Little Mix One-Shots

Galing kay Jerriespetals

56.5K 1.5K 985

Just a bunch of one-shots, if you have any requests feel free to leave a comment! Higit pa

Why? (Jerrie)
See You Soon (Jerrie)
Good Enough
Good Enough 2.0
Sickly (Jerrie)
By the Cedar Tree - Project 17 (Jerrie)
It Should Be Me (Jerrie)
Day By Day (Lesy)
Out to Sea (Jerrie)
Pranked (Jerrie)
Weeping Willows (Jerrie)
Notice (Jerrie)
Lonesome (Jerrie)
Hero (Jade + Lauren)
Last Christmas (Jerrie)
Soft (Jerrie)
Ideas? Requests?
Exposed (Leighade)
Ouch (Jadesy)
New Year's Day (Jerrie)
Deep Down (Jerrie)
Aunt Flow
Dark (Jerrie)
Over (Jerrie)
Cologne (Jerrie)
Here for You (Jerrie)
Quarantined (Jerrie)
Unspoken (Jerrie)
Mundane (Jerrie)
Goodbye From Lonely (Jerrie)
Ghost Girl (Jerrie)
Out to Sea 2.0

This Town (Lesy)

1.3K 34 3
Galing kay Jerriespetals

Based off Niall Horan's song "This Town"

It's a fantastic song 

Sunlight streamed unfiltered into a room heaped with piles of dirty clothes and random items scattered around the floor. A teal sweater lay spread out on the white carpet, covering a wine stain from a particularly wild night.

The air was thick with many odors, mainly sweat, dirt, and Rosé designer perfume. 

A brunette lay curled up in a queen-size bed, her mouth gaping as loud snores escaped through her wide lips. Her sheets were bunched over and around her, a foot sticking out from under the covers. 

As soon as the sun's rays turned their attention to the brunette's face she scrunched her eyes up, turning away from the light.

 Finally realizing sleep was hopeless at this point she flung an arm out to the other side of the bed, momentarily forgetting her situation. 

Once her arm hit the cold sheets on the other side of the bed, her green eyes shot open, filling with tears. 

"Leigh," she whispered, her nostrils suddenly burning as she realized the perfume the afro-haired woman once wore was still stuck in the air.

She blinked once, twice, three times. Rising to a sitting position, she groaned as her head started throbbing. Gritting her teeth with determination, she planted her feet on the ground and forced her body to move into a standing position. 

Stumbling into her kitchen, the brunette spied her phone laying on the counter, the screen bright with unread messages. Frowning, she picked it up and read the messages.

From Pez: Jes where are you?

From Pez: Jade said she saw you leave the club. Are you okay?

From Jade: I saw you leave the club. I hope you got home okay

From Jade: Take some aspirin and drink a lot of water, you were pretty drunk last night

To the group chat: Hey guys, I'm okay. I just have a roaring headache

Jade: Thank god, Pezza and I were up all night worried about you!

Pez: I'm glad you're okay

To the group chat: Thanks guys, can you come over?

Jade: Sure, see you in a few minutes

Jesy put her phone back down on the counter with a sigh. She'd gotten irresponsible, and drank way too much again. She just couldn't help it. 

She'd lasted pretty long, considering the downhill spiral she'd been on ever since Leigh Anne had broken up with her. 

Their breakup was still seared into her brain, a painful memory that wouldn't go away. 

"I'm home!"

Jesy's face split into a wide grin upon hearing her girlfriend's voice. 

"Hi babe," Jesy said as Leigh Anne entered the room, walking over to give her a kiss. 

Leigh Anne pecked Jesy's lips quickly before sinking onto the couch. 

"I'm really tired," she said. "Can we just watch a movie?"

Jesy chuckled. "Anything you want," she replied, sitting down and putting an arm around Leigh Anne. A warm feeling spread through Jesy's chest when she felt Leigh Anne snuggle into her body, laying her head on Jesy's shoulder. 

"What do you want to watch?" Jesy asked, her hand coming up to stroke through Leigh Anne's curls. 

"Mmmm, I'm okay with whatever," Leigh Anne murmured, her eyes startling to flutter shut. 

