Danger Zone

By BellaLoveLola

247K 10.8K 5.2K

Imagine being so involved and invested in a relationship that nothing you your significant other did was wron... More

1 ' Time
2 ' Meet & Greet
3 ' Drama
4 ' Cute
5 ' Psychological
6 ' Strong
7 ' Friends
8 ' Feelings
9 'Fun
10 'Gaia
11 ' Pleased
12 ' Loved
13 ' Time
14 ' Goodbye
15 ' Honesty
16' Just friends
17' Lovers
18 'Wanted
19 ' Done
20 ' One
21 ' Trip
22 ' Love
24 ' Newest
25 ' Almost
26 ' Trusted
27 ' Babe
28 ' Real
29 ' Next
30 ' Growing
31 ' Rider
32 ' Three
33 ' Nazareth
34 ' Healing
35 ' Gender
36 ' Next
37 ' 7:27 am
38 ° 32
39 ° Houston
40 °Good
41 ° Dance
42 ° Friends
43 ° Baby
44. Sick

23 ' Pray

5.8K 249 121
By BellaLoveLola

Nazareth POV

Mercury House

Sunday 9:18 pm

We landed three hours ago. I wasnt fucking joking she not staying here at all. We both been up all fucking night. I called and was able to get her number changed again.

I started looking for a place we both could go. Since my mother house been officially on the Market for three weeks now. There is no way to stay here. There is no way he should have had her address.

The cops stop helping her. Like this nigga is wack as fuck and he has this much pull. I bet his pull in Vegas isnt better than mines or Ly and Mike's.

Let me find out that nigga name who joined in like it was a fucking game. Niggas make me fucking sick.

"Ly you think I give a fuck about her face?" I asked as I was watching Mercury pack up her clothes

"I mean she is missing two front teeth and on from the back" he sounded like he was smiling

"Fuck her, she was supposed to be my nigga, my friend I trusted this bitch and she do and say some bullshit like that? Fuck that bitch"

"Yeah that was wrong as fuck. Asia beat her add though man, she got a bald spot and everything"

"Good for her. Tell Asia I ain't mean to leave her or nothing"

"She knows she talked to Mercury" he stated

"Now kaley just been looking like shit since yall left. Literally because you fucked her face up" I could hear Mike in the background laughing

"Do you smell that?" Mercury asked

"No. Come on love just pack so we can get the hell out if her. What time do yall land tomorrow?"

"We land at one pm"

"I'll pick yall up then. I dont go back to work until Thursday so we good"

"You dont smell that? Naz somthing is burning. Did you leave the stove on again?" She asked walking out the room

"Let me call you back. Mercury that was once and it was because we was fucking" I walked behind her as I hung up the phone

"It was three times" she laughed

"Okay okay my...is that smoke" I stopped laughing and walked infront of her

I opened her room door, and it was just flames everywhere.

"Oh my god" I said pushing her back into the room

"This nigga wont stop" I said

"Do your systems not qork?" I asked as her alarms were not coming on or the inside sprinklers

"They are supposed to..."

"Come on" I grabbed her hand

"My things..my phone" she said

"Fine here" I wet a towel and put it over her face

"Go out the window use my phone to call the police" I said as I opened the bathroom window

"Just come on" she said

"Mercury go"

I went back into the room, and was grabbing her things, her bag she hand with her phone and then her laptop, her mothers necklace she always talked about.

The room was so fucking smoking I couldn't see shit. I couldn't breath nothing.

"Fuck I grabbed the necklace that was handing on the TV

I jump out of planes not fight fires. I took off to the bathroom, and Mercury was still waiting.

"I told you to go, please go"

"You were in here, I wasnt going to leave you"



"Love the house is literally on fire, please go before I throw your ass out there" she climbed up and out.

I did the same, we wait it to the street, and the fire department was there, people were standing outside with the police.

"Is anyone else inside?" A cop asked

"No, just us" I said

"Can someone look at her she was in the smoke for a few minutes" Mercury said

"Yes ma'am" me and Mercury walked over to an ambulance

I could see it in her face that she wanted to cry but she didnt. The looked me over I was fine besides red eyes, a cough and my skin was a little red and irritated from the smoke.

They took thirty minutes to put the fire out. Her house was burned down, nothing was saved besides what i grabbed for her.

The Venetian Hotel

Monday 1:28 am

She just went to sleep, I made a couple of calls to a few military friends I got.  I found out that this nigga friend is named James. He also likes to out his hands on women obviously.

His last chick he was with was a chick on Mercury dance team. How fucking ironic is that.

Knock knock

"Room service" they said

"Yes, Thank you" I said as I opened the door

"Do you want me to leave the cart or set everything on the table?"

