Worlds Colliding (The Vampire...

By heartofice97

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All Rights Go To The CW. The Vampire Diaries characters and plot lines are not mine, nor or the songs used to... More

characters & trailer
Character Theme Songs And Ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - The Birthday
chapter 2 - The Hybrid
chapter 3 - The End of the Affair
chapter 4 - Disturbing Behavior
chapter 5 - The Reckoning
chapter 6 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
chapter 8 - Ordinary People
chapter 9 - Homecoming
chapter 10 - The New Deal
chapter 11 - Our Town
chapter 12 - The Ties That Bind
chapter 13 - Bringing Out the Dead
chapter 14 - Dangerous Liaisons
chapter 15 - All My Children
chapter 16 - 1912
chapter 17 - Break On Through
chapter 18 - Murder of One
chapter 19 - Heart of Darkness
chapter 20 - Do Not Go Gentle
chapter 21 - Before Sunset
chapter 22 - The Departed

chapter 7 - Ghost World

1.1K 27 19
By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Cristian: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 3.05 "The Reckoning", in the school gym, Klaus gripped Kaylin by her throat, compelling her. "Stop fighting."

"Don't do this to her," Nicola told him.

Klaus compelled Kaylin. "You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey."

Klaus let Kaylin go.

Cristian, Elena, Liv, Alex, Stefan and Nicola were completely horrified.

From 3.05 "The Reckoning", in the school gym, Stefan, Nicola, Cristian, Liv, Alex and Elena were in the gym.

"I can try to fight it," Cristian told them. He turned to Stefan and Alex. "And you have to try to fight it with me. You just have to want it bad enough."

From 3.05 "The Reckoning", in the school cafeteria, Stefan stabbed himself in the stomach with the broken broom.

Alex's compulsion was trying to make her rush after the girls. She slammed herself into the wall to slow herself down.

Klaus walked in, dragging Liv, Elena and Nicola with him. "Now, this is fascinating. I've never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for the people that you care about, be it lovers, friends or family. Why don't you turn it off?"

Klaus let the girls go.

"No," Alex told him.

Klaus rushed toward Stefan, pushing him against the wall, compelling him. "Turn it off!"

Stefan's compulsion took hold. It made him turn off his humanity.

Stefan's compulsion took hold. It made him turn off his humanity.

Alex watched in horror. "What did you do?"

Klaus turned to face them. "I fixed him." He walked closer to Alex. "Do I need to do the same to you?"

Alex looked down, shaking her head. "No. No."

Klaus grabbed her chin to turn her head to look at him so he could compel her. "Then do as I say, when I say it. You will not leave. You will not fight. You will listen."

From 3.05 "The Reckoning", in the library of the Salvatore Boarding House, Liv, Elena and Jeremy were sitting together on the couch.

Nicola was sitting in a chair.

Alex was pacing.

Damon and Cristian were with them.

Stefan and Kaylin walked in.

Kaylin looked at Alex and Elena. "Klaus is gone, but he's asked us to keep watch on you until he returns."

"From now on, you're under our protection," Stefan told them.

Damon, Alex, Elena, Nicola, Liv, Jeremy and Cristian exchanged a look, worried and cautious about what was going to happen.

From 3.04 "Disturbing Behavior", in the Lockwood Mansion's dining room, Jeremy and Anna were talking.

"It's kind of a push and pull," Anna explained. "I'm pushing from the Other Side, trying to contact you, and sometimes, like just now, if you pull..."

From 3.06 "Smells Like Teen Spirit", in Jeremy's room, Jeremy was in his bedroom, leaving a voicemail message for Eliza. "Eliza, come on. Stop dodging my calls."

Jeremy sat on his bed.

Anna appeared. "Why are you thinking about me when you're calling her?"

Jeremy shook his head. "I don't think I can stop thinking about you."

From 1.17 "Let the Right Ones In", in the basement of Cristian's House, formerly known at the Tomb Vampire House, the tomb vampires were tying Nicola to the ceiling by ropes around her wrists, making her stand.

Nicola looked at Fredrick the tomb vampire. "Going after the ones that really wronged you is so last century. Which isn't even Stefan, Damon and Kaylin, by the way. You said it yourself. All of this was because of Katherine. She's the only one you should be blaming."

Nicola looked away.

Fredrick grabbed Nicola's chin, turning her head to look at him. "There's enough blame to go around." He looked at the tomb vampires. "Pearl says we're not here for revenge, right? I say that's exactly what we're here for."

Fredrick stood behind Nicola, tilting her head back, biting her neck, feeding. Nicola struggled, groaning in pain. Fredrick tightened his hold, feeding harder, making her scream.

From 1.17 "Let the Right Ones In", in the library of the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan and Damon were talking.

"The tomb vampires are targeting Nikki because they know that hurting her will do more damage to us more than they could do to us," Stefan told him.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in flashback, Lexi Branson pinned Stefan to the ground, pulling back her hood.

Stefan: (voice over from 2.15 The Dinner Party) "Alexia Branson."

Elena: (voice over from 2.15 The Dinner Party) "Your best friend Lexi?"

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Salvatore Estate in flashback, Stefan and Lexi were talking.

"There are good parts of being a vampire, and there are bad parts," Lexi told him. "You're the bad parts. Well... we're going to have to change that."

From 3.03 "The End of the Affair", in Kaylin's old apartment, Liv was lying on the bed, reading Stefan's diary to Alex and Elena. "'1936. I told Lexi to find Kaylin. Set her right again. She may be in control but that doesn't mean she can't reform into the Kaylin I once knew.'"

From 2.01 "The Return", in the Lockwood Mansion, in the living room, Damon was watching Mason and Tyler talking, looking at Liz. "Who's the guy with Tyler?"

"It's the mayor's younger brother, Mason Lockwood," Liz answered. "Tyler and Kacie's uncle."

From 2.02 "Brave New World", in the parking lot, Mason jumped onto the car, onto the ground, jumping over Carter, in between him, Tyler and Kacie. His eyes were glowing amber gold.

Kaylin: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "Mason Lockwood's a werewolf."

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the Salvatore Boarding House's library, Mason was chained to his chair.

Kaylin was torturing him while Damon and Cristian watched.

Cristian: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "He tried to have them and Stefan, and me killed. He tried to kill Liv twice."

Cristian pushed his hand into Mason's chest, making him groan in pain. He ripped out his heart, killing him.

From 3.06 "Smells Like Teen Spirit", in the living room of Cristian's House, Cristian was rolling up a rug.

Someone rushed by, knocking a vase to the floor, making it shatter.

Cristian stood, looking around in confusion. "Who's there?"

There was no answer.

Cristian knelt to the floor, starting to pick up the pieces of the vase.

Someone rushed closer, throwing Cristian back to the floor.

Cristian was opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anyone.

Mason Lockwood's ghost was the one doing all of this. "This is going to be fun."

Mason smirked, walking closer.


Day One

Morning - Cristian's House - Living Room

Cristian was tied to a chair, in the same clothes as the night before when Mason had attacked him. A fireplace poker was in his chest. His ring was on the floor. He groaned in pain and annoyance. "Oh, you got to be kidding me."

Mason was standing nearby the windows, arms crossed over his chest. "Nope. Hurts, doesn't it?"

Cristian couldn't hear him. He looked around in annoyance, unable to see him. "What... the... hell... is going on?"

Mason smirked. "It's not hell, buddy."

Liv walked into the room, looking at Cristian in confusion, stopping in shock. "What the hell happened to you?"

"That's what I've been asking myself," Cristian told her.

Liv walked closer. "Is this, like, some kind of Ripper or killer game set up by Stefan and Kaylin? This looks like their handiwork."

"Yeah, it does have a tinge of Kaylin's torturous methods, even when she wasn't bad," Cristian told her. "But I don't think this was them."

Liv walked closer to check the chains. "It's pretty messed up, though, isn't it?"

"Yep," Cristian answered.

Liv removed the iron poker from Cristian's chest, making him groan in pain.

Mason opened the curtains so the sunlight could enter the room.

Cristian started to burn in the sunlight, screaming.

Liv was in shock, looking toward the curtains, but she couldn't see Mason. She rushed toward the windows to close the curtains.

Cristian stopped burning now that the sun wasn't allowed into the room, breathing heavily in pain, starting to heal.


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


Town Square

(Song:) Changing - The Airborne Toxic Event

Everyone was preparing in Town Square for Night of Illuminations.

Elena was making her way through the crowd.

Jeremy and Alaric stood together.

Carol made a speech. "As a long-time member of the Historical Society, I am especially proud to be kicking off this day of festivities. Thank you, volunteers. Tonight, we turn off our town's lights and flare up our lanterns in honor of the Night of Illumination started by our Founders 150 years ago. Here's Founding Family member Tobias Fell with a history lesson."

