fallout 4 companion reacts

By blu_wolfwere_lycan

599K 7.3K 2.9K

I got these off of Tumblr for the fandom who can't get on to Tumblr and something I can read in school Ok so... More

all the curators
sole dies in companions arms
sole hugging romanced companions from behind
sole takes a bullet for them
sole leaves Shaun to die
falling in love with sole
sole refusing to kill
dreaming sole's death
sole becoming immortal
sole getting injured
first kiss with sole
sole burning the vault suit
sole cheating on them
accidently killing sole
breaking up with sole
sole introducing companions as Shaun's new parent
sole proposing
sole dying of an incurable disease
injured sole passing out from pain
companions discovering they're a synth
companions find the death note
infinity war AU
sole replaced by a synth
companions realising they have a crush on sole
companions dying in sole's arms
companions proposing to sole
sole and piper getting engaged
sole coming back with burns and scars on their face
female companions having a miscarriage
companions accidently upset sole
Companions react to Sole being a hugger while sleeping
Sole asking the companions to marry them
Companions and Sole taking cover from the rain
walking on thin ice
their first kiss with sole
sole losing their voice
sole getting their voice back
being encouraged to confess to sole
crushing on sole and making them laugh
sole getting sick
kissing sole
sole being gravely injured
having a crush on sole
sole looking nice for their first date
Companions react to Sole getting jealous when someone else flirts with them
Sole gets injured in a way that prevents them from continuing.
The aftermath of the companions after losing Sole.
Companions And Sole Cuddling
Companions reacting to the moment they realize they're in love with sole
Companions react to sole jumping off something and breaking their leg
Romanced companions react to sole unexpectedly being killed by a sniper
Companions React To Sole Hushing Them With a Kiss
Companions React To Sole Having A Panic Attack (TW: Anxiety/Panic Atk.)
caught cheating on sole
companions and sole having a baby together
sole having trouble and getting embarrassed when they mess up
accidently shooting sole
sole giving the companions their spouses ring
sole having amnesia and forgetting them
sole's memory returns
sole kissing them on the cheek in front of someone
(read the media thing In other words I'm stupid)
sole building a robot from scrap
male sole getting them pregnant
sole that just wants a lot of cuddles
the first time the met sole
male sole/companions not pulling out
promises sole made the companions
sole being a cry baby
(read media thing again sorry)
the moment they realize they're in love with sole
companions trying to hold back tears in front of sole but failing
first time sole tells the companions that they love them
after their wedding with sole
sole telling them they're a cambion (half human half demon)
the companions first time with sole
sole overworking themselves then finally passes out from it
once again I don't know how to word it
sole returns after being away for a while
sole has a migraine and can't function
sole wants to have a baby
horny companions trying to tell sole what they want
sole booping them on the nose
sole catching a cold
sole asking to cuddle by the fire
when they knew they truly love sole
being kissed by sole out of the blue
sole wrapping their arms around them from behind
sole holding their hand for the first time
sole asking them to slow dance
arguments with sole
expecting a baby
sole dying
sole saying they want to spend the rest of their life with them
first time sole telling the companions they love them
sole being in a coma for a month and finally waking up
realizing they're falling for sole
first kiss with sole
someone else hitting on their sole
sole getting scared and instinctively holding their hand
waking up next to sole
first date with each companion
sole taking major damage and refusing aid
sole freaking out with their first radiation storm
sole calling non romanced companions family
sole proposing to them
nevermind (sole gets kidnapped by raiders)
skinny dipping with sole
sole coming home after a while
sole smiling for the first time since they met
finding out sole is a synth
sole angrily destroying Shaun's crib
sole being hit on
surprise kisses
their first time with sole
companions death scenes
companions headcanons
having to share a bed with sole while they are crushing on them
synth Shaun gets kidnapped by gunners
sole asking the companions to marry them
accidently kissing in front of someone
sole really cares about them
finding a wounded dog
companions becoming ghouls
sole telling them that they're in love with them
knowing they have fallen in love with sole
hearing sole sing first time
meeting Shaun after being asked to parent him
sole is being super chill when being accosted by Marcy long
seeing sole's bad side for the first time
sole shows the "hi honey" holotape
seeing sole as a hero after a near-death experience
sole has had their face covered the whole time and finally takes off the mask
Valentine's gift from sole
sole being tortured in front of them
sole's terrible pick-up lines
faction companions ordered to kill sole
sole's favourite place to kiss the companions
what the companions think about when contemplating life with sole
companions ideal dates
a settler killing synth Shaun
Shaun's childhood based off of which companion helps raise him
synth Shaun calling them mom/dad
sole finds out they're a synth
sole wanting to go back to a dangerous place to get a bobble head
sole having hardened skin due to their time on ice
sole feeling guilty after reading Liam binet's suicide note
sole using a lot of terrible puns
sole being tortured to death (version 1)
male!sole confess to the companions but starts to panic when they are quiet
Sole telling them that Shaun was the leader of the Institute
Sole coming out as trans but they've already transitioned
Sole being pushed off the edge by a raider at the dunwich borers
Sole waking up the companions by kissing them
Sole saying "fuck it lets get married"
Sole was dying and had a long list of fun things to do
Companions finding sole talking to their spouse in the vault
Sole has a panic attack out of nowhere
Sole carrying almost romanced!companions because they're injured
Companions fighting sole then sole saying "wow you had to go there didn't you"
F!sole hurting themself
Elder maxson confining sole out of fear they're a synth replacement
F!sole saying "can't you see I'm trying"
Romanced!Companions say "or is this a game to you" and sole saying"actually itis
Sole blaming the companions for their mistakes
F!sole finding a book of languages and saying i love you in every language
Sole praying for them while they are injured
Companions being forced to watch sole being tortured
Companions think F!sole is asleep and says "I love you" but sole says it back
Sole saying "truth is I never loved you" after their break up
What the companions would name their kids if they were choosing
Sole being good at sniping
s:"I never stood a chance did I" companions:"that's the sad part you once did"
Sole getting attacked by a horde of ferals
being in the Institute
Sole asking for a kiss after something bad happened
Sole giving them the wedding ring
Sole mindlessly cuddling up to them when sleeping
Sole has a hard time expressing themselves

