Dragons' Child

By JeffCallOne23

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Great Red and Ophis where having a chat In The Dimensional Gap when suddenly there was a hole leading to Eart... More

Info And Stuff
Chapter 1: Outcasted Child
Chapter 2: Friend?
Chapter 3: Complicated Meeting
Chapter 4: The Talk.....
Chapter 5: Flaming Bird
Chapter 6: Familiar and Friends
Chapter 7: Father and Friends
Chapter 8: Training
Chapter 9: Party Crasher
Chapter 10: Phoenix Vs Dragon
Chapter 11: What is Love?
New Book Out

Chapter 12: Concussion?

5.5K 54 10
By JeffCallOne23

X Pov

(X): "Family Meeting?"

(Rias): "X?"

(X): "Yea I'm back. Some hit me in the head in an alleyway. But why you guys blurry?"

(Ddraig): "Are you done?"

(X): "Done with want?"

(Akeno): "Hunny your not speaking right. Your slurring your words. We can barely tell what you are saying."

(X): "I'm not slurring my words."

(Ddraig): "You've overdosed. On many things. Well, night night."

Ddraig moved wildly and hit me. Then I went back to darkness.


Kiba Pov

Ddraig just knocked out X which angered the girls but he explained very quickly why he did it.

(Ddraig): "Ok first Asia overdosed him on love drug. And Great Red brought him to Europe. And gave him alcohol. It made him act love people like but then he had to go to school. He has been trained to know where alcohol and drugs are and which types. But that was a hangover. So he right now just got a concussion. Now, Asia, can you fix him right this time. No love drug. Just think about healing. Actually."

Suddenly Ddraig stabbed himself in the hand. Blood was oozing out.

(Ddraig): "Heal me and him at the same time."

Asia started to heal but as soon as she finished Ddraig some of the pinks came back. So Ddraig stabbed himself again. And again. And again. Until X was fully healed. But continued for 5 more stabbing. Then when he stopped he was the only one getting healed.

(Ddraig): "Thanks, Asia. You healed his concussion, overdosed, and drunkenness. That why I kept stabbing myself after he was physically healed."

(Asia): "Oh ok... You could have warned me."

(Ddraig): "I don't think it would have worked if it did. Now with that nock out hit I took all the love drug out of his system. Now we've fixed that problem we should let him rest. He woke up because of the overdosed on the love drug. His brain needs to heal mental from a lot of things right now. Akeno can you watch over him. And when he does wake up well call me."

(Akeno): "Ok but I want to talk to him for a bit."

(Ddraig): "Ok fine you can. Make it from the heart as your the first one up."

(Akeno): "Thank you."

The rest of the girls looked upset but they understand that Akeno was the girl picked. Though I think X is going to not have a good time after the 'Family Meeting'. I think it him wanting a power boost. Truly I just want him to teach me how to get better with the sword.




I just got smacked by my uncle and am back in the dark space. Then I started feeling better. I did not have so much of a headache. Then a flame appeared in front of me.

(Phoenix): "Hello X."

(X): "Phoenix?"

(Phoenix): "Yes it's me. I'm in your mind. Remember you took me in after the fight."

(X): "Yea but where am I?"

(Phoenix): "Your Mind. It is blank right now but in a few days, you will have some stuff in here. Think of it as your world. You have broken many limits but you're not on top. Well, your on top of everything that is not your Dad or Ophis. But as I found out from your dad you will be soon. But because of where you are at the moment you have gained mind space. It makes you... more powerful. Mentally. Right now it empty because you just gained it. This place is more like a... Fun zone. You can in the future come here on command but right now you can't. You weren't meant to find it yet and because I'm here I have been making it better for you to start in. I'...

(X): 'How mu..'

(Phoenix): "Don't think. This is your mind so you thinking cause echo when your here. And you have not learned to think inside your mind. Just listen and I will tell you how to start. Don't speak as well because that will cause the same thing. Ok first think of a creating your body here. Then you will move into that body when you come here. Think of this as a second world. You will have to do the same for everyone who comes here. But people you make here you only have to think of them and everything against them. Ok, start."

(Mind): "I was thinking really hard of making my body here. It suddenly appeared. Ow, that echo hurts ooowww..."

(Phoenix): "Think of moving to your new body! And stop narrating it."

(Mind): "Uh fin Phoenix I will be quiet. I tough of transferring and I..."

Suddenly what looking from a slightly new perspective. I saw where I became a slight pile of dust.

(X): "Did I just die?"

(Phoenix): "No you survived but I bet you're always narrating."

(X): "Yea but I got to keep the people informed."

(Phoenix): "What People?"

(X): "The Peoples whose head I am in. What next?"

(Phoenix): "Whatever. We are going to make a... Building."

(X): "Uh ok... How am I going to build this.... building?"

(Phoenix): "Think of a building that you have seen every part of it."

(X): "I can't think of any."

(Phoenix): "Uh your house?"

(X): "I have not seen every part if that house."

(Phoenix): "Uhhhh. Then I guess you have to build a building by scratch."

(X): "What does that mean?"

(Phoenix): "Well first you're going to make a..... Ladder. That will give you an above view of your building you will be making."