Jesy smiled softly, her eyes grazing over each detail on Leigh Anne's face. In Jesy's opinion, her girlfriend was the defenition of beauty. 

Jesy leaned her head back on the cushion of the sofa, closing her eyes. She was about to fall asleep when Leigh Anne's text tone sounded over and over. 

Jesy gently moved Leigh Anne's body so she was laying stretched out on the couch. She padded into the kitchen, only planning to acknowledge the texts so her phone wouldn't keep going off. 

However, once Jesy saw what Leigh Anne had been texted, her mind went in another direction. 

From Faith: Did you do it yet?

From Faith: If it goes bad, you can stay with me

From Faith: Did she kill you?


1 missed call from Faith

Confusion then anger took turns racing through Jesy's mind. Grabbing Leigh Anne's phone off the counter, she stormed back into the living room. 

"Wake up Leigh," Jesy said, poking Leigh Anne gently. 

Leigh Anne's eyes opened slowly, and she smiled sleepily once she saw Jesy. 

"Hey babe," she said, leaning up to kiss Jesy. 

Jesy turned her head so Leigh Anne's lips landed on her cheek instead. 

"Babe? What's wrong?" Leigh Anne asked, her eyes searching Jesy's. 

"What is this about?" Jesy asked, showing Leigh Anne her phone. 

"What?" Leigh Anne's eyes widened. "You went through my phone?" She cried, snatching her phone from Jesy's hand. 

"No, I was only going to either acknowledge your texts or turn off your ringer so we could sleep!" Jesy snapped, finally losing her temper. "Now what did you do that your friend was so worried about?"

Leigh Anne's shoulders drooped, the fight leaving her. "It just doesn't feel right anymore," she whispered. 

"What?" Jesy asked.

"Us, our relationship. It doesn't feel right anymore," Leigh Anne said, her eyes filling with tears. 

"Why not?" Jesy asked, her voice cracking. 

"Don't you feel it too?" Leigh Anne asked. "We've been fighting so much lately. I've been sleeping at Faith's more than here! You're going out clubbing with Jade and Perrie without me and getting wasted! I've gotten so paranoid, and I can see it in your eyes too when you ask me where I've been after a late night!"

"What are you saying?" Jesy asked quietly. 

"I'm saying that I want to break up," Leigh Anne replied hesitantly, her eyes sweeping over anything but Jesy's. She knew if she looked into Jesy's eyes for too long, listened to her angel speak, she'd fall prey to Jesy once again, and they'd be right back in their toxic relationship.

"P-please, let me fix this somehow," Jesy begged, a tear escaping her eye and rolling down her cheek. 

"You can't fix this. Our relationship is unhealthy, we need to do this," Leigh Anne said, hating herself for the way her voice broke at the end. 

Jesy lunged forward and captured Leigh Anne's lips in a desperately passionate kiss. Leigh Anne let herself dissolve into the sensation of the kiss, knowing full well this would be their last kiss. 

Jesy pulled back, hope shining in her eyes. 

"Jes," Leigh Anne sighed. 

Jesy's face fell. "I love you," she whispered. 

"I love you too," Leigh Anne said. "And because I do, I have to back away. It's best for the both of us."

"Please don't leave," Jesy cried. 

Leigh Anne's heart cracked, seeing Jesy so in pain, knowing she was the one causing it. 

"I have to," she whispered, turning away from Jesy walking out of their apartment. 

Once the door shut Jesy collapsed onto the ground, shaking as sobs wracked her body. 

"Leigh," she gasped, tears streaming down her face. 

Pushing herself up off the ground, Jesy stumbled into the kitchen. After searching for a minute, Jesy pulled out a bottle of vodka she'd bought for her and Leigh's anniversary. 

Jesy looked over at a picture of Leigh Anne on the wall, at a picture of an angel who was no longer hers. 

"I love you," she said, then unscrewed the cap and drank.

"Jes, open up!" Jesy heard the banging on her door, signaling Jade and Perrie's arrival. 

Jesy rubbed her eyes and padded over to the door, opening it to reveal two very tired geordies, Perrie's arm around a still half asleep Jade. 

"Jeez, you look awful," Perrie remarked, pushing past Jesy and guiding Jade over to the couch. 