the aftermath

2.8K 51 9
By blu_wolfwere_lycan

Hancock- He plies them with all the liquor and chems they need to make the pain ebb, but he’s mindful of just how much they take. Wouldn’t help anyone if they got out of that den and overdosed a few days later. Goodneighbor is closest, so he lets them sleep in his room until they can get up and around on their own. “Wasn’t your fault,” he tells them quietly a few days later as they laid curled up under his sheets (in a position he’s had dreams of a couple of nights, under happier circumstances). “Ain’t nothing you could have done to keep it from happening. You know that, right?” They hesitate, leaving it to hang a long moment without an answer. He squeezes their arm tenderly. “I want you to remember that.” He leans forward, presses a firm kiss to their forehead and stands. He checks with Fahrenheit to make damn sure not a single rat escaped that nest of sadistic fucks. He hopes Sole sleeps a little easier with them gone.

Nick- He stays close enough to catch them when they stumble. “Take it easy.” They fight him, say they need to get to Sanctuary as soon as possible, that they have work to do, but Nick coaxes them into sitting and taking a breath. “Don’t push yourself. After everything…” He sighs, a hand resting against the back of their neck, cradling their head. “No one expects you to be a superhero all the time. If you need time, you take it. The world won’t fall apart without you for a little while.” They stare at him with slowly crumbling defiance, until they can no longer hold it together under the weight of his gaze. They sink forward against his chest, and he strokes their head in loose circles until the tears come.

