The Wolf Among Hunters: (RWBY...

By ThaNerdyGuy

143K 2.1K 1.9K

[F/N] a wolf faunus never expected to go to Beacon Academy, nor wanted to, but circumstances have driven him... More

Pt.1 The Wolf of Beacon
Pt.2 The Wolf's Bargain
Pathways of The Wolf #1
Pt.3 Out Hunting
Pt.4 Howling at The Grimm
[F/n]'s Face
Pathway of The Wolf #2
Pt.5 A Wolf in Uniform
Pt.6 Beauty and the Beast
1K already!? THANK YOU!!
News+Pathway of the Wolf #3
Pt.7 The Wolf Pack Pt1
Pt.8 Steele Roses
Where have I been? Plus Pathway....kinda
Pathway of the Wolf #4
Thanks for the 6.14k reads and 159 votes!
My Hero Academia Fanfic
Pt.9 The Wolf Pack Pt2
what's your opinion?
So I Got Choices, Good News, & Good News!
Pt.11 The Clashing of Fangs Past
Pt.12 Magic of the Wolf
Pt.13 Team SLVR Tales: Lana Viridian
Pt.14 Strength of the Pack Pt.1
Part.15 Strength of the Pack Pt.2
Part.16 Strength of the Pack Pt.3
Pathway of the wolf, News, and Q&A
Last news insert

Pt.10 Truth, Lies, and Silver Eyes

3.3K 66 18
By ThaNerdyGuy


A loud ringing goes through my ears and my eyes burn as I try to get away, holding my left side as the familiar feel of blood escapes my major wound. I tree to see the best I can in the night as the drugs blur my vision the more I go on. Through the ringing, I hear slight movement behind me, prompting me to take a weak crouching position as I raise my hands up pointing my first two fingers thumb together barely standing on my toes, swaying from the effect of the drug, as I try to summon my aura with no effect.

Suddenly another agonizing high pitch goes off, causing me to cover my ears as I'm then met with a punch to the gut causing me to slump over. I barely make out the figure as I try to manage a punch, but the figure only dodges behind me,  slashing across my back. I try to attack again only for the figure to dodge again and grab my tail, causing me to send out a loud yelp as I suddenly summon enough strength to kick the figure off me as I then fell to the ground. I get back up, my body reluctantly obeying, as I limp into a clearing looking over a cliffside I try to keep walking, but fall to my knees unable to move anymore as the only thing I hear the ringing, my heart thumping, and faint footsteps getting closer.

As the figure walks in front of me, I can make out the familiar frame I'd become accustomed to seeing: Atlas military armor, a Katana whose tip still wears my blood, a pistol on her hip, and blue-greenish hair tied into a ponytail.

"L-lana..." I manage to weakly say as she then grips my neck forcing me to look up at her, barely seeing her melancholy look on her face as I barely make out the words she's saying.

"Your going to die at this rate, thanks to  the drug you can't use your aura so you can't heal yourself, unless you transform, but you still refuse," she then raises her katana under my chin.


"No," she interrupts gripping my throat harder,"I don't want anymore lies or excuses, I just want to look into the eyes of the beast that took him away from me so I'm gonna gonna say this once: Bring out The Big Bad."

As I felt the cold touch of her blade, her malice and anger, and the feeling of my other side coming out as I tried to fight back thinking about earlier today...

*Earlier that Day*

Was sitting with Jaune and Ruby as Ruby wanted us to all hangout, though us three were the only one's busy and deciding eat some ice cream.

"Oohhh what is that?" Ruby said looking at my ice cream.

"This, my dear Rosie Red, is the "Big Bad special" the shop keep created when I kept coming here ordering it like this." I said smiling as I showed her my bowl that had vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate scoops in it with bananas on each side, sprinkles all around it, as well as chocolate syrup, and two cherries on top.

"It looks good, can I try some?"

"Don't you have your own cone to worry about?" I said looking over at her and sighing as I saw she was already halfway done,"of course your almost done. I guess one bite wouldn't hurt."

I then had scooped up a little in my spoon pointing it in her direction

"Thanks!" she said then taking a bite,"it's good!"

"Of course it is, it's ice cream." I said as she stuck her tongue out at me.

"You two are something else," Jaune says looking between us smiling," it's only been two days since the forest and you two look like nothing even happened."

