See You Again

By blasianhippyy

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One summer changes sixteen-year-old Anayla's life. More



1.1K 66 145
By blasianhippyy

Anayla Smith
July 12, 2010.

- This the last time y'all, I promise😂

I sat on my aunts leather couch in the middle of Mila and some boy whose name I couldn't even remember. She had been talking to this one guy she met on our block and she invited him and his friend over. She claims that she wants me to move on but I know that her boo wouldn't have been able to come if his friend couldn't come so here we are.

Halloween was displayed across the television screen and I rolled my eyes as the dark skin guy beside me slowly placed his arm around my neck. I wasn't too fond of him because the first thing that came out of his mouth when we were introduced were, "Damn, she's bad for a darkskin girl". Like, you're darkskin and I'm pretty sure your mother is too but whatever. Just ignorant.

I gently shook his arm off of me and focused of the gory scene in front of me.

"Why you acting like that ma?"

"I'm trying to watch the movie." I retorted, not taking my eyes off of the screen.

He smacked his lips and leaned over to peck my neck. I instantly shoved him back with a disgusted expression. "You're about to piss me off."

Standing from my seat, I stumped out of the living room and upstairs to my bedroom. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my cheeks. I hated to admit it but I missed Ty so much. Maybe because he was my first boyfriend but I just missed our friendship and the conversations we had. Our relationship made me realize how lame and ignorant these other guys are.

I crouched down on the tile wood floor, reached under my bed and pulled out the bottle of Hennessy I had gotten from Ty. I had become sort of a drinker. I'd saved this bottle and came to it when I felt that I needed to calm my self down. It was almost like a stress reliever. Putting the bottle to my mouth, I took a long swig before placing it besides me on the nightstand.

I shot up from my spot on the bed when I heard a hard knock at the door. I quickly wiped my tear stained face with the back of my palm.

"Nay it's me, open up." I could hear Mila's soft voice from the other side. I sighed before opening my door and letting her inside. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"What happened down there?"

"I just don't like him." I shrugged, shifting my weight from one leg to the other.

"I'm sorry, I can tell them both to lea-.."

I quickly cut her off. "No, it's okay I know how much you like Shawn. I'll stay up here."

"You sure? This is your house."

I nodded and she just shrugged before kissing my cheek and jogging back downstairs. I shut and locked the bedroom door before taking a few more gulps from the bottle. Staring at the bottle made me think about Ty and that just put me in my feelings even more. Call me stupid but I missed him so much, I was ready to forgive him and forget the whole situation happened.

Sighing, I wiped my face again and stood in front of my vanity mirror staring at my reflection. Exhaling, I sat down and began to do my makeup. I was about to make a huge mistake but I didn't care.

Once I finished doing a light natural look, I jogged over to my closet. Paige also used it because she had too many damn clothes. I found one of her red lingerie sets and released it from the hanger.

Stripping out of my jeans and t-shirt, I slid the tight fitting two-piece ovee my body. Standing in the full length mirror, I smiled at the way it hugged my slight curves and ass. This would definitely get my man back.

Placing a long house robe over my body, I slid on some slides, grabbed my keys and headed down the stairs. The loud commotion cause Mila and the two guys to look up at me on the staircase.

"I'll be back Mila. Paige is here so when the movie is over just leave and lock the door behind you."

"Where are you going?" She questioned with her eyebrows raised.

"Nowhere important."

With that being said, I jogged out the front door to my Malibu. I was slightly intoxicated but not to the point where I couldn't drive. Plugging up my phone, I played some slow R&B music and started my route to Ty's house.

It took me about ten minutes before I finally pulled up to his apartment. His charger was parked in the driveway so I knew he was home. Hopping from the drivers side, I quickly stumbled up to the front door. I knocked twice before he opened the door shirtless, looking too damn good.

"Anayla?" He looked surprise to see me which is understandable.

"Hey, can I come in?"

He looked as if he was contemplating but he just nodded and stepped aside. I entered his nice apartment and took a seat on the couch.

"Wassup?" He spoke cautiously while sitting across from me.

"So, why'd you do it? I wanna hear it from your mouth. Was the relationship not good or..." my voice trailed off.

He sighed, running his hand through his heard. "The relationship was good Nay, I'm just a grown man. I have needs and shit and you wanted to wait. I didn't even fuck the girl, I just got some quick head."

I nodded, standing to my feet. I was happy to hear that our relationship was good. I purposely stood directly in front of him. He watched in confusion as I slowly untied the rob and it dropped to my feet. I felt slightly uncomfortable with my body exposed but based off of his lustily facial expression he liked it.

