's really going to hurt and I think you're a bitch for taking her Uncle away from her, but you do what you do and maybe there's a reason you've done this. Maybe you're teaching her strength. They say you let people suffer for many reasons, I just think you're selfish. Cami didn't deserve this, but what she does deserve is protection. So please, don't give a damn about me, kill me tomorrow for all it matters, just keep Camille O'Connell safe from the harms of the supernatural."

When Lena had been lost in her thoughts during the reestablishment of the party, Elijah had come over to sit with them and Klaus had pulled her seat so that she could sit closer to him. She blinked out of her thoughts and smiled in greeting at the Original vampire sitting across from her. He was pouring drinks for Klaus and himself.

"Seems rather uncivilised to laugh and dance around the body of a loved one."

"I'd rather they enjoy themselves than cry," admitted Lena, resting her chin on her hand. Klaus glanced over at her, he didn't seem very happy at her words.

"Far better to practice your process of grief, isn't it, Niklaus?" joked Elijah, "denial, rage and hoarding coffins in basements." Lena let out a snort of laughter as Klaus glared at her. But there was an amused shine to his eyes and she saw the corner of his lips curl up into a smile as he sipped on his scotch.

"I will warn you Hayley--" Elijah said to the werewolf who had just sat down in the empty seat between himself and Lena. "--Niklaus is in a spectacularly foul mood today."

"Sod off," Klaus growled at his brother. Lena rolled her eyes at him and hit his knee with hers, causing him to look back at her. She tried to send him a look that told him to stop being such a grump, but it was obvious he wasn't in the mood for Lena's optimism. That nightmare really had done something to him.

"What's the deal with these moonlight rings?" asked Hayley in a quiet voice, leaning over the table as if she was in some action movie trying to talk to the bad guy. "Oliver's trying to start a revolution every five seconds. People are scared, angry and frankly, I'm tired of stalling."

"It's a day of peace, Hayley, try and enjoy it," Klaus avoided her questioning. Lena's eyebrows furrowed at him. His mood had soured considerably since Marcel's speech. Was he thinking about Marcel's words or was his mind still focused on his stupid nightmare. Lena couldn't tell. "In the meantime with all manner of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back in with us."

"Awesome," the sarcasm rolled off Hayley's tongue. Lena struggled not to smile. She knew how much Hayley enjoyed the bayou and hated the compound. Lena couldn't understand why, the bayou was full of bugs and sweaty bodies. "Then we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama and then you two both realise that I'm very capable of looking after myself."

Beside Lena, Klaus let out a harsh sigh. She reached under the table and squeezed his knee gently, reminding him that she was there, by his side. "The rings are in process," he said to Hayley. His own hand had reached under the table and intertwined their fingers. Lena fought off another smile, she didn't want to make it too obvious. "I will live up to my word. We will find and punish whoever launched the attack on the bayou and you will return to the compound for your own safety. But right now, I'm gonna finish this bottle--" Klaus let go of Lena's hand to unscrew the lid of the bottle of scotch sitting on the table. "--and the next in the hopes of drowning the demon that has chosen today to haunt me. Cheers Mikael! Impeccable Freudian timing!"

"I thought Bex was dramatic, this is a whole new level of 'drama queen'," Lena muttered as Klaus downed the bottle in his hand. She noticed the confused look on Elijah's face as he leant forward. She could almost hear the cogs turning in his head.

"Elaborate," Elijah ordered his brother, "have you dreamt of our father?"

"Go ahead, have a good laugh."

Lena rolled her eyes visibly at Hayley. The werewolf's lips quirked up into a smirk but she held back the laughter that tried to escape. The Mikaelson's really were dramatic.

"I can assure you there is no piece of this that I find even remotely amusing, Niklaus, especially considering I've been dreaming of him too."


"If you are also seeing him..." Elijah paused, glancing up at the redheaded witch who had just walked into the bar. Lena turned her head slightly to see her and her eyes instantly narrowed. Genevieve the bitch. "Perhaps our elusive, unknown enemy is orchestrating a further attack."

"Well then," Klaus smirked at Genevieve when he caught her smiling at him. Lena could help but feel that pinch of jealousy but it was gone at his next words. "What better way to punctuate a day of peace than by killing someone."

