I Couldn't Stop Caring


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"I couldn't stop" Lexa whispered softly "Stop what?" "I couldn't stop caring" -- Book 1 of the 'I couldn't s... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Epilogue
'I Can't Stop Loving You'

Chapter 20

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The commander had decided on setting up camp outside of Azgeda territory to allow their people to rest. Makeshift tents had been pulled together using branches from the surrounding trees. Of course, the commander's tent, along with the medical tent, were much more expertly installed with strong pillars and thick cloth to offer more protection.

With the recent arrival of injured members from floukru, the medical tent was almost full. Abby and Nyko weaved through their patients, checking on burns that they had accumulated from the acid fog. Clarke offered much needed help, taking care of the small number of people who had been wounded in the actual battle.

"You'll be okay, Artigas" Clarke said "that cut in your arm should hurt bad, but other than that, I don't think you'll bleed out any time soon"

Artigas nodded "thank you, Wanheda"

"Just don't tear your stitches" Clarke warned, moving past him to check on a chest wound. A hand locked around her wrist, tugging her to a halt. She turned to find Luna staring at her.

"Thank you" Luna whispered. Clarke tilted her head and looked to the space beside her.

"Can I sit?" She asked, earning a nod from Luna. She sat down beside the frizzy haired brunette, feeling the instant relief in her legs.

"You saved the commander's life" Luna stated

"And she saved mine"

"The thing is, I owe you an apology, Wanheda" Luna said, turning to face the blonde "I never trusted you. Not when Lexa convinced me to come out of hiding after mount weather. Not when she brought you to Polis. Not when you protected us."

"Come out of hiding?" Clarke questioned. She had never heard of floukru before, but at the same time, she hadn't heard of many of the clans before her visit to Polis either.

"Lexa and I were great friends before the conclave which made her the commander. She and Costia helped me escape after... well, after I was forced to kill my brother. She showed more understanding to my pain than I could have ever expected, and helped me, along with my clan, to go into hiding." Luna paused to look over her shoulder "It was only when she really needed my help that she requested my return. I owed it to her, so I did"

Clarke followed Luna's eyes to find the commander herself in deep conversation with Abby. Lexa scratched her chin and nodded in some sort of agreement before she dropped her crossed arms to help one of her men sit up whilst Abby bandaged him. Clarke had to admit, seeing her mother and Lexa working together side by side to help a patient looked so unbelievably weird.

"She's a lot more than people see her as. Isn't she?" As Clarke spoke, Lexa's eyes met hers from across the tent before flicking back down to the man with concern. Those small couple of seconds were enough to bring Clarke's heart to her mouth.

"Being the commander turned her into something she wasn't. And losing Costia turned her into something she didn't want to be." Luna crossed her arms "Lexa was selfless, kind and caring like a care package for those who needed it, even though Anya attempted to cover those features over. I've never seen her like this since before the conclave when we trained together."

Clarke nodded. Luna painted the clearest picture for her to see. She could imagine a young teenage Lexa, smiling freely and being so... loose. Now, as commander, Lexa was wound tightly and prepared. She could imagine sloppy punches being taught be a younger Anya, long braids swinging over her shoulder and bright, youthful eyes focused on the task at hand. It was something Clarke could imagine clearly now that she had grown closer to the commander.

"Clarke" Lexa's voice tugged the two women from their small dreaming state. She stood a few steps in front of them, and neither of them saw her coming "I believe you deserve some rest after today."

Luna smiled and lay down on her bed behind Clarke, making sure to give the blonde some space "don't we all, Heda?"

"We do." Lexa replied, staring at Clarke who remained unmoving "what is it?"

"I don't have anywhere to sleep" Clarke said. Luna lifted her hand and slapped Clarke lightly on the shoulder in a friendly gesture. Clarke had hope that they would no longer need to be enemies after all of this was over, but friends instead. Friends would be good.

"You're perfectly welcome to share this extremely comfortable bed, which is not surrounded by injured people, with me if you wish, Wanheda" Luna said with a small smirk as she fluffed her pillow. She looked up at Lexa with pride in her sarcasm, whilst Lexa just stared back at her with a blank expression.

