Cursed with Wings (Thranduil...

By spypuppy

514K 18.1K 2.8K

[Book 1] Belle is a cursed She Elf. Betrayed by her own family, Belle runs for the hills, forced to accep... More

Chapter One: The Curse.
Chapter Two: The Fear Of Losing A Mother.
Chapter Three: The Change.
Chapter Four: Meeting An Elf.
Chapter Five: Blue Eyes.
Chapter Six: The Prince.
Chapter Seven: The Disappointed King.
Chapter Eight: The Arrow Of Hunger.
Chapter Nine Part 1: An Unsuspected Guest.
Chapter Nine Part 2: Meet The Healer.
Chapter Ten: Raina Meets Belle.
Chapter Eleven: The Queen.
Chapter Twelve: The Lullaby.
Chapter Thirteen: Grandma
Chapter Fourteen: Ollie.
Chapter Fifteen: The Royal Pain In The Arse.
Chapter Sixteen: The Dying Queen.
Chapter Seventeen: The Tortured Seamstress.
Chapter Eighteen: The Ball.
Chapter Nineteen: The Willow.
Chapter Twenty: Questions.
Chapter Twenty One: The Moonlight Dance.
Chapter Twenty Two: The Unconscious Angel.
Chapter Twenty Three: Mother In The In-between.
Chapter Twenty Four: The Damsel In The Queen's Garden.
Chapter Twenty Five: The Dream.
Chapter Twenty Six: The Loss Of A Great.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Saving An Innocent.
Chapter Twenty Eight: A New Hope.
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Newcomers.
Chapter Thirty One: The Battle & The Cure.
Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 1: The Announcement.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 2: Miserably In Love.
Chapter Thirty Four: A Possible Future.
Chapter Thirty Five: Be Still...
Chapter Thirty Six: The Death Bed.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 1: The Betrayal.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 2: The Demon.
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Aftermath.
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Truth.
Chapter Forty: The Poor Criminal.
Chapter Forty One: Memories.
Chapter Forty Two: The Battle.

Chapter Thirty: The Elixir.

7.4K 261 18
By spypuppy

Third Person's P.O.V

Neawilth was pacing up and down her temporary bedroom, her head clouded with thoughts about the upcoming plan. When a knock came from the door, "Come in," she said in her naturally high voice. A hooded figure slipped through the door. Neawilth turned to face it and asked, "Is it ready?" the creature nodded it big head towards her. "What about that girl, Belle? Will she suspect anything?" She questioned, turning around and looked at the lit fire.

"No, milady." Its deep voice boomed around her bedroom. "The girl is so blind, the only thing she'll think about was his rejection," it said, stepping towards the princess. "Good," Neawillth mumbled to herself. "Good," a smirk grew on her powdered face and she swiftly turned the creature and asked "Will Thranduil be under my control?" she asked, hoping what she thoughts would be correct.

"Indeed milady, but you know magic has its limits," The beast warned, putting a reddish potion on the dressing table, "Remember," the beast said, "only 3 drops, no more, no less," he warned her. Neawilth gulped, but kept her face emotionless.

Neawilth reached in her pocket and pulled out a small pouch and chucked it. The creature caught it with ease, hearing the familiar chime of gold in his hand. "Thank you, milady," he said, a smile appeared under his hood.

Neawith pulled a finger at him and warned, "Don't get used to it Magnus, you still have to hold up your side of the bargain," she warned, narrowing her eyes a little bit at him. Magnus turned around and headed to the door, mumbling under his breath, "With pleasure, Milady," a smirk seem to take over his mouth as he shut the door and within seconds he vanished into thin air.


Dawn's P.O.V

Oliver just jumped up and down, stamping on the cookies that he dropped. I was so confused by this sudden outburst. Belle is an owl for heaven shakes! My little boy that barley knows anything of the world was just bursting with laughter while I'll was having this panic attack. I couldn't take it anymore! I ran from the room leaving my position as head of the house. As I pushed my way outside, gulping the fresh air into my lungs. I replayed the moments that just took place in my mind. Surely there is some explanation for this.

