the first time the met sole

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The raiders that had been in the Combat Zone on that particular night had been rowdy enough as it was, cheering and hollering towards Cait in her cage.

Cait had watched in mild amusement as the first raider spotted Sole as they walked in, and began shooting in their direction. She contemplated laughing as Sole began to shoot back, knowing that there was no way that this vault dweller was going to be able to survive this; they’d just walked into a death trap.

But Sole was good with their gun, and soon, there was only three raiders left, two up stairs shooting from above, the other hiding around the back of the cage. Cait was impressed; a few people had tried to kill the raiders that frequented the Combat Zone, however none of them had survived. Until this one walked along.

The three remaining raiders were quickly exterminated, and soon the locked door to the cage was being opened. Tommy was pissed.

Tommy had explained to Sole that they wanted to be there, but since Sole took away their business, Cait was now owned by Sole.

Sole had stuttered and mumbled about not wanting to OWN another human being, but Tommy was having none of it. Cait was now owned by Sole.


Curie had been in in her labs for decades after finishing her research and developing the cure.

She’d waited for 83 years for a member of security to come and let her free; she’d spent too much time alone with herself- she didn’t really count the Mole rats as her true friends.

Her laboratory was usually filled with silence- Curie had gotten used to the slight hums that the machines that sat in the room produced- so when their was the clanking sounds of the doors opening outside her room, she went to the window to investigate.

The blue vault suit was the first thing she saw of the person who had just entered the room. There was small splatters of blood across the front of the suit- Curie’s eyes processed quickly to figure out if it was the person’s blood or if it was the blood of someone- or something- else.

The blue stranger walked up to the window and began to talk to Curie. They lied through their teeth- Curie knew that they were not vault-tec security, however she just wanted a way out of her room.

Curie listened to the stranger as they spoke of a little boy with the mole rat disease- luckily the stranger was able to avoid getting it- and Curie handed over the cure for the child.


They’d been in the Commonwealth for months, and luckily Scribe Haylen had been able to detect readings that would certainly be of interest for Elder Maxson.

The attack of ghouls had been unanticipated- it seemed to come wave after wave. Knight Rhys was down, and Scribe Haylen was attending to the fallen soldier. Danse was the only one who was up shooting down the enemy, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he was outnumbered. He stayed silent in his mind for a second- he apologised for his failure of his team.

A ghoul latched itself onto Danse’s power armour, and was quickly pulled off by a dog. For a second Danse’s mind panicked- what if raiders had been attracted to the noise?

He then turned to see the dog bounding over to a person who wearing mismatching armour and shooting at the ghouls. He returned to the task of eliminating the ghouls, noting in his mind to watch out for the civilian- he didn’t want anymore casualties.

He was astounded by the skill the civilian had- they loaded their gun, aimed and shot- only needing one bullet for a headshot that killed the ghouls. They were periodic and precise.

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