Everyone applauded.

"What are we doing here?" Jeremy asked.

"Tobias Fell is the head of the history department," Alaric told him. "I didn't have a choice."

"All right, that explains what you're doing here," Jeremy told him.

"Well, I'm the one who can fail you if you don't help me out," Alaric told him.

Jeremy chuckled.

Elena met up with them. "Hey, sorry I'm late. What did I miss?"

Anna's ghost was standing with Jeremy. "Just a bunch of historical lies."

Jeremy shook his head. "You didn't miss anything."

Tobias Fell was making a speech. "The first illumination was held in celebration with the new found prosperity that Mystic Falls enjoyed after the war."

"After the Founders stole from all the vampires," Anna told them tauntingly.

Jeremy laughed.

Elena looked at him. "What's so funny?"

Jeremy shook his head, looking at the stage.

Elena turned her head to look too.

Tobias continued to give his speech. "The Founders, they placed lanterns over the doors to indicate that it was safe for their neighbors to come outside again."

"Safe from the vampires," Anna told them.

Jeremy smiled.

Anna looked at Jeremy, smiling, taking his hand in her own.

Tobias continued to give his speech. "That night was an opportunity for the community of Mystic Falls to come together, a chance to strengthen ties with neighbors, business owners, and the..."

(Song Ends)



Bonnie, Caroline, Kacie and Eliza were hanging lanterns from the trees.

"So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna too?" Caroline asked.

"I wish," Bonnie told them. "All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here."

"Jeremy's still got a direct line to the Other Side," Eliza told them. "And as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here."

Kacie tilted her head at Bonnie and Eliza, nodding to Caroline. "Okay, you two don't think we can actually resist commenting on that."

"There," Eliza told them. "You commented."

"Eliza..." Caroline trailed off.

"What do you want me to say, Care?" Eliza asked. "Bonnie went against the balance of nature when she brought Jeremy back to life. And now we're both paying the consequences in more way than one."

"Well, I want you to say you're not okay with it," Caroline told her.

"I'm a thousand times not okay with any of it," Eliza told her. "I just don't know what to do about it. And... I'm human. I'm 100% human. Through and through. So, I can't do anything about it."

Cristian pulled up his car to the curb.

Liv was in the passenger seat. "Greetings, Vampire and Human Barbies. Witchy. Wolfy."

Cristian looked at Bonnie. "I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."

"What do you mean?" Bonnie asked. "Why?"

Cristian looked at Kacie. "Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by your Uncle Mason Lockwood's ghost, Kacie."

Kacie looked at him in shocked surprise. "What?"

"And why would you think that?" Caroline asked.

"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest," Cristian answered. "Let's just say I'm having deja vu."

Liv looked at Bonnie. "I thought you said that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people."

"They can't," Bonnie told them.

"Yeah, well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood," Cristian told them. "When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. No offense, Kacie. So, Bonnie, if you could please fix this, everything would be fine."

Cristian drove away with Liv in the car.

Bonnie, Caroline, Eliza and Kacie watched them go.

Kacie saw that Matt was down the street next to his truck.

Matt had noticed that they had been talking to Liv and Cristian. He looked at the girls.

Kacie looked at him sadly.


Mystic Grill - Outside

Jeremy, Elena and Alaric were sitting around a table outside of the Grill.

Stefan's journals were on the table.

"Hey, Jer, I need you to help me with something," Elena told him.

"What's up?" Jeremy asked.

"I've been going through Stefan's old journals," Elena told them. "Every single time that he's gone off the rails in the past, his best friend Lexi's been the one to bring him back."

"So where is she now that we need her?" Alaric asked.

"She's dead," Jeremy answered. He looked at Elena. "And you want me to try to reach her, don't you?"

"I thought if I knew how she did it, maybe I could help him," Elena told them.

"I don't even know if she's on the Other Side," Jeremy told them.

"Is that what it's called?" Elena asked.

"That's what Anna calls it," Jeremy told them. "There's not like an official brochure or anything."

"So what is it, like some sort of supernatural purgatory?" Alaric asked.

"Well, Anna said it's like being here with all of us, only we can't see her or hear her," Jeremy explained. "And she can't interact. She's all alone."

Anna appeared in the empty seat.

"Vicki could interact," Alaric told them. "She blew up my car."

"Vicki had help from a witch on the Other Side," Jeremy explained. "Anna... She's doing this all by herself."

Alaric shook his head. "I'm just saying, maybe we learned our lesson about summoning dead people."


Town Square

Caroline, Bonnie, Eliza, Kacie and Matt were talking.

"I haven't seen Vicki, I swear," Matt told them. "I sent her back like you told me to."

"Are you sure?" Bonnie asked.

"She's gone, Bonnie," Matt told her. "If she was here, I'd know it."

"Why do you think it's Vicki and not Mason?" Caroline asked.

"Because if any ghost other than Vicki Donovan has a physical foothold on our side, then that means Cristian's right and something has gone really, really wrong," Bonnie answered.

"I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever," Matt told them. "So you guys can leave me out of this one."

Matt walked away, leaving.

"I feel so sad for him," Eliza told them. "It took a lot for him to send his sister away."

"Yeah," Kacie agreed. She looked at Eliza from the corner of her eye. "So much strength as a man."

"We've got a ghost problem to deal with, Kacie," Eliza told her. "Save the Jeremy lecture for later."

Bonnie grabbed her bag. The bag fell open. Everything inside, including her grimoire, fell out onto the sidewalk. Bonnie leaned down to pick it up. A breeze floated around them, opening the spell book to a random page.

"Okay, did your grimoire just..." Kacie trailed off.

"I think so," Bonnie answered, picking it up, reading the page.

"Okay, please tell me that's a recipe for witch cookies," Caroline told her.

"It's a manifestation spell," Bonnie told them. "It's used to reveal veiled matter."

"What's veiled matter?" Eliza asked.

Bonnie looked at them. "Ghosts."

They exchanged a surprised look.


Mystic Grill - Outside

Jeremy, Elena and Alaric were sitting outside at their table.

"Do you think it's even possible to contact Lexi?" Elena asked.

"I don't know," Jeremy told them. "I didn't have an emotional connection with her. I never even met her."

"Can we just drop it, please?" Alaric asked.

"No, I can't drop it, Ric," Elena told him. "I don't know what else to do."

"Don't you think we have a few too many dead vampires in our past to be sitting here thinking of them watching us?" Alaric asked.

"I don't think all supernatural spirits go to the Other Side," Anna told them. "I think some of them find peace."

Jeremy looked at Anna.

Elena and Alaric followed his gaze, but all they could was an empty chair.

"Is Anna here right now?" Elena asked.

"Don't tell her I'm here," Anna told him. "She won't like it."

Jeremy shook his head. "No, no. I'm going to go, uh, check my work schedule."

Jeremy stood, walking away, leaving.

Stefan arrived, walking closer, sitting down in Jeremy's former seat. "Hey, guys. Who forgot to invite me to the family summit? Where's Liv? And who forgot to invite Alex?" No one answered. "Oh, that's right, you guys don't trust her now that you know she's completely under hybrid influence. Harsh, but you do have good reason." Stefan saw the journals, taking one to look through. "Hmm? Wow. All these words. I forgot how much I used to care."

"I didn't," Elena told him.

"You know, Elena, it's probably best you not torture yourself with memories from the past," Stefan told her. "It's best we both just move on and accept things as they are."

"You don't have to be here, Stefan," Alaric told him.

"You know what, Alaric, you're right," Stefan told him. "I don't. But Elena's here, and I look out for Elena. Besides, there's going to be people everywhere tonight. So there's going to be lots to eat." Elena looked at Stefan in shock. Stefan laughed. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Loosen up."

Stefan stood, walking away.

Elena looked at Alaric. "I can't drop it, Ric."


Old Witch House - Basement

Lindsey was already here, going through her bag, pulling out her grimoire.

Bonnie, Eliza and Caroline walked downstairs to join her.

"Hey, Lindsey," Bonnie told her.

"Hey, Bonnie," Lindsey told her. "You call for help, I come. That's how it works now, right?"

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it was completely necessary," Bonnie told her.

Lindsey nodded in understanding. "I know. And I wanna help."

"So this is where you brought Jeremy back to life?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah," Eliza answered. "And where we and Kacie were to hide from Klaus."

"Sorry, I know it's creepy, but we needed a private place around here to do the spell," Bonnie told them.

"Hmm," Caroline hummed.

"There's no chance it's still haunted by the hundred dead witches who were horrifically burned to death in this very spot, who pinned me to that very wall when you brought Jeremy back, is there?" Eliza asked nervously, pointing to the wall. "'Cause that hurt."

"They're not here anymore," Lindsey answered. "And they made it clear they were never coming back."

