my love as deep as the ocean...

By rosies-blue

162K 5.2K 3.7K

my bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. the more i give to thee, the more i have, for both are... More

1. this is weird - chae
2. kill two birds with one stone - lisa
3. it's okay lalisa - chae
4. curveball - lisa
5. i can't have her - lisa
6. hurting - chae
7. arms to fall into - chae
8. fight for her - lisa
9. lovesick - chae
10. hold my hand - lisa
11. i love all of you - chae
13. proud - chae [M]
14. lean on me - lisa
15. one day - chae
extremely important
16. on this starry night (jensoo special)
17. trust - lisa
18. lessons - lisa
story propositions
19. the way - chae
ugh tiny rant
special chapter 1.
special chapter 2.
special chapter 3, pt. 1
chaennie story.
special chapter 3, pt 2.
important question
special chapter 4: jensoo
blackpink one-shot.
the end.
bonus chapter: soccer matches and getting old
bonus chapter: sex holiday circa 2028 pt. 1

12. my love - lisa [M]

7.1K 192 220
By rosies-blue

a/n: enjoy some awkwardly written smut.


The Next Weekend...

It's about nine o'clock at night and for the past few hours I've been trying to write this English essay, but it's just not working. I've written an introduction but that's about it. It's not as if I can't do it, I'm just extremely distracted - Chaeyoung's been away with her family for a short holiday in a different state so I haven't seen her, or heard from her in a while. They went to some cabin so she has no reception. I keep checking my phone to see if Chaeyoung has gotten reception and texted me so I haven't been able to just sit down and finish my homework for Monday.

As for our relationship, it's been great. I have never been so happy. Everyday I wake up and smile because I get to kiss the girl that I've wanted to kiss for years and years, and I get to call her my girlfriend - so yeah, it's been great. I may have freaked out a little when 'Drunk Chae' told me she wanted to marry me, but I've thought about it and there's no other person I would want to marry - just not right now, maybe in a few years

And then there's the sex thing. We talked last weekend about it. I feel better about it, but I'm still unbelievably nervous about it - I just don't want her to leave me because I don't make her feel good. And I know she said it's okay and that she'll teach me and she'll love me no matter what and 'blah, blah, blah'. It's just that I've loved her for so long and I've waited so long for us to become a thing that I don't want to fuck it up because I have no idea what I'm doing.

But Chaeyoung is great - she said she'd wait until I was ready. And I'll get there, I'll know when the time is right and it'll all fall into place. For now I best get this homework done. But God does not seem to be on my side - my phone buzzes and I flip it over quickly to see that it's Chaeyoung.

"Hey," I answer the Facetime call. When her face appears I can't help but smile when I see Chaeyoung sipping on a drink from McDonalds. She has a hoodie on - hood covering her head and her blonde hair poking out the sides - and glasses perched on her button nose. "Where are you?" I ask, noticing she's not in a cabin. I walk over to my bed and sit on it, a pillow perched between my bent legs.

"I managed to sneak out, I'm in a McDonalds," She tells me, gripping on to her paper cup with the sleeves of her hoodie covering her hands. "My parents will come looking for me soon, but I wanted to talk to you, I miss you."

"I miss you too, but you're coming back in two days," I hold up two fingers. "Uno, dos," I count them to her.

"Are you doing Spanish homework?" She giggles, covering her mouth with her hands after my moment of goofiness.

"No, I'm trying to get some English homework done but I keep getting distracted," I explain.

"By what?"

"You," I mumble in embarrassment.

"Dork, stop thinking about me for two hours and get your homework done. Miss Lee will have a heart attack if you don't hand it in," she scolds me. "Where have you got up to?"

"I've literally just finished the introduction."

"Lisa," she groans. "You need to stop thinking about me and start doing your homework."

"I can't help that I miss you and want to kiss you," I tell her, winking. "I think you should help me because you are the cause of all this."

"Do you want to see my work?" She asks. "You can go over to my place and send it to yourself."

"No, Chae it's fine," I shake my head, sitting up. I lean forward and perch my head on my hand.

"Lisa, if you haven't got it done now you're never going to get it done," she explains sternly watching me. "There's a key under the matt outside just go to my room and send it to yourself, just don't copy it word for word."

"I'll just take your points and make them better," I smirk at her to which she rolls her eyes at me. "Thank you, baby. I'll make up for this when you get back," I say in a husky and lustful tone - her face turns beet red. "I promise."