"I'm sure that's not necessary, Luna. Clarke, I will most likely be staying awake to ensure there are no further attacks, so you may stay in my tent for the night" Lexa offered.

Clarke refrained from showing the smile that attempted to worm its way to her lips, and nodded.

"Thank you" she said, standing. Luna immediately filled her space be laying face down on the bed. The woman looked tired, and as Clarke began to follow Lexa to her tent, she realised how tiring today must have been for her. Beneath the burns and scars, the skin below her eyes sagged in dark bags. She felt sorry for Luna, but she knew Luna was the kind of woman who wouldn't want anyone's pity. She was the kind of woman who would want revenge.

"Do you need anything, Clarke?" Lexa asked, holding open the tent flap for her to enter. Clarke eyed the brunette for a moment, mind still reeling from the newly found information that Luna had given. How young was Lexa when she rose to the throne? How young was she when she lost her care-free smile and kind eyes?

"No" Clare replied quickly after realising she was staring "not at all. You're not going to sleep?"

"It's okay, Clarke. For once, think about yourself and get some rest." Lexa said as Clarke entered the tent. The warm glow of candles instantly swallowed her whole. It was strange how Lexa's candles provided so much more comfort than just heat and light.

"You need to rest too, Lexa. I'm not just going to let you fall asleep on your horse in the middle of a battle."

Lexa's lips curled up at the corners, the thought of such carelessness clearly entertaining her. She moved inside and let the flaps to the tent fall, shielding them from the view of the outdoors. She took the bucket of water which had been kindly set in the corner, and sat down on the floor at the foot of the bed.

"Okay then" Lexa said before raising an eyebrow "no reading lessons tonight by any chance?"

"No book, no reading lessons unfortunately, commander." Clarke shrugged apologetically, sitting down and crossing her legs from across from Lexa with the bucket in between them. She reached over and snatched the cloth from Lexa's hands.

"Clarke, what was that f-"

"Shhh" Clarke shushed her "you're covered in blood. Let me help you, Okay?"

Lexa rolled her eyes "Clarke I'm perfectly capable of cleaning myself." Lexa reached out to take back the cloth. She caught her hand on the bucket, almost sending its contents spilling across the floor. The two girls both grabbed the sides of the bucket before it tipped on its side, small drops launching in the air from the sudden movements. Clarke smirked at Lexa.

"You were saying?" She chuckled, causing Lexa to sigh.

"Okay then, go ahead" Lexa sighed, hands retreating back to her lap. Clarke held back her victorious smile and dunked the cloth into the cold water. Lexa's long, slender fingers reached to the buckles of her armour, moving in deft and effective movements. The large piece of armour which was starched to her shoulder slowly slid to the ground beside them, which was shortly joined by the rest of Lexa's armour; even her gloves came off. The commander was left in her blood-drenched undershirt.

"That's... that's not your blood. Right?" Clarke asked, staring at the crimson piece of fabric. Lexa shook her head.

"No, Clarke. My blood is of a different color. Black to be exact, not red." Lexa said "all of this blood. It's not mine."

"That explains a lot." Clarke commented. Every time she saw Lexa bleed, her blood was definitely not red "you, Luna and this Ontari girl are the only nightbloods who are of age to take the flame, right?"

"Yes. But I must say Clarke, you are doing an excellent job at cleaning my face" Lexa said, eyes flicking down to the cloth that Clarke still held over the bucket "may I do it myself yet?"

"No. Shh." Clarke shushed the commander once again. If anyone else had dared to do such a thing, who knew what would happen? The possibility of being kicked off of the top of her tower or stabbed in the stomach would be very high. But because it was Clarke, the possibility was down to zero.

Lexa pulled her lips into a tight, firm line to ensure she kept herself quiet. Clarke rung out the cloth before lifting the dampened fabric to the bloody and dirtied skin of Lexa's cheek. Immediately, the commander jumped back, air hissing between her teeth.

"What is it? Did I hurt you? Are you hurt?" Clarke panicked, shifting closer to see if there was a wound on Lexa's cheek that she had missed. Lexa let out a small laugh.

"It was cold" She looked at the water "I wasn't expecting it to be that cold."