"You can leave the cart I got it. Here you go" I handed him a fifty dollar bill

He left out, and I got dressed to go take car of something.

MGM Grand 2:38 am

I walked inside with my crowbar in hand pissed the fuck off. My nigga Jack and Duke was with me. They are in the Marines, they tired to get me to do that shit. But Marines are pussy so I said no. All jokes aside these are my brothers non the less.

"He at VIP" Duke said

"Okay" I kept walking

"You know we can take care of this nigga for you sis?" Jack said

"Nope she my wife, I got this. Why do niggas think that women cant do shit. I mean he though he could just do this?" I laughed

"Sis being real it's some niggas nature to be dogs" Dude added as we got on the elevator

"Yeah, he gone see" I said

I was about to beat this nigga ass period.

We walked in there and its naked bitches, every where, weed smoke liquor bottles being passed around. Music per usual, I looked around and I spotted him going into the bathroom. I did a head non to them letting them know to follow me.

"Get out" i told the bathroom attendant

"Man, i had to piss" James said coming out the stall

"Wassup?" I said as Duke waited outside

"Aye I know you. Dyke right?" He laughed washing his hands as I walked up to him

"Yeah dyke" I hit him in the back of the head with the crowbar and he dropped to his knees

"Listen to me, I'm going to beat the shit out of you with this. But first I want you to know if your or Saqui pussy ass ever lay another mother fucking hand on Mercury again, I will fucking kill you" I hit him in the side of the face splitting his jaw open

"Its niggas like your bitch ass why bitches dont trust niggas" I just started hitting his as again

He a bitch just like Saqui, cant even defend himself against little ole me

"Punk ass bitch" I kick him in the mouth

"I promise you touch her again. I'll kill you" I spitted on him

"Alright, let's go" Duke grabbed the crowbar from me

"I'm coming man" I walked out keep my head up because I'm that bitch I mean what the fuck I say

They drove me back to the hotel.

The Venetian Hotel  3:48 am

Soon as I opened the door Mercury was standing there. 

"Hey love" I said

"Where do you go?" She asked

"I went some where with Duke and Jack"


"I beat james" i stated

"Are you okay?" She asked

"I'm absolutely delighted" I smiled

"How are you?" I asked

"Considering everything was burned down. Okay" she sat down on the couch

"You ate my food?" I looked at the cart

"I figured you got it for me" she laughed

"You lucky I do love you and the open twenty four hours" I smiled

"What are you doing up?"

"I smelled the food"

"Fatty" I joked with her

"Look dont worry about it, we can get you a new house so you dont have to live here for ever"

"We" she corrected me

"Yes Merc we wont live here for ever. I dont like this hotel much anyways" I stated

"I'm going to shower. Wanna come?" I asked

"Ik just going to lay down, and wait for you, I did take a shower when we got here"

"Yesh that right. Give me like thirty minutes and we can cuddle so you can go back to sleep"


I went and took my shower, and laid down with her. I havent been to sleep since we packed up at turk's I'm was tired as fuck.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture of her sleeping just because she looked good.

5:28 pm

All I could feel was someone shaking the shit out of me. I opened my eyes and it was Mercury looking all crazy with her hair all over her head.

"Crazy okay I'm up. What's wrong?"

"Umm Ly and Mika, Mike are here" she said

"Did you just wake up too?"

"Yes, they kept calling your phone and I picked it up"

"Shit, I didnt hear nothing at all. I was tired as hell"

"I know snoring at all" she slapped my ass

"Dont start because inahent had no pussy in like almost two days. I will brake your back off your body" I sat up

"Brake it off?" She started laughing

"Yes off" I stood up

She just kept laughing as I walked out into the livingroom room area where they where waiting for me.

"Wassup?" I said

"Nothing Rocky" Mika stated

"We just came by making sure yall was alright. Miya told us what happened " Ly said

"This nigga burned her house down while she was inside. We was inside"

"Yeah I had wondered why you never called me back. Them Miya spoke to Mercury last night, so i guess Asia over there with her for a couple days" Ly added

"Yeah, we looking for a place, I told her it should be aCondo, and everything, she ssid that she is going to pay for Asia an apartment by the school, so" I sat down

"We also heard about James" Mike ssid

"I couldn't not do nothing. I cant just sit back while they do this shit to her. Not ever again" I added

"Nah, it's cool we definitely get it. Let me know if you need anything else. I gotta go home and wash my ass, planes make a nigga feel dirty as hell" Mike stood up

"Well alright" I said he gave me a hug and he left

"What about Saqui?" Ly asked

"I dont know yet. Well see what he trys to do after he sees his friend. Its choice leave her alone or I'll kill him"

I was dead serious about killing him. He dont mean shit to me.