"Eh, it wasn't that bad after I healed myself." I said eating my ice cream.

"And the nurse said I was okay." Ruby said trying to swipe more of my ice cream.

"Besides, I'm more impressed by the guy who fought an Alpha Ursa with a White Beowulf playing it off like it wasn't anything."

"Actually, it's more like I'm trying to not freak out about the fact that it actually happened."Jaune had then let out a weak laugh.

"I wish I could have seen, Pyrrha said it was something out of a story. You've changed a lot since the first day when you were "Vomit Boy"." As Ruby said that I couldn't help, but chuckle as I looked down at my ice cream remembering the first day.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me...though technically i'm not the one who changed the most from day one."

they both then stopped talking causing me to look up as I realized they were both staring at me smiling.

"...What? I haven't changed that much."

"Well considering how the first day you were all " I have no plans of making friends" to " you're stuck with me" in a matter of months.' Juane teased.

"Aww, is that really what you said? That's so sweet. Does that mean I'm stuck with you too?" Ruby said teasing me as I felt my face go red.

"Look, I was in a different place when we first met, if you wanna blame someone blame yourselves. Your constant and unrelenting bombardment of friendship and understanding apparently began sticking and made me rethink what I wanted out of being here."

"Yes! High five for unrelenting  friendship!" Ruby yelled as she and Juane highfived  each other.

"You two are such dorks." I said rolling my eyes.

"Maybe, but we're now your dorks, and your stuck with us since the first day I said high." Jaune said smiling.

"I'm never gonna live down saying that am I?"

"Nope." they said in unison causing me to sigh as I to hide a slight smile, finishing off my ice cream.

Well, let's hope it's a good change for the future." I say taking

"Speaking of change,"Ruby then said looking towards me," is Lana alright? it seems like we haven't seen her much lately."

  "Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her much either." Jaune agreed.

I sighed for a moment before finally speaking,

"I honestly Don't know...she's also been acting...different lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, ever since I was banished to my room and she did some solo missions, she came back as a whole different person. She doesn't look at me, she rarely talks to me, and the other day she wanted to talk after the sap gathering, but when I tried to talk to her she just left. Then I woke up today and she was already gone. It's just...worrying, I've been trying to call her all day, but to no results."

"Well I hope she's alright,"Ruby said,"when we were on the Bullhead, it seemed like she had something going on."

we then all stopped thinking before Jaune's Scroll started going off, as he looked at it he got up,

"Sorry to leave you guys, but I got to practice with Pyrraha, see you later?"

"Yep." Ruby said.

"Well I'm stuck with you so yea, later." At that, I waved him off as he headed on then as I turned to Ruby I said,"and then there were two."

"yep," she agreed,"do you wanna do something else? It's a free day today and I don't have any plans."

"Sure why not." I said as we both got up and headed around town.

We spent the better of the day checking out the town, but as we went around I noticed Ruby began to seem troubled by something as the sun had begun to set. after a while then decided to sit down and rest before we headed back.

"Hey...can I ask you something?" Ruby had suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Yeah sure Rosie Red, what's up?" I said not really knowing what to expect.

"Okay so, I...lately I've been having these...dreams."

"Dreams? I think this is one of those things you need to ask Yang about."

"What?" She said looking confused until she then realized what I meant and started blushing,"not those kind or dreams!"

"Calm down, I'm just messing with you. So what kind of dreams are you having?"

"There weird, like...everything was in silver, I was seeing the lives of people I've never met before, but feel as though I've known them all my life. Then there"

"Everything in silver?" as she said that, I started thinking back to my recent experience with visions, wondering how they were connected as Ruby then continues to speak.

"Also...there was that White Beowulf..." She interrupted causing me to stop.

"What?" I said as I stared at her.

"I...had a dream were I was walking in a forest, I don't know where I was going, but I had a basket that had something glowing in it. As I was walking I heard rustling in a nearby and as I went to check it out I saw you standing in front of the white Beowulf look into each others eyes, then suddenly felt an angry presence that came behind you and began to attack. The wolf tried to attack, but you held it back as you ran from the presence, but..."


"...but the presence  killed you..." The air had become heavy as she decided,but Ruby looked as though there was more to it.