Lena felt herself smirk too. "'So then, you will get what you deserve, and your own actions will make you sick,'" she quoted the Bible she hadn't read in years, despite being absolutely non-religious (it was a good read).

Underneath the table she felt Klaus' hand on her knee and she had never felt so strong in her life. This was going to be the day they played all their cards.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

BREATHING in the sticky night air of the French Quarter was something that Lena had gotten used to during her many nights of standing on one of the many balconies of the Abattoir listening to the last chords of music being played and the drunken laughter of tourists. This time, however, Elijah shared the balcony with her.

"Genevieve," she heard him say and spun around to stare at the redheaded witch who had just entered the room which their balcony was joined to.

"I asked around," she told him. Earlier that night, Elijah and Klaus had paid Genevieve a visit asking about their dreams of their father. Apparently, it hadn't been her. "It's not just your father. The Purgatory, where supernatural souls are trapped, is disintegrating."

Lena's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Her family would have been stuck in the Purgatory. One day she was supposed to be stuck there. "What do you mean disintegrating?" Lena asked, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the doorframe.

"She's right, more or less" Klaus announced his presence. Lena visibly brightened as he entered the room and it was very obvious to both Elijah and Genevieve. It was also obvious that Klaus brightened when he saw her. "It's actually imploding. I made a call to a rather reluctant Bennett witch in Mystic Falls, who said the same thing, the dead are being torn away into nothingness and they're not interested in going quietly."

That meant that Lena's family would no longer be at peace. There would be nothing. Just darkness. All those years of them being dead together, being with one another, waiting for her, and now it was all going to shit.

"So you're saying that our father, faced with permanent extinction, has decided to spend his remaining time tormenting us," Elijah clarified, before letting out a sigh, "how delightful."

"Well, on the plus side, we'll soon be rid of his abhorrent soul forever and what a good riddance that will be!" Klaus sounded happy. Klaus had been grumpy all day and now that he knew that his father was going to be dead and gone forever had suddenly sprung back to happiness. Lena had to admit she liked that shine in his eyes.

"So am I in the clear, Elijah or is there a new conspiracy you would like to threaten me over?" asked Genevieve, not sounding very happy at the fact that the Mikaelson's didn't trust her.

"Nothing springs to mind at this precise moment," replied the eldest brother. Behind Genevieve, Klaus bit down on his bottom lip so as not to laugh. The two brothers had planned something and Lena didn't like not knowing what it was.

"Oh gee, thanks," she muttered sarcastically, before turning to Klaus. "I have to get back to the girls, perhaps tomorrow after the funeral you and I could spend some time together, alone."

Lena's teeth grit together. She had to remind herself that she and Klaus weren't exactly anything yet. They weren't dating. They had just kissed.

"I suppose we'll have to see."

Genevieve let out a sigh before she left the room. Elijah and Lena stepped through from the balcony, both glaring at Genevieve's retreating figure. Once she was gone, way out of earshot, Elijah spoke to his brother. "Please tell me you've designed a stronger method to control the witch than playing hard to get."

"Well, I've always been partial to the classics," joked Klaus as Elijah spun around to close the doors that opened up onto the balcony. Lena let her eyes drop to her feet. Was she an idiot for believing that she stood a chance with Klaus when Genevieve was obviously still in the picture?

Suddenly, there was an arm sliding around her waist and it belonged to Klaus. He was ushering her out of the room, smirking to himself.

"What are you doing?" she asked him, stopping in the middle of the hallway. "Don't you have some redhead to be playing hard to get with?"

"Don't be jealous, love, it's not her I...want." Klaus gulped, there was obviously something that he wanted to say, but he couldn't. Lena's eyebrows furrowed, but Klaus only stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. She sighed, allowing her own arms to slide around his neck. "I don't know if you've noticed, but it's you I want," Klaus whispered in her ear, before his lips ran down her neck.

"Maybe you need to make yourself clearer," she whispered back, before their lips were attached and she could feel the wall cutting into her back. Klaus really did let his animal side show.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

AS macabre as it seemed to be having a sort of parade for the body, Lena couldn't help but love the idea of the funeral as she walked down the street behind the band and the coffin with the two Mikaelson brothers and Hayley. Carlotta was at the front with Cami.