"Merc?" I called her as I walked back in the room

"Mercury you went back to sleep?" I asked pulling the covers off her

"Why you be playing?" I asked

She was butt naked smiling at me.

"What do you mean?" She opened her legs

"You better stop it girl" I pulled her legs to me

"Dont be trying to hurt me" she said

"You wanna know what did get burned?" I asked licking the inside of her thighs

"What?" She moaned

"This dick" I put the strapless strap on her stomach

"Mhmm" she moaned as I licked her thigh

I love me some Mercury, I could never deny that shit.

Mercury'Gaia Pov

Hotel  Monday 3:29 pm

We been back for a week, and I havent heard not a peep from Saqui and I've been so damn happy. Yes I know that he burned my house down. Who else would? It wasnt even a year old yet. It was a beautiful house.

But I guess he got the message that Naz sent through James. I heard that James is blind in one eye, and mouth is wired shut for the next couple of months.

I have to remember that Naz isnt shit like him. She can take care of her self, obviously. I should be more open to telling her things when shit happens. I should have told her about what they did.

I feel good and feel safe around her. I honestly do.

Speaking off her, shes been working sixteen hours since Thursday and she just got back to the room like forty minutes ago. I havent really seen her since Thursday.

I'm busy during the day, and she works at night.

"Have you seen him?" I asked

"No, I havent seen Matt" she was laying her stomach butt naked as I sat on her butt, butt naked rubbing her back

"Isnt her supposed to be there?"

"Yes, but I hope they fire him. For what he did. Ee should be having a metting this week about what's going to happen so. Well see if he stays I'm just going to quit..let me roll over" she said

"Okay" I lifted up some and she laid on her back, as I was now straddling her

"I'm sure they will fire him. K kwing now that hes done it to more women than you they cant keep him, it's a liability for them to" I added

"Yeah, but Well see" she closed her eyes

"Have you looked for a place. I found a house..I hate being here Naz"

"I found a condo" she replied

"I thought we said house?"

"A condo can be just as big as a house" she added

"A house" I pinched her nipple

"Okay a house is fine Mercury'Gaia"

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes, I'm just really tired. But I want to see the house first okay. Because I kinda am paying half" she opened her eyes

"Good we have a meeting at Noon tomorrow" I told her getting off her

"No dont go, where you going?" She asked

"I a class to teach still"

"Oh okay then I miss you already have fun" she said rolling back over

"Silly" I went into the bathroom and got dressed

I hope she likes this house, I been looking online at houses all weekend while she was at work. I never called so many people in my life.

Dance Practice 7:28 pm

I swear every time I see them they get better and better.

"Each week we practice and come up with routine yall get better and better"

Wife - I miss you can you come back early I'm off work tonight

Me - big baby

Wife - please, I miss you Merc 😥

Me - awww babe I have to work

Wife -  😭😭😭🤧🤧👶

Me - dont cry I love you

Wife - so is that a yess? And i love you

Me -   😶

"Tyrone what are you doing?" I asked

"I'm trying to learn the dance from....." we all turned to the doors that was opening

"She havent been here at all" Marie said

"She be with that dude" Sarah said

"Larissa your extra late, that ten laps" I pointed

"What the fuck ever" she said

I just shook my head. She took her glasses off and she had a black eye.

"Damn" Ronnie said

"Okay well guys get back to work" I said clapping at them

They went back to practicing and I walked over to her.

"I dont need you to teach me how to run" she snapped

"You need to be a little more respectful to me okay" I stated

"Sure" she rolled her eyes

"Is there something you want to talk about?" I asked

Saqui clearly hit her, I'm positive of that. That's why he ain't been bothering me. He taking it out on this girl, shes not even a women yet, especially  ot with her attitude and mind set.

"Why would I even talk to you about anything. You dont know shit" she laughed putting her shoes on

"Who hit you in the face?"

"Not my man if that's what your implying.  He would never lay his hands on me. I'm clearly and physically not you teach" she said,I wish I could hit this girl

"Oh, so I gues some girl kicked your ass? Okay cool. Forty laps" I walked away from her

Hes beating her ass, do I feel bad of course I do no one should be abused period.

Miya - turn on the tv

Me -  am I on there

Miya -  bitch no Naz is, she on there with Kaley

Me - doing. Naz is at the hotel

Miya - well they kissing on tv MTV

I didnt even text her back. I went to my office and turned the TV on. And it was Naz and Kaley.