(X): "Why?"

(Phoenix): "So you can just draw the building out instead of putting each brick down one by one."

(X): "Oh... Ok, how do I make a ladder."

(Pheonix): "Think of a ladder to appear in front of you."

So I did. And a ladder appeared. Well, that was easy.

(Phoenix): "Now climb it ."

So I did. It was a basic ladder so there were no tricks to climbing it. When I reached the top she was already there.

(Phoenix): "Once your back to the real world you need to play some video games or something. I just looked around and your head is just dead. Your not getting entertainment enough. If you played a game I could just ask you to make one of those in here but no your completely blank. I can't even use game references to help you build. So now you have to go down and build it by hand. I was hoping for you to have played a game so we could use one of those game functions but you're empty. I will show myself once you actually get somewhere but for now, you just got you to use those arms that you showed off and build a small house."

Well, I guess I'm in here for a while. I jumped down and landed on my feet. Well, that what I tried but It more came out as free falling. When I looked down I saw I was actually pretty high up.

(Phoenix): "What did you think? That you were near the ground? Nope, you were just very zoomed in. So now you are falling. You know if you just climbed down it would have been quicker."

(X): "How?"

(Pheonix): "It would have skipped most of the ladder and just got you back to the ground. If you grabbed the ladder you could still get to it."

I looked around and saw the ladder. It was to the left of me. I positioned my body so I started moving towards it. It came closer and closer. When I finally got to it I reached my hand out and grabbed it. Well Tried. I was going fast enough that it burnet my hand.

(Pheonix): "Oh yea you still feel pain. Think of turning off all pain. Later once you played some games I will have you go into god mode."

I turned off all pain. I reached out again and I grabbed on. The problem is that I was going really fast and then to stop quickly. That caused a lot of strain on my arm. Mainly my wrist. Which made my wrist give up. So as soon as I grabbed it strongly I ended up positioned over the ladder but my hand well.... ripped its self off of my arm. It was gone. The weak point at my wrist. So my left hand is gone but I made it to the ladder which means I would be near the ground soon. Yea unexpectedly soon.


(Phoenix): "That was a rough landing. Maybe try and slow down next time."

I was about to get mad but then I suddenly felt a lot of pain. Screaming in pain.

(Phoenix): "Shut Up! Uh, fine I will try and fix it but you have not given me admin rights yet so I can do much."

The dot she was came over and a little bit of water landed on me.

(Phoenix): "You're lucky I'm a Phoenix because if I was something else you would still be in pain. Once you get to the real world you need to play a bunch of games, look at some stuff I tell you to and some other stuff. Ok. Now you will start building. Think of a brick."

I was about to but suddenly another dot appeared.

(Phoenix): "Oh hay Motley."

(Motley): "Hello Phoenix can you try and not have X feel to much pain. He started screaming in the real world. Not loud but loud enough that Akeno got Rias and Rias got Ddraig and Ddraig got me and told me to keep you all quiet. You had X crying on pain, moaning for help and screaming in pain. Akeno going to be waiting for you when you get back."

(Phoenix): "Yea sorry he chooses to jump off the ladder. You know jumping off the ladder is bad right. You fall for a long time. Well X decided to not use his wings to slow him down but grab the ladder. Then he burned his hand on the rail. So I told him to make it so he did not feel pain. So he grabbed it again and we'll the ladder tore off his wrist. He fell down the ladder wrist less and broke his back, mainly the spine when he hit the ground. His neck was completely dead. So then he unconsciously turned back on his pain and well he was then screaming in pain. Luckily I'm a Phoenix so I healed him. It was actually fun using that power again. But now your here you can help me teach him."

(Motley): "Sure. It's not like I got anything else to do. I also think that X would enjoy me being here. Wouldn't you?"

Yea I would but why did you have to say it like that? I just wish dad taught me love sooner because now I confused about everything.

(Phoenix): "He not been talking much since I got mad at him for thinking before he recreated his body. He got a massive headache from it. There was a loud echo from it. Did you know he narrates himself?"

(Motley): "I've been in his mind a few times so yea I have seen him narrate. It was interesting when he first came because that when he mainly started it. He also has to know knowledge of the real world even though he knows so much. I would suggest him to walk about but I never seem to get him before he goes to bed. Or more I haven't been able to because we haven't had the easiest talking abilities. Unlike your dad, you aren't that fluent in your Dragonish or however we're going to call it. It was interesting because you were getting somewhere but then you hurt yourself that one day and got worse at it. We can understand each other it just more a one-way conversation. But I think I might Force you back to learning it as the majority of your vocal cords will be set up to speak it in a few days. But right now we can't have you leave here without having you learned some basics. Uh, where have we gotten to Phoenix?"

(Phoenix): "Uh he has not gotten to the building."

(Motley): "What? Ok, X get to building a wall, Floors, and a Roof. Nothing special just so you can get through the basic building."

(Phoenix): "You're missing something."

(Motley): "What? He knows how to make a wall right?"

(Phoenix): "You need is bricks. He not seen a wall yet. Well, he not got the dimensions in his head. So he needs to build it from scratch. So he is going to build it from bricks."