"You alright?" Elijah asked Hayley when he noticed her coughing for about the nine hundredth time since they started walking together. "You look--"

"A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?" shot back the werewolf. Lena and Klaus chuckled. Their hands swung between them, grazing off each other every so often but never fully touching. Genevieve wasn't that far behind them. They couldn't risk their plan going to shit just because they were finally allowed to touch each other.

"I was going to say 'you look lovely'."

Lena quirked her eyebrow at the already blushing Hayley, causing the werewolf to elbow her swiftly. Lena tried to stifle her giggle. Tried being the key word. She obviously failed.

"Do you think I was the target of those bombings?"

"Of course you were the target," Klaus replied to Hayley. Lena sent him a look that he missed. It was obvious that he was good at being blunt. "Were I to wage a war on the wolves, you'd be my first kill. I would string you up for all your worshippers to see."

"I believe--" interrupted Lena, shaking her head at Klaus, who just looked confused at her horrified (yet cute, in his opinion) expression. "--that was Klaus' way of telling you that he'd like you to come home with us. Perhaps, love, try a different approach, make less reference to murder and all."

Klaus sighed, and moved to stand in between Lena and Hayley. "As much as I would hate to throw you over my shoulder and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know I will for the sake of my child." Hayley snorted, rolling her eyes at the Original hybrid.

"One bad dream and suddenly you want to be a responsible daddy," she said before Klaus threw his arm over her shoulder. It was a power move. Klaus had to be the one in charge, he had to be the one calling the shots, he had to have superiority.

"Let me put this into perspective," his voice was dangerously low, Lena struggled to hear it over the music. "My father lived to torment me, it is not my intention to become him. This cycle of misery ends with my child."

Hayley let out a small chuckle before pushing Klaus' arm off of her shoulder.

"You forgot one thing in your attempt to plead your case. She's not your child. She's ours." Hayley stormed away from them and Lena couldn't help but smirk as she and Elijah moved closer to Klaus.

"Very heartfelt, Niklaus," teased Elijah.

"I bloody hate funerals."

Lena couldn't help but laugh. They continued to walk. Klaus continued to grumble about funerals and Elijah would send him jabs every so often. Until they heard Genevieve shout Klaus' name and when they looked Hayley had just fainted.

"HAYLEY!" the three of them shouted before running towards the keeled over werewolf. Elijah reached her first and lifted her up in his arms. Lena made the suggestion that they had to get to the compound and so the three ran there, not noticing Genevieve had followed behind them until Elijah had lain Hayley on the table in the middle of the courtyard.

"What are you doing here?" Lena snapped at the redhead.

"I can help!" she tried to argue, going to take a hold of Hayley, but Elijah pushed forward.

"Don't you touch her!"

"Let her be, she was a nurse!" Klaus argued.

"There's a spell I can do. Klaus, get chamomile from the pantry."

Hayley lay on the table, blood surrounding her mouth, both shaking. Lena felt a chill run through her. She could feel the magic vibrating off of her. This was something dark and wicked.

"She's trembling," Lena pointed out, holding onto Hayley's hand. She wished she could do magic that wasn't just metamorphic. She wish she knew the spells to help this sort of stuff. She wished she was a real witch. "We need your jacket, Elijah."

"She's not breathing," pointed out the vampire as he pulled off his jacket and handed it over to be placed over Hayley. "I can hear the baby's heartbeat, but not hers."

Lena gulped as she reached her fingers forward to be placed against Hayley's neck. There was no rhythmic thumping of a pulse. Bile rose up in her throat. Hayley couldn't be dead. Not Hayley of all people.

When Klaus came back, Genevieve was quick in trying to save Hayley. She muttered a spell in Old French under her breath, pressing the chamomile over Hayley's face and neck. Lena stood between Elijah and Klaus, chewing on her bottom lip.

You're not even a real witch. You can't do real magic. You're just a metamorphic witch, you can't save lives. What good are you? You should stop studying magic. STOP! STOP! S T O P! FAKE WITCH! F A K E W I T C H!

The tears collected in Lena's eyes, but she blinked them away when Klaus bit into his wrist beside her and held it in Hayley's mouth to heal her. Lena wished she could do something to help. But all she could do was watch.

"She's still not breathing, it's not working!" Elijah told them. He grabbed the chair closest to them and threw it at the wall. Lena had never jumped so much in her life. This time the tears did fall from her eyes.