"Well hello to you too," Jesy grumbled, pushing the door shut before joining her friends on the couch. 

"How did Jade manage to text? She looks like she just woke up," Jesy replied. 

"She fell asleep in the car," Perrie explained. 

Jesy's mouth opened in an oh shape. 

"Have you had your ... headache medicine yet?" Jade asked, her voice thick with grogginess. 

"I forgot, even half asleep Jade's more put together than me," Jesy chuckled, getting back up and going into the kitchen. 

Once she was out of sight, Jade and Perrie exchanged a worried glance. 

"She's not ready to talk about why she invited us over here," Perrie said, frowning with concern for her friend. 

"She'll talk when she's ready," Jade said soothingly, placing a tanned hand over Perrie's and giving it a squeeze.

"Gosh you wake up fast," Perrie joked, smiling at the brunette. 

Jade rolled her eyes. "I just needed to process," she said. 

"That makes you sound like a robot," Perrie replied. 

"You're such an idiot."

"Your idiot."

Perrie bushed as Jade leaned in to kiss her cheek. "That was very sweet baba," she said. 

"Thank you very much," Perrie said, puffing out her chest. 

"Pass me the sick bucket," Jesy said, coming back into the room and deliberately throwing herself onto the couch in between Jade and Perrie. 

Perrie moved over, rolling her eyes while trying to hide the small smile on her face. 

"Why did you call us over?" Jade asked. 

"We're worried about you Jes," Perrie added. 

Jesy's smile vanished. "It's her," she whispered. 

"Leigh Anne?" Jade asked. "You saw her?"

Jesy shook her head. "Not exactly. Last night at the club, I kept hearing her laugh, or thinking I was catching glimpses of her in the crowd. I know she wasn't there, but I felt like she was and it was driving me mad," she explained. 

"So you drank to get her voice out of your head," Perrie summarized.

"Pez!" Jade scolded. 

"No, she's totally right," Jesy said, then scrunched up her face. "I did not just say that."

"Hey!" Perrie whined, Jade and Jesy laughing. 

"But anyways, that's why I wanted to talk. I just kinda feel ... lost without Leigh," Jesy said. 

"You need to get laid," Perrie said. 

"Perrie!" Jade screamed while Jesy laughed. 

"She's not wrong though, it's been almost two months since you and her split," Jade reasoned after a minute of glaring at Perrie. "We should set you up with someone."

"Who?" Jesy asked.

"There's this guy I work with named Harry James," Jade said. "He seems to have taken a liking to you."

"He's a lovely lad," Perrie added.

"How do you know?" Jesy asked curiously. 

"Whenever you'd come in with Leigh Anne, he'd always smile when he saw you. It was one of those soft smiles, y'know?" Jade said. 

"Like one of those smiles when Perrie looks at you," Jesy said. This was met with Jade blushing furiously and Perrie's indignant shout of hey!

"I-I guess," Jade stuttered. "But anyways, I can set you two up if you want."

Jesy paused. This would be her first date after Leigh Anne. It felt like she was cheating, for some reason. But that didn't make sense. 

It was time to move on from Leigh Anne and be happy. After all, it's what she said she wanted. 

"Sure, how about the Mix Club on New Gordon's street?" Jesy said finally. 

"Isn't that where you met Leigh Anne though?" Perrie asked. 

"Yeah," Jesy replied. "But I have so many good memories there. Memories with Leigh. I want to make new memories, good memories, with Harry."

Jade smiled. "That sound perfect," she said. 

Jesy nodded, feeling lighter. 

It was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She could be happy again. She could love again. 

Just not in the way she'd loved Leigh Anne. 


It was a few days later, and Jesy Nelson could be found standing in her bedroom, panicking as she threw clothes around, hoping for the perfect outfit to magically fall together. 

"Jes! Jesy! JESSICA!" Perrie shouted, grabbing Jesy's arm. 

"What?" Jesy asked, running a hand through her hair. 

"I think Jade found the perfect outfit for you," Perrie said, winking at Jesy. 

Perrie stepped aside to reveal Jade holding one of Jesy's old fitted black dresses, from her days of clubbing with Leigh Anne. 

"Oh my god, where did you find that?" Jesy asked, grabbing the dress and examining it. 