MacCready- He hates himself. As much as he wants to be there for Sole, he can’t look at them. He makes sure they’re taken care of, well fed and healing properly, but beyond that, he stays at arm’s length. He can’t see anything but his failings in the bruises and barely healed cuts on their cheeks. He’s just reminded of everyone he’s let down in his life, Sole being the newest addition to that list. He speaks in clipped sentences and sits far on the other side of the campfire from them, hugging his rifle in his lap. Sole tries to coerce a conversation out of him, but like the nights before, he keeps his answers short. “Robert.” He twitches slightly. He knows what they’ll say even before they say it; “What’s going on with you?” MacCready huffs, “Of course you’d ask me that. You get butchered and you ask me what’s wrong.” They blanch at his response, but it’s started now and he can’t stop. “I should have… I don’t know what I should have done. I should have kept them off you.” He wipes stubbornly at the fat blobs of salt water welling in the corners of his eyes. “God, and I’m so damn selfish, I haven’t even thought about how you much worse you must feel…” Why did Sole put up with him? Why did Lucy, or 101, or anyone ever put up with him? They wrap around him from behind and his eyes grow wide. “I’m sorry,” he says quietly, clinging to their arms, “I’m so sorry, Sole…”

X6-88- He doesn’t even ask; Once they’re both free and clear, he relays them both to the Institute. He doesn’t trust any waster with their care. Sole is taken to the medical wing and X6 is taken for repairs of his own. His injuries heal a lot easier than theirs. “Sir/ma'am,” he begins as they both sit on a bench in the lobby, near the shade of artificial trees, “Are you feeling well?” They are still covered in gauze, but X6 is assured the recovery process has been expedited considerably. “I’ll live. You?” “I saw it again. When I was sleeping.” His fingers curl against his lap. “I believe there is an anomaly in my programming. I have been considering turning myself in for assessment before it gets any worse. It could be a threat to the safety of you and the Institute if I am unable to perform my duties at an optimal level. Not only that… but in allowing you to come to harm, I failed my highest priority mission. You would be better off in the care of someone else.” They lay their hand over his. “If I ordered you not to get reprogrammed, would you have to do what I do say?” His brows knit at the question. “If I believe I am becoming a danger, then it would be irresponsible of you to give me such an order. But… if it was given…. I would be obligated to follow it.” “Then it’s given.” He stares at them from behind his sunglasses, observing the purple bruises flaring down their temple, and the way they frown at him. In this instance, he could easily circumvent their wishes. It would be the wiser decision in the long run. But he turns forward, staring at the reflections in the glass floor. He doesn’t want to forget them as much as they don’t want him to forget. “Very well,” he complies. For better or worse, he would hold onto the experience he’d like nothing more than to forget.

Danse- It’s difficult to move on from something like this, but Sole keeps moving. He admires them even more than before, and not just as a soldier. He insists on carrying most of the junk they (for some reason) always want to lug around and keeps them both on the routes which pose the less danger. If they find a fight, he takes point. If they look weak, he insists on a Stimpak. If the sun goes down, he stops them and sets up camp. They express with some annoyance that they liked it much better being the leader than the follower. “It’s only temporary. Just until you’re back in fighting shape.” He gives them a portion of his rations, and takes the first watch while they sleep, as he has for the last five nights. His caution near borders on paranoia, but there’s no way in hell he’s letting it happen again. He’d sooner die than see them in that position again.

Curie- She whispers curses and has to flick away the dewdrops on her lashes as she’s tending to Sole’s wounds. “I do not understand humanity at times. People should not hurt others like this. For any reason!” She’s confused, a little afraid, and every time she looks at the crosshatch of stitches, she finds her eyes watering again. She feels compelled to lay a kiss just above one of the cuts on their back and sigh against their skin. “I am so sorry this happened to you.” She’s gentle in her care for their injuries, but firm when she tells them they absolutely must stay on bedrest for awhile, and even if she needs to hold them down to keep them put.