Hayley's dying, she's probably dead and what are you doing to save her. Nothing. Because you can't. Because you're a fake witch. FAKE! UNHELPFUL! SELFISH! Get some real magic!

"I'm taking her to a real doctor!" Elijah tried to move Hayley's body from under Genevieve's hand as she continued to chant under her breath.

"If you move her my spell will break. There won't be enough time to get her to a hospital."

Lena could feel Klaus' hand on her arm but she shrugged him off. She didn't deserve to be comforted. She didn't deserve anything. She couldn't even save Hayley.

"Will the baby survive if delivered now?" Klaus asked. "I'll rip it out of her myself!" Elijah had to grab Klaus to stop him from actually doing what he said he would do.

"Hayley will bleed to death!" Lena argued with him, grabbing his hand and tugging him back. There were tears in his eyes.

"I won't lose that baby."

"I won't lose either of them," said Lena, pushing him back a little to get him further away from Hayley's body. "You might not care about Hayley much, but I do. Elijah does. The pack does. Rebekah does."

"I know what to do!" Genevieve suddenly said, "get my bag, the gris-gris pouch! NOW!"

Suddenly Hayley gasped awake before any of them could actually do so. Lena lurched forward as Elijah grabbed her shoulders, helping her sit upright.

"You're alright, love," Klaus soothed, "you're alright."

"I saw him." Hayley looked absolutely terrified. "And he tried to kill me. I saw Mikael."

Lena's head snapped over to Klaus standing beside her. She didn't even realise what she was doing as her hand moved over and locked with his. He squeezed it tightly and next thing she knew she was being pulled into a hug by the man himself.

"You're such a softie," she whispered, feeling his face burrowing into her neck.

"Only for you."

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

LENA saw Klaus leave the room Hayley had been staying in previously and snuck in, to see there was an open door. Her eyebrows furrowed and she moved over to the door to see Hayley with her eyes locked on a painting. The painting Klaus had done of the New Orleans skyline. Lena felt her heart skip a beat at the memory.

"So, this is the nursery?" Lena asked, leaning against the doorframe and causing Hayley to jump. She hadn't meant to sneak up on the werewolf, but it was obvious that she had been so caught up in staring around at the pale pink nursery with it's beautiful furniture that had already been perfectly kitted out for the baby's arrival.

"Didn't think he would do something like this," Hayley admitted, shaking her head at the room. She was obviously blown away by the work that had been put into it. It was mostly Klaus who had done everything, despite Lena's input on where things should go and which shade of pink worked best for the walls, all of it was his work.

"He's not all that bad."

"You've gotten even closer since I've been gone, if it was possible," Hayley pointed out, raising an eyebrow at Lena. The witch shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We kissed," she admitted. Hayley's mouth fell open slightly before it spread into a massive grin and she was rushing forward to pull the young witch into a very tight hug.

"I'm so happy for you! You've been waiting for this since like forever!"


"Sorry, strength."

The two women laughed. They were real laughs, true laughs, honest laughs. They came from the heart and the gut and the lungs. And it was nice, to be able to laugh after so long of feeling like all that had been going on was fighting and death and crying. But here was love and happiness and laughter. It was refreshing.

"I better not see you making out at every corner when I move back in," Hayley warned, raising both eyebrows at Lena this time. The witch gasped before her whole face lit up in happiness.

"You're moving back in?" Hayley nodded and this time it was Lena's turn to squeeze Hayley tightly. The werewolf just laughed again, allowing herself to be hugged. Lena wasn't as strong as she was. "I have missed you so much Hay, I never see you anymore, this is amazing!"

"Well, all I really do is complain about having swollen ankles!"

They laughed again and they continued to laugh, until Elijah came knocking at the door and so Lena decided to leave the two to talk about whatever it was they were going to talk about. In her own room, she changed into her nightgown and grabbed her phone from where it sat charging on her bedside table. Out on the balcony, she could see Klaus drinking scotch through the window and thought about going to talk to him. But she had more pressing matters at hand.

"I thought you had forgotten about me," came the familiar, flighty voice of her absolute best friend in the entire world. Lena felt tears sting her eyes again. The past few days had been the epitome of emotional rollercoaster and she really needed her best friend.

"I couldn't forget about you, Bex," but Lena's voice was thick with tears and Rebekah could hear that through the phone.