"Right," Eliza told them, still nervous. "A pinkie swear?"


Mystic Grill - Bathroom

(Song:) Hitchhiker - Empires

Jeremy entered the restrooms.

Anna followed him. "What's wrong?"

Jeremy turned to face her. "Why did you tell me to lie?"

"Elena is Eliza's best friend,, or one of them, at least," Anna told him. "She won't like what's going on between us."

"What is going on between us?" Jeremy asked. "I mean, how are we able to touch? Vicki had to use magic to do that.

"I don't know," Anna told him. "Honestly, I have no idea."

"This witch on the Other Side that gave Vicki her foothold, is she helping you now?" Jeremy asked.

"What?" Anna asked. "No! I'm all alone, Jeremy, I told you that."

Jeremy gave her a look. "Swear to me."

"I swear," Anna told him. "I'm not any danger to you or anybody, I promise. Hey. I need you to believe me."

Anna took his hand in hers.

"I shouldn't even be talking to you," Jeremy told her. "This is not okay."

Jeremy let go of her hand, turning around, pacing away.

Anna was hurt by the way he was acting. "Then send me away. I'm only here because you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you. Send me away, Jeremy. It's that easy."

Jeremy turned to face her. "I don't know why this is happening or when it's going to stop. But before it's done... I have to do this."

Anna and Jeremy kissed.

(Song Ends)


Old Witch House - Basement

Bonnie and Lindsey were sitting on the floor, surrounded by lit candles.

Caroline and Eliza were lighting the candles.

"Ready?" Caroline asked. "Do you need us to do..."

Bonnie and Lindsey had their eyes closed, holding hands in concentration to do the spell. "Phesmatos obscuram, ex luces estnes qua umbres. Natus ignavum evitem."

"Right," Eliza told them awkwardly.

Bonnie and Lindsey continued their spell. "Phesmatos obscuram, ex luces estnes qua umbres. Natus ignavum evitem."

Wind slowly started to blow through the room.


Mystic Grill

Alaric and Elena were walking together.

"I'll grab Jeremy," Alaric told her.

"I'll be right back," Elena told him, heading for the bathrooms.

Alex walked in, looking at Alaric. "Where's Elena? Ric, I need to talk to her now."

"Um..." Alaric trailed off awkwardly, pointing toward the bathrooms.

Alex nodded once, looking hurt. "You know Klaus compelled me, so of course you don't trust me. Just like everyone else."

Alex started to walk away.

Alaric turned after her. "No, wait. Alex..." Alex ignored him, following Elena toward the restrooms. Alaric sighed, walking toward the bar. Damon walked toward him. "You know, I've had enough vampires today, thanks."

"Oh, come on," Damon told him. "Have a drink with me."

Cristian and Liv approached them.

"Hey, where's Elena and Alex?" Liv asked.

"Bathroom," Alaric answered.

"All right, thanks, Ric," Liv told him, walking away, leaving.

Cristian looked at Damon. "Remember back when you, me, Nicola and Kaylin conspired to kill Uncle werewolf Mason Lockwood?"

"Yeah," Damon answered. "And?"

"I think he's still a little pissed," Cristian told them.

Damon and Alaric looked at him in confusion.


Old Witch House - Basement

Bonnie and Lindsey were sitting on the floor, holding hands, casting the spell, eyes closed in concentration. "Phesmatos obscuram, ex luces estnes qua umbres. Natus ignavum evitem." The wind blowing around them, Caroline and Eliza was getting stronger and more fierce. Caroline and Eliza looked around cautiously. "Phesmatos obscuram, ex luces estnes qua umbres. Natus ignavum evitem."

"Bonnie, I don't like this," Caroline told her.

Bonnie and Lindsey continued the spell. "Phesmatos obscuram, ex luces estnes qua umbres."

"Lindsey..." Eliza trailed off.

Bonnie and Lindsey continued the spell. "Natus ignavum evitem. Phesmatos obscuram, ex luces estnes qua umbres. Natus ignavum evitem."

The wind continued to blow.

Suddenly, two figures appeared next to Bonnie and Lindsey.

Bonnie and Lindsey opened their eyes, looking at the women there in shock.

The spell ended. The wind faded.

Caroline and Eliza gasped.

"Oh, my God," Eliza told them. "Is that your..."

Bonnie looked at Sheila Bennett. "Grams."

Lindsey looked at the other women next to her, in shock, tears in her eyes. "Mom."


Mystic Grill - Hallway

Elena, Alex and Liv walked down the hallway toward the bathroom.

"Elena, please," Alex told her. "Liv, if something's wrong--"

Liv opened the door. "Alex, nothing's wrong."



Elena, Alex and Liv walked into the bathroom to see Anna and Jeremy kissing. They stopped dead in their tracks, looking at Anna in shock, even more shocked that Jeremy had been kissing her. "Anna?"

Anna was shocked that they could see her.


Town Square

Kaylin was walking along the sidewalk. She came across a window of an SUV, stopping when she saw Lexi Branson's reflection in the mirror. She had to do a double take, turning to face Lexi in shock. "Lexi."


Mystic Grill

Kacie walked into the Grill.

Cristian, Damon and Alaric sat at the bar.

Mason arrived.

Cristian, Damon and Alaric were shocked that they could see him.

"Mason," Alaric told him.

"God, I miss whiskey," Mason told them, taking a drink from a glass, smashing it against Cristian's forehead, making him groan in pain.

Cristian looked at Damon and Alaric. "Told ya."

Kacie had heard the glass shattering, looking toward them. She looked at her uncle in shock. "Uncle Mason."


Town Square

Lexi and Kaylin were still standing by the SUV.

Lexi smiled. "Hi!"

Kaylin was still shocked to see her. "You're dead."

"Well, technically, so are you," Lexi told her.

"Then how the hell can I see--" Kaylin started.

"See me?" Lexi finished. She shook her head. "Yeah, I have no idea. And I have no idea how long it's going to last, so let's get right to the point. You're off the rails. Big time. And you're brother? He's worse off than you."

"Look, I don't know how you're here, but you need to leave me and Stefan alone, okay?" Kaylin asked, starting to walk away.

Lexi grabbed Kaylin by the arm to stop her. "Now what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help you out of this mess you're in?"

"You know, Alex is compelled to not let anyone help us," Kaylin told her.

"I can handle her," Lexi told her.

"I don't care if you're a ghost," Kaylin told her. "If you can touch people, if people can see you, they can hurt you. So maybe you should just stay out of this one."

Lexi nodded sarcastically. "Or maybe I should do this."

Lexi slammed Kaylin's head against a car window, making it shatter, letting Kaylin fall unconscious to the ground. She looked around to see if anyone was watching, sighing.


Old Witch House - Basement

Bonnie and Lindsey were reunited with Grams and Lindsey's mother.

Lindsey was crying, wrapping her arms around her mother happily. "I can't believe you're here."

Her mother held her close. "I know, Lindsey. Now stop your crying, we don't have time for tears."

Grams and Bonnie embraced, pulling away.

"Caroline, Eliza, nice to see you again," Grams told them.

Caroline and Eliza spoke together. "Hi, Miss Sheila." They looked at Lindsey's mother. "Miss Courtney."

Grams looked at Bonnie. "A fine mess you've made, honey. The witches told you there'd be consequences to bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyway."

"I didn't have a choice," Bonnie told them. "I did it for Alex, Liv, Elena and Eliza and I... I couldn't let them lose him."

"I understand," Grams told her. "But you cracked open the door to the Other Side. There's an old witch over here. She took advantage of it. She took advantage of you, honey. When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she wedged the door wide open. Giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business."

"How do you know this?" Lindsey asked.

"Witches talk," Courtney answered. "Even on the Other Side. Who do you think makes all the rules?"

"What does the witch want?" Bonnie asked.

"That's Original vampire business, not yours," Grams told them. "Courtney and I don't want you getting in the middle of that. We're here because you upset the balance of nature. And it's your duty to set it right. You need to close that door."


Mystic Grill - Bathroom

Elena, Alex, Liv, Jeremy and Anna were still in the bathroom.

Elena was on the phone. "How do we do that?"

Caroline's voice was on the other line. "Apparently, the old witch can draw power on this side because of her talismans."

"Talismans..." Elena trailed off. "My necklace and Alex's bracelet?"

Alex raised her eyebrows.

"They're some juju power source," Caroline explained. "And I know neither you or Alex are going to like this, but Bonnie and Lindsey need to destroy them."

Elena sighed, looking at Jeremy and Anna. "Me, Liv and Alex just walked in on Jeremy kissing the reason." Jeremy raised his hands in the air in a what the hell gesture. "We're completely okay with that."

Alex and Liv nodded expressively.