"Okay," she nods and smiles back at me. "My parents are coming, I'm gonna go but I will talk to you as soon as I can," she blows a kiss to the camera and I wave back at her. "I love you."

"I love you too," I hang up the phone and scramble to get up and throw on a pair of sweatpants. My parents will never let me out at this time of night without a good reason so I tie my shoes up and open the window. Luckily I've had years of training in sneaking out of the window so I jump out and land on the floor.

Chaeyoung's house isn't too far away so it doesn't take me long to get to her house and immediately I find the key under the matt. I navigate my way around the dark house to Chaeyoung's room and push the door open. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light and I quickly run around her room looking for her laptop.

"Why do you have to organise everything so neatly?" I ask myself, my eyebrows knitting together. She stores everything in her room in a very specific order - based on colour and alphabet and all that - unlike my room where everything is on the floor so it's easy to find. "Ah," I smile, finding her laptop in a drawer under her bed.

Quickly I log on to her laptop and start flicking through her files - like I said they are very well organised. I find her homework and send it to myself. Instead of putting the laptop away I decide to have a little fun. I remember that she recorded a video of herself singing last month and I kind of want to send it to myself.

The only file I think it may be under is 'For Lisa' since she said all of those soppy and romantic things at the end of the video and I'm hesitant to click it in case it's a secret I'm not suppose to know about. I click it anyway and see that there's not just one video but at least ten. They all have different titles: "Can't Help Fallin' in Love", "Paper Hearts", "Eyes Closed", "Eyes, Nose, Lips", "Without You" and a few more. I shouldn't open any of these, they're private and belong to her but there's one thing I do want to open.

It's a document called 'Lisa, if you find this file, open this document and read it.'

So I do - she must've known that if I got a hold of her laptop I'd find this.

'Lisa if you're reading this then you've managed to find my most private and personal file on my laptop:

I've bared my entire soul in these videos, and I'm sure I will continue to do so - and I promise, my love, I will show them to you when they're ready to grace the world: they're all dedicated to you.

But for now, just close the file and forget you saw this.

Thank you,

My love.'

And so I follow her instructions, a smile reaching from one cheek to the other. Just thinking about Chaeyoung singing songs to herself whilst thinking about me sends chills right down my body and picturing her saying 'my love' makes my stomach flip.

I close the laptop and attempt to remember where I found it.

Key word


Oh she's gonna kill me if I don't put it back in the place where I found it.

Okay, maybe not kill but certainly with-hold kisses and snuggles.

It was in the drawer in her bed side locker, right? I open up the bottom drawer and instead of finding an empty drawer that will fit a laptop in it, I find something that Chaeyoung definitely wanted to keep a secret.

It's bright pink.

And long.

And has a button.

My mouth turns dry as I drop my jaw.

Heat rises to my face the longer I stare at it and the longer I think about Chaeyoung using it on herself. In bed. Alone. At night. I crouch down and get a closer look.

Wouldn't it hurt?

Is this what I've driven her to?

Should I ask her about it?

No. It's her private life, she's allowed to have some privacy.

But it's kinda hot.

And it could be a game for two.

I am definitely going to tease her about this when she gets home.

I close the door and leave her laptop on the desk - I have blackmail material, she can't be mad at me. Then I take a piece of paper from her shelf and write her a little note, folding it neatly, and leave it on the bed for when she gets home.


A Week Later...

Chaeyoung has been home for a week now but we haven't spent much time together apart from time at school so she's invited me to visit today after school so we can spend some time together.

As she drives us I can't help but think about the object I found in her drawer and what I've bought to go with it - and what I could do to her with it. I've been thinking about it all week, torturing myself as a deep heat always gathers in my core whenever I think about what she's used it for.

"Lisa, are you okay?" I feel Chaeyoung's warm hand on my bare lap. She keeps one hand on the wheel and her eyes are still very much on the road, so I use this as my opportunity to get this evening started. I place my hand on top of hers and start to drag it further up my thigh. "L-Lisa, I'm driving."

"Well, just try not to crash," I reply in a husky tone, taking her index finger to the waistband of my shorts and dipping it underneath.

"Lisa, I swear to God if I die because all of a sudden you're feeling horny after all these weeks I will come back and haunt you," she says, a choke in her speech as I lower her hand into my shorts. "Oh, my God Lisa," she blurts along with a low moan as I let the tips of her fingers feel the top of my underwear.

"How far away from your house are we?" I ask, pouting with a puppy-dog expression.