Piper- She delivers on that promise of an ice cold Nuka Cola once they’re back in Diamond City. She makes sure the doc patches them up and curls up with them on the couch once they’ve got the greenlight to head home. Nat knows something very bad happened, so she keeps her distance and stays quiet, excusing herself to go upstairs and finish her homework. Piper pets Sole’s head as they lay in her lap. The glowing bottle of soda is left on the table, untouched. “We can talk whenever you’re ready. Talk helps.” At least, it usually did. She leans her head back, lightly runs her nails up and down their scalp until they both fall asleep. Nat makes them breakfast in the morning. It almost feels normal.

Deacon- “I think you look at least ten percent hotter. Scars are total sex magnets.” He runs his thumb around the burn wound, skirting the edges just enough that he doesn’t cause them pain. “You know what… it looks a little like a bunny.” Sole laughs, then immediately asks that he not make them laugh as they replace the bandages around their waist. What other choice does he have? If he doesn’t hear it, he’ll have nothing to focus on but the pain of his own wounds and their limping gait, both things he’d really like to forget for awhile. “You’re a real badass now. Nobody can call themselves a secret agent until they’ve been roughed up a little by bald guys with the ‘sinister big bad’ starter pack.” He slings an arm around their shoulders on the trip back to HQ. Both because he needs to remind himself that they’re here, they’re still alive, and so they can lean their weight against him to alleviate the hobble in their step. He prods them over the course of the next few weeks whenever they need to apply a Stimpak, a dose of Med-X, or a change of bandages.

Codsworth- He insists Sole lay down the moment they reach Sanctuary, and doesn’t let them get up for anything. Even trips to the bathroom are a battle, with Codsworth not wanting them to move an inch and Sole not wanting to piss in a bottle. He brings them breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed, and on the sparing few occasions they absolutely need to get up, he’s there to be their crutch. “I was terribly worried about you,” he tells them as he’s folding and putting away clothes in a rickety handmade dresser. “I thought you… I thought I was going to…” Sole calls him over from his task to run their hand along his chassis. “I’m not going anywhere, Codsworth.” 
“Please don’t. It was terribly lonely without you all that time… I would be quite… lost without you, sir/mum.”

Cait- She breaks three of her knuckles and fractures her orbital socket in the frenzied attack, but she insists it’s nothing compared to what Sole went through. After receiving treatment from a nearby settlement, Sole wakes up to Cait with an armful of liquor. She dumps them onto the bed and shoves a glass into their arms. “No better pain killer in the wasteland!” She fetches one for for herself and clinks it off Sole’s. “We’re gonna drink until we’re smashed, and then we’re gonna drink some more.” She opens up a bottle of bourbon and splashed a shot into both their glasses, and downs hers while Sole is staring at her. “Yeah, sounds like a great coping mechanism,” they chuckle dryly. “S'the only one that works worth a damn,” she rebuts, tipping the bottom of their cup up towards their lips.

Preston- He takes over many of the General’s responsibilities, and unless it’s of the utmost importance, he doesn’t bother them with it. He checks in every morning with the Castle’s doc to get a report on Sole’s condition, even after they’re well enough to get around by themselves, and ensures they have all the supplies to make Stimpaks and other meds. He wants to talk to them about it, make sure their mental condition isn’t as damaged as their physical, but his throat becomes unbearably dry whenever he tries. He finds them one day, standing on the Castle walls, as the sun was setting across the ocean and painting the waters with blazing color. He stands with them awhile, glancing between the visible scars and the majesty of the sunset. “I won’t let my guard down again, General. I promise.” His fingers wind around theirs and squeeze ever so slightly.

Dogmeat- He lays across Sole’s lap, and growls at anyone that comes close. Even settlers and friends in Sanctuary are warned to keep their distance. It serves Sole’s reclusive nature just fine after what they went through, and they’re glad to have company in solitude.

Strong- Human moves slow, tells him they “just need a minute”. He gets sick of it quickly, so he picks them up and places them on his shoulders, carrying them most of the way through the city until they reach the city with lights. “Other humans weak,” he tells them when they’re being treated, “If they were strong, woulda eaten you, like brothers do. But you alive.” He pats them on the back and pops at least a dozen stitches.

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