Caroline was shocked at the news of Jeremy kissing Anna, looking toward where Eliza was watching the witches prepare the spell, walking away to speak alone. "What? Are you kidding?"

"I wish," Elena told her. "Look, I don't have the necklace. Damon has it somewhere, but Alex has the bracelet."

"It won't work without the necklace," Caroline told them.

"Text him," Elena told her. "I'll call you right back."

Elena hung up.

Caroline looked toward Eliza, sighing in sympathy and regret, knowing that her little sister was going to be extremely hurt.

Jeremy looked at his sisters. "Elena... Alex... Liv..."

Alex shook her head, looking at Anna. "You need to go. Leave. Now. You need to disappear or evaporate or whatever it is you ghosts do."

"Hey, it's not her fault," Jeremy told them.

Alex turned on him. "Your right, it's yours."

"Look, Cristian needs to see you, Anna," Liv told her. "You need to go see your cousin before Bonnie and Lindsey close the door, instead of trying to drive a wedge between Jeremy and Eliza."

Anna sighed. "You're right, Liv. I'm sorry. I'm going to find Cristian now."

Anna nodded, disappearing, leaving.

Liv sighed, shaking her head, looking at Jeremy. "How did this happen?"

"I don't know okay?" Jeremy asked. "I don't know. It just--it did. Guys, please. You can't tell Eliza."

Elena sighed, turning her head. "Don't worry. I'm going to let you do that. Right after we help Bonnie and Lindsey send the ghosts away."

Elena and Alex walked out, leaving.

Liv looked at Jeremy, sighing, shaking her head, turning around, walking out.

Jeremy sighed in regret.


Main Room

Liv, Elena and Alex walked down the hallway.

Lexi stepped out into view. "Looks like today was a good day to be thinking about me, Elena." Alex looked at her in shock. "Hey, Alex." Lexi looked at the third and final Gilbert Girl. "And you must be Liv."

"Lexi?" Elena asked.

"Mm-hmm," Lexi answered. "Come with me."

Lexi started to turn away.

"Where?" Alex asked.

"Homicidal Vamp Detox 101," Lexi answered. "Crash course. We have two new students."

Lexi took Elena's hand, leading her away.

Alex followed them. "I--"

Liv turned to Alex, stopping her from following them. "You're not going." She looked over her shoulder toward Elena and Lexi. "Go!" Lexi took Elena's hand, rushing them away. Alex started to rush after them. Liv rushed to stand in her way. "I can't let you go after them, Alex."

Alex's compulsion took control. She rushed toward Liv, pushing her against the wall. "You might want to stay out of my way, Liv." She realized what she was doing, letting her go, in shock, guilty. "Liv... I'm sorry."

Liv shook the shock off, knowing that she didn't have a choice. "It's okay. Alex... it's okay."

"No, it's not," Alex told her. "I'm sorry."

Alex rushed away, leaving.

Liv watched her go worriedly, knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop her without Alex hurting her because of the compulsion.



(Song:) Come On, Come On - Michael Johns & The Ontic

Kacie walked toward the bar.

Mason, Cristian, Damon and Alaric were sitting together.

Damon was looking down at his phone. "I'm never gonna hear the end about those damn necklace and bracelet."

Kacie took a seat on the other side of Mason. "How the hell are you here?"

"Nice to see you too, Kacie," Mason told her. He held up a shot to Cristian, Damon and Alaric. "One of you will pay for this, right?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Cheers."

Mason took the shot, setting it down.

"Let's get to it," Damon told him. "We conspired to kill you, you want revenge. Get in line."

"Actually, I want an apology," Mason told them. "From both of you."

Alaric laughed. "Good luck with that."

"Don't you have a family to haunt?" Cristian asked. He nodded to Kacie. "One's here, but you know Tyler was turned into a mindless hybrid minion, and the second that Original hybrid gets back, he'll do it to Kacie."

"That's why I here," Mason told them. "To help Kacie and Tyler."

Damon scoffed. "Well, sorry to break it to you, buddy, but Tyler can't be helped, and unless Kacie wants to go on the run for the rest of her life or hide under a rock, she can't be either." Kacie tilted her head to glare at him. "At least not while Klaus is alive. Which is, like, always."

"Not necessarily," Mason told them. "Not if you found a weapon that could kill him."

"There is no weapon that--" Damon cut himself off.

Mason looked at them knowingly.

"You know how to kill Klaus, don't you?" Kacie asked.

Mason didn't answer, smirking.

"What do you know?" Cristian asked.

"I know that you two need to apologize," Mason told them.

"You gotta be kidding me," Damon told him.

"Are you incapable of remorse?" Alaric asked. "Just apologize."

Damon let out an annoyed sigh. "You're right. We didn't have to kill you." Kacie picked up one of Mason's shots. "We do a lot of things we don't have to do."

"That's it?" Kacie asked.

Damon shrugged.

Cristian rolled his eyes, looking at Mason. "You were going to kill my friends, and you tried to kill my girlfriend twice. I'm sorry for acting out in retaliation by ripping your heart out."

Kacie took the shot.

Mason laughed. "That's good enough for me." He stood up. "Meet me at the Lockwood cellar. Bring a shovel."

"I'm sorry, but if you're here, I know that my cousin Anna and hopefully my aunt Pearl are here, which means I can see them, which means I need to go see them before the witches put the Veil back up," Cristian told him. He looked at Damon. "You're on your own."

"What, so Mason can bury me alive?" Damon asked irritably. "Thanks, Cristian."

"Don't tempt me," Mason told him.

Mason walked away, leaving.

Kacie looked at Cristian, Damon and Alaric for a moment, standing, walking away.

Liv walked closer. "Cris. Lexi's back."

"Lexi's back?" Damon repeated.

"Yeah," Liv answered. "And she told me, Alex and Elena kidnapped Stefan and Kaylin to help them turn back into the ones that we know. Elena's with them right now. But Alex knows what they're doing, and she's looking for them right now. I can't stop Alex on my own, not with the compulsion she's under."

Cristian sighed, looking at Damon. "You follow Mason. I'll take care of Alex."

Cristian stood.

Liv and Cristian walked out, leaving.

Damon and Alaric exchanged a look, sighing.

(Song Ends)


Town Square

Mason was walking through the Town Square.

Kacie caught up to him.

"You and Tyler really got screwed, didn't you, Kacie?" Mason asked.

"It's all thanks to your girl Katherine," Kacie told him. Mason gave her a look. "What? Alex told me about you and her. Didn't think she'd try to have one or both of us killed, did you?"

"Don't start," Mason told her.

"What do you know about killing Klaus?" Kacie asked.

"What I know is that you need to stay out of it, Kacie," Mason told her. "I didn't want you or Tyler turning into werewolves, and I sure as hell didn't want you guys turning into hybrids."

"Tyler's one, not me, and I don't wanna be," Kacie told him. She sighed. "Doesn't help when that Original sister bitch keeps trying to change him."

"Just keep an eye on him, please," Mason told her.

"Kinda hard when he hates me right now," Kacie told him.

"He doesn't hate you," Mason told her. "He just hates that he's lost trust."

"I trust him unless it comes to Klaus," Kacie told him.

Mason nodded. "I know."

Kacie stopped walking, letting out a desperate, defeated sigh.

Mason turned to face her.

"What am I supposed to do?" Kacie asked.

Mason looked at her sympathetically. "Just trust him. He feels alone. Make him see that he's not. Don't turn your back on him like everyone else will be doing. Be his sister."

Kacie sighed, looking down, nodding to herself. She looked up, noticing that Mason had disappeared, turning around, looking around.


Forbes Cellar

Stefan and Kaylin were chained to chairs, unconscious.

Kaylin was slowly waking up.

Lexi and Elena were watching them.

"Klaus really did a number on them, huh?" Lexi asked.

"He compelled him  to turn off his humanity," Elena told her. "Kaylin... not so much."

"Like I said," Kaylin told them, tilting her head. "In complete control of who I wanna be."

"Then it'll be easy for me to bring you back to your blood-bag drinking neutral, fun-loving yet bad ass self," Lexi told her. She looked at her brother. "Stefan? Well, we're just going to have to convince him to turn it back on." She looked at Elena. "I have to warn you, it's not going to be pretty for either of them."

"I can handle it," Elena told them.

Lexi kicked Stefan. "Wake up, sleepyhead." Stefan woke up. "How you guys feeling?"

Stefan looked at the chairs and chains. "What is this? Let me out of here!"

"Shh," Lexi told him. "Inside voices, please. I'm trying to get inside of your heads."

Stefan looked at Elena. "Elena. Get rid of her, please."

"No," Elena told them.

"First step, drying them out," Lexi told her. "Starve away the bloodlust. Strip away the temptation."

