Sole asking the companions to marry them

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Cait: Cait was unsure of whether to laugh or cry, laugh at the idea of someone as perfect as Sole wasting their time on wanting to marry, as she saw in her own eyes a lowlife, like her. Or cry at the fact Sole did indeed want to marry her, something she thought impossible of her to ever deserve. Either way she tried to hide behind a wall of stoicism and play it off as no big deal, to no avail of course as she began to break when taken in Sole's arms. For the first time in her life she was truly happy, so much that she could not control her emotion as she usually could, enough for Sole to see her at her most vulnerable and love her even more. Feeling the ring slide on to her finger as if made for her, Cait rested her head against Sole's collar bone, while whispering "fuck yes, I'll marry you."

Curie: WhenSole got down on one knee and presented the ring to little Curie, her mind sofull of curiosity and wonder became overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings shenever thought possible. A thousand different emotions and wonders went throughher mind in only mere seconds. The person who had given her life and so muchmore now wanted to give them their own self to her in an eternal bond signifiedin the ring that so graciously fell on to curies petite, porcelain finger.Curie leaped into Sole's arms and promised herself to them as they did to herand professed her love to her beloved Sole.

Danse: Thesteel exterior of a hardened soldier was stripped away, revealing the manbehind the armour when Sole presented the Paladin with a ring that symbolisedtheir love for him. His stern face soften to a smile and a simple yet heartfelt "Yes, of course" left his lips to greet Sole's question with a smile,as the two then embraced each other with a hug and a tender, loving kiss .

Deacon: Removing his sunglasses to make sure he was seeing this properly. Deacon watched as sole delicately placed the ring upon his finger, then entwining their fingers with his and bringing him closer to assure him, that yes this was very real, and yes, they wanted him as their partner in crime for the rest of their life.

Hancock: Letting out a slight chuckle before taking Sole's hand, as they placed the ring effortlessly on to Hancock's finger. He held his hand up to the sky, allowing the sun the gleam off of the ring, creating a star of colour reflecting off of the golden band. Then taking Sole in his arms tightly, pressing gently his lips onto theirs before whispering in their ear, "You bet your ass I do, love."

Gage: "Shit boss... I don't know what to say. I mean, you sure you wanna hitch in this fucked up place?" Gage of course wanted this, as did Sole, but was cautious about the locale of their relationship, was this really the place for them to marry? And to possibly have a family? Sole put Gage's anxious mind at rest when he saw the golden band fall onto his finger, guided by Sole's touch, before kissing him gently, letting his fears melt away for a brief moment as he saw the possible future laid out before him. Sole always there beside him.

MacCready: For once, Mac was speechless. Unable to speak as Sole presented the ring before him and with such minimal effort slipped it on to the mercenaries finger. With his hand on the back of Sole's head, their foreheads met as they embraced, MacCready with an uncontrollable grin and Sole awaiting their all import answer. What felt like an eternity had passed before Mac pulled his head away from theirs and let out "yes, of course I will" before the two pulled each other tight into a longing hug.

Nick: "Sure are one for keeping the old world alive aren't you?" Nick took Sole's hands in his, pulling them closer. Close enough for them to hear, but to anyone else would look like hushed whispers. "I couldn't imagine anything better than to settle down with the love of my life." Nick may have been short but he was certainly sweet, the fact the ring was a perfect fit was a dream come true for both he and Sole.

Piper: Piper was surprised when Sole had admitted they had feelings for her, so when Sole presented Piper with a ring and asked her to marry them, she almost fainted on the spot. She pondered on whether she really deserved this. Blue wanting to marry her, to be with her and only her for the rest of their life. Was this a dream or a fantasy playing out in her mind? Only confirmed as reality when she felt Sole's fingers caress hers as they guided the ring down onto one of those delicate fingers. At this moment every touch was electric and as soon as the ring was in place, Piper reached for Blue's face to bring it closer. Her fingers running between their hair as she did, in a state of pure bliss and in between kisses, accept their proposal a thousand times over.

Preston: Preston often thought of what it would be like for he and Sole to be wed. But now presented with the choice, he was unsure of what to say. Where his heart knew, his mouth failed him. As Sole slid the ring on his finger, his body answered for him as he reached for them and with a tenderness in strength pulled them into an embrace and answered with a passion fueled kiss. More powerful and sensual than either had experienced before, but spoke a thousand words to each of them

X6-88: X6-88 was taken back by Sole asking them to become more than just a partner on field operations, so now that they were proposing marriage, to him this was another realm. "Sir/ ma'am, you know I've felt strongly about our partnership, but you're right. I think it is time we solidified our partnership. I accept your offer." The ring Sole presented X6 had gone straight on, a perfect fit that he wore under his combat gloves, never removing the ring for any reason.

Maxson: "I feel honoured by this, a true partnership. Not only do I think it will benefit us in terms of the Brotherhood, but on a more... intimate level." Having the ring upon his finger, Maxson took Sole's hand firmly and confirmed his love and answer for them by kissing them passionately on the bridge of the Prydwen.

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