"Ruby..."I said taking her hand," what's else did you see?"

She hesitated for a moment, before speaking again,

"When you died, the Beowulf's eyes turned from silver to blood read and killed the presence."

"That seems bad, but it seems like all I had to do was take down the presence right?"

"I thought the same, but...I had the dream again and this time you fought back...but the more you fought, the harder it was to keep the Grimm back as it seemed to feed off the presences anger, then your eyes began to turn blood red and in the killed the presence."

"That...seems bad as well, but it's just a a dream plus the attacker would be down right." I said smiling the best I could trying to hide the ominous feeling I had.

"But felt so real, the air blowing, the smell of blood, even your death and death as well as theirs and even though they were attacking you, I couldn't help, but feel as though we lost someone close and I..." Ruby then looked as though she was holding back tears trying to continue,"The other day...the dream happened again..this time I couldn't stand by and watch to I decided to help but...I woke up before I could help and I feel so...helpless like there's something I could do, and...and..."

Ruby couldn't hold it back anymore as tears began to flow down her cheeks.

"you're death felt so real...and I couldn't do anything and I-"

I she stopped as I began to her her tightly. she was stunned at first, but quickly  wraps her arms around me as she cried into my chest.

"hey Rosie Red,"I said in a comforting voice,"I'm not going anywhere, you guys can't get rid of me that easily. It's just a dream, and even if something does happen I'll find a way I always do."


"No buts, okay?" I  said interrupting her,"I want you to say something, say: "[F/n] will find a way"."

she looked up at me still not sure.

"Come on," I said starting to tickle her a little,"say "[F/n] will find a way"."

Though she tried her best not, she starting giggling and I tickled her more.


I stopped as she slowly calm down wiping the tears from her face.

"...Thank you and sorry I lost my cool..." she said looking away.

"it's fine, your a caring person so it's understandable,"I said thinking back to my visions as well, deciding maybe it's time I told someone,"Ruby, I need to tell you that-"

I my Scroll had went off loudly as I checked it and Lana's name came up prompting me to answer,

"Hey I've been trying to call you all d-"

"B.B.  I don't have enough time! you need to hurry!"

"Whoa Whoa Whoa! Slow down, what's happening!?"

"Some White Fang have cornered me, I need you help, I've sent you my location, you need to-"

"Lana!? LANA!?" I yelled as the call went dead.

"What's wrong!?" Ruby say as I quickly get up going through my Scroll.

"Lana's cornered by White Fang somewhere and needs help!" I said finally finding the location near the Emerald Forest,"I'm about to go help!"

"I'll come wi-"

"No!" I said interrupting her,"I need you to go tell Ozpin! the location is near the school and I fear they might be doing something else. Can you do that for me?"

Ruby looked as though was about to complain, but soon only nodded.

"Thanks." I said running on until I heard,

"Wait!" she yelled causing me to stop and look back to her,"you told me to say "[f/n] will find a way" does that mean you're-"

"Steele, [F/n] Steele! That's my real name!" I said before rushing off as  she then yelled,

"be careful [F/n]!" I smiled not looking back back as I continued on.

*At the location*

I made it to the location, quietly sneaking around looking for any sign off movement. My eyes had quickly adjusted to the dark night that blanketed the area and a faint scent began to waft to my direction. I immediately recognized it as Lana and rushed forward not hearing any footsteps as something felt off. The sounds of the forest be had started to go quiet as I neared closer, when my ear begin to twitch as I had quickly caught something that was shot into my direction, looking at it: It was a small dart of some sort that had some liquid inside of it.

"What the he-" suddenly small spikes shot from the sides of the dart causing me to drop it. I looked at my fingers and begins to see blood begin to run from the wounds, when suddenly my vision had begun to to blur. I blinked trying to focus, but to no effect as my ears twitched again as I more began to be shot from all directions, as I dodged through them my body began to feel weak and my movements became sloppy. I let out a grunt as another entered my right shoulder as I quickly hide behind a tree. I quickly took it out as the effects had begun to take effect quicker, and as I tried to regain focus, Lana's smell was closer and as I looked around I saw a figure propped up against a tree as a familiar voice called out, 

"B...B..." I made it over as quickly and, trying not to fall, as I reached her trying to asses how she was. Though it may have been the drugs, she looked fine as if she hadn't been touched.