Kaylin chuckled, leaning her head back on the chair. "This isn't gonna work, Lexi. You can't do this."

"You heard the not pretty part?" Lexi asked.

"I heard you," Elena answered.

Lexi leaned in front of Stefan and Kaylin, looking at either of them.

Stefan and Kaylin could already feel like their bodies were screaming with fire.

"What are you doing?" Kaylin asked angrily.

"What are you doing, Lexi?" Stefan demanded.

Stefan and Kaylin's arms and hands were starting to desiccate.

"Doing what I do best, sweetness," Lexi answered. "I'm saving your lives."


Night - Old Lockwood Cellar

Mason was lighting a lantern.

Damon arrived with a shovel.

"I'm surprised you showed," Mason told him.

"You put a snag in my only other Klaus lead," Damon told him. "So I'd say I'm highly motivated."

Mason stood, handing Damon one of the two lanterns. "Mikael? Yeah. That didn't turn out so great, did it?"

"How do you know so much?" Damon asked.

"There's not much to do on the Other Side but sit around and watch other people screw things up," Mason told him.

"What are we looking for?" Damon asked.

"There's an old Lockwood family legend about a weapon that can kill an Original vampire," Mason told him. "Like the rest of their secrets, they kept it buried."

Mason tried to break the wall with the shovel, not having much success.

"Oh, come on, give me the thing," Damon told him. "Move."

Mason handed the shovel to Damon, backing away.

Damon used his vampire strength and the shovel to break the hole, breaking a hole into it.

Mason and Damon were standing together, sticking their heads and lanterns through a hole in the wall to see what was on the other side.

"Go for it," Mason told him.

"You first," Damon told him.

"What, you think I'm leading you into a trap?" Mason asked.

"The thought crossed my mind," Damon told him.

Mason walked into the tunnels.

Damon followed him.


Town Square

Alex was walking through Town Square, listening to everything around her, trying to find Stefan, Elena, Kaylin and Lexi.

She could hear Kaylin's voice. "I'm starving. I'm starving. I'm starving!"


Forbes Cellar

Stefan and Kaylin were chained to their chairs.

Elena and Lexi were standing with them.

"Let me out!" Kaylin told them. "Let me out. Please let me out."

"What's happening?" Elena asked.

"They're hallucinating," Lexi answered. "That's three months without any blood."

"Let me out!" Stefan told them as the hunger got worse.

"Now they're at nine months," Lexi told her. "Two years... Five."

"Did I ever tell you how glad I am that you're dead?" Stefan asked.

"Oh," Lexi said sarcastically. "I missed you, too, friend."

Alex arrived. She rushed past Elena, Stefan and Kaylin, pushing Lexi into the wall. "Let them go!"

"Alex!" Elena told them. "Stop!"

Kaylin chuckled knowingly, thinking she was going to get them out of there. "She doesn't have a choice."

"Alex, I'm trying to help them," Lexi told her in a soothing tone.

"That's exactly why I'm here," Alex told her, turning to help Stefan and Kaylin. Lexi pulled Alex away from them. Alex turned to face Lexi, pushing her against the wall again. She transformed angrily. "You might wanna let me get them out of here!"

"Alex!" Elena told her.

"I'm sorry, Lexi," Alex told her sincerely, still holding her against the wall. "I want you to help them, I do, I swear. But I can't let you. I'm sorry."

"So am I," Lexi told her. She looked behind Alex. Cristian appeared behind Alex, snapping her neck, letting her fall. Liv walked closer. Elena gasped in surprise. "For that."

Elena knelt next to Alex, holding her head in her lap. "Did you really have to do that?"

"Yes," Cristian answered. "I'm sorry."

"This should have never happened to her," Lexi told them. "She was good--"

"She still is," Elena told them.

"Okay, but maybe Alex is the next one we should help," Liv told them. She sighed, kneeling next to Alex, looking up at Cristian and Lexi. "I don't want this to happen to her."

"I know," Cristian told them. "But we don't have a choice, and neither does she."

Liv looked down at the bracelet on Alex's wrist, unclasping it, taking it off.

Elena's phone rang. She walked out of the cell to answer it. "Hello?"

Caroline was in Damon's room with Eliza, Nicola, Bonnie and Lindsey, who were all looking for Elena's necklace. "We're at the boarding house with Nicola. So, the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be, and now we can't reach Damon."

"Listen, I need you to get Bonnie and Lindsey to hold off on sending the ghosts back," Elena told her.

"What?" Caroline asked. "But you said you were in full support of getting rid of them."

"I was," Elena told her. "I am. Look, Lexi's here and she's helping with Stefan and Kaylin. She says that she thinks she can help us with Alex."


Salvatore Boarding House - Damon's Room

The girls were still looking for Elena's necklace.

Caroline spoke into her phone. "Okay, let's just find it first and then we'll choose between boyfriend/sister ghost dramas."

Caroline hung up.

"What are you talking about?" Nicola asked.

"Um..." Caroline trailed off. "Lexi's back, so Elena wants us to hold off on destroying the necklace and bracelet. She's helping Stefan and Kaylin, and under compulsion, Alex tried to stop her. Cristian and Liv were able to stop her from making things worse."

"You said boyfriend/sister dramas," Eliza told her, walking closer. "Plural. What is it, Caroline?"

"Liv, Alex and Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna," Caroline answered.

Bonnie, Lindsey and Nicola looked at Eliza in surprise.

"What?" Eliza asked.

"I'm sorry," Caroline told her.

Eliza was extremely hurt by this revelation, tears in her eyes, looking away. She looked at Caroline. "He kissed her?"

Caroline looked at her sister in concern. "Eliza..."

"She's got a foothold now, so she probably thinks that she's here to stay," Lindsey told her. "But you, Bonnie, Nicola, Caroline and I, Eliza, we're going to find that necklace. Okay?"

Eliza didn't answer, having a glazed over look in her eyes.

Nicola nodded. "Lindsey's right, Eliza. Come on."


Town Square

(Song:) Fever Dreams - Nurses

It was the Illuminations Night.

There was people everywhere.

Jeremy was walking through the crowd, looking for Anna. "Anna! Anna!" He bumped into Fredrick, the tomb vampire. "Sorry. Hey, man, sorry about that."

"No problem, buddy," Fredrick told him.

Jeremy walked away, continuing to search for Anna.



Carol and Alaric were together, talking.

"Have you seen Tobias Fell?" Carol asked. "He's supposed to do the lighting ceremony."

Alaric shook his head. "No."



Cristian was walking along in the Town Square through the crowd. He stopped when he felt someone watching him, turning around.

Anna was standing behind him.

Cristian smiled. "Anna."

Anna smiled. "Cristian."

Anna and Cristian walked closer to each other, embracing in relief, both of them chuckling.

"I missed you," Cristian told her.

"I missed you, too, Cris," Anna told him.

The two cousins smiled, continuing to embrace.

(Song Ends)

Fredrick walked toward them. "Well, well."

Cristian and Anna pulled away, turning to him in surprise. "Fredrick?"

"If it isn't Pearl's daughter and nephew," Fredrick told them. "Little Cristian and Annabelle."

Carol began her speech. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Fell seems to have been detained, so the history department's very own Mr. Saltzman has agreed to fill in."

Everyone applauded.

Alaric walked toward the stage.

Jeremy and Liv walked up to Cristian and Anna.

"Still hanging around the Gilbert kids, huh?" Fredrick asked. He looked at Anna. "I guess you forgot the fact that their family killed you and your mother." He looked at Cristian. "And locked you away in a tomb for 145 years."

"There you guys are," Liv told them.

Jeremy looked at Fredrick. "Is everything all right?"

"Ask your ancestors," Fredrick told them.

"What are you doing here, Fredrick?" Cristian asked in a dangerous voice.

Two other tomb vampires stood behind Fredrick.

"Well, it's a Founder's celebration," Fredrick told them. "And we..." He looked at the two men. "Have got some unfinished business with the Founding Families."

Alaric began his speech. "On behalf Mystic Falls High School and the Historical Society, let's light 'em up."

The lanterns were lit.

Everyone looked above them, screaming.

Jeremy, Anna, Cristian and Liv looked up into a tree to see the dead body of Tobias Fell handing above.

Everyone was screaming.

Jeremy and Liv were horrified by the sight of him.

Anna and Cristian looked at Fredrick.

Fredrick smiled.


Forbes Cellar

Stefan and Kaylin were still chained to their chairs. They were in bad shape, breathing heavily from hunger and pain.

Alex was still unconscious on the ground.

Lexi and Elena stood with them.

"Elena, Elena," Stefan begged. "I'm hurting. Kaylin's hurting. Please help us."

"Don't listen," Lexi told her. "Shut them out."

"I am helping you," Elena told him. She looked at Kaylin. "Both of you."

