The Coach's Daughter (Jerrie)

By scobidoo

236K 6K 1.8K

Jade Thirlwall, captain of the school's football team and most popular girl in the entire school. She's got m... More

The Coach's Daughter (Jerrie)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Information numero 2

Chapter 4

9.2K 267 77
By scobidoo

Perrie's POV

Lauren and i made our way in the garden everyone's eyes were on us, but i didn't really care. i just hope that no one notices the hickey in my neck, sure Laur covered it up and she's really good at doing that, but i'd be fucked if someone saw.

"Hey dad i brought Lauren over" i told him pointing at my best friend, who was waving everyone.

"Nice to see you again daughter number 2" have i mentioned that my dad Loves Lauren and Treaty her like his own daughter? well now i have.

"Nice to see you again Alex and Chloe" she's always polite even though she knows my strong dislike towards that Freak and has often witnessed her being unbelievably rude to me.

"Did take you quite a Long Time to bring your friend over" the Freak had to say that now didn't she?

I glared at her, because my dad wouldn´t have said anything if it wasn´t for her telling my dad. That freak annoys the shit out of me. "That´s right, what took you so long, sweetie?"

I need to come up with a believable lie quick, "Well, when I went over to Lauren´s house, her mam and she were discussing how they should decorate their living room and then they asked me to help them think of something and in the end we realized how late it already was and just went over to ours" I told them not showing any signs of a lie.

"That´s nice of you then, sweetie" my dad told me a smile on his face. The freak stared at me though but didn´t say anything, I know that she didn´t really buy it, but this time she thankfully kept her big mouth shut.

"We´ll go inside then"

"Oh no you´ll stay out here with everyone else" why are you even talking freak? I could tell that my dad wouldn´t care if I would have gone inside, but she knows I want to go inside, so I have to stay outside, nice right?

"Fine" I huffed and grabbed Lauren´s hand dragging her to the very other side of the table so I wouldn´t have to deal with that freak right now.

The closer we came the more I could feel Laur getting nervous and suck in a breath. I looked at her and saw her eyes fixed on a girl sat next to that Thirlwall girl, who Stacey told me not to talk to. I don´t know why though, sure she might have looked at me, but that´s not a reason for me not to talk to her.

Anyways Laur was really really nervous, normally she´s this chilled and laid back person, who doesn´t have a fear in the world, but here she is being a nervous wreck. I´ve only ever seen her that nervous when we were in primary school and she had a main part in the school play and she was pooping her pants before walking on stage. Why was she that nervous?

"Lolo what´s wrong?"

"It´s her" she told me and she swallowed hard, while her gaze never left the girl.

The girl was pretty good looking, long dark hair, like Lauren´s, brown eyes and a cute little face. She wore a skirt and a blouse, which was tied so that you could see her flat stomach, a bow was placed in her hair, she looked cute, but she definitely isn´t my type.

"What is it about her?" I asked still confused what could be about this girl.

"My crush, the one I told you about, it´s her"

My eyes widened in realization, Laur has told me that she had a crush on a girl in her school and she was too shy to talk to her. She might look like some badass with her leather jackets and all that, but inside she´s a softie. Back to the girl, Laur told me she doesn´t know if she likes her back and she doesn´t know if she should ask her out or something or not. I guess today´s the day when I´ll find out.

I looked my best friend up and down, checking if she looked alright for her crush. She wore some black skinny jeans and a blue arm less blouse, I opened the first 2 buttons of her blouse and pushed her boobs, so that cute little crush would be welcomed by this amazing sight.

I grabbed her hand again and stood before this Thirlwall girl and Laur´s crush, "Um, excuse me, are these seats free?"

Jade´s POV

I´ve waited for Perrie to come back, because she suddenly left. After about an hour or so, she came back with Lauren, Camila´s crush. Perrie talked to her dad, shooting his girlfriend daggers, before making her way to our side of the table, with Lauren in tow.

Wait what, she´s coming to our side of the table, I pinched myself. Ouch, I´m definitely not dreaming, this is true, Perrie fucking Edwards makes her way to me, why does it mean that much to me? She´s just another girl, sure she´s hot, but still, I never get that excited over anyone coming towards me ever. It´s because you like her. No I don´t.

I could feel Camila get really nervous next to me, she slightly tensed, every step they came nearer towards us. I looked my best friend up and down, seeing if her look was good for her crush and I´d say she looked great. It´s time for her to wow her crush.

I got pulled out of my little thought session, when I heard the most beautiful voice ever, "Um, excuse me, are these seats free?"

This is real, Perrie Edwards is asking to sit right in front of me, this isn´t some dream, this is reality. "Yeah sure, you can sit here if you want" So Perrie sat down in front of me and Lauren in front of Camila. If I haven´t misjudged it I would say Lauren was as nervous as Camila, but why? Does she like her?

"Do you like the BBQ so far?" I asked, spotting a slight smile on Perrie´s face, as she looked at her friend, who chatted it away with Camila, they´ll be such a cute couple, I could tell that she grew really bored and I wanted to get to know her anyways, so that´s what I´m doing right now.

I could see her being hesitant, like she was thinking about something, before she responded, it´s like she´s afraid of talking to me or something, which is weird because she doesn´t even know me, well I hope that Lauren hasn´t told her about all the girls.

"It´s pretty boring, if I could I wouldn´t be here right now"


"I don´t know anyone here and I´d rather be in my girlfriend´s arms right now, then sit here and do absolutely nothing" she´ d rather be in her girlfriend´s arms right now, that´s like a punch in the jaw, a strong one it hurt like hell.

"But you could make new friends here" I suggested and she sighed a bit.

"I don´t really know about you, Thirlwall is it?"