I decided to go for a stroll to clear my head. The maidens began to close their window shutters as twilight was coming to an end. I felt sorry for all of them. The way their husbands and loved ones left in order to protect their families, that dept could never be paid off. What if they lose their lives? And then find out that they'll never return to another day back in Mirkwood to rejoice with their wife and kids. It would be too much to handle knowing that Oscar is risking his life for the children, for me.

As I come to the fountain in the town's village, that's when I heard the commotion. I looked across the water to see everyone crowding around a girl in a healer's outfit. I stood up and went to investigate, as I came closer I heard what the girl was shouting out to the crowd.

"Come and get the griefless elixir, created so powerful that you will feel no sense of sadness for three days. Take this just before you go to bed and I assure you, that when you wake up you will feel as happy as possible," The lady shouted, collecting the money at the ready as women ambushed her with gold. In turns she gave them a small bottle of blue liquid.

Once nearly all the women were gone, the strange healer seemed to eye me. She gave me a fake smile as she walked over to me and said, "Here," she said, forcefully grabbing my right hand out and dropping a bottle in my hand, saying, "free of charge," she seemed to sneer at me, then walked off.

I stood there frozen, where have I seen that girl before. My gaze then dropped to the elixir in my hand. Should I? Do I really need it? Thoughts came through my head like a stampede of bulls. What should I do?


"So you are cursed?" I stated, looking at the tired looking girl cupping a cup of hot chocolate in her fingers, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Belle nodded her head, but didn't say anything. For if she did, she would feel an immense amount of pain, she said to me earlier after I calmed down from my small panic attack.

"Does Thranduil know?" I mumbled, looking straight at her, she snapped her gaze up at me, her eyes wide at what I said. I chuckled, and leaned over and grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"Oh come on Belle, I know the way he looks at you, and you to him," I said with a small smile. She stared at me for a while before slowly ripping her hand from mine. Looking at the ground I heard her mumble "I'm going to bed" her voice was filled with pain as I watched her wrap the blanket tighter around her thin body as she stumbled up the stairs.

I groaned, leaning back in my chair. My damn mouth! Getting up I wandered off upstairs to check on the young ones before I heading off to bed myself. I sighed as I peeked into Ollie's room. He left those red socks of his, lying on the floor! What have I told him about cleanliness? I bent down and snatch the pair off the floor after I gave him a peck on the forehead and wished him sweet dreams. The twins were next. As I came in they were each in their individual bed, snoozing away. I chuckled and kissed them goodnight, remembering that I'd promise them to take them on a picnic tomorrow.

Yawning, I made my way to my bedroom. I can't possibly see Belle now since she stormed off. She needs sometime to herself to recover from today's events, but I'll make sure that I will apologize. I always feel bad if I don't.

Slipping into my night gown I get under covers, missing the familiar warmth of Oscar beside me. But at a moment's thought I remembered something I almost forgot. I put my hand into the pocket off my cloak which was laying on the chair next to the bed. I pulled out the blue bottle and removed the cork. "Well here goes nothing," I mumbled to myself, quickly lifting it to my lips, as I felt the liquid go down my throat. All of a sudden, my head starts to ache. I felt as if my head was on fire! I groaned, leaning myself until my head touch the pillows and I was out.


Belle's P.O.V


A giggle left my mouth, as I ran after it. A small bunch of white daises in my hand. Long tall grass that came up to my hips, constantly tickling at my legs. The view in front of me was breath taking. Wildflowers were everywhere, lighting the field with colours and fills the air with sweet nectar. She watched as the butterfly danced with the old oak tree, how its sapphire wings gently brushed along the shiny green leaves.

I felt a small lips turned upwards into a toothy grin as I twirled around, my white dress flying up to my knees, forming a shape of a wildflower, which covered the fields. Humming a tune I have heard before, but where?

My vision suddenly become a blur of patterned colour as her adorable giggles filled the air. After a while I became dizzy and seemed to lose my balance. I tumbled to the ground, dirtying my white dress. I sighed, watching the clouds above her and what form they took. That's when I gasped in surprised as I heard faint sound hit my ears. Turning around I saw grasshoppers, jumping from one place to place. As any little girl would do, my hands instantly came out, trying to trap one.

