Virtue Of The Vicious (reader...

By Lollerflock

67.1K 627 750

Imprison for war crimes a former soldier getting another chance at serving for Rainbow Six, but some things d... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
part 9
Part 10
part 12
part 13
Part 14
Part 15
part 16
Part 17-the end

Part 11

2.2K 29 16
By Lollerflock

Y/N and most of the other operators were standing outside as Lacey was in a match against a few defending operators.

Twitch: Jealous you didn't get picked?

Y/N: Slightly betrayed.

IQ: Aw are you going to cry?

Twitch: Do you need a shoulder to cry on?

Lion: Need a hug?

Y/n: I hate you guys.

He looked at Mute quietly laughing.

Y/N: You talking shit too?

A buzzer rang out signaling the match was over. Lacey walked out victorious, Smoke walked out with a canister frozen to his hand.

Smoke: Sledge get your fat Scotish arse over here!

Ash: What happened to him?

Lacey: Cryo grenade.

Y/n: Wow, so you basically throw a snowball at people.

Echo: She's a level two mage!

Everyone looked at Echo and Hibana laughing hysterically.

Lion: I don't get it.

Y/n: Probably something from his annabelle shows.

IQ: Anime.

Y/n: Don't care.

Lacey: Are you always an ass?

Y/N: Didn't mean to offend you, Susan.

Lacey: That's not my name.

Y/N: I know.

Training ended and everyone was heading to get food. Y/n sat inside his cell waiting for Twitch to bring him food as he was still in trouble for the recruit incident. Ash walked in first and sat outside the cell.

Ash: Hey there.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Ash: Just coming to see you.

Y/n: Right.

Ash: Is there a problem with seeing you?

Twitch walked in with he s and Y/n's food and stopped next to Ash.

Twitch: Hey Eliza what you doing here?

Ash: Just visiting.

Twitch set a tray down and opened the cell down then gave Y/n his food and sat next to him.

Twitch: Alright continue my story.

Ash: You tell her stories?

Y/n: Unfortunately I have to, she told me telling someone will make me less of an asshole.

Intercom: Ash, Twitch, Lacey, Inmate, and Lion report to mission briefing.

Y/n: Aw fuck me.

Twitch: What?

Y/n: I bet her fucking brother will find me and her in this mission.

Ash: What does that mean?

Y/n: The last two times we were on a mission he was there.

Ash: Not our first one.

Y/n: I got placed an a meat hook and was hanging from the ceiling.

Twitch: Don't worry I'll be there to save you.

(At briefing)

Lacey: Do we really need this asshole on this mission?

Twitch: Which one are you talking about, Oliver or Y/n?

Lion: Hey!

Six: Enough! The White Masks have a recruited Ziubar Novak, a highly decorated US special forces veteran who was supposed to be dead while serving in the Congo. Right now he's training White Masks recriuts back in Mexico and has a personal death squad that have been killing locals that haven't paid their dues. Take him alive.

Ash: If he was dead then how is he there?

Six: Ask Y/n about Inmate 375.

Y/n: Oh...that guy.

Six: Somehow these guys got out, and I want to know how.

Lacey: Doesn't he know already?

Y/n: I was in my cell most of the time getting the shit kicked out of me.

(Skip to mission)

They moved into the training camp during the night. Y/n and Ash opened a door entering the main building. Three men were waiting for them and opened fired. They ran outside where more men ran in and opened fire at the others.

Lion: Scanning hostiles!

Lion and Lacey took cover next to each other as Twitch ran in a building clearing it out.

Twitch: North building cleared!

Lion: Moving to the West building.

Y/n: Cover me I'm going back in.

He shoulder bashed the door open shooting a man with his shotgun and knocked down the other two. He places the barrel inside the man on his lefts mouth and blew his head away a d used his boots to hold the other man still.

"Where is he?"

He loaded a beanbag round and shot the man in the stomach.

Man: In his office upstairs.

Y/n: Thank you.

He loaded an new round and shot the man's head. He rolled backwards to stand up and reloaded his gun as he walked upstairs.

Ash: Y/n hold up!

He looked back as she ducked down from bullets zipping past her.

A man shot down the steps in front of him, he aimed his shotgun up and killed him and watched as the body fell down and land on its neck breaking it on impact. He walked down the hall as he approached the office.

Y/n: Why do I smell gas?

He looked at the pipes on the walls and held his hand up to it and felt air escaping.

He opened the only door upstairs where Novak was sitting in a chair with his feet up on a desk opening gas cylinders.

Y/n: Hands up Novak.

Novak: You sound familiar have we met?

Y/n: Inmate 374.

Novak: Ah yes, Taylor's little attack dog how ya been?

Y/n aimed his gun.

Novak: Wouldn't do that I've been flooding this hole place with gas. So Taylor is finally getting me out of this place?

Y/n: Sorry but I'm with Rainbow.

He pulled out his knife and kicked a gas cylinder out of the room.

Novak: Oh wait I'm part of Rainbow too. Well only for one mission...oh I get it.

Y/n: What?

He turned around at Ash running up the stairs. Novak ran and grabbed Y/n and held a knife to him.

Ash: Don't do it!

Novak: Why would you care? Is he your little lover boy?

He took the knife and cut the side of Y/n's face.

Novak: Nice to see you again buddy.