"Under a pile of what I assumed to be clean clothes at the back of your closet," Jade replied. 

Jesy flushed. "Um yeah, those were clean," she said. 

"You need to clean your room though," Perrie remarked, picking up a teal sweater to reveal a wine stain, standing out magnificently against the carpet. 

"Throw that sweater out," Jesy commanded suddenly. 

"Why?" Perrie asked, staring at the sweater in confusion. 

"Would I ever wear something like that?" Jesy asked. 

Realization dawned in Jade's eyes. "It's Leigh's," she said, grabbing the shirt from Perrie and marching out of the bedroom. 

Jesy chuckled. "She's a keeper Pez," she said. "I hope you plan on treating her as well as you have been forever."

Perrie smiled happily. "I do plan on it. She's mine forever, and I'm going to make sure of that," she replied. 

Before Jesy could ask Perrie what she meant, Jade rushed back in. 

"Why haven't you put on your dress yet?" She cried. "He's going to be here in less than half an hour, and you haven't even started getting ready yet!"

Jesy laughed. "Guys, this isn't my first date ever," she said. 

"But it's your first first date in over two years," Perrie pointed out. 

"So you need to look perfect," Jade concluded. 

Jesy just smiled. "Fine," she said. "Pamper me as you wish."

"Okay then, welcome to the Jerrie Salon, sit right here," Perrie said, switching to a formal voice as she led Jesy over to her desk chair. 

Jesy snorted. "The Jerrie Salon? Really Pez?" She asked. 

Perrie glared at her. "You said we could so whatever we wanted," she said. "And that's Miss Edwards to you."

Jade laughed. "Go a little easier on her, okay baba?" She said, placing a hand on Perrie's arm. 

"I'm gonna go get changed before you two start making out here on the spot," Jesy said, grabbing the dress and walking into the bathroom. 

At 7 on the dot, Jade released the last curl of Jesy's hair from the curling iron right as the doorbell rang. 

"Go get the door, will you Pez?" Jade asked, applying hairspray to Jesy's hair. 

"Fine," Perrie sighed, leaving the bathroom. 

"She's such a little kid sometimes," Jesy chuckled. 

"I know," Jade agreed. 

They sat in silence for a moment. 

"Thank you, by the way," Jesy said.

"For what?" Jade asked, stepping back. 

"For always being there for me. Perrie too," Jesy replied. 

"Awh, no problem Jes," Jade smiled, leaning in to give Jesy a hug. 

"Not to interrupt this touching moment, but somebody's date is here," Perrie said, appearing at the doorway. 

Jesy laughed, disentangling herself from Jade as she stood. 

"You ready?" Jade asked. 

Jesy inhaled deeply, closed her eyes, and let a breath out. 

Here goes nothing.

"Yeah," she said. "I'm ready."


Jesy couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed once she stepped into the club. Sensing her worry, Harry reached over and squeezed her hand gently. 

"It's okay to feel nervous," he said. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"No," Jesy shouted over the music. "I'm okay."

Hooking her arm through Harry's, Jesy pushed her way through crowds of people until she reached an empty table. 

"Do you want a drink?" Harry asked, smiling graciously. 

"Yes, thank you," Jesy replied, Harry's smile leaving a fluttering feeling in her stomach she handn't felt since Leigh Anne. 

Maybe he's the one that can help make me happy.

"Here you are," Harry said, sliding a pink drink toward Jesy.

"How did you know this was my favorite?" Jesy asked, her eyebrows raising in surprise. 

"I might have gotten a hint," Harry replied sheepishly. 

Jesy rolled her eyes, imagining Jade and Perrie sitting on her couch, laughing as they talked about what was probably going wrong. 

She was going to prove them both wrong. She was going to have an amazing time.

"Well thank you," Jesy smiled, accepting the drink and raising the straw to her lips. 

After a minute of comfortable silence spent sipping their drinks, Harry spoke up, looking quite nervous.  

"Do you want to dance?"

"Um, sure," Jesy said, hesitantly taking Harry's hand and letting him lead her out onto the dance floor. 

"I love this song!" Harry shouted as a song started. 

Jesy laughed as she watched Harry dance, not having a care in the world. 

"Come on, I promise it's fun," Harry said. 

