Virtue Of The Vicious (reader...

By Lollerflock

67.1K 630 751

Imprison for war crimes a former soldier getting another chance at serving for Rainbow Six, but some things d... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
part 12
part 13
Part 14
Part 15
part 16
Part 17-the end

part 9

3K 28 9
By Lollerflock

Y/n was in the weight room with Lion. He was on his seventh pull up as he stopped to look at the TV Montagne was watching outside and saw the headline talk about some man running for a political office.

Lion: Now you're just showing off.

Y/n: Whatever.

He walked over to the bench with Lion to spot him.

Lion: Have to ask, why Emma?

Y/n: Why you ask?

Lion: Kinda thought you and Ash were a thing.

Y/n: I dont think her brother would approve.

Lion: Is he that bad?


Lion: Okay.

Intercom: Lion, Finka, Smoke, Glaz, and Blackbeard to briefing.

Lion: See you later.

Y/n walked out with him, but stayed to look at the news.

Various military leaders walked into the UN building for a meeting that Six was at and Y/n watched as Taylor walked in with everyone.

Y/n: What are they talking about?

Monty: I geuss they were talking about Rainbow and the White Masks, I'm not completely sure about what.

Intercom: Y/n, Pulse, Capitão, Valkyrie and Lesion to briefing.


Six: Alright, I'm send you to slums of Brazil. A man by the name of Earl Allit, has been inciting riots and assaulting police stations. We tracked him down to a White Mask safe house. Take him out.


Everyone were inside a police station, Pulse and Capitão were inside an office speaking with the the chief as Y/n and Valkyrie were on the roof scanning the area.

Y/n: Anything?

Valk: Nothing so far, how about you Lesion?

Lesion(radio): Nope.

Y/n sat down on the edge of the building looking at the favela. Light reflected in the distance.

Y/n: Valkyrie, don't panic but I think theres a guy on the apartment building a few meters out.

Valkyrie looked at the building slowly bring up a pair on binoculars.

Valk: Oh shit.

Y/n looked up at a massive crowd walking towards the police station, with their target leading the crowd yelling in Portuguese. They stopped outside the station everyone was armed with weapons ranging from guns to clubs.

Valk: Pulse...

Pulse: Yeah we heard.

Y/n: I'm shooting this asshole.

Valk: Wait!

Y/n: Why?

Allit(Portuguese): There they are the people who presumed false freedom and protection!

Valk: What's he saying?

Y/n: I don't speak Spanish.

He aimed his shotgun at Allit.

Allit held out and SMG and began firing into the station. Y/n shot Allit in the side and the mob looked at him and began running at the station.

Allit: Kill them all!

Pulse: Everyone get down here and get the barricades up!

Y/n: Go I'll slow them down.

He began firing at the crowd and Valkyrie ran down ducking as bullets hit the wall. Multiple cops were suing around her as she helped Pulse reinforcement walls. Lesion placed down cover and tossed his mines at the doorway. The mob made it into the station doors and everyone began firing.

Capitao: Wheres the Inmate?

Valk: He on the roof.

Molotovs flew in the room igniting a few officer.

Allit: That's it! Burn them all!

Pulse: Y/n get down here!

Y/n ran down and a bullet ricocheted behind him.

Y/n: They have snipers in the buildings.

Valk: We ar getting over run in here!

Lesion ran to their room as he reloaded his gun.

Lesion: So hows everyone?

Pulse: Keep shooting!

Soon people with various melee weapons ran in grabbing the last of the local police and dragging them away into the crowd.

Valk: We need to get out.

Pulse: Capitao clear the back door!

He ran off breaking the door down and checked there area.

Capitao: Clear!

Y/n: Go I'll cover you!

Pulse and Lesion ran Valkyrie was grabbed by her ankle and was getting pulled away. Y/n grabbed her hand and a man ran up to him and fired a pistol into his shoulder. Y/n took Valkyrie's gun and shot him and pulled her away.

Y/n: Go!

He kicked a man away and switched to his pistol.

Attil: Take him alive! Our leader want to talk to him!

Y/n moved back reloading his pistol. He walked out the door and shut it. He looked around to see Valkyrie blocks away waving at him. He took off running and the mob ran after him.

He tripped down the street as bullets hit under his feet. He rolled back to his feet shooting three men running at him. He ran inside a building catching his breath. The door was broken down by people with knives and clubs. He ran up stairs firing a incendiary round at a group of people. He jumped out the second story window on to the adjacent building were one of the snipers was positioned. Y/n shot his with his shotgun and took the rifle.

He ran down to the streets and aimed the rifle in the crowd and found Allit walking in the crowd yelling orders.

Y/n: Don't worry 47, Taylor will see you soon.

He killed Allit with a headshot and the mob began running at his new position.

Valk(radio): Y/n we are heading west in a truck.

Y/n: Got it! Which way is fucking west.

He ran away shooting three more people. He saw the truck with Valkyrie and Pulse in the back shooting at the mob. Y/n ran down the street but was tackled into a building. Y/n kicked the man off of him. The man walked towards Y/n, y/n uppercutted him and followed with a straight jab to the throat. The man stumbled back as Y/n took his knife and slit the man's throat and kicked him away. A car horn blared and Y/n ran out and as he jumped on the truck a sniper round his leg making his jump fall causing him to hit his head on the vehicle.

Y/n: Fuck!

He grabbed the tow hook and Lesion drove away dragging Y/n as he climbed up.

Pulse: You okay?

Y/n sat up and pulled his mask and balaclava off revealing his cut open eyebrow and wiping blood off his face.

"I had worse."

Lesson: Hold on!

They took sniper fire as they entered the street. Y/n reached in the truck and took Lesion's SMG and fired at the roofs. White Masks ran out from the buildings to shoot the truck as Capitao yelled where to go.