"Is this a trapped?" He licked over his lips before looking into my eyes.

"No, I missed you and if this is what it takes for us to work then hey." I sat on his lap, straddling him.

"Shit, say less." He pecked my lips. "Imma take care of you."

Cupping his face in my hands, I kissed him passionately as he lifted me up and laid me flat on the couch. His cold fingers grazed my smooth legs and I jumped back. Brushing it off, I tried to focus on his lips against mine but I keep getting flashes of what happened last summer in the back of my mind.

He rubbed his thumb across my womanhood and I winced, pushing him back. Confusion was written all over his face and I felt bad because it wasn't his fault. Standing to my feet, I quickly rounded up my belongings.

"I-i can't do this. I'm sorry, I can't." I rushed out of the front door, back to vehicle. My heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute.

"Fuck!" I mumbled to myself, slapping the steering wheel. I blew it. He damn sure wasn't gonna want to get back together now.

This is why I could never be intimate with anyone. Those memories always came back to haunt me. Plus, I wasn't comfortable enough with Ty. I had to have sex with somebody that made me comfortable first, if i did wanna move on and get rid of those horrific thoughts.

But, who made me comfortable?



With blurry vision, Anayla made it to her destination and parked her car in the driveway. Taking a deep breath, she approached the front door and knocked a few times.

Within a few seconds, Chris answered shirtless, his chest glistening. He was dancing with a blunt in his mouth, looking retarded.

Is everybody just walking around shirtless tonight?

Anayla smiled lightly and he mimicked her expression, surprised to see her here; especially at this time of night.

"Wassup lil bit?" He tossed his blunt into the ashtray.

"Hey, is CJ or anybody here?"

"Nah, it's just me tonight."

"Great, can I come in?"

He nodded and stepped aside so she could enter. Her appearance made him furrow his eyebrows. She got on this long ass thick ass robe and it's 80 degrees outside.

"I wanna talk to you." She gently clasped his hand in hers and lead him downstairs to his bedroom. He was taken aback but just let her guide him. She could hear the sound of the shower running inside his bathroom but just brushed it off as him being about to get inside.

He on the other hand was wondering why she was acting so weird. He was beginning to get her like the back of his hand and he knew some alcohol had to be involved.

"Aye, wassup witch-..."

Before he could finish his sentence she pushed him down onto the bed with one hand while peeling the robe off with the other. When he saw what she was wearing underneath, his eyes damn near popped out of their sockets. She felt very shy under his intimidating gaze.

Who would've thought lil bit was packing like this. Her body was beautiful, with her c-cup breasts sitting up, flat stomach, slight hips and round ass. He couldn't believe it. The red lingerie looked stunning and brought out her chocolate skintone. He didn't even know what to say.

"Anayla you're buggin." He spoke, tearing his eyes away from her body. Now he felt uncomfortable and he couldn't unsee what he just saw. He sat up from his position on the bed but she gently pushed him back down and climbed on top of him.

"Chris be quiet please." She spoke softly while placing both hands on his chest and position herself correctly on his manhood. He was trying so hard not to get an erection.

Cupping his face with both hands, she placed her soft lips against his smooth ones and finally let her body relax against his. Tilting her head, they moved their lips slowly in sync. He could taste the Hennessy on her breath.

He held the back of her neck before lightly biting down onto her bottom lip and letting his tongue explore her mouth. This was way less sloppy and much smoother than the kiss she shared with Ty. She loved Chris in a weird way. Kinda like they were family but she also had little intimate feelings for him she would never admit to.

Flipping them over so that he was on top, he realized that he had gotten caught up in the moment and quickly pulled away from her. They locked eyes while catching their breaths. Chris could see the intoxication, hurt and lust all in her beautiful brown orbs.

"Lil bit, this shit ain't right. Im sorry if I did something to make you think we-.."

"I need to have sex with you, that's all." She spoke, lifting her head off of his pillow.

He stood from the bed looking at her like she was out of her mind. Grabbing a white shirt from his dresser, he tossed it to her. Her body was distracting him and it was making him feel weird.

"I'm not having sex with you Nay."

"Why? Do you think I'm ugly? Is it because I'm darkskin or-.."

"Nigga what are you talking about? I think you and your skintone are gorgeous as hell but it's so many reasons why that shit could never go down; age for starters."

"F-first of all, seventeen is the age of consent I googled it. Second, I wanna get back with Ty. Ty wants to have sex in order to make our relationship work. I want to be comfortable with the thought of having sex so I want you to be my first because I'm comfortable with you. Then, once I am comfortable with having sex, I'll have sex with Ty and we'll be happy." She couldn't tell him about the whole rape situation and how it made her feel. Once she finished, she slid the large shirt over her head. She was starting to get a slight headache from the liquor.