"Still like ten minutes baby," she says with a gulp.

"Just pull over Chae," I lean over to her and kiss the side of her neck. "The back seats of a car exist for a reason."

"Lisa, sit in your seat properly and I will speed up," she tells me seriously. I do as I'm told and take her hand out of my shorts, settling back into my seat. "What has gotten into you, you're like a horny teenage boy," she mumbles, pressing down on the peddle to speed up.

"Says the one who's going to pass the speed limit to get home."

"Whatever, I'd just rather you didn't lose your virginity in the backseat of a car," she mumbles, whipping her hand back onto the driving wheel. "It's not that comfortable anyway."


But unfortunately when we arrive back at her house, it isn't empty like she said it would be - her parents decided to come home early. They catch us about half way up the stairs and tell us that they've got dinner ready and lucky for me, they cooked extra so I can have dinner. But I'm so turned on right now, I don't even know if I'm hungry.

"So, Lisa we haven't seen you around for dinner in a while, all you two do is sneak off to Roseanne's room. How have you been?" Chaeyoung's Mom asks me as I twirl the spaghetti around my fork.

"I've been good," I reply, ignoring the hand I feel on my thigh. "Y'know Chaeng, can't get her to stop talking to me," I playfully punch Chaeyoung on the shoulder, not really knowing how to reply because we definitely don't just talk when we go upstairs to her room. "But I couldn't go any longer without this pasta."

"See, somebody appreciates my pasta," Alice says, looking around at her parents and then Chae. "I think we should keep Lisa and rid off Chaeyoung."

"Hey," Chaeyoung kicks Alice under the table.

"Alice, stop being mean to your sister and eat your food," their Dad scolds. Both girls go back to eating, however I feel Chaeyoung's hand squeezing my thigh to which I have to hold in a squeak.

We carry out small talk throughout dinner - which is good because I can respond to small talk even through Chaeyoung's teasing. It's when I let out a choked moan that Alice snaps her head up and understands what's going on.

"So, who would like to see a movie?" She asks, standing up and putting our plates in the dishwasher. Both Chaeyoung's Mom and Dad nod and stand up to follow her.

"We've got quite a lot of homework, but enjoy," Chaeyoung replies. We both stand up in sync and I follow as Chaeyoung walks towards the stairs and to her room. When I hear that everyone in the house is gone, I take charge and pull Chaeyoung towards her room quite aggressively.

I slam her door shut. "Oh, my God. I am so sorry about that," my girlfriend apologises, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Don't worry," I take a few steps towards her until I'm standing in between her legs. I lean down and kiss her softly on the lips, before pulling away and just looking at her. She lifts her hands to rest on my hips, pulling me back to kiss her. I place my hands on her shoulders and slowly start to push her down. "I have a little surprise for you," I whisper, pushing the hair out of her face.

"Wait, Lisa are you sure you wanna do this?" She pulls me down by the waist as I try to stand up and get what I've been thinking about all day.

"I wanna do something for you," I quickly peck her lips before standing up to grab something from my bag. "Now, last week when I came to your house I had a hard time finding your laptop, and I came across something else. And I have been thinking all week about what I could do to you with it," I lay the things that I bought on her bed, choosing not to look at her face so I can see her full reaction in a minute. I kneel down to the drawer where I find the essential tool.

"Lisa," she sighs, standing up from the bed and crouching down behind me. I can feel her hands on my shoulders as she kisses the back of my neck. "You don't have to do this," she squeezes my shoulders to reassure me.

"I have been planning this all week, I even bought a harness and lube, do you understand that I had to run home from school everyday so my mother wouldn't accidentally open the package?" I swivel around so I'm facing her, still crouching. "Please, let me do this for you," I cup her face and pull her in for a short, but sweet kiss.

"I can't believe you found that of all things," she laughs out of embarrassment, ducking her head into her hands.

"I'm glad I did, it's really fucking hot," I lean closer to her ears and whisper. She doesn't take her head out of her hands, but instead shakes her head. "What? Do you really not want this?" I run my fingers through her hair.

"No, I just wanted this to be special and I don't think using a strap on for your first time is special, Lisa," she takes her head out of her hands, falling back onto her butt.

"But it won't be my first time, Chae. Take it as a 'thank you' for waiting for me," I explain, looking down at my hands to see that I still have the dildo in my hands - I drop it on the floor, a little sad that this didn't work.