"Left here!"

He turned the truck and a bullet hit Lesion in the neck and he snapped his hand on the wound.

Lesson: I'm hit!

Capitao: We are almost there!

They made it to the road where soldiers were stationed at from the increase of riots. The truck tire was blown out and the truck turned over and flipped.

Y/n looked up at the mob running towards them and the soldiers staying where they are. Capitao helped up Lesion then Pulse. Y/n noticed his arm was dislocated as he got up and walked to Valkyrie who was holding her arm. He leaned against the truck then slammed his arm against it and popped his arm back. He picked up his gun and grabbed Valkyrie making her scream.

Y/n: Your arm is broken you got other things to worry about right now.

He lifted her up and ran towards the others.

They ran down the bridge as two White Masks stood next to a man in a suit with cameras.

Man: You have enough for Taylor.

Masks: Yes sir.

Man: Then let's get out of this hell hole.

(Back at base)

Lesion and Valkyrie were escorted to Doc and Y/n walked with the others carrying a medkit from the helicopter until Pulse stopped him.

Pulse: Just go to Doc.

Y/n: I can fix myself.

Pulse: I'm tell you to go to Doc or I'm going to drag your ass there.

Y/n: Fine.

He was in Doc's office getting his eyebrow stitched up. Lesion and Valkyrie were walking out.

Y/n: You okay fixing a man that went to prison for killing teammates?

Doc: If Six picked you to join that could mean you didn't do it without a reason.

He tapped Y/n's leg and slid his chair away.

Doc: Good to go and thanks for not taking a medkit...I'm getting tired of refilling them.

Y/n left the room and back to his cell before Twitch finds out hes back. He laid on his cot and looked at the ceiling light above him.


Y/n laid on the ground as prisoners began to riot over a death of a gang leader. He looked out and saw Inmate 47  (Attil) leading a group to his cell.

Attil: 374, Taylor wants to know why aren't you participating?

Y/n raised his middle finger at them.

Attil: 678, take him to Taylor.

The Inmate opened the cell and grabbed Y/n.

They tossed him at Taylor sitting in the Warden's office.

Taylor: Y/n, come on you party pooper.

Y/n: I did what you said.

Taylor: When I said kill 106 that meant kill 106 and everyone else.

Y/n: Can I go I have a wall to look at.

Taylor: Oh Y/n, not without a punishment.

They held his hands on the desk as Taylor searched the drawers and found a pair of scissors.

Taylor: What finger?

Attil: He likes to use that middle one,sir.

Taylor put his finger in the scissor and slowly began cutting it. As the blood came out he stopped and began laughing. Soon everyone but Y/n was laughing and Taylor held up the scissor.

Taylor: Oh man that was good.

He broke the scissors in half and slammed a blade in each hand simultaneously and Y/n yelled in pain as he dropped to his knees. Taylor wiggled the scissor in his left hand.

Taylor: Shall I pull them out or should we rip them out?

He pulled them out and Y/n fell down. Taylor waved him way and looked back at the Warden tied up behind the desk.

Taylor: Let's discuss about those late fees you owe me.

Y/b could hear the screams as he was dragged away and thrown in his cell. A nervous guard walked in with a medkit and looked around before checking Y/n's hands.

Guard: You know it would be easier if you just do walhat he wants.

Y/n: I dont work for psychopaths.

Guard: I figured as much.

Y/n: You should go before the see you.

Guard: I can't I'm here because theres a chance I can get you out.

Y/n: How?

Guard: My brother joined a group called Rainbow a few months ago and I've been secretly sending the big lady your info.

Y/n: Who's your brother?

Guard: Ryad.

He swapped hands for him to patch up.

Y/n: Why are you here?

Guard: I fucked up and this was my only option.

Y/n: So how did you die?

Guard: I was murdered.

He finished wrapping thebl wounds and snuck out and Y/n laid down and looked back at his wall.

(End Flashback)

He got back up as Twitch walked into his cell with food for him.

Twitch: How was it?

Y/n: I had fun, cant say the same for the others.

Twitch: Lesion is fine but Valkyrie is upset about her arm.

Y/n: Its just broken.

Twitch: She broke her arm before and it ended her Olimpic career.

Y/n: Oh.

Twitch: So...I was talking to Six today.

Y/n: About?

Twitch: Getting you out of this cell.

Y/n: Oh...yeah?

Twitch: You like here dont you?

Y/n: Maybe.

Twitch: Wanna head back to my room before lights out?

Y/n: Sure just let me use my toilet.

He got up and took one step sideways to his toilets Twitch looked away disgusted.

Twitch: Really!

Y/n: Its a cell.

After going to Twitch's room and having private time Y/n was called to Six's office along with Ash.

Six: Congratulations you two are going on a recruiting mission.

Y/n: Do I get to kill someone?

Six: Don't plan on it.

Y/n: Pass.

Six: It not optional.

Ash: Why is two?

Six: Someone with a angry personality want to meet you Ash, consider Y/n here your bodyguard.

Y/n(mockingly): Yeah.

Six: I'll send you the file on the possible operatoduring your flight. You can leave Ash, but Y/n you can wait.

Ash left the room patting his shoulder.

Six: I've been told that you deserve a room instead of a cell.

Y/n: Not my idea.

Six: I also learned that Earl Attil was an inmate in the same prison you were in, but in the report he was considered killed along with several highly dangerous inmates.

Y/n: I dont know anything about it. I killed White Masks and inmates trying to kill me that day.

Six: Very well.

A/n: Hey guys, I am planning on adding a new character to join the team. If you have a good idea for the character feel free to message me about it, it can be Male or Female it doesn't really matter, unless it's just a copy of Weasel with a different name.
Have a good one.

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