Ring ring

"Hi are you on your way?" Naz answered her face time she is clearly  at the hotel

"Did you kiss Kaley?"

"What made you ask that?" She sat up in the bed

"Its on the tv" I turned my phone to the TV

"This bitch here, that is from last year new years eve party at MTV studios, Kaley use to work for them so for her birthday they was doing a special segment for her, even though I beat her face in and she couldn't go, they still did that for her. I dont know why they picked that to show" she said looking at me


"Mercury I'm in the room" she laughed moving the camera around

"I wondered why Miya called cussing me out. I just hung up on her" she smiled

"Well, im sorry, I'll get back to work ..."

"No, I do miss you why you can leave early. I want to watv TV and get some pizza" she said

"Okay Naz, I'll leave a little early" I smiled

"I'm about to order a pizza" she hung up so fast

I wondered what Kakey is up to she probably told them what videos to show for her weak ass segment.

I walked back out to the dance floor and Larissa is gone.

"Okay, if yall can do the routine without my help, and perfect twice you can leave and go home afterwards" I said

"Yall better get yall shit together" Tyrone yelled as they all got in their spots and I started to music

The fact that they did it perfect because they wanted to go the hell home.

I can not wait to be able to have a home again. I'm sick of this hotel food, I miss cooking being in my own tub, shower bed, pillows being able to just have all the extra space.

I hope Nazareth will like this house tomorrow.

"Hey Mercury" Blue walked up to me and my Jeep

"How are you doing? You did good at practice back there" I told her

"Thanks I've been watching your YouTube videos like everyday all day. I know so many of your dances its crazy" she smiled

"Oh wow that is nice" I smiled

"Yeah, sure you coming to my party this weekend?"

"Umm it might not be appropriate be being your teacher"

"Oh, well tell Naz I said hey. I can wait to be you. Be like you" she stated

"You can be you" I smiled and she just walked off

She scares the shit out of me.

I got in my jeep, and went back to this damn hotel. For a while it was looking like someone was follme, but I guess it really wasnt.

New House Noon


Mercury I have to shit" Naz said

"Who ate all them cheese sticks?" I asked

"Merc, I have to sh...."

"Hello Vassos" the last Angio stated

"Hello" I said Naz was just holding her stomach

"I m can I go take a look around myself?" Naz asked her

"Sure?"  She said and Naz was gone

"She dont feel to good" I smiled

"Oh I understand" she laughed

"So, this house as you can see is move in ready, everything you see here is included and brand new. I know you told me your house was burned down, so this saves you the time of finding things yourself" she added

"Yeah, and I love the white" I said

"This entire house was built last year and has been on the market since then" she said as we stood in the kitchen

"I like the marble" I said

"Its real white marble" she smiled

"There is one bedroom downstairs and the other four are upstairs. With an office space"

She talked and talked and talked about every inch of this house and I loved it. While Naz is shitting her life away. This was a nice house.

Built in security system, with cameras outside. Working fire system, pool cleaner comes once a week. Window washer comes twice a week free of charge.

This was magical. Five bedrooms is what I wanted.

"Hey" I said to Naz as she walked up to us as we was at the pool

"Looked at the house?" She asked Naz

"Yes actually. I like the house, I like that it's a gated community. But could we make the drive way higher? Keeping the design the same?"

"Of course we could. Do you want the tree cut down around the house and raise the cement gate?"

"No just the front gate" Naz stated

"Good. We have a deal if you want this house?" She asked ,and we both looked at Naz

"Yeah, its fine" she said

"Thank you" I kissed her cheek

"I will have everything ready by tomorrow, keys, alarms codes, camera codes, and the paper work" she said and walked us out to my jeep


"You know my favorite part about this house?" I asked

"The shades go up and down. My second favorite thing is that it's our house" I added


"Yes" I started my jeep

"How much is this house?"

"Twomillioneighthundredandnintyfiverhousand" I said fast as I drove down the street

"Two million?" She said

"Almost three" I said smiling

"Who says I have that much money?" She asked

"I'm sorry, we can find something else. I didnt I mean you dont have to pay for it either I can buy it naz its okay" I said

"I didnt say i didnt have it, I'm just saying i would have liked to known"

"We can find somthing else, it's not a big deal" I said

"Mercury I can afford to go off relax. Half of three mill like ten grand right" she started counting on her hand

"Wow" I laughed

"I'm just messing with you. I got it dont worry alright" she said

"Naz if it's too much...."

"Mercury, I trust me I can afford it, I make more than enough ok" she held my hand

"Okay Nazzie" I joked

"Ughhhh" she fake threw up

I couldn't help but laugh at her. We was officially officially married. You know what I mean.


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