"I don't want you to 'thank' me, Lisa. I am waiting for you because I love you and I want our first time to be special and beautiful, I don't want it to just be for pleasure, okay?" She takes my hands and laces our fingers.

"Yeah, sorry, I just hate that you have to wait and pleasure yourself because I won't put out," I chuckle, ducking my head.

"Lisa, I don't think you really get what I'm saying," she lifts my chin with her fingers. "I don't want you to put out, I want you to understand that I love you - that's all. I just love you so much, and I want you to be entirely comfortable and ready for this."

And when I look into her brown orbs, I get it. I get that she's not here because she wants to have sex with me but because she loves me - I mean, I knew that but she will wait until the end of the world for me.

"I want this to be the last time I have my first kiss with someone, and the last time I say 'I love you' for the first time, and the last time I have my first time with someone. This is it for me, Lisa. I love you and you're the only person I want to be with and if that means waiting, then fuck it I will wait until the day I die, baby."

I get it.

I so get it now.

So all my worries fade away.

And I lean forward and bring her closer to my lips. "I get it now," I smile before kissing her, moving my lips slowly against hers. I cup her cheeks and she brings her hands to cover mine. "I love you," I whisper against her pink, plump lips. "I wanna do this, Chae."

"Really?" She breathes against my lips. "Are you sure? I don't wanna pressure you."

"You're not, I promise, my love," I smile, kissing her again.


"Let's take it slowly," she pulls away and stands up. I watch as she crawls onto the bed. "C'mere, baby," she reaches her hand out as I'm still sitting at the side of her bed. I feel my heart pounding as I take her soft hand and kneel in front of her. "Just lay back and relax," and so I do.

I lie back, my head landing on the pillow. I watch Chaeyoung as she starts to hover over me. Her lips find mine again and I let her slip her tongue into my mouth, my hands reaching up to hold her waist. She moves from my lips to my neck, pecking and nibbling at my sweet spot.

After a few minutes I feel her hands move from the sides of my head to the bottom of my t-shirt. "Can I take it off?" She asks softly and I nod back, not being able to talk over the beating of my heart. I lift my arms as she slowly slides of my t-shirt, licking her lips as she stares at my body. "You're so beautiful baby," she says as I bury my head in the crook of my elbow, embarrassed that's she's staring at me. "Don't do that, let me see your face," she pulls my arms away from my face.

Reassuring me, the older girl leans down and kisses me on the lips softly, securely keeping my hips in between her knees to keep me from squirming about. I sit up on my elbows, wanting to get as close to her as possible. "I'm going to take off your bra, is that okay?" She caresses my face, brushing her thumb on my cheek. Her other hand reaches for my bra strap as I nod. I sit up, allowing her to undo my bra and pull it off my body slowly.

Almost immediately after tossing my bra to the floor I feel Chae leaning down and kissing my chest, just above my exposed boobs. I rest my hands on her shoulders as she starts to move lower. She teases me, kissing around my erect nipple, and I can't help but let out a groan. "Jesus, Chaeng."

"What baby?" She lifts her head off my body and looks at me anxiously.

"Stop teasing me," I tell her, lust in my eyes. She winks and dips her head back to my chest finally taking my nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. "Fuck," I curse as she kneads my other breast with her hand. I hiss as she begins to twirl my nipple in between her fingers, still leaving sloppy, wet kisses on the other one. "Chaeng."

She removes her mouth, but leaves her hand still playing my other breast, and starts to kiss down the valley between my boobs and to my stomach. I let out an unintentional whine when she removes her hand from my breast and moves her hands down my body to the button of my jeans.

"Take them off," I say in a deep, husky voice filled with lust and want. She looks up at me, licking her lips and smirks at me, unbuttoning my jeans and slowly removing them.

My hips buck up the moment I feel her lips on the inside of my thigh. She leaves wet kisses all the way up until she reaches my core. I know she can see the pool of wetness in my panties. "God, baby, you're already so wet."

I can't help but look down at her and let out a deep breath. She climbs up my body and kisses my lips, her subtle way of making sure I'm definitely ready for this. She holds my flushed face and smiles. On her way back down she leaves kisses on my body - my stomach can't help but tense at her warm touch - and takes one of my hands, lacing our fingers.

Looking up at me one last time, her fingers curl round my underwear and she pulls them down, my hips lifting to help her. "Lisa," she whispers lowly. My head falls back onto the pillow as she teasingly places kisses inside my thighs again. "I'll go slow baby," she squeezes my hand.