"What's wrong? Who's arse am I kicking now?"

Lena couldn't help but giggle through her tears. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Klaus make his way to his own doors that led to his balcony. She hoped he wouldn't want the fresh, night air of New Orleans.

"I'm not a normal witch."

"No, my dear, you are not," Rebekah sounded as if she wanted to laugh.

"I can't do spells other witches can do, I can't save lives like other witches can. Hayley almost died today, and all I could do was watch. Am I not a good enough witch, a good enough person?"

"Who said that to you? Was it Nik? No, he wouldn't he's You better not be thinking this Lena Francesca Ricci. You are more than good enough, you are amazing and you are unique. Your magic is different and that is okay. So, what, you couldn't save Hayley today? Okay, save her next time. I believe in you, I always have, I always will. You are my daughter, my best friend, and I am always here for you."

The tears flowed freely from Lena's eyes. A hiccup escaped her mouth and she heard Rebekah laugh. It rolled through the phone so freely. Rebekah sounded free, no longer scared, just happy, just living life. Lena was so happy for her.

"You are honestly so emotional," joked the blonde. Lena could almost picture her shaking her head. The thought of it was a comfort. "Tell me what's been going on recently, any fights, any wars, any forbidden romances?"

"Nothing really, just cruising through life."

"You're lying."

Lena glanced over. Klaus was watching her from his own balcony. Why did their balconies have to be so close?

"What? No!"

"I raised you, I know when you lie!"

"Fine, fine, there's a sort of maybe forbidden-ish romance. I dunno. First off, your brother--"


"Yes, him, well he was seeing that redheaded bitch--"


"Yes, how disgusting, and then they like split up because turns out she's a bitch and he's an arsehole sometimes and he cut this guys hands off and like there was this whole giving the witches gifts and stuff and honestly it was just a mess. But today was Father Kieran's funeral, oh my god, Bex, you're giving me a New Orleans funeral, they are super fun!"

"I'm not planning your bloody funeral! I'm dying before you do, don't even start that funny business."

"Shut up, you're immortal. You'll be here until the sun dies."

"And you'll be with me, I'll make sure of it."

"God, you're so selfish," joked Lena. From the next balcony, she could hear Klaus laughing and she glanced over to shoot him a warning glare.

"Is that my brother?" 


"Has something happened between you two yet?"

"What do you--"

"Oh, come off it, doll. I expected you two to fix the sexual tension between yourselves the minute I left town. If you don't tell me you've at least kissed, I'm going to be furious."

"Well, we did, like two nights ago."

"And you didn't tell me right away!"

"You're so weird, you should be freaked out by this." Klaus was laughing so loudly that Lena was sure all the neighbours could hear him. If she had something to throw at him, she would have done so.

"Well, just make sure my brother knows that if he hurts one single hair on your body, or breaks even the tiniest bit of your heart, I will personally find a white oak stake to stake him with."

"I'm sure he knows, I love you, Bex, you know that right?"

"Don't be such a sop." Lena giggled. The tears had dried up on her cheeks now and her hair was just sticking to them, so she ran her fingers through the blue waves and it twisted back into a bun, just how she liked it for bedtime. Klaus looked fascinated at the magic. "I love you more."


"Entirely possible."

And that was how they hung up on each other. That was how they always hung up on each other. It made Lena's heart ache to see her best friend in the flesh, to hug her, to feel her cold skin, to run her fingers through her blonde hair. But she couldn't, not right now.

"I suppose it is nice to know that I'll have at least a quarter of your heart," she heard Klaus' voice in the wind and turned towards him, eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"My sister has always had such a prominent place in your heart, I don't think I could ever compete to take that away."

"My heart is big enough."

When Klaus smiled at her, Lena felt her own lips tug up into a smile. She was glad he didn't mention anything about her insecurities about not being a good enough witch. She didn't need to hear that again right now. Right now, all she wanted was to be there, in that moment, with him, enjoying the sounds of the party going on below and the feel on the wind nipping at her skin.

"Klaus, would I be allowed to have a dog?"

"Absolutely not."

god Klena are such goals, I love them

we're nearing the end of part one, only a couple of more chapters left! what's been your favourite chapter so far? 

also, i just published a Joseph Morgan social media fic, so please check it out lovelies! 

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