He sat on the bed, staring intently at her. He was trying to understand if she was serious or not. "Nay that gotta be the dumbest shit I ever heard in my life. You drunk? Or just stupid as hell?"

"I'm a little tipsy but I know what I'm saying."

"If a nigga needs sex to make a relationship work then it ain't a relationship to begin with. Im a nigga, trust me I know how we think. That man doesn't care about you Anayla. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt because he's your first boyfriend but you gotta use your brain baby. If he really liked you he wouldn't care about he sex and he would wait for you. You have to let go of this feelings for him lil bit. It's gone be hard but that nigga ain't shit and you shouldn't even wanna be with him after what he did. If you wanna wait then wait but fucking me ain't gone help at all, it's just gonna fuck with you mentally and physically. You gotta know ya worth mamas."

She stared at him for a few minutes before her lip began to tremble and the water works started. What was I thinking?, she thought to herself. This was so stupid and embarrassing. He made her realize how stupid her thought process was tonight and the fact that it wasn't Ty that she even wanted. It was another male companion.

"I'm sorry, you're right." She spoke through her tears. She was crying so hard that her body began to shake. Anayla found herself crying a lot lately.

Chris sighed and pulled her by her waist towards him. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry silently into his bare chest. He knew she had a lot going on and her emotions were everywhere. But, so were his. He was just as confused as she was.

"It's okay snickers." He kissed her forehead while rubbing her back in a comforting way.

"Y'all haven't called me that ugly ass name in so long." She spoke, laughing through her tears. He chuckled as well because it was true. "I shouldn't have came onto you like this I'm sorry."

"You good, I know it's a lot going on." He shrugged and she looked up at him, wiping her lipgloss from his plump lips.

Before the two could say anything else the bathroom door opened and Karrueche emerged with a towel around her body. "Chris, I used up all the hot water so you might wanna w-..."

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Anayla in his arms. Talk about awkward. Anayla glanced between the two and it dawned on her that she had interrupted whatever they were doing. Now she felt even more embarrassed and awkward.

"Uh, hey Anayla." Kae awkwardly waved while Anayla wiped her teary eyes.

"Hi Kae." She spoke softly while standing to her feet. "I shouldn't be here, I'm sorry I interrupted." She searched around for her robe and shoes.

Chris reached out and grabbed her fragile arm. "Nah, stay here. I can't let you leave like this and you've been drinking. You can sleep in here aight?"

"It's fine, I should get ho-..."

"You staying here." His deep voice sounded slightly demanding. She decided not to argue.

"No offense but I don't know what you've been doing on these sheets." Anayla stepped back from the bed with a weird expression.

"I washed them." Kae spoke, before grabbing her clothes. Just to be safe, Anayla sniffed the sheets before sitting back down on the bed. Kae on the other hand, went to the guest bedroom to get dressed.

"Get some rest lil bit." Chris spoke, lightly slapping her exposed ankle.

"You know what I realized." Anayla said, sliding underneath the comforter while ignoring his previous statement. "You're always there for me, you know that?"

"Cause I care about you."

"Whose there for you?"

Her words hit a spot. She had a point. He put everyone above himself and kept his feelings bottled inside. Chris always felt like since he's a grown man he should keep his problems to himself and work on them by his lonely.

"Goodnight lil bit." Now he was the one doing the ignoring. He slid out of the bedroom and closed the door behind himself.

Making his way upstairs, he stepped inside the guest bedroom where Karrueche was still getting dressed. Looking down, he hadn't even realized that he had a full on erection poking out of his sweats.

Fuck, Anayla, he thought to himself. Look what she had did.

"You might as well take them clothes back off." He spoke with a sexy smirk as he pressed himself against her backside. He definitely needed to get rid of this and he was happy she was here.

"We literally just had sex Christopher." She chuckled as he began to massage her ass before working his way towards her womanhood. She hated that he knew exactly what to do to get her back in the mood.

"It ain't my fault, she calling my name."

"I hate you." She rolled her eyes, while kicking the lace thong off of her legs.

"She loves me though."

And with that, they went round after round again, trying to keep the noise down. But, in the back of his mind all he could picture was Anayla's body making him get off even more.


Sorry it's a little dry, I was in a rush. I hope you guys enjoy. Leave a comment & like it please.

What do you guys think is going to happen? What do you think so far?

- Te$harie

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