As she comes back up to kiss me again, I feel her fingers stroking my folds, teasingly circling my entrance. She keeps kissing me, going from my lips to my neck, continuing to tease. "Chaeng," I moan, trying to hint at her to hurry up.

"I love you, Lali," she kisses my neck one more time before slowly slipping a finger into my entrance. When she hears me whimper in pain she says. "Breathe baby," squeezing my hand again. "Tell me when to move."

It takes me a little while to get used to the feeling but after a few more kisses to the neck I nod, giving her the go ahead. And she does. She starts slowly, easing me from the pain to the pleasure.

But soon enough the pleasure kicks in as her finger curls inside of me, I can't help but want more. "Chae, more," I moan. She understands exactly what I mean and slips in another finger, curling them and hitting my g-spot - I find my free hand slipping under her t-shirt and I start to claw down her back in response. "Ah- fuck Chaeng."

"I love you so much," she tells me, her head still buried in my neck, kissing it up and down. "I love you, my Lalisa," she starts to thrust her fingers harder, pleasure completely taking over my body. I can't help but squeeze her hand as she curls her fingers harder. "Does that feel good, baby?" She asks in a dominant tone.

"So good, Chae, so good," I pant and moan, my chest rising up and down quickly.

Embarrassingly enough I feel my stomach coil and I can feel myself reaching my climax quickly. "Chaeng, I'm gon-"

"Cum for me baby," she lifts her head out of my neck and kisses my forehead, my neck and my lips. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

And with one last thrust I feel myself come undone. She kisses me hard, so I moan and scream into her mouth.

She keeps her fingers inside me and lets go of my hand to hold my hip, helping me ride out my orgasm. She slowly takes them out when I lower my hips down onto the bed. "Oh, my God, Chaeng," I say shakily, her lips leaving mine.

"We're not done yet baby."

I watch her as she lowers her head in between my legs again. Suddenly I feel her tongue licking my core, making me buck my hips again. She places her hands on my hips and lowers them down.

"Chaeng-ah, shit," I can't help but curse when I feel her lips wrap around my clit, which has yet to be touched. And if I thought I felt pleasure before, well this is a whole new and better experience.

Her tongue swirls around my throbbing clit, sucking on the sensitive mound. My legs can't help but wrap around her head and my toes can't help but curl.

"Fuck, baby," I moan as I feel her fingers slip inside me again, curling to hit my sensitive g-spot.

Again, I feel my stomach coiling and I feel my body start to shake as she sucks and flicks her tongue harder on my clit. Also, I can't help but bite my lip when I hear her moan sexily into my centre.

"Chae- shit- I'm cumming," I let out a high pitch moan as I feel my body curl up and let go completely. I've never felt something so amazing throughout my body. I grind my core against her mouth a few times until I feel too sensitive and lower my hips back down onto the bed, panting quickly.

I feel Chaeyoung flop onto the bed next to me and cup my face. I can't help but smile, brushing my nose against hers. "I love you too," I say through my quick breathing.

"Was that okay?" She asks nervously and I nod slowly.

"That was... Perfect, baby," I capture her lips and kiss her softly. "I'm so glad I waited for you," I tell her honestly, moving a piece of her hair behind her ear. "You're so amazing."

"And you're so beautiful," she says, keeping eye contact with me. Until I feel eyes drooping. I feel Chaeyoung getting out of the bed and snap open my eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"Relax, baby I'm getting changed," she chuckles and takes off her t-shirt and bra, tossing them to the side with my clothes.

Looking at her bare back, a thought crosses my mind. "Chae, do you want me to - you know - give?" I ask, a clear embarrassment in my voice. She doesn't answer, but takes off her jeans and tosses a long t-shirt onto her body.

"We can worry about that another day," she sits on the bed again, looking down at me and running her fingers through my hair. "Sleep, baby," she leans down and kisses me on the side of the head.

"Chaeyoung-ah," I say sleepily, my eyes drooping again.

"Yeah, my love."

"I love you so much, thank you."

"Don't thank me - I love you too."

And with that I feel her cover me with the duvet and I fall into the most beautiful sleep ever.


a/n: well.

i hope you enjoyed that short piece of sexy times ;)

i haven't written gxg in a while so i'm sorry if it was bad - i'm a little rusty.

and i don't know when to end this, but yeah we might be coming to a conclusion soon, but i have more ideas for more stories so don't worry.

i hope you enjoyed and 'til next time ;))

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