The New Girl

By Aqua_Kitten94

118K 3.8K 380

Riot was the new girl at Mountain Wolf High, she's hot tempered and hard-headed, but her beauty will outstand... More

The New Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

3.6K 169 27
By Aqua_Kitten94

~Ivy's POV~

I've never been around this many wolves and them not attack me, some are staying away from me. I can't blame them, being around a Hunter mostly ment death for a wolf. The leader of the wolves looked at me and asked me a question.

"What are we up against?" He asked me, I bit my lip. My whole family was a strong, we were the best Hunters ever, so I know that it wasn't going to be easy. I looked at him.

"Our family is the strongest Hunters in the whole world, we won't go down without taking some wolves with us, so some of you will die. Our family is what killed that whole pack in Londan." I said looking at all of them, I heard wimpers and growling. The leader nodded slowly.

"We must learn how to fight against your family, I know it must be hard for you to go against your family like this." He said softly, I looked at the ground and clinched my fits. 'I hate my family, I want them all to die.' I thought bitterly, I looked at him with hard green eyes.

"I could care less about my family, I hope that they all die a slow painful death, I want all of you TO RIP THEIR TROAT OUT!!!!!" I yelled loudly, tears running down my face. He nodded his head.

"First you must teach us how to fight. Will you help us?" He asked, I nodded and stepped away from Leo.

"Who's first?" I asked.

~Lily's POV~

I sat next to Lucas listening to dad and Ivy talk, she had just asked who wanted to go first. 'I could try out my new wolf body!' I thought, I bounced forward and stood in front of her. Everybody looked at me in shock, except mom, dad, and Lucas.

"I am." I barked, Ivy nodded and stood there, I sat there waiting, staring at her. Her hand twitched, at that tiny movement my body went into attack mode. I lunged towards her with a sharp bark, she doughed out of the way but I sharply turned and snapped at her, nearly getting her nose. She jumped high in the air and landed into a tree.

"Hmmm there is something strange about you, young pup. Good, you will fight well. Who's next!" Ivy yelled, another wolf, Jamie, bounced forward. I walked away with my tail wagging.

"Lily!" I heard someone bark behide me, my heartbeat sped up at who it was. I turned my head to see Joey running towards me.

"Joey? What do you want?" I growled at him, thinking that we was going to say something mean to me like he always does when he talks to me. He skitted to a stop infront of me.

"Lily, thank god your okay." Joey said nosing my fur with his muzzle, I was frozen with shock, I steped away from him.

"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me?" I said confused, he sighed and looked at me.

"At first I didn't, I was hurt and confused, I mean you broke up with me for no reason. But when I heard you howl for help, it didn't matter if you broke up with me or you didn't love me. I want to be by your side to protect you." Joey said looking into my eyes, they were tearing up.

"Oh Joey...I never stopped loving you, I broke up woth you for you. I couldn't shift, I was the non-shifter" I wimpered pawing at his nose, he stared at me in shock.

"You were a none shifter?" Joey asked sitting down, I nodded and looked up at the sky.

"I broke up with you so that you could mate with a shifter, I thought you should at lest have a mate that can shift." I said looking at him with my dark blue eyes, he smiled a wolfy smile.

"Lily I would love you even if you were human." Joey said nosing me, I felt tears fill my eyes. I lifted a paw and rubbed at her eye (you know like dogs do were they just randomly throw their paw over their eyes). Dad walked up with Lucas, Leo, and Ivy. Lucas looking pissed off and lost, I stared sadly at him. A wolf knows whos his mate when he first meets her, same with her. though the human part doesn't know, the wolf inside knows, and when their apart they feel lost. 'I know how you feel bro.' I thought as I looked at dad, he saw what I saw.

"Ya'll ready?" He said looking at both me and Joey. I nodded my head

"Lets do this."

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