Ruthless-Losing My Innocence...

By Author_Shizu

23.5K 1K 52

"Mr Ishiko, what exactly are your intentions towards me?", a reticent voice mumbled with apprehension. "My in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Story Characters
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 10

476 20 0
By Author_Shizu

Imperial College main building was prodigious. The upper some floors of the building consisted of many spare surplus rooms. Grabbing Sarah hand, who ran clumsily and staggered alongside Angelize, she made her way to the top of that imposing building.

"S-Stop!", Sarah stuttered once at the top. Her head was hurt pretty bad and a thin streak of crimson blood was trickling down. But it wasn't that bad to seek medical attention. Just a couple of ice packs and it would be fine. Through her experience in the streets, Angelize could tell.

Sarah leaned against the wall and gathered her breath while Angelize didn't break a sweat. It was as if she hasn't raced through corridors and darted through long stairs while simultaneously pulling a stumbling Sarah with her.

Unlike most of the teenagers, Angelize could run for kilometers non-stop with her agile and swift movements.

Angelize glanced around.

The corridors were empty. This place was an ideal spot for the couples of college to skip classes and sneak away to make out. But classes had already ended and there wasn't a single soul. One could hear his own heartbeats in the deafening silence.

Once in that pin-drop silence, they heard a lot of heavy steps headed up through stairs.

Sarah looked at Angelize with terrified eyes. "Angelize forget me. Just go on. They are after you. I'll only slow you down!"

It had been Angelize who has been dragging her all the way to top. And with her injury and exhaustion, she won't be able to keep pace with Angelize.

Angelize rolled her eyes.

If it wasn't for Sarah safety, who would run like a chicken from those insignificant insects.

Because it would have been difficult for Angelize to hold them if six or seven of those boys were to come at her at once.

"Stop being that sentimental. I'm telling you, they can't touch a single hair of us", Angelize said impassively, "Earlier I didn't expect Zayden to make such a coward move. That's why he was able to hurt you"

And there was a student recording them. Otherwise Angelize would have beaten him to pulp. And possibly crippled him.

"You can't just fight so many of them!", Sarah clashed with her, holding Angelize arms and slightly shaking her in her panic. She was surprised to see her strength earlier. But then, there was only three of them and now there would be at least seven of them.

No matter how many tricks Angelize had leaned, she possibly couldn't fight with so many of them!

"Relax a little. Everything is under control", Angelize held Sarah arm that was holding her tightly and tried to allay her panic.

"Nothing is under control", her breathing was ragged out of panic as she threw away Angelize hands agitated.

She felt more unsettled to see a calm look on Angelize face.

As they heard footsteps becoming louder, Sarah eyes grew terrified. Her face paled. Her thoughts ran frantic with fear as she stomped in circles mumbling "What do we do now. What do we do now. What do we..."

It was the last floor so they couldn't climb any further and all the rooms were locked.

That was the deadend.

She was at the verge of tears.

Angelize sighed and drew out a pin from Sarah hair. Her reddish brown hair fell down. Angelize had never noticed it earlier but Sarah had captivating looks with a round baby face. Specially with her hair down, she looked gorgeous.

"What are you doing now?", Sarah asked in her petrified voice as her hands and feet turned cold with fear while her eyes were glistening.

Looking at her petrified look, Angelize felt an urge to laugh. But she felt guilty later. If she was in Sarah situation, she would be scared too.

"Just you watch", Angelize flashed her a brilliant smile. Sarah didn't know why but the fearless smile comforted her in some strange way.

Angelize pushed the pin in the lock of a door.

"They're coming", Sarah voice was destitute as she pulled out her hair in fear.


With a little trick of her fingers, Angelize opened the lock. Sarah stared at her with somewhat incredulous look.

Angelize walked in.

Sarah didn't move. She kept glued to her spot, gaping at Angelize in astonishment.

Sighing, Angeline tugged her into the room and closed the door.

"Where the fuck are they?", a voice screamed in a fit of fury outside the room. Zayden was clutching his stomach as a spat out a mouthful of blood. A foot printed on his face. But at that time he cared little for his injury.