(Motley): "Oh yea. Ok, you're going to make a hundred bricks. We can make some later but until then just make some bricks and start putting them down. I can't wait till you go back to the real world. Also, remember to get me a gift it is my birthday soon. Maybe a gold ring or a gold necklace."

(Phoenix): "Thanks for the reminder. I was thinking of getting you something but I did not know what you would want. X, you got that in your head? Your girl... Your dragon birthday soon. Hopefully, after we get this mess sorted out."

(Motley): "Yea I can't wait till he can bring stuff from this world to the real world. And back the other way. I think here would be crowded soon so I need to get your understanding of your new mind space before you bring anyone else here."

(Phoenix): "I think he is getting tired. Aren't you hunie. Ok, I think we might want to get him back to the real world soon."

(Motley): "Spawn 3 bricks in and stack them. We will help you do it right. But then we can go back."

I felt extremely tired. I spawned in the three bricks and well I stacked them with two on the bottom and one on top. It was exhausting for me to do. And that did not feel right. I had pulled land out of the ground so this should be easy. But it wasn't. When I finished the stack I heard someone say save it. I just touched it there was a spark. Black was intruding into the side of me and I felt my consciousness slip. I felt something myself being moved and energy came back but I think I'm fast asleep now.


Kiba Pov

I heard X had a screaming fit. He was taken care of by Motley. He ended up falling asleep. The Motley came out and told them to let him rest. Well more told Akeno, Rias, and Ddraig. Ddraig left saying:

(Ddraig): "Motley I would like to know what happened. But later. I think Great Red would like to know his son is becoming even more powerful but in a different way."

Akeno asked Rias to leave so that when he wakes up he might not be so scared. Rias was going to complain but Motley stopped. Then she drew on a piece of paper a picture of X and Akeno. Then wrote: X is expecting to see Akeno when he wakes up. He might get spooked if he sees both of you. That stopped the argument in the spot. The thing is that now we are all waiting for him to wake up. He is one of the extra rooms. Koneko keeping watch and will tell us when he wakes up. So when she came in we all got excited. She just looked at us and smiled.

(Koneko): "He has stirred."

That caused a sort of run down the hallway very quietly. All we saw was Akeno rubbing X head. X hand started moving. I think he is about to wake up.


X Pov

I felt someone rubbing my head. Did I feel refreshed? I guess. I was very exhausting. But now I felt light. It was odd. But then the rubbing went to my cheek. It was relaxing. I wanted to go back to sleep but a voice started talking to me. I recognized that voice. And it was not a voice that could be in my head right now.

(Akeno): "Your skin... It's so soft. How have I fallen in love? I've never been in love before. I thought I could never fall in love. I wonder do you love me? If you do can you kiss me when you wake up? Actually wake up now and kiss me."

My body suddenly felt very weird. I felt like jumping up and kiss her. What going on in my mind. But before I stopped it from that controlling me, my eyes flew open. So now I'm awake and staring straight at Akeno.

(Akeno): "Oh uh... Did I wake you?"

(X): "Uh um no. Well yes but I think I needed to wake up."

(Akeno): "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

I've never seen her this nervous. But she loves me? Wait do people get nervous when they are around people they love? I will need to ask her later if it is true.

(X): "It's ok. Akeno I think I have a question?"

(Akeno): "What is it?"

(X): "Well I don't know how to ask you. You said something before I woke up. What was it?"

(Akeno): "I guess I'll just show you. Hunie"

She winked and started moving over to me. She moved very very close to my face. She was going for my cheek I think but my body unconsciously moved towards her lips. And we kissed. About 5 seconds. We were both in shock. We both moved back but before I could understand what just happened she jumped on me.

(Akeno): "So I guess you learned what you want."

She was about to kiss me again when we heard some giggling from the door. We both looked in that direction and saw everyone else there. Before I could hide Akeno made some lightning and shot at them. They ran away after that while closing the door.

(Akeno): "Now we're alone I'm yours."

At that, she grabbed my arms and forced them down.

(Akeno): "But first I will be in control. Now you calm down Hunie. I promise not to hurt you... To badly.

She winked and then started kissing me. Forcefully. I could do nothing about it. So I guess this is how I am going to spend my evening tonight. Hopefully, I get to see tomorrow.


3000 words for 3000 views. This was an interesting chapter to finish on. I was aiming at a similar ending as AnimeLoverDxD19 had but I ended with something different. Not too different but Different enough. I think I pushed my self too far for this one. Doing 3000 words made me work at an odd pace. But the next books' first chapter should be becoming a week from now. People to thank are AnimeLoverDxD19, For the Book, drandit1212, For the Art for Phoenix and Motley(Coming Soon), and SegmentalDragon, For the Drunk Idea. I might make the Review of the character and the Harem chapter to come out in the next few days but the First pain chapter should be Friday next week. Might be earlier but Wattpad did not like it when I did it every day a new chapter. I've been thinking of how I am going to make the character more.... interesting. Also Harem and MAIDS! I need people to pick the MAIDS! Yea because they will be coming very soon. Maids and Harem. Maids in Harem? I don't know. Yea that it.


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