"Jade" she looked at me confused, "I prefer being called Jade" I told her smiling.

"Sure, I don´t know about you, Jade, but I was told not to talk to you and I heard about your little games with all the girls in your school, how you date them for a few days, make them feel loved and then drop them and never talk to them again, or how you´re fucking nearly the entire school in the janitor´s closet, so I really am not one for that and I´m in a relationship, so your tricks don´t work on me"

So she knew about my life, well shit. I bet that bitch told her to stay away from me and not talk to me. And Lauren told her about my school life for sure. It´s hard hearing her talking about me like this, normally I don´t give a fuck, but when she said it, I could feel my heart break a little. Because you like her. Shut up conscious.

But the way she said my name, how my name rolled off of her tongue so effortlessly, a lot of people say my name every day, but when she´s saying it, it´s different. It´s like there´s a whole new meaning to my name.

"It´s true I kind of play with girls´ hearts, but I swear, I won´t try anything on you. I want to be friends with you, well if you want to as well. I won´t flirt or say anything inappropriate, I swear." I told her, if i can´t have her like this, I will have her as a friend at least, because I need her in my life someway.

She seemed to be thinking about my suggestion, she looked like she was weighting the pros and cons in her head, a deep thoughtful expression on her face. "I´ll give you a chance, Thirlwall. But if you try anything and I´m against it, like flirting and all that stuff, I´ll quit our friendship"

"I won´t try anything" I´m so thankful, Perrie Edwards agreed to be friends with me, and maybe we´ll be more after a time, but one thing at a time, I need to get that bitch out of the picture first.

"You better. And Stacey can´t know about this, she doesn´t like me talking to you" I nodded my head, agreeing with her, I don´t need that bimbo controlling mine and Perrie´s friendship, so the less she knows the better.

"So how about we play like 20 questions and get to know each other" I suggested, she smiled and nodded.

"So who starts?" she asked, "You" she nodded and started to shoot questions at me.

"Full name?"

"Jade Amelia Thirlwall"


"Boxing day"




"My brother always watched It the clown and I´ve been scared of them ever since"


"Just my older brother Karl"

"How old is he?"


"Any dreams?"

"I want to become a professional football player"

"best friend?"

"This little cutie here" I told her as I tapped Camila lightly on the shoulder, her expression annoyed, because she got interrupted in the conversation with her crush. "What?" she asked annoyed.

"Nothing she just asked me who my bestie was"

"Whatever" she said and turned back to Lauren, talking again, it´s cute how they´re so content and happy talking to each other.

"favourite food?"


"Half way through, Favourite football club?"

"Manchester United" (I´ve always loved Man U, sorry if you guys hate them)

"Favourite colour?"


"Do you play any instruments?"


"Any foreign language?"




"chocolate or caramel?"


"Miley Cyrus or Katy Perry?"


"Have you ever dyed your hair?"


"What colour?"


"Girly or tomboy?"

"Tomboy, with a girly touch"

"rom-com or romance?"


Perrie´s POV

I haven´t listened to Stacey and so far I haven´t regretted it, Jade´s really nice and we´re just getting to each other better, I think we´ll become great friends.

"Your turn" I told her, because now it was my turn to be shot with questions.

"1 Full name?"

"Perrie Louise Edwards"

"2 Where does your name come from?"

"From Steve Perry, front man of Journey"

"3 Birthday?"

"10th of July"

"4 Siblings?"

"My older brother Jonnie"

"5 favourite colour?"


"6 Favourite food?"

"I like all kinds of food"

"7 Any dreams?"

"I want to become a professional singer"

"8 do you play any instruments then?"

"Yeah, guitar"

"9 Can I hear you sing one day?"

"Maybe" I told her and winked at her.

"10 any foreign languages?"

" a bit of French"

"11 any idols?"

"Steve Perry from Journey"

"13, you like rock music then?"

"Yeah, I love it"

"14 cinema or TV?"

"It depends"

"15 Bestie?"

"The hot piece of ass sitting next to me" I said, causing her to laugh slightly, her laugh is cute, I guess.

"16 favourite singer except Steve Perry?"

"Ed Sheeran"

"17 Age?"


"18 Nutella or jam?"

"Nutella hands down"

"19 x-factor or the Voice?"

"They´re both great shows, but x-factor"

"and last question, number 20 if you could be fluent in any other language which one would it be?"

"Probably French or Spanish, I hope you know more about me now"

"Of course I found out you have an obsession with Steve Perry"

"I´m not obsessed with him, gosh"

"Sure thing"

I can tell that she´ll tease me about that a lot more often, but I don´t mind. She´s really great to be around and when I look at Laur and Camila I can tell, that Jade and I will see each other more often, when these two end up dating.

They seem to be hitting it off really well, always talking and smiling really big, when one of them would say something, so basically all the time. Their eyes never leaving the others and I could see Laur grab Camila´s hand, causing Camila to blush. Aww, bless them, they are too cute.

I had to remind myself not to coo at them loudly and grab their cheeks and pinch them, telling them how cute they are, because that would be really embarrassing, I´ll just tease Laur later on about that. She better be really thankful for me bringing her here and practically hook her up with her crush.

"Hey how about we exchange numbers, so that we can stay in contact?" Jade asked, her phone already in her hand.

"Sure" I told her as I took out my phone, seeing a text from Kat, "Hang on I gotta check this text first" she nodded patiently and waited for me to read the text.

Once I opened the text I frowned though, the text upsetting me instantly.


So there was a bit of Jerrie in there I hope you´re happy now @ItsRayne 

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and don´t kill me for that cliffhanger.. :) xx

See you on the next update :D xx <3

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