Jesy nodded, letting the music flow into her bones. Soon enough, she was dancing right alongside Harry. 

All of a sudden, Jesy heard a giggle that sounded awfully familiar, forcing her feet to a halt. 

Turning around, Jesy saw Leigh Anne standing a few feet away, leaning into a man's chest with his arms wrapped around her. She watched as they swayed to the music, the man leaning down to kiss Leigh Anne. 

Her whole world came crashing down around her. Jesy couldn't breathe as she watched the happy couple dancing. 

Feeling sick to her stomach, Jesy turned and ran, pushing through crowds of people, ignoring Harry's worried shout. 

She didn't stop running until she reached the enterance of her neighborhood. There she pressed a hand against the brick as the image of Leigh Anne, in another person's arms, raced through her head over and over. 

"Damn it!" She shouted, slamming her hand against the wall. She sank to her knees, her head in her hands. 

She'd ruined her date. Harry would probably never want to go out with her again. He deserved someone happier, someone who wasn't plagued by memories of their ex, who apparently had moved on better than Jesy had. 

Jesy pushed herself up to her feet and trudged down the street, already dreading having to face Jade and Perrie. 


"Jesy? Oh my god, what happened?" Perrie cried, rushing over to Jesy and throwing her arms around the brunette. 

"Oh no!" Jesy heard Jade exclaim, then Jesy felt Jade's arms envelop her too. 

"Thanks guys, I kinda needed a Jerrie hug," Jesy said, ducking down out of the hug. 

"What happened?" Perrie asked. 

"Did Harry do something? Because I swear to god I'll kill that son of biscuit if he hurt you," Jade said venomously. 

"No, Harry was fine. The perfect gentleman, actually," Jesy sighed, sitting down on the couch.

"Then what happened?" Perrie asked. 

"I saw her," Jesy whispered. 

"Leigh Anne?" Jade said. 

Jesy nodded. "She was in the arms of a tall handsome man. And she looked so happy," she said miserably. 

Jade frowned, sitting down and rubbing Jesy's shoulder. "I'm sorry babes," she said. 

"But if Leigh Anne can be happy, you can too," Perrie added. "You were clearly having fun with Harry until you saw Leigh Anne. Just ask him somewhere else."

"You're a genius Pez!" Jesy exclaimed. 

"Thank you," Perrie said, a smug expression settling on her face. 

Jade rolled her eyes, smacking Perrie's arm lightly. "Hug her you idiot," she said. 

Perrie laughed, leaning in and wrapping her arms around Jesy. Jesy smiled, glad her best friends were still here. 

"Thanks you guys for staying with me this whole time," Jesy sniffed, suddenly emotional again.

"We're never leaving," Jade said. 

 Jesy smiled, hugging Jade. When she felt something cold press into her back, she jerked away. 

"Are you okay?" Jade asked, shock giving way to understanding when Jesy grabbed the brunette's left and hand held it in front of her face. 

"When did you get this baby?" Jesy asked, examining the ring on Jade's finger. 

"Last week," Jade admitted. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jesy asked. 

"You were at a low point last week. Besides, we were busy putting our plan of you and Harry in motion," Perrie explained. 

"You guys really are the best," Jesy said. 

"Tell me something I don't know," Perrie said, receiving a real smack from Jade. 

Jesy just chuckled and left, opening her phone.

To Harry James: Sorry about tonight, can we get a rain check?

Almost as soon as Jesy sent the message, her phone buzzed. 

From Harry James: Of course. Only I get to plan this date ;)

To Harry James: Fine. But it better be amazing ;)

From Harry James: Only perfection for the perfect woman

Jesy set her phone down with a smile. Everything was going to work out fine. 

She was sure of it.

1 year later

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Jesy asked indignantly.

"We were worried you'd freak out," Perrie said. 

"Are you?" Jade asked, already knowing the answer. 

"Of course not!" Jesy cried. "Harry and I have been dating for almost a year. I've moved on!"

"I told you," Jade said. 

Perrie rolled her eyes. "It's not going to trigger World War 3?" She asked. 

"As long as you haven't seated her next to me," Jesy replied. 

Perrie and Jade exchanged a nervous glance. 