The grasshoppers jumped faster, trying to get away from its predator when a shout came from the distance.

"ANALEE?! ANALEE WHERE ARE YOU SWEET HEART?" The voice filled with worry, my small head shot up from the tall grass to see a figure in the distance. She wore a worn blue dress, her hands carrying a basket full of flowers and different types of herbs. Her hair was loose and fell down past her shoulder. Her red hair glinting in the sunlight, as her concerned dark blues eyes changed to relief as her gaze landed on me.

"Analee, come here child, we need to head home before dusk," she ordered, her left hand reaching out for mine. I jumped up, brushing the dirt off my dress as I raced over to her. My smiled widen as I saw the love in her eyes as she grabbed my hand.

"Mama, can we come here again, please?" I pleaded, giving her the puppy dog look. She chuckled, gently tapping my head as we walked down the hill, seeing the entrance of the Mirkwood forest, just a few miles from here. "Yes sweetheart, we will come back soon, probably when we are running out of healing herbs" she said smiling at me, but as her gaze travelled down her expression changed to a disapproval look.

"Analee, what have I told you about getting your dress dirty?" Raina said, raising an eyebrow at me. I looked down at my muddy bare feet and mumbled "Don't get your dress dirty and torn or we will have to get another. That I need to be careful with dress because mama has not got allot of money to pay for a new one." Silence filled the air until I looked back up at Raina. "But Mama, I don't even like dresses. Why can't I wear pants and shirt like the other children?" I whined, trying to pull the dress further down my legs.

"Because that's what men wear. It is inappropriate for ladies to wear such attire," she said, cupping half of my face with her hand. "It is stupid," I said, and stamped my foot in frustration. She sighed, and said "I know sweetie but th-" She was cut off by a loud screech.

Raina dropped her basket and grabbed my wrist and started to hurry. I looked behind me and screamed. Around about 10 orcs were chasing us, swords at the ready. "Hurry Analee! Hurry!" Raina ordered, dragging me by the arm as I moved my small legs as fast as possible.

I heard the sounds of commands in a different language, twigs snapping everywhere. We didn't stop, even though my bare feet were getting small cuts from the sharp rocks embedded in the earth. We came to a halt as we saw the stream.

I felt Raina wrap her hands around my waist as she lifted me onto her hip and ran into the freezing water. The water was coming up to my waist and Raina's chest as she forcefully pushed through the water. I looked behind Raina shoulder to see the orcs no more than 5 meters behind us. "Mama, there right behind us!" I squealed in panic.

My heart was thumping against my chest as we finally made it to the other side, the orcs straight on our tail. I kept hearing Raina pray under her breath as we were nearly at the entrance of the forest, socked to the bone. When Raina's foot got caught by a tree root, sending us to the ground. I landed on my arm, hearing a loud crack. Raina didn't seem to notice as her head looked in the other direction. I let out a small cry as I cradle my sore arm.

Raina looked back at me, her eyes wide and her mouth a little open as she grabbed both of my wrist. She looked at me as tears fell from her eyes as she rushed the words "Analee, I need you to run, and don't look back whatever you do." My heart seemed to break into a million pieces as I realized what she was about to do.

Sacrifice her life to save mine.

As me being a stubborn child, I shook my head, shouting, "No, no Mama! I won't let you die!" she looked at me with a said smile as she watched my sob my heart out. In a swift motion she pulled me into a tight hug, as she kissed my head softly and pulled away. Removing the necklace around her neck, she looked at me. "I want you to know that I will always love you, my angel. You were the best I have ever had," she said, putting her necklace around my neck as she kissed my cheek before pushing me to my feet, ordering me to run.

I did what I was told and ran, my sobs echoed in my ears as I came nearer and nearer to the entrance of the forest when I heard I cry. Snapping my head back I saw Raina with a log in her hand as she pierced one end into an orcs heart, black blood splattering everywhere.