"You're such a wimp, Lexa kom trikru" Clarke grasped Lexa's chin and placed the cloth on her face once again, causing the muscles in the brunettes jaw to jump at the sudden change in temperature.

Soon enough though, Lexa slowly began to grow used to it, leaning into Clarke's hand as if to seek more.

"You know, it would save time if you laid off a little on the war paint, commander" Clarke said as she can the cloth along Lexa's expertly chiselled jaw, swiping up the war paint which had gathered there after running down her face with the rain.

"But where's the fun in that, Wanheda?" Lexa's voice was quiet and soft. Something she only heard occasionally when they were alone. Perhaps that was what it was like all those years ago before she won the conclave, achieving the position as commander.

Clarke pushed the bucket aside with her foot, edging ever so closely to the green-eyed puzzle before her. She would happily spend years attempting to solve her, she realised.

"Close your eyes" she whispered. Lexa's eyes scanned the room before landing back on the blue eyed girl in front of her "don't worry, I'm not going to stab you or anything if that's what you're thinking, commander. But I'm sure you don't want to look like a panda with that paint on your eyes."

A small smile appeared on Lexa's lips as her eyelids fluttered shut over her forest green eyes. Clarke loosened her grip on her chin, instead moving to cup her cheek as she ever so slightly dabbed away the remaining dirt, paint and blood. She let the cloth run down Lexa's face once more, fingers replacing the fabric which had dropped to the ground between them. Her touch lingered near Lexa's lips.

"There" she whispered softly "all done"

"Thank you" she hardly whispered in response. Vibrant colors flashed as Lexa opened her eyes once again, and Clarke suddenly felt the need to do something bold. Besides, they were in the middle of a war. What wasn't bold about war?

Clarke ran her thumb along Lexa's soft lower lip, her own eyes following her movements. Lexa's lips parted ever so slightly, and Clarke looked up to see her staring directly at her. Yes. This was definitely the time for being bold.

She slowly and carefully pulled Lexa towards her, giving the commander every opportunity to back away if she really wanted to. Instead, Lexa followed her movements, and allowed herself to be guided to Clarke's lips.

Whilst Lexa was vicious and brutal on the battle field, here she was tender-hearted and gentle with every affectionate touch she gave. Every kiss that Clarke had ever received from the braided brunette spoke for itself; it spoke for Lexa. Clarke found an addiction to its beauty.

Tilting her head, she deepened the kiss, shifting to edge closer. Lexa's slender fingers slowly moved up Clarke's legs and crept below her thighs. It was only when the brunette's strong, calloused hands pulled her into her lap that Clarke could no longer control the smile that appeared as their bodies were tugged closer together.

Hands ran up clothed backs, through war-tangled hair, over goose-bump littered skin. In the heat, Clarke's fingertips acted upon their own needs, grabbing at the hem of Lexa's stained undershirt and lifting it over her head. It landed in the water filled bucket beside them.

The unexpected sound of the splash drew them back to their senses, tearing their lips apart to search for the source. Lexa let out a muffled laugh into Clarke's neck. Clarke never expected to hear such an intoxicating thing as the commander's laugh, which was even rarer than her smile. She wanted to hear it again. And again after that. And after that too.

"Do you really believe staying on the floor is a good idea?" Lexa whispered. Her breath against Clarke's neck felt so warm, and so right to the blonde that she took a few moments to respond. A few moments which she also took to run her hands along the perfect curves of Lexa's hips.

Clarke pulled Lexa to her feet before grinning into yet another kiss. Her fingers weaved through the brown braids of her hair, and Clarke slowly began to back Lexa up until the back of her legs connected with the side of the bed.

"No. I don't"

Hey guys! I reached 1k views! Thank you so much to the people who stuck around since September when I published chapter 1! In fact, just thank you to anyone who waits patiently for the next chapters!

Unfortunately, it's my last day off tomorrow so I won't be updating as much! However, I really am thankful to you guys!

As always, comment and let me know what you thought of this chapter! If there's anything you think I should be doing differently, or if there are any mistakes, tell me! I'm open to answering any comments and dms! Also, bold and italics are messing up at the moment so I'm sorry for that guys.

Song is high hopes by quails.

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