"I'll do anything," Stefan told her. "I'll change. I promise."

"It's a lie," Lexi told her. "They'll say anything right now."

"Elena, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Stefan told her. "Just make it stop. Please, just make it stop."

"You have to separate yourself from your emotions," Lexi told her. "Don't let them play on them."

"Hey, look at me," Stefan told her. "Look at me." Elena looked at him. "Elena. I love you, okay? I love you. I love you so much. I love you so much, Elena."

"I'm sorry, I just don't believe you," Elena told him.

"You know what?" Stefan asked angrily. "I don't want your help anyway. I wish I'd never met you. Every single moment that I've spent with you has been a complete and total waste."

"You see that?" Lexi asked. "That's the Ripper talking. Once they're weak enough, you have to cause them pain. Make them feel things. Anger, rage, anything. You have to make them see past the blood." She staked Stefan in the stomach. "Think of it as a regimen. Day in and day out. Like running the treadmill. Like making coffee. Until they're ready to be saved."

Lexi raised the stake to stake Kaylin.

"I will rip you apart, Lexi!" Kaylin told her angrily.

"You can't," Lexi told her smugly. "I'm already dead."

Lexi drove the stake through Kaylin's stomach, making her groan in pain.

"I can't..." Elena trailed off, walking out, leaving.

Lexi watched her go, sighing.



Elena walked outside.

The police and the paramedics were at the Town Square, moving the wrapped body on a stretcher, taking it away.

Elena watched in the distance.


Salvatore Boarding House - Damon's Room

Nicola, Bonnie, Caroline, Eliza and Lindsey were still looking for the necklace.

Nicola and Caroline were looking through drawers.

Eliza and Lindsey were looking through liquor cabinets.

Bonnie remembered Damon putting the moonstone in the soup bowl, pulling out the soap, letting them fall. "Ugh! I give up. It's not anywhere in this room."

Eliza's phone rang from on the dresser.

Eliza walked toward her phone, looking at the Caller ID, seeing that Jeremy was calling. She looked up sadly, unable to talk to him after what happened.

Nicola sighed, tilting her head, walking closer, answering the phone for her. "What is it, Jeremy?"

"Nicola?" Jeremy asked. "Why are you answering Eliza's phone? Did you find the necklace?"

"Not yet," Nicola answered. She heard police sirens in the background. "Wait, what's going on?"

Jeremy, Anna, Liv and Cristian were still in the Town Square.

"Ghosts of the tomb vampires killed Tobias Fell," Jeremy answered. "You might want to find that necklace before they start going alphabetically through the Founding Families. Or go after you to get to Stefan, Kaylin and Damon like they have before."

"Well, it's not where it's supposed to be," Nicola told him. She realized something, thinking. "Unless someone took it."

"Who?" Jeremy asked.

"Well, who do you think?" Nicola asked.

Bonnie, Eliza, Caroline and Lindsey realized that Nicola was right.

Cristian and Liv were listening in on the conversation.

Jeremy, Cristian and Liv turned to look at Anna.

Anna had heard the call also, shaking her head. "I didn't."

Jeremy turned his attention back to Nicola on the phone. "She said she didn't take it."

"Oh, and you believe her," Nicola told him sarcastically.

"I didn't take it," Anna told them.

"You know what?" Jeremy asked. "Yeah, yeah, I do believe her."

"You know what?" Nicola asked. "You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. So wake up, Jeremy, before you lose everything."

Nicola hung up.

Caroline watched her with a small, surprised smile.

Bonnie and Lindsey were surprised that Nicola had this much courage and anger inside of her.

Eliza looked at Nicola in disbelief.


Town Square

Jeremy hung up.

Jeremy, Cristian and Liv looked back toward Anna, seeing that she had disappeared.

Elena walked toward them. "Guys? What happened?"


Underground Tunnels

Damon and Mason were walking through the tunnels, using the lanterns to light the way.

"I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop," Damon told him. "Your motives are deceptively pure."

"You talk the talk, but I know you'll do anything for your family," Mason told him. "You won't screw me over as long as we have the same agenda."

"I'm supposed to believe you're not going to screw me over?" Damon asked. They stopped at two pathways. "All right. Which way?"

"I don't know," Mason told him. "Flip a coin."

"Aren't you supposed to be all-knowing?" Damon asked.

"I'm a ghost," Mason told him. "I'm not God. Go left." Damon took a step to the left, but decided to go right. "Or not. You have trust issues. Anyone ever tell you that?"

Damon walked a little further.

Sharp wooden poles moved out from the walls, going through his body. There was vervain on the poles, searing his skin, making him groan in pain.

Mason walked away.

Damon looked around. "Yo. Help a brother out? Mason?"


Town Square

Jeremy, Liv, Cristian and Elena were talking.

"Where is Anna now?" Elena asked.

"We don't know, okay?" Liv asked.

"We don't even know for sure if she took the necklace," Jeremy told them.

"She was the only person who heard you guys talking about it, and I know her," Cristian told them. "Of course she took it."

Elena sighed. "Cristian, I get it, okay? I know she's your cousin, your family, and I know you want her back. But we have to get it back. We have to destroy it and then close the door."

"I know, but..." Jeremy trailed off.

"But what?" Liv asked. "What, Jer?"

"I can touch her, Liv," Jeremy told her. "I can kiss her again. And I know it's wrong and I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. I love her. I've always loved her."

"But it's not real," Elena told him. "She's dead. Gone. Everything that you're holding on to is in the past, Jer. Are you going to love a ghost for the rest of your life?" She looked over Jeremy's shoulder. Anna was there. "He's at the beginning of his life, Anna. You're just holding him back. You know that."

Anna showed them the necklace, dangling from her hands.

Cristian sighed, looking at Jeremy. "Call Bonnie and Lindsey. Tell them that you have the necklace. Get them to send the ghosts away."

Elena walked away, leaving.

Jeremy hesitantly took the necklace, running away.

Cristian looked at Anna.

Liv looked at them sympathetically.


Underground Tunnels

Damon still had the stakes in his body.

Mason walked back with a shovel.

"Oh, I'm having a bad day," Damon told him.

"Sorry," Mason told him. "Thought you might need this." He used the shovel to break the long stakes, removing them from Damon's body. "You're welcome."

Damon groaned in pain, pulling out the other broken stakes. "What's your game, man? There's no way this whole buddy-trust act is real."

"You know what the Other Side is like?" Mason asked. "We're all alone. We watch the people we left behind and we regret our decisions. That's it. Look, I can't change what happened to me. But maybe I can change what happens to Tyler and Kacie. I don't need revenge, Damon. I need redemption."


On the Road - Bonnie's Car

Bonnie was driving.

Lindsey was in the passenger seat.

Caroline and Eliza were in the backseat.

Caroline hung up her phone. "Jeremy's got the necklace. He's going to meet us at the witch house."

"Okay," Eliza told them. "What's going on up there?"

They stopped at the corner.

They all saw Carol's car against a tree. Carol was inside, unconscious.

"That's Mrs. Lockwood's car," Lindsey told them. Tomb vampires were walking closer. Lindsey looked to the side of the road as Kacie ran toward them. "Oh, my God. Kacie."

"Okay, I'm going to get out of the car," Caroline told them.

"What?" Bonnie asked.

"And you're going to drive the hell away from here," Caroline told them.

"No way," Lindsey told her.

"I'm not leaving you!" Eliza told her.

"Eliza, remember the last time you said that?" Caroline asked. "We were both tortured and shot by Jules' werewolf pack. And right now, you've got your ghost boyfriend drama. Elena has hers. And right now, the mother of mine is about to be ghost bait, and Kacie needs help before she becomes ghost bait. Bonnie, Lindsey, if you leave Eliza here, a human from a Founding Family, with vengeful tomb vampires, so will she. So go and send them all back to the Other Side, okay?"

Caroline got out of the car without waiting for an answer.

"No," Eliza told her, trying to open her door. Bonnie hit the button to lock Eliza's door, already starting to drive away. Eliza looked at her. "What are you doing?"

"Caroline's right, Eliza," Bonnie told her. "If I left you there, they would've killed you."

"What about Care?" Eliza asked. "And Kacie?"

Lindsey and Bonnie didn't answer.



Kacie was glaring off in the distance. Her eyes were glowing gold with amber highlights. She ran toward the tomb vampires.

Caroline transformed briefly, rushing closer.


Town Square

Cristian and Anna were walking together.

"Cristian, I'm sorry I took the necklace," Anna told him. She cried. "I just thought, with all the tomb vampires out, that maybe..."

"You might find Aunt Pearl," Cristian finished.

"I don't know where she is, Cris," Anna told him. "I don't know if she's moved on and found peace or if there's even any peace to be found."