I sighed in relief,

"Lana...Lana..." I said trying to shake her to respond,"come on, we need to-" I stopped however as a sharp pain as I looked down seeing  her Katana threw my right side as her hand gripped the hilt. I jumped back as her grip caused the blade to slide out of my body and I backed up as blood gushed from the fresh would. I then put my hand over the wound, trying to heal myself with my aura, but to no affect as my aura didn't activate.

"What the-"

"Experimental dust serum," Lana said and she got up from the tree,"it's a prototype of serum Atlas scientists have created to nullify one's Aura, as well as there Semblance."


I stopped as my ears became bombarded with a high pitched noise that causes me to grab them as a sudden surge of pain came across my entire body as she slashed  multiple times. as the ringing kept sounding off, her words barely crept threw the ringing,

"A sonic high pitch resonator, to deal with that enhanced hearing of yours..."

a feeling of malice and pain began to ooze from Lana that caused my eyes to burn.

"And to answer your question of "why","she said kicking me down as her foot rested on my chest,"all you need to know is that you're crimes will finally be paid for The Big Bad" she then pressed harder onto my chest as she said that name,"but the crime isn't yours to deal with, it's for the beast that resides inside of you. Now, bring it out"

at that I raised my arms in front of my face as she proceeded to slash at me relentlessly, each slash cutting deeper then the last.As I felt he malice, a familiar feeling had begun to try and escape to my dismay and  thinking quick, I mustered enough strength to toss her off as I quickly got up rushing into the forest as the revelation Ruby's dreams coming true leaves a somber feeling in my chest as I  had begun to remember her words in my mind.

The wolf tried to attack, but you held it back as you ran from the presence, but...but the presence killed you and the Beowulf's eyes turned from silver to blood read and killed the presence...

I had the dream again and this time you fought back...but the more you fought, the harder it was to keep the Grimm back as it seemed to feed off the presences anger, then your eyes began to turn blood red and in the killed the presence...

It then made sense why Ruby felt sad for the presence as if it was someone we knew, because the presence was someone we knew. I quickly try to come up with a plan as loud ringing continued through my ears I  heard slight movement behind me...

*Present Time*

  "No," she interrupts gripping my throat harder,"I don't want anymore lies or excuses, I just want to look into the eyes of the beast that took him away from me so I'm gonna gonna say this once: Bring out The Big Bad." 

I tried my best to hold it back as I could feel it surfacing, when suddenly I feel Lana quickly remove her Katana from my throat as she deflecting bullets, jumping back as a new figure landed before me and as I look at them, I barely make out the figure as I call their name.


"Ruby..." [F/n] says behind me as I crouch down to look and see him bloody as he eyes look glazed over.

"[F/n], are you okay!?" I yelled, trying to shake him out it.

I quickly got up and blocked a bullet with Crescent Rose as I noticed Lana had her pistol raised.

"Move out of the way Ruby, this doesn't concern you." She says coldly.

"Why are you doing this to [F/n]!? You two are friends!"

"Friends? I thought so too, until I realized that he was not who he says he is." she then pulls out her Scroll,"Tell me Ruby, despite just now knowing his real name, what do you know about him?"


"What? That he's a Faunus? That he's a the leader of team SLVR? That he's funny, he jokes around, or even that he has a shady past? Do you think that you really know everything about him?"

"I.." I didn't know what to say as she continued.

"Let me give you a history lesson," she says throwing her Scroll to me as I catch it, seeing that she was in her camera roll as a familiar face appears in each I scrolled through as Lana continues to speak,

"[F/n] Steele, 15, child of [D/n] and [M/n] Steele. At a young age he was a trouble maker, causing problems such as thieving and gang violence in Atlas. as he got older his crimes increased and escalated to crimes such assault and  battery, all before even joining The White Fang were I was a grunt for months before working his way up to the leader of a special ops team of four  known as,"The Hidden Fangs","

As she say this I get to photos of four Faunus, all wearing black White Fang masks; there was a pig Faunus with a curly tail slightly shown behind the, a female sheep Faunus who had wool on her head, wrists, and around her legs, a Raccoon Faunus who who had a striped tail and mischievous smile, and the finally Faunus who walks in front of the, as his familiar ears and tail make him recognizable.