Being stepped on his face. And even by a girl! What can be more humiliating than that? If the word gets out, would Zayden ever be able to show his face in public?

All of his tender feelings towards Angelize vanished and pure hatred and anger remained. He would make her regret ever being born. He would wipe out nine generations of her family!

"The rooms here are all locked and its the last floor so there's no way out"

"One of you stand at the stairs. Don't let them leave. Rest search the corridors with me!"

She was an idiot, Zayden thought. At least down in the corridors there were still some students and he couldn't have caused much damage in front of them. But now, there was not a single soul in here so he didn't need to fear anything. He would thoroughly humiliate her and leave her battered.

Perhaps, figuring out the same Angelize had come to the top to give them a private beating but later she found Sarah as her hindrance.

She was still following Big Boss words 'lack of violence'. After all if Zayden was to become cripple or simply die because of injuries, Big Boss would easily get the news of it because his family had connections to mafia.

Sarah placed her hands over her chest. She was holding her breath. She was scared panting loudly would reveal their hideout.

"Breath a little. If you don't breath, you'll die anyway then what use there would be to hide from them", Angelize rubbed her back soothingly.

Sarah sucked in a breath.

"Don't talk so loud!", she whispered and placed a hand over Angelize mouth, "What if they find out that we are here!"

Angelize pushed away her hand.

"Then they'll signing their own death warrant", Angelize replied nonchalantly. She didn't whisper like Sarah so her voice was loud.

Sarah eyes widened.

"Angelize!", Sarah accidentally shouted then slammed her hands over her mouth.

"Come on. The door is locked. They can't open it from outside. Besides there are hundreds rooms at this floor so they wouldn't know that we are here unless they search till afternoon"

That calmed Sarah as she finally began to breathe again.

Angelize threw away her bag and put off her hoodie. Placing it on an empty chair, she grabbed out her tablet.

"Where did you learn to break locks like that. These aren't ordinary locks", Sarah finally said in a normal voice. She was extremely curious as she looked at Angelize with impatient face for her answer.

Imperial college had some standards and even the locks here were not ordinary for security sake.

If Angelize hadn't come up with that trick the last moment, God knows what what would have happened to them, Sarah thought of that possibility and trembled.

Angelize coughed: "Youtube?"

She wouldn't tell her where exactly she learned it.

Angelize rummaged through her bag. She found a few tissues in her bag. That room turned out to be an unused chemistry library so water was available. Soaking the tissues, Angelize cleaned off the blood from Sarah head and asked her to hold the tissues against her head to stop the bleeding.

"Let's wait here for half an hour. They would surely leave after some time.", Angelize said casually putting her stuff back in her bag, " After that go straight to your dorm and don't wander around. I don't think they will let slide this matter easily. After today if they find you alone they will definitely bully you"

Saying, Sarah took her tablet and sat on a chair beside the window and got herself engrossed into something. She felt a gaze on her.

"What?", looking up she asked Sarah who was looking at her strangely.

"Angelize I previously thought that you never considered me as your real friend. That in your eyes I was just someone very annoying. But today...", Sarah face was full of sincerity as she opened up to Angelize, "You fought with Zayden just for my sake. And you-you could have left me to save yourself but you took the risk and didn't abandon me. I-I'm truly moved", Sarah bit her lip as her face flushed slightly and she looked down nervously, "So from today onwards I'll treat you as my best friend with wholehearted sincerity."

Angelize shrugged and humbly said. "It was nothing and I just don't like it when someone is hurt because of me. Zayden actual target was me after all and you got dragged in for no reason"

But it was not true. She cared for Sarah. If she knew how to fulfil enmity, she knew how to fulfil friendship.

And what risk she took? She very well knew that they didn't stand a chance in front of her. Angelize never takes a risk.

"So we best friends now?", Sarah said and put forward her pinky towards Angelize.

Angelize laughed.

"This is childish"

"No, it isn't. Just do it or else I won't feel at ease", Sarah whined.

"Alright", Anglize touched her pinky with Sarahs. A faint smile appeared on her face as she shook her head at how naive her new best friend was.

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