"Hey, there is, Anna," Cristian told her, making her stop. "There has to be. I believe that. When you find her, I want you both to move on. I don't want you to suffer anymore." Anna continued to cry. Cristian wrapped his arms around her. Anna returned the embrace. They pulled away. "Look at me. You're not going to be alone. You're gonna find her, and you're going to move on together. And until then, I'm going to be with you, okay?"

Anna nodded. "Okay."


Forbes Cellar

Stefan and Kaylin were still chained to their chairs.

Alex was chained to the wall, unconscious.

Lexi was still with them. "Quit fighting me, guys. I know you're in there."

"Not anymore, Lexi," Stefan replied.

Elena walked in.

"You know, you say that every time," Lexi told them. "Until I make you feel again."

Lexi drove the stake in Kaylin's stomach, making her groan in pain.

"You wasted your whole life taking care of me and my siblings," Stefan told her. "Now you're dead and you still have nothing better to do."

"Though maybe she was in the right," Kaylin told him. "Ripper Stefan and my other life are hazardous to humanity."

Lexi gave her a look. "Kaylin? As in..." Kaylin didn't answer, taking a deep breath. Lexi smiled. "Now that's what I'm talking about."

Kaylin was coming back.

"We're running out of time," Elena told them.

"You've got to get me more," Lexi told her.

"I can't," Elena told them.

"No!" Lexi told her. "No... not until I break through." Lexi gestured to Kaylin. "Didn't you just hear that? Kaylin's almost back, okay? But Stefan..."

"I can't, Lexi," Elena told her. "They have the bracelet and necklace. They're going to close the door."

Lexi looked at Stefan. "The necklace. Okay. The bracelet. At least tell me you remember how you felt about those. You found them during your darkest time. And you said, when you made it through, that the necklace represented love and the bracelet represented hope."

Stefan hesitated. "Ironic, then, that they're about to be blown into pieces."


Underground Tunnels

Damon and Mason were still walking through the caverns.

Damon walked into an invisible barrier.

Mason continued walking forward in front of him.

Damon groaned in frustration. "God. This is not happening."

"What now?" Mason asked.

"I can't get through," Damon answered. "It's like I'm not invited in." Mason started to walk away. "Wait!"

"I'm not stopping just 'cause you're stuck," Mason told him. "I'll let you know what I find."

"Yeah, but..." Damon trailed off.

"Looks like you're gonna have to trust me," Mason told him, walking away.

Damon gave him a look, sighing.


Old Witch House - Basement

Bonnie was standing in front of the fireplace. She set fire to the wood inside with her magic.

Lindsey was looking around at all of the candles, using magic to light them all up.

Eliza was watching, leaning against the wall.

Jeremy walked in, holding up the necklace and bracelet. "Eliza."

Eliza looked at Jeremy, though she didn't move.

Jeremy looked at her sadly, knowing that she knew the truth.

Bonnie and Lindsey walked closer to take the necklace and the bracelet from Jeremy, throwing them into the fire. They held hands, looking into the flames, starting the spell. "Universa ruina in tenebras ra aamis infinitum. De lon dem ex nahal da six."

Grams appeared on the other side of Bonnie. Courtney appeared on the other side of Lindsey. They each took their hands, helping their progeny with the spell. The four witches looked into the fire, chanting. "Universa ruina in tenebras ra aamis infinitum. De lon dem ex nahal da six. Universa ruina in tenebras ra aamis infinitum. De lon dem ex nahal da six." The bracelet and the necklace started to burn in the fire. Eliza watched them. "Universa ruina in tenebras ra aamis infinitum. De lon dem ex nahal da six."

Bonnie and Lindsey were crying because they knew in order to send the ghosts away, they were sending Bonnie's grandmother and Lindsey's mother away.


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

Nicola was standing alone at the table, taking her medication, putting it down. She heard someone behind her, turning around.

A tomb vampire rushed closer, pushing Nicola against the wall, making her fall.

Nicola groaned in pain, coughing. She looked up in confusion.

Fredrick walked closer. "Nicola Salvatore."

Nicola glared at him. "You again."

(Song:) This Woman's Work - Greg Laswell

Nicola stood, turning to run.

A ghost was waiting for her there, lunging toward her to try and bite her. Nicola punched him in the chest, ejecting the stakes from the sleeve she was wearing into his heart. The ghost didn't desiccate as he was already dead, falling to the ground. Nicola turned to the other direction. Two tomb vampire ghosts were standing there, walking closer. Nicola backed away toward the wall.



Carol was in her car, starting to wake up to the sound of fighting.

Ghost Vampire 1 had an arm around Caroline's throat. Caroline flipped him over her head to the ground.

Kacie lifted a Ghost Vampire 2 from the ground, throwing him down.


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

Nicola backed into the wall behind her, looking up at the sword over her head.

Fredrick and the two tomb vampires walked closer.

"We'll give Stefan, Damon and Kaylin our condolences," Fredrick told her.

"No need," Nicola told them, grabbing the sword off the wall.

Ghost Vampire 3 lunged for Nicola. Nicola spun around, slashing her sword through his neck, decapitating him. The body and the head fell to the ground. The head rolled away toward the wall. Ghost Vampire 4 lunged toward Nicola. Nicola tried to stab him with her sword. Ghost Vampire 4 backed away enough to make her miss. Nicola spun around to stab him in the heart, taking it out, letting him fall to the floor to his knees. She swung the sword through his neck, decapitating him, splashing a bit of blood onto her face.



Ghost Vampire 2, the one that Kacie had thrown, stood, rushing toward her from behind, about to attack. Kacie grabbed him, spinning around to push him onto a broken branch on the tree behind him.

Kacie stood, seeing a vampire ghost behind her trying to attack. "Duck."

Caroline and Kacie ducked. Ghost Vampire 5 missed his lunge, flipping over them, landing on his back on the concrete.

Carol was watching weakly from her car.


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

Ghost Vampire 6 grabbed Nicola from behind. Nicola headbutted her head back against his to make him let go, spinning around, slashing through his head with her sword in a diagonal line, making the body and head fall. Ghost Vampire 7 lunged toward her. Nicola tried to slash into him. Ghost Vampire 7 caught the blade in one hand. Nicola punched him in the chest with her other arm, ejecting two stakes from the sleeve into his heart, making him fall. Ghost Vampires 8 and 9 stood on either side of Nicola. Nicola turned to face Fredrick, trying to stab him. Fredrick caught the sword with the palms of his hands, turning his wrists with extra strength, making Nicola turn her wrists. He kept turning the sword until he twisted it out of her grasp. Ghost Vampires 8 and 9 grabbed Nicola from either side, holding her arms tightly, holding her perfectly still. Nicola tried to struggle out of their grasp to no avail.



Ghost Vampire 2 gripped Caroline by her neck, squeezing.

Ghost Vampire 5 grabbed Kacie from behind, holding a hand over her mouth, putting the other one to her head, about to twist and break her neck.

Then they disappeared.

Caroline nearly fell but regained balance, looking around, a hand on her chest.

Kacie was looking around, slowly standing.

Caroline and Kacie looked around, seeing they were completely alone.


Salvatore Boarding House -

The two tomb vampire ghosts restrained Nicola by either of her arms.

Nicola struggled to no avail.

Fredrick approached Nicola, lunging toward her.

Nicola cringed back, closing her eyes.

The ghost vampires disappeared.

Nicola no longer had anyone restraining her, falling to the floor. She was breathing heavily, slowly standing, looking around.

There was no evidence of anything that had happened.

Nicola sighed in relief, hanging her head forward.


Underground Tunnels

Mason was looking at the wall.

Damon was still standing at the invisible barrier. "So? What'd you find?"

Mason was seemingly amazed. "It's in..."

Mason knew that it was time to go. He couldn't stop it. He disappeared, dropping the lantern, making it shatter.

Damon looked around. "No, no, no, no. No, where'd you go? Mason, Mason!"


Forbes Cellar

Stefan and Kaylin were still chained to their chairs.

Lexi and Elena were still with them.

Lexi raised her head like she knew she was about to go. She looked at Elena. "Kaylin's almost breaking through, Elena. Stefan's still in there. You just have to break through."

"It's okay, Lexi," Elena told her. "I know what to do now. You can be free."

Lexi smiled sadly, looking at Stefan and Kaylin, letting a tear fall. She disappeared.


Town Square

Anna and Cristian were walking alone in the streets.

Anna looked up. "It's time, Cristian. And we still haven't found..."

Cristian looked down the street to see another ghost he had wanted to see. "Aunt Pearl?"

Anna followed his gaze. "Mom?"

Pearl Zhu walked closer. She was relieved to see both of them together, walking closer, crying.

Pearl, Anna and Cristian reunited, embracing.

Pearl looked at her nephew. "Cris... Cristian, I'm so proud of you."