"MAMA!" I screamed out in despair, watching in horror as the orcs surrounded her. Her head turned in my direction, her eyes filled with worry and soon turned to horror, running in my direction, screaming out, "ANALEE! BEHIND YOU!" Before I could turn around, tremendous pain entered my side as I looked to see a sliver blade pierced in my stomach. "NOOOO!" I heard Raina scream in terror as my eyes went huge in shock, a muffled cry escaped my lips.

I felt the blade be violently ripped out, sending me to my knees, hearing Raina's desperate cries. I felt a boot made contact, pushing me to the ground as I watched the scene take place in front of me. Raina face looking at me as she dodged the fired arrows, her eyes filled with agony as she recently watched her daughter being stabbed.

I watched from the ground as she kept missing the arrows, running into the woods and out of my sight. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I felt my crimson blood soak the dress. One hand quickly grabbed my mother's necklace as I heard the sudden approach of galloping horses, men shouting in elvish as fired arrows shot passed me, as I laid on my back and watched arrow after arrow being fired like shooting stars, until the last cry filled the atmosphere.

I heard a deep voice order to make camp, followed by the sound of men mounting off their horses. "Help!..." I choked out, " me," my voice was barely a whisper as I heard one pair of footsteps curiously come my way.

"Hello?" a young child's voice appeared. "He-e-lp," I rasped out as loud as I could, which wasn't really loud at all. The footsteps quickened, before I gasped out as I saw a boy few years older than me quickly come to my side, his hands instantly put on my deep wounded, causing me to hiss out in pain. "Sorry," he said before shouting out "Get me the healer and fast!" his voice was strong and urgent as I heard more footsteps come towards me. The boy looked back down at me, he had red wavy hair that came just past his chin, but what shocked me was his eyes.

Green like emeralds.

My vision suddenly become clouded by black dots, worsening by the second. But what really caught my attention was his voice as he pleaded, "Please don't die. I won't let you die," his voice becoming sharp with anger at the end as I was thrown into darkness.

*End of Dream*

My eyes opened with a start, as I shot up in bed. My breathing came out in fast pants, as I put my hands on my stomach. I sighed in relief to see no blood or wound. I was covered head to toe in sweet as my fingers clung to the loose sheets. I looked out the window to see pitch black night sky, sighing I slipped the covers of and wrapped a robe around my small figure.

I quickly went out to the hallway, walking quietly past the children rooms, making sure not to wake them. Once I came to Dawn's door, I quietly twisted the doorknob and poke my head to the side of the door to see Dawn sleeping with her back facing me. "Dawn?" I whisper, closing the door behind me. I hear a small moan come from her and I sighed in relief.

"Um..I-I," my voice came out as a nervous stutter as I looked up at her. "I have been having these dreams. No. Visions! I fear that they were about my mother. I fear I may be imaging things or I am just losing my mind!" I declared, sitting on the other side of her bed. "What should I do Dawn?" I waited for her reply but was hit with silence.

Concern hits me as I said, "Dawn? Dawn!?" I say, playing my hand on her shoulder, shaking it a little bit. No answer or movement. "Dawn?!" I said, pulling her shoulder down so I could see her face to face.

I gasped, my hand came to my mouth as my eyes went huge. Her skin was ice cold from when I briefly turned her over, but it didn't stop there. Dawn look like she zoned out of reality, of life. Her eyes where a misty blue, clouding her sight. I instantly put my hand on her wrist, I breathed out in relief as I felt her slow but steady pulse. I felt her forehead to see if she had a fever or any kind of the sicknesses, but it was uncertain. Her mouth was open slightly as a string of saliva dripped onto her pillowcase.


What do ya think?

Do you like the dream?

What about Neawilth and Magnus?

 I am sorry if some of it was confusing, bear with me, I am half asleep because I stayed up all night writing this!

If you have any questions please ask, Ill try to respond without giving away.

I thank you for reading this book which has horrible editing!

Thank you again, you guys are the pepperion on my pizza!

Until next time.

Spypuppy :)>

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