He stabbed Y/n in the stomach and tossed him out hitting Ash. She got back up and grabbed a lighter.

Y/n: Get out!

Y/n grabbed Ash's hand and ran down the hall. He aimed his gun at the wood wall and fired a round and ran through it while holding on to Ash as he fell out and landed on his back. He pulled his mask off and tossed it aside.

Y/n: God damn it. Ash are you alright?

He looked up at her tightly holding onto him and she looked up at Y/n. She slowly moved her face closer to his.

Ash: Y/n I need to tell you something...

Y/n: Hold on.

He moved her aside at the building not burning down.

Y/n: Fucker!

He ran around the building and got hit in the face by Novak's personal squad. Novak walked up to him and kneeled down.

Novak: You wouldn't kill a fellow Rainbow operator would you?(looks at his men) Rough him up for me.

Five men began stomping and kicking Y/n. He grabbed his pistol but one of them grabbed his hand and broke his wrist. He took his pistol and aimed it at him. A grenade detonated next to the gun freezing the gun and hand instantly and a bullet shattered the hand.

Y/n looked at Lacey and Lion moving in killing two others and the rest taking cover. Twitch ran up to Y/n and picked him up.

Twitch: I got you.

She was pulled back by Novak and he kicked her legs.

Novak: So your his woman.

He took her revolver and shoot Twitch. She fell down and Novak backed up shooting the gun until he disappeared into the camp.

Y/n: Emma!

He used his good hand and crawled to her as he fell immense pain.

Y/n: No no no no.

He sat up and held her.

Twitch: Y/n!

Y/n: Just stay calm.

He ripped her gear off to find the wound and but he couldn't use his other hand. Lion ran up to them taking his bag off.

Lion: Emmanuelle stay calm. Lacey call Jäger tell him to get here fast!

Lacey: Got it.

Hours later everyone was in the helicopter flying back and Y/n was holding onto Twitch's hand as she laid  down barely breathing. They landed at the base and Doc was ready with a stretcher with Rook the help him load her up. Y/n followed behind them as they ran off.

Ash: Y/n wait I need to tell you something!

He ignored her and walked towards them holding his broken wrist. They entered the operating room. He grabbed the handle but it was locked. After several attempts to open it he punched the door then grabbed the bench and threw it yelling. He turned in circles until he looked at the picture frame of Rainbow soldiers at Bartlett University at the first White Mask attack.

Novak(in Y/n's head): You wouldn't kill a fellow Rainbow operator would you? Only one mission.

Y/n: Fucking Taylor.

(Unknown location)

Taylor was getting out of his suit when a White Mask ran in.

Mask: Sir it's...

A bullet shot through his head and Novak walked in pissed off.

Novak: Why didn't you tell me 374 is coming after me!

Taylor: So that's what she doing, fine.

He picked up a phone.

Taylor: Did you by chance shoot any of them?

Novak: Some GIGN woman.

Taylor: We will start with them first.

He dialed a number and held the phone against his ear as he put his suit back on.

Taylor: 532, I need you to pull your men out of Rainbow. Yes it's time.

He tossed the phone away.

Novak: So when do I get to have fun?

Taylor: Right now, go hunt them. Inmates 883 and 122 have just been released to assist you.

Novak: I do miss those two.

He walked out and Taylor fixed his tie.

Taylor: You're doing such a good job little Y/n.


Every prison were forced out of their cells and stood in front of the Warden's office and Taylor walked out.

Taylor: Hello my fellow inmates, you all know who I am I'm now Warden Taylor.

He walked up to the rails.

Taylor: I have a job opportunity for everyone. My new friends, The White Masks, are looking for soldiers for their cause. This isn't some protect some over privileged people, no this is kill those who put you in here. So what do you say?

People began cheering except for Y/n who walked back to his cell.

Taylor: You don't get a choice on this one Y/n. Now for those who are interested I have work for you, and yes it means getting out of this place. Meet your new training officer Novak.

Novak: Training starts now, who ever can kill Y/n gets to pick what place we attack first.

Everyone looked at Y/n as he backed up to his cell and shut the door. They began to pull it open and Y/n held it shut even with them stabbing his arm and leg.

Taylor: Enough! I need three volunteers to accompany on our first mission.

(End flashback)

Y/n was inside Doc's office alone and he held his broken wrist on a table and shoves it down creating a loud pop as he yelled in pain and kicked the chair.

Doc walked in.

Doc: What are you doing?

Y/n: Where is she!

Doc: Recovering you can see her later. Now give me your hand.

After getting his hand fixed he walk out and found Lion and Dokkeabi kissing outside until he walked past them. He kept walking until he looked at Thatcher and Montagne watching TV in the recreation room and saw Taylor walking with UN official during the morning of his mission.

Y/n: Thatcher I have a question for you.

Thatcher: What?

Y/n: Who was at the Bartlett attack?

Thatcher: I'd assume the Americans, my guys got here a week later with the Germans. What about you Frenchie?

Monty: We got here with the Russians three days later but there were no Americans there.

Y/n: I was just wondering.

He walked back to his cell where Ash was waiting for him.

Ash: Y/n.

Y/n: What do you want?

She walked up to him and looked into his eyes.

Ash: I don't know if I could say it.

Y/n: Clearly it's not important.

He walked away but she grabbed his hand.

Ash: It is.

Y/n: Then what is it?

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