"Cris, it's time to go," Anna told him with tears in her eyes.

"Find peace," Cristian told them. "I don't want you to suffer anymore." He wrapped his arms around both of them one last time. Pearl and Anna were crying. Cristian had tears in his own eyes. Pearl and Anna disappeared together. Cristian slowly lowered his hands. Liv walked closer slowly, coming to a stop, not wanting to push, not knowing what to say. "They're gone."

Cristian turned to face her.

Liv walked closer to Cristian instantly, wrapping her arms around him comfortingly, sympathetically in sadness.

Cristian slowly returned the embrace, not knowing how to feel or react to all of this.


Old Witch House - Basement

Grams, Bonnie, Lindsey and Courtney had finished their spell, looking into the fire.

The necklace and bracelet had melted down.

"You are stronger than all of this... Lindsey," Courtney told her. "Don't let all of this hold you back. Don't let all of it bring you down."

"Bonnie... I'm so proud of you," Grams told her.

Grams and Bonnie embraced.

Lindsey and Courtney embraced.

They were crying silently.

Grams and Courtney disappeared.

Bonnie and Lindsey were still crying.

Eliza and Jeremy were watching sadly.

Jeremy turned to Eliza, slowly stepping closer. "Eliza..."

Eliza walked out, leaving.

Jeremy looked down, sighing.

Bonnie and Lindsey turned to each other, embracing. They heard a small burst of power coming from the fireplace, pulling away, looking into the fire.

(Song Ends)

The necklace and bracelet were sitting there, as if nothing had happened, perfectly intact.

Bonnie and Lindsey were confused and in shock.


Underground Cellar

Damon was sitting.

Alaric arrived.

Damon stood. "You're here. It's about time."

"Didn't have anyone else to call?" Alaric asked.

Damon shook his head. "No, actually, I don't. 'Cause I need a non-vampire to get in the cave, and other than Kacie, Eliza, Elena and Nikki, you're pretty much the only one I trust, and Nikki's not answering her phone."

"Well, you have a crappy way of showing that," Alaric told him.

"Look, if Mason Lockwood can get over the fact that Cristian killed him, can't you cut me a little slack, Ric?" Damon asked.

"I shouldn't have to get over it," Alaric told him. "I was your friend, Damon. You shouldn't have done it in the first place."

"Well, sometimes... I do things I don't have to do," Damon told him.

Alaric looked at him skeptically. "You're going to recycle that same crap-ass apology you gave Mason Lockwood?"

Damon shrugged. "Yeah, well... I didn't mean it with him."

Damon smiled.

Alaric shook his head, turning his flashlight on, looking through the tunnels.


Forbes Cellar

(Song:) In Front of You - The Quiet Kind

Stefan and Kaylin were still chained to their chairs.

Alex was chained up, awake.

Elena was kneeling next to Alex, looking at her worriedly.

"So, what are you gonna do, Elena?" Alex asked. "You just gonna stand there? Waiting for us to dry out?"

"No," Elena answered. "I'm going to go home, take care of Jeremy and Liv. Figure out how to save you. Be a friend to Eliza and everything else that I have to do."

"That's good for you," Kaylin told her. "You know, I was wondering when you were going to give up."

"Lexi gave you... enough of a glimpse into your tragic future," Stefan told her.

"I haven't given up," Elena told them. "I still have hope. But there's nothing that I can do until you get yours back." She touched Stefan's face. "Hey. You all can break through this. Fight for it. Feel something. Anything. Because if you don't, you're going to lose me forever. I won't love a ghost for the rest of my life."

Elena walked out, leaving, locking the door behind her.


Old Witch House - Outside

Eliza walked outside into the night, walking down the porch steps into the lawn, looking at the woods surrounding the house.

Jeremy walked out of the house, walking closer. "Eliza..."

Eliza kept her back to him, tears in her eyes. "Just go away, Jeremy."

"I owe you an explanation," Jeremy told her.

Eliza looked hurt and skeptical, turning to look at Jeremy, walking closer. "Matt let go of his sister before you let go of Anna. His sister, Jeremy. Bonnie and Lindsey just did a spell that sent away all of the ghosts. Including Bonnie's Grams. Including Lindsey's mother. Cristian told Bonnie and Lindsey to do it, even though he knew that he would lose Anna and Pearl, Cristian's only family for 500 years, in the process, all over again. Kacie was onboard even while knowing that she would lose her uncle again. You know what you owe me? The respect of not making me listen to you explain yourself."

"I am sorry... Eliza," Jeremy told her.

"Do you know why that this hurts me so much, Jer?" Eliza asked. "Because after everything, I knew that this would come. I knew that I was going to lose you. That's why it hurts so much."

Jeremy shook his head in regret, stepping closer. "Eliza..."

"You need to go," Eliza told him.

"Eliza..." Jeremy trailed off.

Eliza let a tear fall. "Just go, Jeremy."

Jeremy looked at her for a moment, knowing that he couldn't do anything to fix what he had broken, slowly walking away into the night.

Eliza turned to watch him walk through the treeline of the woods. Once she was sure that he wouldn't be able to hear her or see her, she started to cry. She slowly backed away toward the porch, slowly sinking down to sit on the stairs. She held her head in her hands, crying. She placed her hands over her knees to lay her head down, continuing to cry.

(Song Ends)


Underground Tunnels

Alaric walked into the cave where Mason had been before.

Damon still couldn't get past the invisible barrier. "So was Mason screwing with me, or is there something in there?" Alaric shone his flashlight around the room. "Ric. Ric?"

Alaric looked at the wall, confused. "I found something."

"What is it?" Damon asked.

There were a lot of hand drawings and carvings on the wall, surrounding the cave.

Alaric was amazed and confused, shaking his head. "I have no idea."


3.08 "Ordinary People" Trailer

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in the cave, Elena, Nicola and Alaric were looking at the drawings and carvings on the wall.

"What is all this?" Elena asked.

Alaric shone a flashlight on an old script of written, carved names. "Names. Written in Runic, a Viking script."

"These are the names of the Original Family?" Nicola asked.

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in flashback, there was a flash of the Original family, including Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kassandra, a woman and a young boy.


From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in Alaric's Loft, Elena and Nicola were training. Liv was helping.

Alaric, Damon and Cristian stood at the table, looking over the pictures of the drawings and carvings.

Alaric sighed. "These images tell a story."

Nicola stepped up next to the table. "Then all we have to do is find out what the mean."

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in flashback, Mikael slashed his sword toward Klaus.

There was a girl that looked exactly like Rosalita. The young boy leaned closer to her, kissing her gently.

Kassandra was watching them, smiling.

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in the Forbes Cellar, Stefan, Kaylin and Alex were chained up.

Damon walked in.

"Why are you here?" Stefan asked in boredom.

Nicola: (voice over from 3.08 Ordinary People) "Klaus has a hold on you."

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in a mansion, Nicola was speaking to someone unseen. "We have to make it stop."


From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in the underground tunnels, Alaric, Damon, Elena and Nicola walked along, lighting the way with flashlights.

Elena and Nicola turned around, aiming their flashlights at Cristian and Liv.

Liv waved her hands like a ghost, trying to scare them. "Boo!"

Elena jumped, gasping. "God, Liv."

Liv smiled. "Scaredy-cat."

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in flashback, Klaus was carrying the body of the young boy.

Rebekah and Kassandra ran closer.

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in a bar, Kaylin was dancing on the bar with two guys. She smiled. One had his hands on her hips, kissing her hungrily.

Stefan was feeding from a woman.

Alex was on the phone.

Klaus's voice was on the other line. "Just live like a vampire." He was driving in an SUV, smirking. "Don't hold yourself back."

Later, Alex had a guy pinned to the wall, feeding from his neck.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.08 Ordinary People) "Feel no remorse about it. Just don't care."

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in flashback, Kassandra had blood drenching her lips and chin, breathing heavily from the kill.

Rebekah was feeding from a man ravenously.

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in the bar, Mikael was confronting Stefan, Damon, Kaylin and Alex. He slammed his fist into Damon's chest, clutching his heart.

Alex and Kaylin took a step forward.

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in a parking lot, Damon punched Stefan in the face, making him fall to the ground.

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in a mansion, Rebekah grabbed Nicola by her throat, pushing her against the wall, transforming angrily. "Shut up! Don't talk anymore! Nothing!"

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in the cave, Elena, Nicola, Liv, Cristian and Alaric were looking over the drawings and carvings.

"We didn't even get to the best part yet," Cristian told them.

From 3.08 "Ordinary People", in a parking lot, Alex, Stefan, Damon and Kaylin were walking.


In the clearing, Damon, Alex, Stefan, and Elena sat together. Kaylin and Nicola laid on the ground in front of them. All of them were looking dark and seductive.

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