sole wants to have a baby

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Cait - She thinks they are joking at first. After all, after Shaun? She can understand them in a way, yet she is very anxious about becoming a mother after what she had been through as a child herself. It takes a while for her to change her mind, but one day, she realises that she will never be like her parents, for she loves Sole and she is definetely going to love the hell out of their little bundle of joy.

Curie - She is more than a little excited about the idea, but is worried whether it is even possible: Not only she would love to make some notes about pregnancy itself, but the very thought of something that has been entirely made by her and Sole, bound by blood and DNA, that has its own mind, heart, soul and life is making her glow with excitement and anticipation.

Danse - He swept them of their feet when they told him - Danse adored the Brotherhood, but he always felt that he was the kind of guy who would surely want a family at some point of his life and the thought of having this family with Sole made his heart sore the same way like when Sole kissed him for the first time. He was just hopeful that they could make it work somehow.

Deacon - He wasn’t exactly thrilled. Sure, he loved Sole to pieces, but he as a father? He was quite comfortable with being something like an uncle to little Shaun, but having an actual child of his own was rather a crazy thought for him. It reminded him of the situation with Barbara and he knew he could never bare losing someone so dear to him again. He keeps the option open, but doesn’t really want to act unless he knows Sole and the potential child are going to be absolutely safe.

Hancock - He doesn’t know what to say. Even if it was possible for him to have children, he has no idea how’d he raise them. He’s a junkie and a drinker and he knows that Sole accepts this, but a child? He would like to have a family, a healthy one, but he isn’t sure if he’s ready to do such thing yet. He knows that he definetely will be ready one day and when the day comes, he’ll be ready to get rid of his addictions as well.

MacCready - He’s rather excited, if he had to be honest. Duncan and Shaun had only proven to him how much he loves being a father and the more, the merrier. He is certain that things are going to be pretty tough, even the people living cushy in Diamond City usually have only one or two kids, but as long as Sole and himself are together, they can handle even the wildest group of youngsters, especially since the youngsters are theirs.

Nick Valentine - Nick isn’t really sure how to react at first, not only he thinks Sole’s request might be close to impossible, he also cannot quite imagine himself as a father. Not now, at least, in his current robotic form. Immortal form. As much as he’d like to give Sole what they want and maybe even have a real family with them, he isn’t sure he’s able to see them die and then live on for who knows how many more centuries.

Piper - She almost chokes on her Nuka Cola at first and tiny drops of it are soon coming out of her mouth and nose. When even this sight doesn’t make Sole take it back she goes silent. Piper never really thought of it - She was busy doing her papers and trying to care for Nat and was happy to squeeze her relationship with Sole into her otherwise very full schedule. Piper and Sole have decided to keep the option open, but not act on it just yet.

Preston - For a while, Preston just stared at them, his eyes huge and a wide smile appearing on his face - he looked like a child on Christmas. He asked Sole if they really meant it. Helping people, loving home, someone he loved and children were the four things he always secretly wished for and Sole already gave him three of them. When Sole nodded at his question, he almost struggled them in his embrace, already full of delight and anticipation.

X6-88 - It takes a lot of time for X6 to accept new things and Sole’s whole relationship with him is a lot of waiting and persuading. It took long for him to kiss, hug, or even touch Sole in public and he still isn’t absolutely comfortable doing it. So of course he said a clear ‘no’ to Sole’s request. Although Sole cannot be sure he will ever change his mind, all they gotta do is try and maybe, someday he will. He even held their hand in Diamond City the other day, so nothing’s impossible…

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