"Oh tell me you didn't," Jesy said. 

"We didn't," Jade replied cheerfully. "She's sitting a few rows behind you."

Jesy let out a breath of relief. "Thank god," she said. 

"You'll be okay seeing her though?" Perrie asked. 

"I can handle it for one day, I promise," Jesy smiled. 

"Well I should hope so, I wouldn't want you ruining my wedding day," Jade replied in a weird accent, making all three of them burst out laughing. 

A small knock sounded at the door. 

"I should probably get going," Jesy said. "Gotta go get my shit together for tomorrow."

Jade smiled dreamily, leaning into Perrie. "Can you believe we're getting married tomorrow?" She said. 

Perrie chuckled, leaning down to kiss Jade gently on the forehead. "Not really baba, but it's happening," she replied. 

Jesy had first hand witnessed every step in their relationship. From her best friend Jade being scared to ask out the popular cheerleader Perrie back in high school, to Jade coming home and swooning over how Perrie had asked her to be her girlfriend after a particularly amazing date. 

She'd been there through all six years of Jade and Perrie's relationship. 

She also remembered the day Jade had introduced her to Leigh Anne, Perrie's best friend.

The two had hit it off immediately, becoming very close friends. They bonded over a plan to get Jade and Perrie together. 

They'd stayed friends in college. Then, in senior year, Jesy had confessed her feelings to Leigh Anne. Leigh Anne said she felt the same way. 

They'd dated for almost three years. Long, blissful years. 

Now, Jesy was finally happy again. It was time to stop worrying about Leigh Anne, and put her past behind her. 

"Jesy?" Jade said, waving her hand in front of Jesy's face. 

"Huh?" Jesy blinked. 

"You said you were leaving," Perrie said from behind Jade. 

Jade rolled her eyes. "Do you want to stay?" She asked. 

A knock sounded from the door again. 

"You should probably answer that, I gotta go meet Harry," Jesy said, opening the back way and slipping out. 

"I love you!" Jade called. 

"Love you too," Jesy replied, laughing as she heard Perrie's usual you're mine. 

Jesy smiled, getting into her car. As she backed down the driveway, she saw a car next to hers that looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she'd seen it. 

Probably in some commercial, she thought. 


"... I do," Jade said, tears in her eyes. 

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the minster said. 

Perrie cupped Jade's cheeks in her hands and leaned down, fitting her mouth onto Jade's. 

As their lips touched, the guests dissolved into cheers. 

Jesy cheered the loudest, pumping her arms and shouting, tears streaming down her face. 

She'd never been so happy. 

"Jes," Harry said. 

She turned, and he kissed softly. 

"I love you," he said. 

Jesy's heart stopped. They hadn't said that to each other yet. 

"Jesy?" Harry asked, worry on his face. 

"I love you too," Jesy whispered, leaning in and kissing Harry again. 

Now Jesy was sure she'd never been so happy. She was on top of the world. 

She was floating. 

"I love this song!" Jade shrieked, grabbing Jesy and Perrie by their wrists and pulling them out onto the dance floor. 

"Shouldn't you two be dancing together?" Jesy laughed. 

"I want to dance with my two best friends in the whole world," Jade said. 

Jesy smiled. "I'm glad I'll not be excluded," she joked. 

They danced and danced, letting the music take control of their bodies. 

This was the best day of Jesy's life. 

"May I have this dance?" Harry asked, appearing beside the three of them. 

Jesy paused, realizing it was a slow song. 

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid, I will always love you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

"Of course," Jesy smiled, taking Harry's hand and letting him lead her to an open spot on the dance floor. 

She hooked her arms around his neck, his arms around her waist as they swayed to the music.

And all along I believed I would find you

Time had brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years 

I'll love you for a thousand more

"This has been the best day ever," Jesy sighed. 

Harry chuckled. "I'm glad it has been," he replied. 

"I love you," Jesy said. 

"I love you too," Harry said. 

Across the room, Jesy spied Leigh Anne dancing with the same man she'd seen with her at the club a year ago. 

Jealousy fought its way up her throat, but she swallowed it back down. 

Jesy took a deep breath, smiled, and let go of Leigh Anne. 

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Heyyy guys, hope you like this one shot :)


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