"As the leader of the Hidden Fangs, even some time before, he was responsible for over a hundred crimes all across the world, killing soldiers and innocents alike. He has done all this with no remorse, no regrets, and loyalty, not even to his own team as months ago his team was discovered dead with multiple wounds suggesting a Grimm attacked them, a Beowulf to be exact."

I then get to a video of the White Beowulf from my dreams.

"The rumor,"Lana continues,"is that he has the ability to summon a  Beowulf to fight for him, but that is simply what it is, a rumor."as I play the video the Beowulf looks around and and slowly begins to fade away as if it was killed, but as it disappears, I couldn't believe my eyes as I see [F/n] take it's place before falling to his knees,"In actuality, he's able to turn into one. In short: He is the the true Big Bad and my mission, given to me by higher ups, is to take him out."

I looked back at [F/n], who couldn't even look up to me, hearing his past being brought up. I didn't know what to say as I looked at her scroll.

"Now that you know the monster your dealing with, can you still truly think that everything he did, everything he said to us while he was here was true? Can you truly say you know him? "

I then hear her footsteps get closer,

"I can understand how you feel right now, but I must ask that you move, way I may finish my-" I then toss her Scroll to her as I said,

"...You're wrong..."

"Excuse me?"

"I said,"you're wrong". I do know him."

"you know, him?"

"His name is [F/n] Steele, though he goes by B.B., he's tall, he's funny, and he likes to tease people-"

"Basic information he gave to make things seem bel-"

"his favorite candy bar is [f/c/b], he knows how to cook and sew, he can dance and most of all, he feels regret."

As I say this, Lana gave me a skeptical look,

"Regret? The Big Bad doesn't regre-"

"I don't know about The Big Bad, but [F/n] Steele does!" I yell over her," [F/n] regrets and hates the things he's done, fearing that those close to him will get hurt for his sins instead of him! He tries to keep people distant because he feels that they would be safer the farther they are from him, but hates being alone and wants to be able to become closer to everyone! He's caring, sweet, and an amazing person who only wants to atone for his past and should be allowed to be forgiven!"

"Forgiven!?"Lana says gripping her katana harder," you think he should be forgiven for the innocence he's slain? For taking away fathers!? Mothers!? Sisters!? Brothers!?"

Lana's voice seems to break as she finishes that sentence as I simply say,

"I believe, that if someone truly feels sorry for there actions and truly want to be better, they should be given the opportunity!"

"And how do you he truly feels regret!? Just by his words!?"

"No," I say looking back at him as he stares at me,"you may say I'm crazy, but I can...feel that he means what he says in here,"I then put my hand over my heart,"I don't know how, but I'm able to feel what he feels: his joy, his pain, his excitement, and his regret. I also feel his want to be better and as long as he wants to be better, I will fight for his right to be better!"

Lana doesn't know what to say as she looks down, but quickly regains her composure as she points her katana at me,

"Do you truly understand the gravity of the position you've placed yourself in? I've been given orders from The Atlas General Ironwood himself, to bring down the "EX" White Fang member, The Big Bag, through any means necessary. By choosing to fight for him, you are making yourself an enemy of Atlas and will be taken down as well and even if you were to stay alive, you would never be able to truly be called a "Huntsmen", are you truly prepared to throw all you worked for away for him?" 

As I get ready to speak, I a slight grip on my cape as I look back to see [F/n] holding on,

"Ruby...don't do"

"Sorry," I say smiling at him,"but I'm not going anywhere, you can't get rid of me that easily."


"No buts, okay?"I say looking back at Lana readying Crescent Rose," the only thing I wanna hear you say is,"Ruby will find a way."."

As I said this, Lana then gets ready,

"Very well."

Without saying another word, we both dashed towards one another.


As Ruby and Lana begin to fight, two cloaked figures watch from afar spectating.

"Well well well, truly an interesting development."

"Do you think she will succeed against two Silver-Eyed warriors?"

"Considering one hasn't even unlocked hers and the other can't even truly control his, the odds are more in her favor."

"We must inform mother at once-"

"Calm down," one says putting a hand on the others shoulder,"we'll tell mother as soon as the fights done," the figure then looks back at the fight.

"Let's stay to see what our dear brother does..."

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